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We're never getting EN5 at this rate. Why aren't they growing?
Why care about Justice when Advent exists?
>a slightly interesting one
>overused Italian stereotypes persona
I wonder why
Nothing to do with Justice, we've just hit the saturation point, unless someone does something viral, like raden's dance, no one in Holo is gaining any meaningful number of subs.
This is no different than promise, the covid fans left before promise debuted.
Because they flopped, plain and simple. Even Advent subs dried out quickly except for FWMC who were forced to pander to JP for subs, Justice has no JP appeal so no JP subs
Because Advent is still streaming
Unlike the other top tier streamers in EN.
Honestly, it's just the zeitgeist. VTubers aren't exciting anymore, and new ones come out of the woodwork everyday. The ~400k now would've been a million 3 years ago.
Is it it? Is every thread a phase deflection thread now?
I blame ERB and the homos
>Why is the new gen of an oversaturated market not growing like Myth did with absolutely no internet-brainrot-meme gimmick?
Gee, I wonder why...
> Lazy twitch thot past her expiry date
> Ms. Filter
> Collab accessory
> ESL Stereotype Personified
What exactly any of them bring to table that someone else in EN did not do better already?
Bubble popped, Vtubbing isnt that special or new any more and the market is over-saturated. Even if they did well, EN5 was unlikely, best to just invest in the ones you already have
ERB is nowhere near as bad as people make her out to be. She stays in her lane and has even made an effort to collab 1on1 with JPs. She's slowly getting fixed.
It's hard to watch Advent's streams in EU without either being a neet or killing your body
came too quick after advent. people were still enjoying their new toys, so when justice came along most people only gave them a glance.
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If Raora grew any more, she'll start having trouble finding clither her size, specially bras, she'll need to walk around in male clothes without bras, truly a tragedy.
Why are phasekeks like this?
>>87766752 (me)
Clothes, sorry for the typo.
-ERB probably had more karaokes in her short time in HoloEN than any other member in their career.
-Gigi has the wildest bits and tangents. Theater kid on cocaine.
-Cecilia takes better advantage of her VTuber existance than any other, creating props on the fly and constantly "walking" around on the screen.
-Italian. People seem to like that.
Oh no no no
Phasejanny, save us!
as it turned out the european market was even poorer than the US one
isn't it EN7 by now? you're forgetting the boys
How do phasecucks sleep knowing they'll always be the lowest on the board. Stuck with their whores like balding Pippa
They're doing just fine CCV wise, so who cares? People watch them and I'm sure Cover got a return on their investment already after the member opening. Especially CC pulling like 6 or 7 million yen in her SC opening.
Subs mean fuck all.
Listen to cecilia and raoras voice and get back to me.
their ccv is pretty good, of course everyone will ignore this
Their voices are incredibly charming. I don't get your point.
>ccv suddenly matters now and not subs
Why do you retards spam the board about subs then if they don't matter?
Raora took some getting used to but there's nothing wrong with CC's voice
i dunno what you are talking about im not your imaginary enemy
>no one is autistic enough to attend more than 3 unarchived karaoke
>Everyone can be a theater kid on cocaine
>I agree with you on Cecilia
>Gimmicky stuff for short term popularity boost
Yeah they're great
/#/ might be a shithole but they do know what numbers are important. And CCV is one of their main metrics. Subs are just for fun milestones.
They don't have anyone ambitious enough to numberfag like FWMC (and newissa to a lesser extent), and if one numberfags, the rest should rise a bit too.
>Starts off debut relay with homobegging
I have no interest in this gen. They are not for me and don't want fans like me and that's perfectly reasonable
I imagine many other holofans feel the same
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>mentally retarded dogs
>weird pseud
>fake milquetoast whore
No wonder they're popular. There's no fandom with shittier taste than vtuber fans.
/#/ only cares about CCV because you can do a daily horserace with it. Subs and SCs are more important.
>dropping an entire Gen because of one line said by one of the girls
The other 3 haven't had as much as a sliver of interaction with any boys.
>They don't have anyone ambitious enough to numberfag like FWMC
That's a good thing, because it means they care about their fans. Raora is literally celebrating her community for the second time tomorrow.
Gin Penrose>ERB
Ljot Swanhild>CC
Azzurra from Aeronautica Militare>Raora
Simple as
Eurobros not like this...
You're either arguing with a troll or a mentally unwell person. Don't bother replying.
Yeah pretty much. For big corpos I expect them to be perfect if I'm going to spend time on them. If I just wanted to watch mildly interesting girls I would go back to watching 2-3 views in small corpos
It can be good or bad depending on their goals and what they and their fans want. Either is good.
Nobody is perfect, so you're going to spend a long time looking
Thank god we got advent before these flops
Advent had 1.5 good chuubas
This gen has 1.5 good chuubas
Everyone was "when's EN3?" but not "when's EN4?". Cover should wait until people start complaining before they announce a new gen.
