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Riifu won
i thought eien meant eternal?
>They have purchased their IP
"That's a nice watch."
"Thanks my dad sold it to me before he died."
YouTube is the house and the house always wins. Who's next?
Zumi... My poor Zumi...
Riifu won
Was this the one that had some Filipino sell her brothers computer chair but claimed it was hers?
Dude That's Cringe
Yes. Kiki Lockheart ran off with a paypig and cucked her entire fanbase.
Kilia saw this coming
Even black corpo Kawaii with its Japanese autism had the decency to give up the models and IPs to their talents before dissolving. Grim.
i didn't know the pink whore had graduated kek

good riddance i guess, by process of elimination cuck-connect is now the biggest NTRcorp
>Nanimo the Holostar whore getting graduated
Was it worth it? Might have been able to keep your IP if you didn't chase off the paypigs
Where is she going? I assume she got in somewhere
So they allow them to buy out their IP and even if they don't they will still link their old channels to whatever they move on to?
Pretty nice deal for them
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It's a sad realization that content like this is becoming normalized and small corpos are slowly dying, especially considering this woman was fired from EIEN and is now running a relatively successful corpo herself as revenge.

Everything on the internet that involves women will always lead to sex work or the industry being drowned out by whores. I know you'll all joke and say it's good but we didn't gatekeep hard enough.

Vrev next?
Truly amazing how not a single smallcorp can make it.
Even phase connect is more of an exception to the rule than a real counter-example, considering their entire corp runs off the back of pippa and her kiwicucks
where is kiki
I HATE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, I love whores
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>strong female Filipino CEO
>dead in less than 2 years and its legacy was one of the funniest small corpo memes of 2023
Fucking small ass corpos and their obsession with streaming on youtube, lmao.
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Phase survives because Fishman is a front for money laundering Chinese fentanyl into Canada but you didn't hear that from me
>or the industry being drowned out by whores. I
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Who are the strongest EN5 candidates?
Spite wins. Again.
Kilia was basically a younger and better ERB
Lia, Uruka and Shiina are also keeping it alive. It's not just the fucking rabbit.
Why are you cunts so obsessed with that win/loose thing? Nothing changes on the front end, everyone still needs to grind individually and the green one will forever be remembered for not reading the contract.
who? who? & who?
Is Blaise gonna keep her model?
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hahahahahaahahahah is this what phasekek keep telling themselves at night?
>Could not deliver ordered merch
Jesas, there are indies out there who manage their own merch, how does a corpo fail with that so miserably. Smells like incompetence, no wonder they went under.
How the fuck did they survive this long after the nuclear bombs that were the green hoe leaving and the pink hoe tanking their reputation?
the best part is she didn't even run off with a paypig, the dude she cucked her actual boyfriend and whole fanbase with is just some poorfag living on another continent, he wasn't one of her top donators
How many small corpos have collapsed so far this year? I feel like it's been over a dozen.
A few years ago this space was suffused with VC cash because of basically 0% interest rates. Shit was essentially free money for silicon valley type businesses for a while, and then the fed finally decided to reel it in a little and all that remains are the massive corpos and the scant few smaller ones that have 4view talents like Phase. Many such cases.
... I've never even heard of this corpo
slave labor
It's the one with the girl that auctioned off a used gaming chair with filipino ballsack sweat on it
Almost all of them. All that's left is Phase(yeah, you're still there), VAllure, Brave's collection and some microcorpos. MyHolo?
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So is Eri going to run back to Twitch and go back to doing what she was doing before thinking that people aren't mad at her over the way EIEN was run? Kiki should have been fired over the chair yab.
The lesson of this corpo is that you can't have your entire management be women or talents will get too comfortable and ruin everything.
You don't know about the chair?
fackin bloodbath out there.
From what I remember, she's done with vtubing. At least, for a while. There was a fire in her streaming room and she was having real-life shit pop up.
Phases CEO was a millionaire before he started phase so he has cash to burn and is a cheap-o chink, thats the only reason they're still in business
Also VAllure is an EIEN spinoff corpo
Keep dreaming. We're like a cockroach chu~
It was inevitable.
