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RE7 Pucker Cam Edition

Old Thread: >>87620250

>Randon Neuring:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RandonNeuring
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/randon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Randonneuring
Unlisted VOD Archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLusIngCXpffwTq9z0ic0mRC79ILfgH4Tf

>Caspurr Catacini:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CaspurrCatacini
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrcatacini
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaspurrCatacini

>OP Template:

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Randon — Today at 8:40 AM

>Hey all, I want to apologize for the really inconsistent streams lately. I mentioned it a while back but I've picked up some temporary part-time work to help an old buddy a month ago, and the workload's been steadily ramping up. Over this last week I clocked in over 40 hours which kinda just creeped up on me without me noticing. Back when I first started, doing fulltime office work plus streaming wasn't too bad, but I think I'm out of practice or something. I'm pretty exhausted and I feel guilty about canceling streams. It's probably going to be pretty dicey for me until after Thanksgiving, when the type of work I do falls off a cliff and I can go back to focusing on streams.

>Again, I'm sorry that I've been flakey lately. I'm giving it all I've got, the flesh is just weak
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Last day to get one
LCC Connor has one too!
How dare you!
Come over here, I'm going to slap the piss out of you!
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She's putting all the earing on sale for 5$
Its a good way to get a lot of these charms
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aaaaaaah handcaaaaaaaam sooooooon
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>Pumpkin carving today
>4pm PT | 7pm ET | 8am JST
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How likely is it that he fucks this up somehow?
I'm sure he knows how to carve a pumpkin
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boss, if you're /here/... please draw more assets to use that fishing hat from yesterday was gorgeous
The hat is really cute, he should put some of those assets on twitter
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Silly green man <3
>boss, if you're /here

Caspurr, we love you!
And tell Randon that we love him too!
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was trying to figure out why hag day until I looked at the plate
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The hopping mouse starts streaming on the 25th
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cat telly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia08S2tbPZ8
>Let us make a beautiful child
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Caspurr is live: 【Pumpkin Carving】Let us make a beautiful child
Thank you!
He wants to "move on"
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this guy really sounds like he'd appreciate a $100 superchat reminiscing about how he used to look like, i sure hope someone does that on an important day for him.
For "moving on" this sure sounds like one of those old menshis XD
Someone please translate, I'm lost.
He's not going to act like Magni light, he wants to change some things about how he acts... I think
Hes deleting some "files"
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most of his stuff has been built in iteration, like a good chunk of magni's initial skeleton was his prior professor stuff, which also built off the older youtube skit culture. it'll be interesting to see him branch out and try to play a new character and work out what that means for him in the future. gotta give him all the love and support possible <3
I'm not going to twitch
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i hate twitch so much its unreal but i'll do it for him i fucking guess
I'm chill with it as long as he uploads vods
Holostars wasnt that interesting outside of the forbidden female collabs. Tempus wave 1 wouldn't have been as successful as Tempus in wave 3 even if it was the same talents.
that's a big if
mofo doesn't care about his own vods and takes stuff down all the time
theres an automated way of doing it, he just needs someone to hold his hand
Danshi made some more orc porn, link on their twitter
the rat does it every day, hopefully can push him from that angle
i dont use twitter anymore
I don't really think its that big of a deal, he just needs to do what he wants and the fans will figure it out
I don't feel rugpulled, idc if my/any support is squandered. It's just YT is comfy; he might feel lonely but I wouldn't enjoy twitch collab spams. This seems like he's shooting himself....in the foot.....wait he's saying he's staying on youtube as I type this....

fk landlords tho
you stupid menhera catboy fuck
you were dualstreaming before just fine
now you want to throw out youtube and start all over on twitch
and you didn't even start up your twitch until now because you didn't prepare your username when you debuted last minute
>shooting yourself in the foot
I think he wants to transition to Twitch and he's giving us a long winded explanation a head of time
>you stupid menhera catboy fuck
>you were dualstreaming before just fine