Justice isn't an EU gen:

ERB: hardly streams
Gigi: just early for americans and a litterall commiefornian
CC: Streams mostly during EU times, drops EU timeslots for collabs regularly
Raora: Mostly streams during JP times.
What video games do they play?
I feel like CCV is more important than subs as a metric of general health, because there's a lot of things that can lead to disproportionate sub growth that doesn't translate well into general health of a channel. I've seen some channels gain tons of subs because they happened to pop off on Twitter or get one really popular VOD or something but they fell back into old activity levels before too long with nothing to show for it.

I would say that VOD views are also important, maybe even more so as a metric of eyes actually being drawn to the channel, though, and this tends to go ignored by /#/ for the most part besides for special stuff like MV releases or whatever
CC has played Dishonored, Zelda Minish Cap, Prey, Half Life 2, Halo Reach, Factorio and some others
Don't forget Gigi. Everyone except Elizabeth has an ear grating voice
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they're doing pretty good considering how small corpos generally seem hard capped at about 1-2k for almost anyone possible and otherwise at mid 3views, and nijiEN, well, let's just say they have not fared as well. holoEN is doing fine relatively speaking.
CC and Raora are close to 10k regularly and GG growed a lot after the 21st of September incident, the only real shitter is ERB... which has the most subs.
Because this is all that's left.
We still haven't had EN4, Justice was just Advent DLC
>Mogging 90% of NijiEN not even 4 months after debut.
>"Why aren't they growing!?"
dyrbi baitposter?
ERB and Raora are trying their hardest to carry this deadweight gen. Plz andastan.
Something is just bugging me about ERB, she got a good fucking voice and vocal improv and decide to rarely do anything about it. Was it because she's old? Not meme-y enough? Even moon2 and jerma can be funny for someone in that age.
the pizza woman is the only good one out of the bunch
The only one who streams regularly at a reasonable time for Euros is CC, and even then her collabs can start much later depending on who she's collabing with; Enreco and 7DTD was at 2/3am for Euros which is unwatchable live for anyone with a job or regular sleeping pattern, whereas something the CCGG Rune Factory streams are around her usual time but require you to have a tolerance for GG.

I only really watch CC's solo content for this reason out of the entirety of HoloEN at this point.
What does "general health" mean though? Though I imagine this is different for different channels since each channel can have different goals
>rarely do anything about it
What sort of stuff are you thinking she could do?
>but require you to have a tolerance for GG.
I don't know how anyone who regularly watches CC could not at least tolerate GG since the CCGG streams are some of the best of both of them
Not really an achievement. Even indies mog NijiEN nowadays
We've already hit peak vtubing in the West. Even a second scamdemic wouldn't result in another Myth again.
She probably has the best pre holo career out of any holo en member, as voice actor and singer.
not enough Dubai collabs
In April, some holochuds were bragging about how Hololive would reign supreme with the demise of NijiEN, destined to engulf even the audiences of the LIGs like Doki, Mint, and Filian.

In June, those boasts abruptly stopped.
This. Autofister is one of the best duos in Hololive and especially HoloEN.
GG needs to chill out she's screaming like half the time
Its "grew" mi amigo.
Too much western slop
>SCs are more important.
SC cope is a thing for a reason
Aren't all of those sub 5k.
With Filian on twitch maybe being the only one above. Looks like Holochuds were right once again.
La creatividad. Tan creativa. La chica más creativa de hololive
I like GG/CC. Hope we don't get any new EN gens for at least a year longer.
Skill issue. Get better ears.
maybe she appeals to people who haven't had a little sister in real life who is extremely loud and annoying
I listen to all unachieved karaokes as personal concerts.
Honestly. You can tell that people don't watch streams, because her murder mystery birthday party was higher quality than most projects created by any corpos' management.
"What's her appeal?" If Ame was La Creatividad, then Gigi is La Creativigranddad. I don't think there's anyone more quick-witted than Gigi in HoloEN.
Nah, I just don't think she is extremely loud and is fine on my end. Seems like an exaggeration to me.
But the Mario Party collab the other day where Kiara screamed, more like shrieking really, all the time? Now those screams were loud.
>Doing something
>Doing something actually creative and impacting

Maybe if Gura decides to make content again but outside her... The closest thing to a viral moment in the last few years was fucking Mori's horse shit lmao
Pretty obvious now they were fasttracked because of the upcoming Ame graduation (and possibly more?)
I completely gave up on HoloEn in autumn of 2022 (haven't regretted it for 1 second) but Raora actually is the most interesting hire to me since Myth. Shame about her dogshit fanbase
>Shame about her dogshit fanbase
Chattini are pretty chill. Everything you hate about them, as always, comes from some faggot discord.