I wasn't sure if it was going to be VReverie or Eien first though.. somehow VRev is still hanging on
It was pretty obviously coming, but still sad to see. Hope the rat isn't in too much debt because of this.
Anything to get out of SEA I guess.
>Phase and Brave
Honestly, I put Phase and Brave in their own category: Mid-Major. They're nowhere the size of the Big 3 but they're too big to be in the same breath as the small corpos.
lol, just lol but true
Aren't they dead for a while now?
What debt? she did fuck all except covers
MyHolo died this year. Kerromi had no money to buy her model.
VRev will be dead by the end of the year. A lot of companies are going down the drain.
Brown mentality
How is it sad
>fishman slowly cleaning up the streets of vancouver via homeless overdosing on fent
VRev is probably gonna end up shambling along with Nova holding them up until 2025.
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>he doesn't know how many american boomers would unironically say shit like "I'm charging you for raising you" once they think their kid has a stable adult job
Most of them will die broke too and leave you with their funeral costs LOL
He can thank Underscore EN for the hookup on fent.
>kilia got a new outfit
>probably didn't purchase her channel because they wanted to charge her more

Eien is run by thirdies, kawaii is run by japanese.
>Was it worth it? Might have been able to keep your IP if you didn't chase off the paypigs
There's an infinite number of women who think they can simp for e-celebs while simps pay them to do it and they are always shocked no man wants to be the third wheel beta orbiter atm.
>They're nowhere the size of the Big 3
Brave is bigger than vshojo retard
Who's next after Vrev? V&U? Nexas? Vdere?
kilia already graduated like a month ago
Pixel Link is the last bastion of hope for the small corpo enjoyer. You also have V&U but they have most of their talents hard stuck as 2views for a long while now, who knows when they'll throw the towel too.
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Vallure are the least whorish e-whores to exist. I was expecting secret cytube streams of their jiggling assets and got Shibi accidentally blackfacing her alt model while trying to make herself brown.

Also Vallure has one thing in common with Phase (and kawaii and idol before it got bought out) and that's that it had pre-existing funding from the privately wealthy CEO (Sakana and the Madame) which is why they aren't run like total shit. That could change in the future but it's becoming obvious from stuff like Akioair you can't just be like "I'm gonna start a corpo" provide dollar store models and then try to hit on your talents like it's a private harem for broke fags.
Streaming room has been repaired for a while now and she is working on her indie debut
poached already
My guess is Vrev, then specialite EN (their JP side is doing a lot better thanks to the nazi loli)
could you throw a name?
Speaking of. She calls her job in Eien being a "porn star". Who fucking knows what Eien has been doing behind closed doors that made Riifu bail
vallure gen 2 material
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Brave has fuck you JP money but their EN streamers are way smaller than Phase, and they're spamming gens like Niji.
Losing riifu was bad but kiki kind of fucked the company, which is a shame because gen 2 had some cute girls (not mirri she's retarded).
Lol say that in /vag/. They hate her guts and directly begged Riifu not to poach her.
yeah it's kinda disappointing, I thought it was going to be like kemorefle or emoechi but instead it's just a group no different from 99% of twitch chuubas
> Who fucking knows what Eien has been doing behind closed doors that made Riifu bail
Riifu didn’t bail, she got fired
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Vrev exists only because Breastie and arial are trying to stay in long enough to keep their models, otherwise other girls like Furi from gen 3 and all the gen 0, 1 and 2 girls are totally gone.
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Riifu still likes her and said the door is always open.
Can you delete this? You are ruining my narrative
It is hilarious to me that the only two small corpos doing well now are Pixellink and Vallure. One seiso, one sexy, but both GFE. Just goes to show where the money is.
I swear every time this picture gets posted, they're bigger.
People doing new things get rewarded (filian), doing the same old no-talent girl playing games with a 2d model isn't going to work anymore,
Vdere is probably fine until the end of the year, that's when shit will hit the fan there if it does.
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>we didn't gatekeep hard enough
the japanese side has like 200x as many (and better) whores anon, you don't know shit
>Nice deal
How much do you think they bought it for?
>that pic
please saar open bob
I guess Mozzu was right to leave them
thanks man
wrong company retard
We know she has a new model/identity in the works, and she apparently was in a group meet with... V-Dere girls, Sayu and some others if I remember correctly? But no indication so far when she will return and will it be indie or in a corpo.
