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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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I've only started visiting vt this year. As a newfag, the way lots of bait threads have started surfacing aimed at random easy targets from Doki to Mint to Sayu to Dooby close to the time of Pippa's incident with Jacksfilms is just a teensy bit damning.
Can't believe the Hololive Intern would do this
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Since you're new I guess you missed all the other bait threads aimed at them prior to the jackfilms nothingburger
Phasejanny if you are reading this know that you are doing an excellent job show those holokeks who's in charge here chu
How about Harry, you remember Harry right? The guy who cucked Pomu's idolshit dream collab for his UMG overlords, and was directly responsible for kneejerk firing Sayu the instant he entered the office so he could hit the ground running with pretending to do things before fucking off to ignore the branch and let it fester and rot. That guy. Why don't we hate that hateable guy instead?
Someone needs to edit this with a recieding hairline
Harry aside, this feels like deflection.
>from Doki to Mint to Sayu to Dooby
You'll never be one of the big kids, Sayu
It's always been that way. It used to be
>Pink Woman bad look what she said
>Orange Woman look what she said

Nothing has really changed since 2021.
I observed the rise and fall of the bait threads as they come and go over the past few months. Typically Mint, Doki, and Sayu are targeted on a rotation of a week or two. If it's slow or there's other things to use as bait, swapping targets takes up to three weeks tops. The threads were focusing on Dooby lately and moreso on Ina after her recent incident but the rapid spike in both amount and frequency is interesting.
Slow the fuck down Pep!
Doki and Sayu are phase friend status. I wonder what group has disdain for them?? Hmmm

Fuck off retarded newfag
Water is wet
The sun is hot
Phasefags are the biggest shitposters and deflectors
They are a hero
Mint, Doki, and Sayu are phase friends we would never.
She debuts tomorrow, everyone will be jumping to groom, leech and exploit her.
>directly responsible for terminating Zaion
That's the first i've heard of it. QRD?
I noticed most of those cropped up after the Ina Incident which seems like a more valid thing to detract from.
its ok, their whore got exposed and her dox is public in archive
guessed to be an incoming reincarnation
your grifting whore dox is literally live for almost hour, dumb phasetranny
>guys it's totally twitter addict rabbit being a twitter addict
>please please ignore Cover fucking up Ina's visa and not reimbursing her for the trouble
>did you hear that the grifter rabbit canceled a stream btw? KWAB
Phasejanny if you are reading this >we're going to kill you >we're going to give you the death penalty or kill you
>did you hear that the grifter rabbit canceled a stream btw
why did she cancel a stream over this drama?
She cancels streams all the time, half the time doesn't even announce it. She didn't even cancel her schedule for japan trip...
yeah but this time it's just because she's starting drama with channels nobody cares about
I don't think anyone actually cares outside the standard antis. There isn't even that much engagement. She got way more flack for liking joker 2....
>please please ignore phase fucking up
>pippa do this all the time i swear
She does all the time esl-chama...
>Pippa's incident with Jacksfilms is just a teensy bit damning.
What happened?
Hey look at that, the other thread calling Pippa out on this got removed. Phasejanny on overtime today
>ignore phase fucking up
Pippa's sperging and rushing to defend someone she considers a friend is not a 'phase fuck up' it's a Pippa fuck up.
lmao you literally proved IP right and you didn't realize it.
You can remove Doki from that too
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HMMMM a random thread on /vt/ aimed at pippa and full of seething?
Chase, why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Phasebros feelings got super hurt the past 48 hours, it's very clear they're going to astroturf this place to oblivion now to hide their fuck-ups and blatant bias coverage. It's very funny how they much they act like a tough guy but are retaliating like absolute children
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>I've only started visiting vt this year.
Only 1 of the 20 that were made?
ah yes another holopony bait thread, numberfags, when will you learn?
Phase Connect is pretty great as a corpo, but Pippa constantly does mind bogging stupid shit and deserves to be called out for it.
She would take the night to moisturize her forehead.
it is not, go back the farms and TVA.
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Honest Question. Holofags are notorious from not watching anything outside Hololive, how else would phase would self insert in the big leagues if not daily shitposting with sneaky self inserts on posts?