But it's money directly to them. How is that not important?
You should listen to what large YouTube fleshies are saying based on feedback from data analytics companies.
>YT streaming looks promising on the surface, but dig deeper and you'll discover that most growth are coming from JP, and especially from JP Vtubers with Asian viewers.
>The NA/EU streaming market on YouTube is shit. Ludwig specifically called it a flop, and they're no longer offering big money contracts for exclusivity.
>Many EN streamers are leaving.
>The same applies to EN Vtubing, it has hit saturation point with little growth happening. Each new EN gen is only going to spread the viewers thinner and shrink the size of the current EN Holomems.
>Beggars who don't understand this are always begging for new gens because they are treating these Vtubers as toys that they'll grow bored of after a few months.
Only a fool like Riku would double down on ACCELERATE.
This is actually interesting information, do you have links with more details?
>YT cut
>Cover cut
Buy merch idiot.
ERB killed their momentum
League of Legends, the most normie slop ever, does higher numbers on YT compared to the simulcast on Twitch though
overdesigned characters that try too hard, makes them look like slop, hosts with no personality and ESL as fuck
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Wrong, if anything she is getting worse and worse.
Isolating herself from her own gen and playing as the cum rag of a failed branch of faggots.
ERB is the only one that has a listenable voice
And yet she's the slowest growing chuuba in her gen
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Top is Twitch, bottom is YouTube.
Getting along with your genmates is nice but not a requirement. Even /vt/'s sweetheart Fauna barely collabs with Promise these days. No point forcing chemistry if it's not there, just as long as everyone is kind it's not a problem. She had a cute collab with Roboco so she's trying. The male shit isn't coming from a bad place, unlike Ame and Kronii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJN68lRlWx4
Damn, didn't Youtube itself even pay a lot of money to Ludwig to stream over at their platform for like a year or something? If that is what he has to say of the experience, then Youtube really fucked their streaming side. All they have left is IShowSpeed and if he leaves, it's over.
Light correction, GG's incline beggins with EnReco. Gonathans story made wonders with her popularity. Her first zatzu stream after the event pulled high 4views.
They are growing but not the way they could and my guesses are:
>not even year since Advent so people thought EN4 was rushed instead of begging for it like EN3
>didn't give enough time between announcing and debuting to built needed hype
>stuck the debut right after Gura's birthday concert hurting the buzz for both
>only EBR got the proper boast from her debut as the others weren't as over the top in their videos
>Justice's lore--the early hook--was entirely reliant on Advent and Justice both quickly abandon their lore and got completely mopped by Advent the one time they did try to do a Advent vs Justice event

ENreco and maybe even the Spelling bee stream helped bounce Justice back but the effects on their growth was done.
My mistake, I wasn't clear. I was talking about the world championships that's airing these days.
Rent free
I do, but what's your point about using SC revenue compare channels?
Raora i can understand but Cecilia????
Not buying, ERB is deadset on making the homos relevant or die trying.
She's just farming good faith from tourists and other low IQ fans.
She'll go back to sucking dick as soon as the waters calm, then rinse and repeat.
That was another point addressed. YouTube's algorithm pushes hype event streams to across the site. Twitch doesn't push any streams.
YouTube is better at pushing already large streams with tens of thousands of CCV, but Twitch has better regular, day to day average CCV for EN. This is why events are dual streamed favoring YouTube.
But that's not everything. While YouTube is better at hyping large streams, it has a critical weakness which is the 12 hours stream length. Anything after 12 hours stop counting, no views, no watch hours, no ad money. Both iShowspeed and Kaicenat were averaging 350k CCV for their Minecraft marathon event, but the moment it hits 12 hours iShowspeed dropped down to 100k. Guess why? He had to start up a new stream.
Only retards SC when the talents keep telling you to not SC. Some of them don't even have them on.
i hated gigi at debut but she's won me over and now she is the only one i watch anymore. maybe fauna sometimes also i guess.
>Isolating herself from her own gen
She doesn't do this
Why do you guys want more of them? Do you just want them to have 200 vtubers like niji?
That's the cruelty of it all, isn't it? Some people stream everyday, release content for their membership, always come up with new ideas and are stuck as 3 views. Other people stream FOTM slop once or twice a month, ghost their fans otherwise and earn more in a stream than some people in a month.
Some people just have a certain mass appeal that's not replicable, and others have to carve out a niche for their small audience. Doesn't make them bad or boring streamers.
Sorry I didn't subscribe to Cecilia because she's the only one I don't like
justice streams when I'm asleep. I'm off to work, and they're just about to get done with their streams.
At least Raora understands she can get JP primetime numbers in her slot.
They wanted an EU audience, they're getting EU numbers. Can't care about vtubers I can't watch.