Because VAllure is having trouble with advertisers over the whole "whore corpo" brand. Stronny told the girls to do less Fansly streams because they can't make money from those as they count as prostitution.
>chuuba that plays Yugioh is a white dragon with blue eyes
I'd wait it out too.
New things such as react content
Near as I know: Kawa Entertainement, OWOZU, Project kavaii, PRISM Project, NexStage Project, Yume+, DigiKagi, EIEN Project and Production kawaii. MyHoloTV are officially in pause, and idol got absorbed by Brave.
Hopefully she can run off with that model when VRev goes down. Either that or she'll get poached by the fish given a lot of the talent like having her around.
>PRISM Project
well thats what happens when you faggots run around with your irrational hatred of men.
You get left with LITERAL whores who will get 3 football fields of dick a week while lying to you.
nothing you posted makes any sense
go grind some IQ before posting
VAllure won
Riifu should buy back her model from the bankruptcy sale and stream with it once just to rub it in.
>Amora gets to keep her IP
All I needed to know. Sucks for Kilia, but hey.
She has popped up in a few places as "CunnieHoe" of all things. https://cunniehoe.carrd.co/
Kilia wants to be a loli she's griftmaxxing
VAllure new gen coming soon.
>idol got tanked by the shred blue GFE slut
Pandering to unicucks is high risk, high reward.
I can tell by the fact that you’re saying this that you live in a third world country
Eh,with the way twitch and payment sources like Visa are absolutely cracking down on adult content/A.C websites, it was probably smarter in hindsight to not go as whore as originally promised.
Alot of AVtubers in the west are losing their revenue streams, and The East AVtubers are getting hit too thanks to Visa and Mastercard.



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Decent models, rigging, channels with 10-20k subs and an audience. Somewhere between $1k-$2.5k depending on if they realised they were the only people who EIEN could actually sell them to and haggled them down.
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Oh my, Oh my

Look at all these excellent talents for my new Gen 4
If it wasn't for the chair and Vallure nobody would know about this corpo
Uh oh 60yo boomer melty.
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It didn't work out so well for her boss.
I think if Stronny hired her /vag/ would turn on her. Kiki is the one person both /vag/ and /eien/ absolutely despise.
Eri and Risti (In case nobody knew, Risti = Eri's "close friend, a certain indie owl cringetuber) were giving Kiki preferential treatment from day 1
And Invaders, don't forget that.
It's funny that people are upset by that and not and her boyfriend was an active member of her community
Amber Glow
lmao lost everything, proud to be an american yet?
>and small corpos are slowly dying
Because most small corpos are cash grabs trying to make the next "Gawr Gura" or something.
this isnt a vtuber and neither is filian
New Invaders are already hired and being worked on so it would be next year if they have any more.
If the company is in debt and they're planning to file for bankruptcy then they can't just be giving away assets.
>Risti = Eri's "close friend, a certain indie owl cringetuber
Never heard of them, were they in management?
And that would have been unironically better.
Still don't understand why she isn't paying for her own model and is sticking to that store bought 3D.
It's her brand
He's made enough money to never have to give a shit about anything ever again. And if he genuinely wants to become even tiny bit a better person, then good for him
unrionically the phase policy of hiring talent and having them do team building, training and overall mingling with current talent for several months before debut seems to be one of the most effective strategies of any corpo
phase seems to be one of the very few where the talent don't secretly seethe at each other
not many of these left
What about that socks agency
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literally who are these no name vtubers, this is a hololive board, and always was
Eri is a fucking whore and it's great that the girls get away for that piece of shit.
I always called kawaii the small corpo cockroach. Don't think you're invincible.
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Welcome aboard girls.
Sadly she has simps so when she goes live regularly again and sets up an OF people will be flocking to plap the flip rrat.