and there's Connor!
I want him to get more popular and YT is extremely bad for indies on that front imo
I'll put aside how much I hate Twitch in favor of the cat getting stronger
where da pumpkin carvin at
spoiler is a joke about his phone message
i wouldn't be so bleh if my adblocker actually work with twitch ads because ain't no way i'm giving twitch my money
the back-and-forth is kind of annoying where he does a huge investment push and then backs it off completely. all these little roads into various avenues of content creation that never get followed or expanded upon, just cut off at the gate when they've barely begun to grow... at least he didn't drop a huge merchandising line and then suddenly decide to quit and cancel his persona.
he's menhera and vtubing on youtube is giving him too many feels so he's running away like he tried to do the first time with vtubing entirely
i can agree with that. youtube is kind of lonely when it comes to being an indie vtuber
>cancel his persona
Alien overlord this time, alien overlord!
>long menhera rant
>immediately stabs himself
abayo o7
>long menhera rant
this is an entire voice pack just for me. i'm thick btw. he can't handle it
>screaming about how it's too thick for him to handle
I worry that he'll get into some sort of trouble with Twitch's new rules for vtubers- imagine he's doing a stream with the baby model, says a lewd joke, and is immediately bonked because Twitch is stupid enough to think that should be a bannable offense.
he once again lacks the spoons
Shit, your right!
pw: yes
he's going topless
boss' itty bitty kitty titties ToT
sussy noises
ToT arigatou
i fucking hate it. he goes through these arcs all the time (he was doing this last october too!)
moving back and forth between youtube channels, privating vods left and right, starting new accounts with new memberships, changing timezones, guerilla streams...
being his fan is suffering
>changing timezones
that was more him finding a good time to stream during the day
I'm not in the room, hear him screaming, thinking he died in a game then remembering that he is suppose to be carving a pumpkin....
can't believe he cancelled like four diff lando membership avenues in prep for caspurr and now he's already moving platforms and double dipping across the dual stream again
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bros.. im not feeling too good..
My God!
Somehow he pulled through and made it work!
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he's transitioning
to a Twitcher
mentally i am still at
>(gagging throat noises) ITS SO STRONG
>got recognized by the lowes employee while asking for directions
harmonica whore
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the reality of your oshi being an actual menhera,,,

the trust in me part was kinda hot desu,,,
did he finally get around to archiving his own VODs? he wasn't at the beginning and seemed content letting fans deal with it like lando
IDK, I know there's a fan archive channel
a fan was running the archive channel for a bit and then he took up ownership when offered the chance and started processing the vods himself. you would be able to tell when it changed hands by the descriptions no longer listed the featured 40K minis and the thumbnails got goofy
>can't immediately ditch YouTube for Twitch because he can't afford going back to being unmonetized
I'm hoping he gets over his feels in the time it takes for that option to open up.

Just dualstream, 4head. If you don't like sticking to JP corpo traditions, don't do it, but don't throw away the whole platform just for that. Say "just chatting" or "membership" or "red superchat" if you don't like the JP lingo. You survived doing this as Lando for the last year. Fans will take your lead. Old habits die hard but the upside to idol culture is fans knowing what not to say to the streamer's face if it's not kosher.
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cute boss menshi post i'm gonna squish his face
fucking twitch
fuck youtube too
but fuck twitch and their TOS decisions that might as well be controlled like Twitch Plays Pokemon
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for dual streaming i got the vibe that he didnt like the separate chats. think he talked about it more in the last members stream

id go to twitch begrudgingly because at the end of the day i want to see boss happy. but not sure he knows what he wants
he had separate chats before as lando though
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the randon
Randon the orc
dualstream doubledipping is fine if the fans get to choose where they dip
forcing the fans to dip over there because we already paid and have to start over
after literally just making loyalty badges 2 days ago
come on man
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i love my gagging from pumpkin flesh red cat boss!
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You know its fucked up when even yume anon isnt okay with it
well...on the bright side, i got taught how to do a little ublock origin magic in order to block twitch ads. i love you boss i refuse to give twitch any money.
thats great, how
frame up
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I just realized that the BG is just a checkerboard with little crosses in the corners of each square rather than warpy lava lamp blob shapes. I thought it was intentionally trippy and now I'm not even sure if that optical illusion was intentional or a happy accident
good night /orc/, dream of sexy green men!
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Boss’ birthday schedule!
its intentional!
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the picture for monday is so cute..
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weird how the eye can get tripped out by such simple stuff
>just a checkerboard with little crosses in the corners
this i mean
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our beloved bosso is so humble
what happened
isn't twitch harder to monetize than youtube? I've never seen anyone send a hype chat or whatever they call them
is he gonna have a third gamersupps code?
all these problems can be solved with getting a manager so he's not juggling a bunch of stuff at once. I hope he invests in hiring one
>hype chat
have literally never seen the option to send one. not on mobile app, not on multiple desktop browsers. i saw one or two get sent when the feature was first rolled out like 18 months ago and not since. i think its a completely defunct feature.
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The early collabs (sausagefests) like Raft, Zomboid, and the lawyer thing were comfy and a breath of fresh air in a way I could never get from the girls, and I'm unable to constantly reminisce . But you're right, the leech and the quacksalver were what made them.
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>#CaspurrCatacini Popeyes chicken tender meltdown
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boss we know youre /here/