Good. I like the EN4 girls, but they came out way too soon and sort of cannibalized Advent's 3D and anniversaries.
The timing is baffling.
>>Doing something actually creative and impacting
It's not that they aren't capable it's that they aren't allowed. Anyone who wants to be legitimately creative should graduate like Ame
League is most popular in asian countries so that doesn't disprove the "no one in the EN market watches YT streams" part though
Justice has been a huge positive force for Advent. Apart from Fuwamoco, the rest of Advent adores the new girls and they have great chemistry and more girls to collab with who also stream a lot.
Advent had the benefits of both coming after a year+ long low point for HoloEN and having unique things to bring to the table like FuwaMoco and Bijou.
Justice on the other hand did nothing new and came during a huge saturation point for both holo and vtubing as a whole, of course they're stagnant.
There's nothing wrong with the girls. The problem is the timing.
>Why aren't they growing?
Because it's EU not EN.
Then you're just believing your own delusions at that point, you're swinging at what isn't even there.
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trvth nvke: live2D has overstayed it's welcome. it's not special anymore.
the top vtubers should be fully 3D tracked with high quality 3D models all the time. have multiple camera angles they can change on demand. even when gaming. i want to see them fall off the chair when jumpscared. track their mice and keyboard so i can see them throw them in a fit of rage. immerse me.
They probably thought the EN4s were very good picks so they rushed them to a new gen to not lose them to, say, a competing agency or just the talent themselves exploding on their own.
Who says to not superchat? Not my oshi
I wonder if any of them will ever get their 1 million wish
Subscribers doesn't really mean that much. They all have the same viewer numbers as the other EN members, so.
Funnily enough, despite Gigi clearly trying hard to do her best, everyone else besides Gigi seems to be trying too hard to fit in. Elizabeth would be mostly fine if she wasn't deadset on crippling herself with the stars.
least delusional anon
that doesn't change the fact that justice doesn't get views
Ik you don't watch streams because she's only had a few collabs with stars, she's literally in almost every EN collab
You'll need more copium for this one
I think Cover Inc. accelerated the debut of 4gen because of the Amelia case.
However, the quality of the talent is high even though the debut was rushed.
Either the selection process by Cover Inc. was excellent or Cover Inc. was lucky.
Good delivery talk sense, atmosphere creation, leadership, and high enthusiasm.
The en4th term will lead the hololive.
The number of registrations is irrelevant.
It's all about “enthusiasm for supporting Hololive and having the ability to stream.”

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pic is OP's dox btw
This is VT we're all numberfags
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>The timing for the gen4's debut was accelerated because of the Ame matter, I think
>With that said, talent quality is surprisingly high for how rushed the debut was
>Either Cover did a very good job at screening or they got lucky
>Gen4's good at talking on stream, setting the mood, leadership (i.e. the ability to push things and pull others through), and they're enthusiastic
>Going into the future, they'll carry Hololive
>Sub count is irrelevant
>The essential thing is if they are "enthusiastic about holding Hololive up and skilled at streaming"
ERB and CC stream at 12 pm. Raora streams at 5 am. GiGi streams at 2 pm. Unless you late shifts these girls aren't easy to catch on the west coast
That's a good point too.
It's the weekend, so it shouldn't be a problem?
I don't think I properly conveyed either just how big a schizo or audacious a falseflagger(s) this (these?) person was, but he didn't seem too far off from other hololive numbermonkeys:
Doki and Mint are irrelevant, Filian and Neuro are the true kings of indies.
of vtwitchers, not of vtubers
mint and doki alone are not gonna change the landscape of indie vtubing to make it work on youtube, yt is abysmall for indies, even doki is already falling off there. All of the top indies are on twitch and that's for a reason, and this is no platform favoritism, its just the cold hard numbers.
>All of the top indies are on twitch and that's for a reason
because it's easier to get away with reactslop content there
I partially agree with this, keeping the Hololive girls in Live2D jail for a whole year is a unnecessary detriment. Japanese corporations are always too scared to change a formula once they've established a bit of success, and it wouldn't hurt anyone to speed up 3d debuts
You say that but in reality it's because it has a lot more audience interaction features. Features that to this day Youtube has not implemented. And they should, but they're probably scared of breaking the platform if they try to add customization the way Twitch has, hell it took them forever just to copy the raid feature.
It was doomed to flop the moment it came out that it was gonna be EU targeted shit. If EN5 is a normal gen like the first three then they will be fine
If it was because of audience interaction features, reactslop content wouldn't be as prevalent
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Bet their next target is the aussie audience
Literally Filian's whole thing is audience interaction. Community submitted videos, the punishments and challenges from her views are submitted by them too, polls and other twitch extensions like tangia used to interact with Filian with sounds and music and TTS, etc. As far as I know youtube doesn't have that stuff yet.