Risti is like 80% of the "management" and you could say at least 50% of "where did EIEN go wrong" in terms of management. The number of times that things fell through the cracks for the first because she was busy with her own yabs like the karaoke relay that she was SOOO INSISTANT on getting attention and a pat on the back for, was wayy to many to count. Not to mention how much she'd only create more problems by taking out her failing indie career out on the girls behind the scenes
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I feel bad for them, I really wanted to like the killa girl she was the face of Eien but when I checked her she swore so much & was British which is too much... She sounded like a twitch vtuber basically... Probably should give her more than one look but yeah.... I'm obsessed with longevity so I love the name Eien & killa's model is God tier level so it's a shame
Ah trying to dramafarm I see.
kawaii and vdere
eien and vallure
phase and everybody else
What does Shibi have to do with anything?
Please don't tell me sastgamer never got with her after everything? He was stalking her since like 2021 and was the one who bought the chair. Please don't fucking tell me she ran off with some other dude....
I thought that shit had been disbanded desu
what does she have to do with any of this lol
What will happen to this thread if I say the word "DILDO"?
Wasn't that Kiki?
Its not her brand lol
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She worships Riifu
It makes sense since Stronny cant tweet about it
Not squandering money on useless things is a good trait. Having a couple pillar talents and not screwing around with the money (and pilfering talents from the corpses of his fallen enemies) allows them to grow.
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How many of these made the talents buy their IP? Not counting Idol since that's a buyout
The bubble burst a while back, we're just catching up on all the corpos that should have died, finally dying
In the end we'll just have Hololive, Nijisanji, Phase, and Brave with 10 subbranches
Women are so awful lol.
If kiki tells us anything, people from her country are literally retarded and shameless so yes.
I know. It would've been amazing if she could keep that gorgeous design.
If you hunt down the two vods from not Riifu from around the end of last year before she launched VAllure, she alleges black corpo shit like struggle sessions.
If she left on good terms, could she just ask if they could sell it back to her?
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the fucking ignorance of this post when most of the old third world families live like rats in their nest because grandmommy and grandaddy played around, had like 10 children and all of them inherited a fucking chunk of the house that they all have to share now because the economy is so shit it's cheaper doing so than trying to branch out. And that not even counting the family values thing.
>Meanwhile burguerland kicking their children out barely one day in adulthood
Her second outfit was nice. What a waste
Yes, this would be a far more reasonable number, wouldn't it be?
This one was doomed from the start so not surprising
Shibi likes the EIEN girls. And only the girls
by process of elimination you are gay because you never had a girlfriend
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It had some promise at the start but it went downhill when it was obvious Eri was a control freak and the stuff with Riffu and Kiki made them look real bad.
Some of the girls are good and will be fine without EIEN, plus we got VAllure out of this too.
how many more small orgs can die this year?
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I fucking love sluts!
>ctrl + f Skye
>0 results
Damn, and she was my favorite. It seems people here only cared about Killia and Rifuu.
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If it bleeds, it can be killed. Stay tuned.
>seething at phase out of nowhere
Navi’s model was sex and I’m sad to see it go.
There's too many of them anyways.
Lumi please stop killing companies
Is there even any point in small corpos any more? It's easier than ever to get a vtuber model these days.
She can't keep getting away with it
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They were dead the moment Rifu walked out the door, her popularity was the only thing that put them on the map in any way. She lucked out on an outstanding model that looked vaguely reminiscent of Fauna.
The haven't even debuted anyone yet. I'm not convinced that they're not a shitpost.
>her popularity was the only thing that put them on the map in any way
Her and Kilia were pretty even
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Reminder that Riifu is a hysterical, literal whore who lost her shit over a Steam account.
hopefully more especially if they're unicorn pandering
she's so evil I love it
There are no good guys in this fight
Mostly due to that fact of what they did to Sapphire, westerns don't forget and forgive that easily
I thought most of them died off. Just how many more are there?
Yeah and Kana was a lazy schizo and Kawaii Gen 3 were greedy whores, and Yuko was a schizo AND a greedy whore, it doesn't really matter, find a way to keep your Pippa if you land one.
The model sucked
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3DPD crap is shit but girls being lewd is great. Also most male streamers do this crap too. Except for the few massive ones who made it big back when industry was only starting.
>Used to be a cute, shy, jittery and comfy streamer that awkwardly stumbled around lewd topics in an endearing way
>Goes full on coomer bait, starts swearing, spams violin shorts streams where she plays the same songs over and over again, talks down to her fans because she’s a spoiled brat that got a full ride through a fancy college that mommy and daddy paid for
She did a total 360 and it’s sad.