love you chu~ but for the love of god start tagging your twitch streams properly you dont even have the vtuber tag on it
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I really hope that if he goes to Twitch, that he at least sets up something to auto-archive his vods. It's the worst when you can't make it to a stream and don't even have the chance to watch the vod to catch up.
Good morning /orc+/
Best in Jest "18""
will randon stream later? I miss him
I am assuming off of what he posted that he might take a small break from streaming but its hard to tell
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i love my soon to be gagged with a harmonica red cat boss!
It should be a fun stream
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the caspurr
10 seconds into his pumpkin carving and im already nervous watching
That part when he broke the pumpkin, I was looking at something else and legit thought he accidentally cut himself with how loud he screamed.
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I visit Twitch once in a blue moon. I don't think even Caspurr could draw me there for any length of time.
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He always streams a 4, so its easy to remember when he streams
I'll probably just keep a tab open all the time to his channel
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Breed Caspurr
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>doing a couple months of very heavy contract work that all suddenly ends in time for the holidays
I feel like I’ve heard him talk about/do this kind of thing before, so I’m not too worried, he will be back. I just wish his opsec would let him relax a little and be willing to tell chat “I’m working for the next 8-12 weeks, no schedule, guerrilla ping on discord if I can”. I only miss him when I’m expecting him to be around, otherwise its out of sight out of mind when somebody is deliberately on break.
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I hope boss has a good day
Will he do a gourd-carving stream?
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Randon Neuring.
The Randon.
Randon the orc
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Caspurr is live:


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>shitty streamerbait game
the things i do for this man
Starting to realize while retaining the services of Caspurr wasn’t a high priority. Imagine the headache he must have been.
2nd harmonica for his buttcrack
i thought getting serviced was supposed to relieve headaches?
>spiral into a depressive menhera episode
fucking kek
stop looking at this thread you handsome whore
Ignore them, keep looking so we can tell you how much we love you, you menhera catboy.
But he always does this
>it's going into my mouth
>i wont be able to talk
>it's gonna be gagging me
>mouth noises
>this is kinda freaky
>you should see me
>this is disgusting
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he cant keep giving us ideas,,, the things i would do ToT
get moosed idiot
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my posts are picrel
i am bitching at my menhera catboy oshi while watching every one of his streams
I don't know why you guys are surprised, youtube streaming just doesn't work for indie vtubers. It makes sense for catboy to move over to twitch gradually, it's where he can grow and network properly.
Wait so if he is moving on from magni will he change his birthday then?
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cervidae became pvpcontent
Too late for that, maybe next year he can, but I think keeping the birthday is a good thing.
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tbdesu i half expected that whole thing to be an excuse to change his birthday and buy himself more prep time
Hes in pre debut right now, so who knows
He has a animated debut lore video and many live2d models
pulls a big just kidding and redebuts as corntuber
>if you suck it sounds different
Has he got refunded for the unfinished model?
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All these games on unreal engine are the same
Should have thought about that and at least get a channel ready instead of putting everything in YouTube out of emotion
Some nice cosplay
I think he saw doki and mint pulling it off and random doing okaish and thought i can do this, and plus wanted to be loyal to his youtube watchers but yeah, i think at this point its proven that indie vtubing just doesnt work on youtube, even doki is falling in numbers the longer she stays there. i agree that twitch ads are annoying, theyre easy to block, and its where all the indie vtubing is. I think Randon could do much better at twitch eventually too but i dont think he cares that much about it, but Catspur really does seem to want this to work as much as possible.
How does it not work if he gets more viewers than other stars in their pls? None of them are growing either despite streaming on twitch.
the other stars have day job paying the bills
a day job*
if you dedicate yourself fully to twitch, and grind those hours in and most importantly, attach yourself to and work with a clique, you'll grow. I've seen enough streamers I watch go from like 5 to 10 dedicated watchers at most to regular 2 view and then low 3 view, and that is huge for some people. And once you grow enough, you don't have to work as much with cliques anymore and can do your own thing. I think some of these recent ex corpo male indies could work with each other over at twitch, that could be its own clique, but who knows.
He did it!
>think it'll be a "just chatting"
he's doing it! >>87799985
I guess he doesn't want to take the Vesper stuff off his switch ToT
Caspurr, tell him to buy a new one!
Actually Randon call it both all the time
he called it that as lando but switched back to the jp speak as cas then went menhera and might be switching back. time will tell
Ah, yeah
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>Tomorrow is my birthday!! Gonna prep some last minute things for it - nothing too fancy but I hope you'll join me!

>I'll be releasing a cover at 4pm PT | 7pm ET our usual time and then we'll do a chatting stream after! Then KARAOKE at around 6pm PT | 9pm ET

>Here's a preview
Akashi telly
i love my sexy in a suit red cat boss!

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