Doesn't exist. The supposed aussie audience is a bunch of asians who likely already watch jp or people who watch the na girls.
>NPC stream on top of reactslop content
Thats the joke
do you actually know of any other successful indie tubers on youtube besides those two? do you even watch them? or are you just another one of those holopony numberfags that doesn't know anything about vtubing outside of holo and niji ande whatever other bullshit like that
in japan? plenty
outside of japan? Depends how you define successful. If mid high 3view is successful, then yeah there's a few, but the only one that comes to mind is Miori. .
audience isnt growing
so true JP bro.
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If you're talking about this Miori, it says here she used to be corpa, two orgs before in fact. So just like Doki and Mint, started as a youtube vtuber through corps, I mean an indie that started from the ground up, like 99% of indies are, this is why almost all indies don't look at youtube for their careers, they've yet to find an example of a big youtube indie that wasn't already a corpotuber there before. A better example would be PillowDear, but even she after grinding the ASMR mines hasn't reached 4view status.
>Their voices are incredibly charming. I don't get your point.
if Raora was more proficient with her English she would be easily top 10 in hololive
charming, warm, fun, cozy she has everything
her English level truly holds her back
then yeah, I got nothing. The only growth I've seen has been on twitch.
How the fuck do you hate Cecilia’s voice? I don’t like anyone else’s voice in justice but CC’s is incredibly cute.
Raora is making me grow instead if you catch my meaning
>Homowhore got the most subs
Holy grim how can you flop this bad?
its bijouver
>-ERB probably had more karaokes in her short time in HoloEN than any other member in their career.
That's not a good thing.
This is not Justice's fault, they're all great. Like others have said, vtubing is oversaturated now and the novelty has worn off
ERB killed the momentum of her entire gen by going first.
GG got the short end of the stick by debuting immediately after her.
>a lot more audience interaction features
Letting the user in a chat @ between them is hardly a feature.
The only one I watch is Cecilia, but I flipped my opinion completely on Gigi and enjoy her enthusiasm. FWMC, Biboo, CC, and GG really make HoloEN feel more active, those four alone make Myth and Promise looks like lazy hags.
yuro voices
Half of YT is reactslop nowadays what the fuck are you talking about
The only thing that I have rarely seen outside out twitch is the sleeping streams, even when I see it on yt it's usually simulcasting
Gigi's birthday had the smallest amount of SCs as well as the longest time to sell out her limited merch compared to every other EN's first birthday.
Literally only this board seems to care about GG and it seems the people here are too poor to actually support her financially.
I think VOD views, Subs, and supas are all more important than CCV. IF I'm a sponsor I want a big channel, with a lot of eyes with an audience that spends big money stupidly.
Yeah those are the four I watch too. With some early morning Raora streams for my insomnia
Arguably they didn't have a particular noteworthy member.
People outside of VTubing might have seen memes of any of EN gen 1-2 and maybe some of the Baubaus.
They have seen NONE of Justice. They weren't DOA either, just lack exposure through their own lack of action has led them to be mediocre compared to everyone else. Albeit I will agree that they are so far the only gen which consistently streams in EN anymore.
I think cover undersestimated the impact of advent on holoen. It's not just the raw numbers, they evidently revitalized a branch that was, and is still, showing some problems with the older girls.
Justice feels kinda an addendum to Advent, in no small part because of how connected the lore is.

Though I will give justice 2 things they did very well. GG is the most creative EN right now, and ERB brought someone new with her choices songs and how many karaokes she does.
>Literally only this board seems to care about GG
not even that, her "fans" here are just a couple of samefags trying to astroturfing her on global, her split is dead most of the time
EU timezone
For all the bitching Europeans don't actually watch chuubas.
she just needs to do gfe like ame did in the early years before she dropped that and the frequency of her streams
You just made me go check the last 10 gigi split threads.
How the fuck are ALL of gigi's threads more than 24 hours long? No one posts there even during her streams?
CCGG are by far the best duo in all of EN
how are they the shitters?!?!?!?!?
Wow the most non-holo holos are also the most unpopular?! That's crazy!
Booba not big enough for the coomer subs, they don't sub beg like the other 2 and their other 2 genmates didn't share their initial debut traction by joining their collabs. But yes their the most entertaining duo.
Weren't justice fags constantly shitting on Regloss for being a flop? What happened?
Justice flopped then they shut the fuck up.
This makes a bunch of sense considering how popular Filian is.
Personally I see scripted content making a comeback too and making the vtubing scene go back to the way it was pre-COVID, at least with Hololive. Think about it, wouldn’t it be easier to put out some videos every now and then rather than streaming and having to juggle idol duties at the same time?
>We're never getting EN5 at this rate

Thanks god, EN4 was awful, probably the worst holo generation ever if you don't count ID. We don't need more twitch whores, thank you.