I personally don't like that we're prominent in the board but some of the girls in phase that isn't Pippa is still fucking jewcorp level. How to compete without attracting the worst schizos in nijifandom?
>Phasefags stealing our memes
Simple, don't make a competition and be happy with what you have.
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I remember Harry
and gigantic neck
holoponies are the ones that think its a competition, in their mind any 3 view that dares exist is a threat to their holy cow
Is there any lore to this schizo? Former Pippa fan or something?
Lurk mora new fag. There is a rotation to the bait threads to keep the rrats fresh. Causation and correlation does not exist on /vt/.
This year only? Kek, lmaooo , AHAHAHAHAHAHA
I've been at this much longer and are much wiser at fooling even the most seasoned of faggots here than you can even imagine. I baited Pippa when she was sub 50k. I like Pippa too. In the days of vts infancy. I ran so bitches like OP can crawl. KWAB. Phase bait used to mean nothing and always will.
>other small corpos dying
>phase still doing somewhat ok
i dont know man, i dont think its phase anons who make these threads...
Yeah. Then Pippa told him to take his meds and now he's been seething ever since. He's also 40 years old and wears akatsuki cosplay.
He also tried to use Henri(the least threatening schizo /pcg/ ever had) to go at Pippa, but that didn't work because Henri killed himself.
>threat to their holy cow
Indian hands typed this post didn't they
It's maybe 5% actual 'fans' and 95% some flavor of shitposter
>thread baiting Phase graduations and terminations
>>Ame graduated the next day
>a billion threads made about Pippa liking the Joker movie
>>Kawaii gone soon after
>another billion threads made about this earth shattering Pippa yab
>>Eien dead
They desperately want phase to fail, but the magic is always turned on them
>phase yab
>noticeable increase in phasecucks posting a billion deflections
>phase yab
>noticeable increase in phasecucks post a billion more deflections
phasecucks desperately defend phase whores every time they fuck up
>Their talents could use a little of those magic with their drapes.
I'm not like you, I want total corpo death
actually im czechoslovakian
I'm sorry you feel that way. By the way, can you just tell me the name of your oshi please? And do you want some info to make your own Phase bait thread?
they dont know about mufa and anulomufa, the more you curse your enemy and send them negative energies, the more it will be turned back on you
You are also a time traveler?
Phase is protected by Phase-friend Jesus Christ.
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>the way lots of bait threads have started surfacing aimed at random easy targets
>implying that there has ever been a single second since the creation of /vt/ that the board was not full of bait threads aimed at random easy targets
>I've only started visiting vt this year
It shows.
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This one also needs a edit.
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The only Harry I know is the king of the /brg/ers, what does he have to do with Niji?
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Nice try nijisis
>but that didn't work because Henri killed himself.
Wait, for real?
So they're the ones who inherited /ppg/'s magic...
Probably better that /tsunx/ didn't get it
>As a newfag
So you haven't seen all those Phase bait threads, to say nothing of the fact that Phaseshills are basically synonymous to Nijisisters
They have it. Magic and drapes, not talents. Because no one in Phase has any.
Nijisisters aren't even that bad anymore, they tend to stay in their own lanes, they only get cocky if they have something worth being cocky about like a big numbers stream or anyone NOT graduating on a given day. When there's no fire they tend to thrive but since Niji is a fire generator you just don't see them trying to put it out much since the company is synonymous with failure.

Phase kiddies being a small tribe are the only ones barking loudly on the catalogue, I don't know why they think they'll overtake Holo, Niji and VSJ anyday soon especially with their annoying terminally online fanbase and dumbass streamers.
We haven't had his schizo ramblings in /pcg/ for a long time, and his twitter and youtube channel haven't had anything in a long time either.
He either killed himself, or got locked in an asylum.
nijisisters, certain "indies" and brown vtuber memes
it'll be a phase fuckup if she doesn't get punished
Lmao, it really wont. People will seethe about it for another week or two and then it will be forgotten.
For what? having a woman moment defending her friend?
100 pippabytes of memory
he's just older than slovakia xD
Filian laughed the whole thing off as "haha I'm being roasted" and continued with her stream, meanwhile pippa got offended on her behalf in a true SJW fashion.
>SJW fashion
that's not very based of her
2k regular ccv btw, not even top 10 amongst indies
ccv doesn't matter that much, Sayu is back to 3view status yet she was invited to the Bandai Namco HQ recently.
And yet she still lives rent free in your head.
>less than a year of posting
>parroting catalog bait
>post made at 11pm SEA time
Archetypal /vt/ pagpag.
for a little kid she sure gets a lot of bait threads.
You overestimate how much Phase fans give a shit about Pippa.
The company is fine. The fans are the problem.
To be honest, most of /pcg/ does not like capipi's since they're rampant retards half the time. Some of them are okay though.
>blatant no-true-scotsman'ing
who the fuck is Sayu, also Bandai just lease yet another megaflop, I wouldn't put much stock in them. All they got is Dragon Ball.
actually i dont care about her at all, but holoponies keep pushing her everywhere, they can't read the room, the dramafags are gone and all that buff is gone, now only esports slop is left. and i know its not actual dragoon fans but the same numberfags cause they keep using the same images n shit. it's so obvious.
I have no goddamn idea what the hell you people are yapping about and I think I'm better off for it.
keep seething with envy :)
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every time I look at the catalog it just feels like reddit tbdesu
>Holo boogeyman
When will you SHITsters finally get it through your thick skulls that Hololive is not your enemy, it's ex-nijifags?
i dont hate hololive, i do however hate catalog baiting numberfags from that gay # general, they are a stain on normal holofans
And you're also just proving the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about.
the holo reddit is a lot nicer compared to the endless seething and baiting here
>As a newfag
Lurk for a million more years.
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>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
You don't get to dissassociate yourself, phasenigger.
Harry is some presumed nepo hire head of the NijiEN branch with zero credentials. His main job is some shit with Universal Music Group and his linked in page doesn't even mention Niji because it's an afterthought sidejob.
He came in Jan 23, and people had assumed at first that as a result he had nothing to do with Sayu, but keen eyes would notice his name on one of the more recent documents Sayu leaked regarding how she was pressured into signing that insane NDA with zero notice - the thing where they got mad she wanted to go over it with a lawyer instead of deciding immediately. So that shit was his idea, which makes sense, because he has no clue what the fuck he is doing.
Where /vt/ actually first had Harry come onto the radar was when everyone was wondering what Pomu's once in a lifetime opportunity was. The juiciest rrat was that it had nothing to do with metal gear, and was instead about her fleshie idol oshi's coming graduation. There was evidence the two were in personal contact. Anyway, that idol was signed onto one of Universal Music Group's main competitors, so Harry has both the means and direct strong incentive to fuck it over at all costs. Seemed like a stronger theory than Niji suddenly having a falling out with Konami for no fucking reason.
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Corpo with dramafags as fans, i wonder why?
Your "yab" is a nothingburger as usual
You forget Kson
>Phase control the jannies
>Phase control the dramafags
>Phase control the clippers
>Phase control the small corpo scene
>Phase control the internet
>Phase control the streets
They don't control shit. It's just that dramafags who donate for dramatubers are all pippafags. Dramatubers aren't going to shit where they eat.
why are phasenigs like this?

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