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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87704854
Wake up Ina
takotime soon I believe
how was the collab?
She’s awake!
I don't know, Ina... his animations are great but I am not a big fan of his artstyle
Honestly I thought it was a lot of fun, not enough Ina though.

I am though.
Chaotic and silly
Made me want to rewatch Clue
Hi Ina, I remember you said you were looking for action RPGs to mash to, so how about Ys 8/9/10?
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Looked it up and Koyori's baseball event is packed, even Ame and Gura are participating. This is Ina's group for those who haven't seen it yet.
Anon it's a management sim using Holos as players, there is no participation
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My bad then.
Nino's journey
I wonder if the fellow who didn't do their job knows thousands of people passively want them dead
i think ina should start with 8

He's by far my favorite Ina animator. Also, knowing both DuDuL and Mazumaro were in the replies, we might be getting some real kino if they end up teaming up for it.
Mazu is a beast, I'm eagerly awaiting Bad End 2.
I just saw a clip and have no idea what drama is occurring. Can I get a quick rundown?
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No real drama, just that someone (either middle management or directly with immigration) fucked up and Ina lost her work visa, or failed to get an extension in time. So now it'll take her a few months to get one again, meaning she can't stream when she goes back to japan until the end of the year.

And that's the last I'll reply about the subject on this thread, invites too much shitposting.
The team sounds amazing, if anything I'm more concerned about the choice of song it doesn't stack up to Bling bang born.
Cool video though.
Haru's snappy and energetic sakugas with DuDuL's buttery smooth animation quality coupled with Mazu's backgrounds and use of blender would make any MV look godlike. I'm drooling just thinking about them actually teaming up.
The only hic like you said is the song. I'm not digging it just yet, maybe with a few more plays but I don't know.
Ina should masturbate today
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I know its not good to give these "people" any attention or any of my braincell usage, but I wonder why catalogbait seems to be so focused on the "payed for already" part. Like, to me it seemed like not being able to stream, schedule being tossed around, potential delays and the general drama and annoyance was a far bigger issue to her than losing some money she already put in.
This is stuff that matters to her, she wants these projects to work, and her mom also planned a vacation to Japan so she didn't want to fuck it up. If we were a year or two earlier she likely would have abandoned it, but she's more determined recently.
If I were to guess, the monetary angle is a measurable portion of this ordeal that can be understood by any old retard. The streams or delay mostly don't matter to the dramafags or indeed most non-takos, so it would be harder to gain support for the drama that way.
Maybe, what do I know.
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kill a takodachi today
make the world a better place
Ina today?
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This isn't lewd since I don't see anything yabai. Would want to see it though, to be honest.
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Holy sexo
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I'm gonna be honest with you lads... Otonoke kinda sucks as a song. I hope Ina doesn't make a cover of it
having wrong opinions is fine, don't worry
No, you should suffer as I suffered through Bling-Bang-Bang-Born.
The 3D live getting indefinitely delayed is a far bigger issue than having to pay the cancellation fees at the 3D studio but it was still putting salt into the wound. Cover "forgets" to renew her work visa and they still make Ina pay all the financial cost no different than if she had skipped her scheduled recording times. I am suspicious about how much of a "mistake" this really was and Cover really didn't seem to want her to have another 3D live. Maybe they do have some financial reasons for wanting that since if skimpy outfit Ina is getting a redesign than her merch value will soon be zero. Management isn't going to want to use valuable studio time on something that can't be used on merch and sure is curious how management keeps making these mistakes with Ina and Kronii.
I pray the ratwhore doesn't ruin this one too
BBBB was peak, this one is just mediocre
take your meds Ina
I agree, but it's also around twice as long as 9 or 10 and IDK if that'll fit in what's left of her schedule.
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Yo Ina, could you play The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks for me? I would really appreciate it
I think Ina deserves to play a good Zelda game for once
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yeah, Spirit Tracks is peak and has my first waifu in it
>He likes trains
I can't believe I share a braincell with this guy
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>Spirit Tracks Zelda
>first waifu
my first waifu was Saria from OoT...
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*saves your oshi*
Mine was Lyn from Fire Emblem
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cancellation fees at a 3d studio? Are you a nijifag, a tourist or just a plain retard? Cover has their own studio for this shit.
with how many bait threads there are about Ina's talk, it's all 3
The only good zelda designs are the ones from TOTK and SSBU, Ina would agree with me
Could turn out more polished than usual if the other animators collaborate on it
Go back to the catalog please, holy fuck

Cover will only pay for their 3D showcase and several talents have talked about having to use their own money to pay for 3D lives. Kronii mentioned that her 3D live was expensive and that it costs far more than what it earns so they mostly do them for the fans.
nta but this doesn't have anything to do with cancellation fees.
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what is my tard going to play now that she doesn't have a switch? it must be a game no longer than 24h and it must not require too much brain power
The dope should've just not said it so she could record it while she was in her room in Japan without anyone knowing, now she's stuck
one week into her Japan vacation she'll premier a 400 hour vod of her leveling to current content in FFXIV in complete silence
I think the rap section's kinda bad but the melodic sections are nice and would suit Ina.
So I was wondering if Otonoke would work better as a duet with someone that has a stronger voice, like Takane Lui or Polka or something.
She's not going to, but if we're stuck with pre-recorded stuff I wish she would go with some horror games. Soloing horror completely alone is probably the best chance of making VOD content that's close to a live stream in quality. And it's past halfway through October and horror streams are almost completely lacking in HL.
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It's time
and the fuck does any of that have to do with a cancellation fee? the costs come from commissioning assets, any licensing fees for songs and other shit like that involved in production. not buying time in a private studio when they explicitly had one built to handle this shit themselves
You do know they pay for studio time right
and even if they did how the fuck would you know shit about any cancellation fees? Again this isn't some fucking third party studio that's going to wave off her sob story and charge her for wasting their time. It's the studio owned by the company that already fucked her over once and can just slot in the next girl working on something.
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bros how do I remove my eyes?
I don't claim anything about cancellation fees, but you can't just move stuff up necessarily because the stuff they're recording all requires practice ahead of time so they might not be ready at short notice
i fucken hate this shit
Hololive talents have to make reservations at the 3D studio because of the staff that are needed and if they miss the reservation they have to pay Cover a cancelation fee. They are running a business so that is typical but considering that Ina couldn't do anything for her 3D live without a work visa there is a reason she was frustrated.
IRyS' tweet doesn't actually say it's Cover's studio, they use other recording studios
it has a charm of its own
Ina in 4k
Imagine how cute Ina would be playing Silent Hill 2. It's also cute that she doesn't want to play it without me because she'd be too scared.
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