You don't even know what a twitch whore is and just like to use as a buzzword for vtubers you don't like
This is a retarded statement
idk how you millenials find the xD random bit to be that entertaining
vtubing isn’t something new anymore. Whoever might’ve enjoyed it, most likely already heard about it, found their oshi, got bored of her and either moved on with their lives or found some 2view to groom and joined their community. Basically there is now constant amount or audience and they all are fighting for it.
Second thing is that streaming on youtube is slowly bleeding their views. It is good to watch some vietnamese dude filleting fishes in his work and talking about random stuff, but gaming (and react content) is still Twitch.
Also they can’t rely on constantly going viral with random stuff to gather new audience.
In my opinion games and karaokes have gotten stale. With all their resources, they should think of something more entertaining and enjoyable for viewers. What for example you ask? I have no fucking idea. I’m not getting paid for that, but in my opinion they should utilize their massive fanbase and make them compete in some stuff. Maybe with some prizes?
same shit was said when council debuted, then advent proved it wrong, stop coping, they just aren't adven/myth tier
because your are wrong, and most people don't agree with you?
you're completely correct that i'm a 35 year old ojisan...
Advent debuted when everyone and there mother was begging for a new EN gen
nah bro, council almost killed holo en, they even gave hope to fucking niji EN of all people , advent came in and saved en again, justice are not good, but they really weren't as shit as council
A homo collaber
A literal grifter.
And two mid picks.
Hololibe choose their poison. I will stay with advent for now.
>She only sucks a little bit of cock now guys, I swear she's fixed!

Also, 22k lmao. Popular demand wins again!
are you saying that if instead of advent we got fucking justice EN would be saved the same way?They literally have no insane "star" member,and with all the homobegging ERB does, EN would be fucking dead
T. Anon who gets most of his opinions from /vt/
I was a hololive fan before VT was even a thing little boy
>and with all the homobegging ERB does
Exactly. The three justice members are lukewarm at best and all people would focus on after TWO YEARS of no holo gen, would be ERB homo-collabing.
Everyone would assume holo EN branch was tainted by homos and it would implode.
cc has one of the cutest voices and accents in EN
>Gets most of their opinions from /vt/
Anon, VT is the only place that actually tries to pump up justice...
You know for fact that isn't true
Lmao no they aren't they been shiting on them and regloss before they even debuted
CC and GG are the most gassed up members in Global, are you fucking retarded?
>over saturated market
>cookie cutter content
>cucked by management from doing anything outside of the box
>job is to be "fap" material for hordes of weebs

Hololive will never find another breakout star chuuba if things keep going the way they are now.
I too won’t ever own a home
t. millenial
>are the most gassed up members in Global
Jesus christ you fell for the fucking psyop, huh?
That's like 2 dudes astroturfing Gigi really REALLY hard. They even got called out for avatarfagging the same three images in a row, over and over.
>I feel like CCV is more important than subs as a metric of general health
How does ERB have the most subs?
She is easily the worst of the gen.
Actually I think she might be the worst EN.
they all fucking suck. Have you heard these girls' voices? Literally 0/4 have a nice voice, they're all either ESL mush or grating as hell. They were doomed on debut

cover needs to pick girls with nice voices, they're fucking vtubers it's a prerequisite. It makes no sense that they're going with dobubo hags with nothing to offer anyone
>the people I hate are all one person
Genuinely, how are you this stupid?
The problem with FWMC is that they already have great chemistry with themselves
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>Either Cover did a very good job at screening or they got lucky
Shit taste
They're lazy fucks who aren't taking the opportunity to do anything interesting with their huge platform. They're all just coasting on trashy minimum effort content instead of anything that might catch the interest of anyone not already in the community. Why would they grow if they never do anything that would cause that growth to happen? You have to DO something
what do you mean? didn't the hight of nijiEN and the lowest bottom grim year for holo EN start in the council era? Don't you remember how smug nijiEN got that they even started shittalking holoEN in discord, that shit all happened because council were just average and nothing too special at debut year, now they got better but at the start they were terrible
Yagoo already said we won't be getting one for a while regardless. Do you even watch videos, retard?
Ah yes, I too am so glad my Justice Oshi is just a backround character used to prop up the more important EN girls. Boy that's awesome.
Because /vt/ isn't the consensus vtubers
fwmc already exist , eops and ironic weebs may seethe at them for existing, but they can't deny that they were probably the biggest ENs since myth covid days, ofc no one comes close to Gura but she is a special case
she got all the homo fans and holo antis subs because of her homo shilling, but those people don't show up to support or buy merch, they are literally just filler subs lol
>The problem
kys brown hands
>but those people don't show up to support or buy merch,
gigi is cgdct and literally no one supported her with sc's and let her limited merch sit there for 8 minutes before selling out.
maybe it's not because of erb liking homos or gigi not liking homos
maybe justice just fucking sucks.
She gets like 8k viewers a stream in what way is that filler
lol why would anyone support someone in the same gen as a homolover?ERB tainted all her genmates kek
8K on an unarchived karaoke at the height of her carer so soon after her debut?
I still stand by the opinion that most of the people who come to this board actively hates vtubers
Red woman derangement syndrome
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I love vtubers more than you, but only the ones worthy of my time
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I don't have derangement syndrome, I don't anti ERB, she is free to collab and support all the boys she wants, I don't care what she does, I just don't watch her lol, don't be angry at the truth of why they are a failing gen
Close. Most hate hololive
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I've been a hololive fan before you even know what a vtuber is little boy
I found my EOTL with Advent. I have no need or desire to watch anyone else, I'm satisfied. Justice was too soon
A lot of non-holo fans love gen4 though. Especially cc and gg.
true words
Nigger why would ERB collabing with men affect her genmates
people growing older and moving on.
It gives them a bad taste, they never know who might be next in line, they still have to interact with the undesirable a lot, and for some people, just hearing ERB speak ruins their day
nah, the non-hololive threads get this shit too
Now show Keknauth
no one cares about your shitty niji whores, they are doing absolutely horrible compared to their predecessors , stop coping and comparing them to a shit trash company like niji
They are pretty good.
This thread is full of jealous women and 2 views.
I accept your concession
debatably even worst
Because your oshi is a shitty 3 view with no merch or opportunities.
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bro stop coping, high sc means more high spender fans, high spender fans means more mech sales, more merch sales means more money, more money means more content
Depends. I don't have much time for streams anymore but I can always put a karaoke in the background.
>SC cope
They all live in tiny apartments.
Same, other channels archive them so I sometimes go back and listen while working.
>sit there for 8 minutes before selling out
A 1500-stock merch sold out in 8 minutes? Isn't that crazy good?
>his merch didn't sell out in 1 nanoseconds
Sucks to suck.
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you think that's bad just look at their stats on Twitch
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Selling out is bad holokek. Your oshi is gonna go broke by selling all that merch and concerts.
Not compared to the other en girls, no. Gigi is the current runt of en
>sold out in 8 minutes and not in 6
Jesus the horror of being the runt of EN. I bet she's gonna cry over those 2 minutes with all the money she made.
It's hilarious that ERB acknowledging Holostars causes fits of anger.
Probably doesn't feel great that she put so much effort into her birthday stream and no one actually came to support her financially, yeah. This is only 4 months after debut, too. Imagine where gigi is going to be a year from now.
They didn't support her enough by selling out.
>Imagine where gigi is going to be a year from now.
First holo 3view coming in hot!
>no one came to support her
What the hell is this schizoid blabbering about
It's the same genius behind the posts
>HoloEN selling out the venue is bad
Only a complete retard could spin GG selling out her merch in 8 minutes as a bad thing.
You really don't understand how this works, do you. She's already not living up to the holo standards and she's only been here 4 months. That's not a good sign for her growth.
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Wait GG sold out her merch? You sisters said Justice was a flop.
This is why I feel like non-holo fans make up most of gigi's fanbase. Only non-holo would think selling out in 8 minutes is a good thing.
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The clear thing to me is that you are seething she makes more money in 8 minutes than what you make in 10 years. Go scrape some pagpag to support your organs animal.
Also explains why they don't buy merch. They're all poor phase fags kek
Funny that you use niji since most of Gigi's fans probably come from there
man, this coulda been gigi in another life. crazy
>runt in her last corpo
>runt in her current corpo
sorry gigi. at that point it's not the corpos fault
I didn't even know they were on Twitch.
Merch sold out in 8 minutes, not in the first 60 seconds, the horror.
I gues it's another case of Nijiseethe and projection.
Don't worry Grem. A year from now you'll be proud of her low numbers and lack of merch sales just like Novelites. Better start coming up with cute names surrounding the word "debuff"
The Debuffa has a nice ring to it!
Justice brought me back to watching EN consistently, I like them.
>make a gen specifically to change narrative about homocollabs
>it has trouble taking off
who could have guessed? it's just regross all over again, minus a token tranny
Didn't Shiori's new merch just outsold in speed everyone in Myth and Promise?
>like raden's dance
i mean, randen's dance it literally fucking nothing. just some rolling of your hands that's been around forever. japs are literally just retarded
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Numberfags have rot in their souls. Mulch.
regloss is finally getting there after their false start
all en4 have to do is do the same shit they did
Regloss got shilled by the top JP girls for a literal year straight.
Justice doesn't have that luxury
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Yep. 24 hours table, everyone from Advent beat the previous record holder which was Gura.
>Gawr Gura 1086 $21.00 $22,806.00
sounds like an EN problem then?
Those are unironically pretty lousy noombers. It feels like 300-400k used to be just the baseline for debuting in hololive. It's totally out of sync with how strong they've been as entertainers so far.
wtf shiori? how did she get gaped so hard
>goalpost moved
This is what people are going to be saying about Gigi in a year.
Baseline was 1 million in Myth keep it up.
Oh, this is why Ennacuck is seething, GG sold out and Advent is doing a crazy good merch run.
Huh those posts got deleted I wonder why...

>Gin Penrose>ERB
I just want to see those two fight in a Tesco's parking lot.
Have you not seen any streams? I agree Raora and ERB are pretty cookie-cutter, but CC and GG do plenty of interesting things with their content.
They barely interact with ERB. CC hasn't collabed with her more than once 1-on-1 and the rest never do impromptu collabs with her like they do each other.
They're all very cgdct friendly
It is a sickening crime that Gigi has the lowest subs in EN. She is an amazing person. I think she's been inclining hard but she deserves so much more
I'm very surprised people are defending justice girls so much when they're just kinda... mid? I really don't get it.
CC was banned for a while lmao
Not even a single stream, yet the account got banned.
>I think she's been inclining hard
In what metric exactly, because it's not subs
or viewers...
or hours watched...
or sc...
or merch...
>showing thighs and ankles
The slut deserves it.
I know gigi is /here/ so I hope she catches this thread and tries to turn her channel around because Jesus girl, you're bad
The fuck are you talking about? ERB is literally the only one who has even MENTIONED the stars.
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GG has a personal schizo, my girl made it bros! She is one of the big girls now.
>I'm very surprised people are shitting on justice girls so much when they're just kinda... mid? I really don't get it.
Oh nice, the power of friendship! That's great
CC is the first holomem I've consistently watched in years. She's much more than mid
She is amazing and all the success she has is deserved, I'm glad Holo picked her up.
Maybe you should buy her merch then
Doesn't care about Hololive at all.
Has no deep connection with her fans, ironically very similar to Fauna. You kind of enjoy them from a distance.
Way too parasocial, to the point where you start to question why. Is she guilty?
Always on performance mode. It can be great at times but sometimes your fans just want to chill with you.
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I'm happy for you she's a smart cookie and a good hire.
Gigi just isn't most people's Oshi.
Simple as.
I really hope gigi doesn't get sad from knowing she's most people's second pick
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What the hell is this thread? Why GG mindbroke this nigger brain so hard?
Gigi's the type to get surprisingly emotion over things like this, so it probably doesn't feel too great.
She is supposed to be irrelevant but she made a fortune out of her BD merch and she lives rent-free in this guy's head.
>but she made a fortune out of her BD merch
Oof, don't say that because when she's last place in the next EN branch wide merch sale this post is going to sour real bad.
There are people who sat through 8 hours of her singing the same song over and over and over and over again. If they are not fans I don't know who is.
I still think ERB collabing with homos is fine because she immediately told everyone that was her plan.
>concedes she made a fortune
>The american living in california has the lowest subs
Yeah... Those gosh darn pacific europeans just refuse to watch her
Of course Ennacuck is the one who loves Gigi.
Going to use her against IRyS next time, too?
Christ, did we really need 300 posts just to say justice is mid? Get a fucking life you guys
CCV to subs relation is very weird. Yesterday CC and Mumei played Halo, and CC had like 50% more people watching her than Mumei pretty much all the way through. And sure it's closer to her timeslot, but it's also weekend, so not like NA is less available, so where were the Hoomans? Then Biboo had no problems getting to like 10k before raids, something her higher subbed genmates (Rissa and FWMC) can usually only dream about outside of special streams. And then we get to Fauna who is often shitposted because of her lowest Promise subs, but when it comes to day-to-day streaming her viewership is only second to Gura in EN. Focusing on just subs really doesn't work.
Justice shoulda been a niji wave
Exactly. So subs is a dead metric because what actually matters is merch sales, SCs, members and CCV.
And SC being low doesn't need to be a bad thing if the talent moves merch. Look at CC, she has relatively low SCs but she also doesn't farm them in any way. No SC streams and often does From games which doesn't even allow it.
But she has a lot of members and moved the most merch in their debut. She also has the best CCV on regular streams, sometimes tied with Raora.
Gigi, having a small but dedicated fanbase is not a bad thing. Don't let it get to you. Even hololive needs support characters
Honestly I'm fine with gigi being in the sideline. She's the perfect goofy sidekick character but doesn't really fit as a main character role
what's the ranking in each of these categories?
I try not to be sad when I read stuff like this but some days it's harder than others
Well, I read this is gigi's voice and now I wanna rope myself from depression.
Fuck you
No one asked for those cunts
kys faggot

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