Vdere is about to split from internal drama
Singing moderately good can only take you so far, sex sells
Vreverie and Vdere are both headed to the ravine. Nexas basically provides nothing but a model, idk how many models they can buy without going broke but their models are *very* cheap and shitty so maybe they can keep it going.
Probably all of them, even if the sale price in some cases was only one dollar. It's extremely unlikely that any of those companies could legally give the vtuber IPs to the talents for free as a gift, and the talents would probably have to pay their local and national governments taxes on the IP transfer if it was gifted to them instead of sold to them.
Note: I do not know what the IP sales prices were, just that there's a non-zero chance that at least one of the sales was done at a very low price to keep the spirit of it being a gift intact, but was still technically expensive enough that the transfer of ownership would not legally count as a "gift."
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Sounds like Rina Lucsper
Why the sudden change anyway?
Vdere is one woman moment away from collapse, and they are currently set up as four women in various stages of illness cramped into two hotel rooms.
Don't tell me that Mr Underhill niji sister allied male vtuber was EIEN's MANAGER? WTF
yeah but have you seen her hilarious face model
Slowly transforming from an uptight virgin with high standards to a bitter lonely middle-aged woman
trying to get Lia's attention.
I just wish vallure models weren't so ass
Museia models were great
also who are kiki and killia now? i only know leaf is stron
So the vtuber bubble I predicted a couple years ago that would pop is happening
kilia hasn't reincarnated yet
What has Phase-Connect done that has made them the definitive winner of the small corpo wars?
Is locking your next gen/invaders in the basement and forcing them to interact with each other and the other talents for several months, as well as getting to know the management the IDEAL way to small corpo?
Not hiring your sexpest friends as talent managers seems like a good strategy.
True. But that's like the bare minimum, and yet so many of them did this.
Fucking USA, Ukraine, Russia, Iran and Israel making the economy more expensive with their stupid wars. Less superchats/streamlabs dono for chubas.
The fact that people don't know this even why the internet baffles me everytime, heck you can get lonely 30yo woman showing you tits for free and larp as a anime girl at the same time
silly Uruka, all you had to do was call her during GFE ASMR to flirt with her and tell her she could fly out to stay with you...
Literally just comes down to Sakana not relaying entirely in PC's success for money, he himself said in an interview with dizzy like 4 or so months that Phase just got profitable this year, all these other corpos get a bunch of loans and then fold after they just cant keep paying
Sirs, this is a vtuber board. Keep your 3dpd lardwhale obsession contained to the appropriate boards.
I mean yeah, already being a successful businessman with your own cashflow is also probably a good part of it too.
Liatnam was a bad time.
Prism did it
tripfags get the rope
Luck and grifting the boards. Every time he fucked up, someone else fucked up bigger a few days later and his goons did everything they could (and still do) to control the narrative. Then pressured the yabbit carry everything on her back for the first 2 years until he could hire Muumi to wrangle everything he couldn't.

If you want to call getting your talents to cooperate "business smart" then I suppose you can with how low the bar is in vtubing but teambuilding elementary school shit in any business
The former kichain now boyfriend's name is Nekoravanger, he was donating a bit but not as much as her other paypigs. The dude is allegedly 18 and was stalking her hard too according to an angry cuckchain who posted in /eien/ months ago.
I would probably off myself if I was Sastgamer kek.
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Every Phase drama is some extremely minor shit that gets blown out of proportion, and every time you guys are shocked when they don't do anything about it and it blows over in a day. I get that this might frustrate you since you don't have a big picture view of it, but assuming it's a sinister conspiracy specifically meant to suppress your criticisms is kinda...
Pretty much every dying vtuber corpo does it, it's the norm
Yume+ did
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senpai, gomene <3
Like clockwork. Bravo controlling the narrative. Fish will gladly renew your nitro sub
Another one bites the dust.
>doubles down on schizophrenia
Bold move
the biggest drama with them so far was the Liatnam yab, and Iori's stupid NTR stream
I guess Yuri's termination too? But she's kind of proven she's gone completely no meds.
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>delusional phasefag acting like pippa isn't currently dragging the whole company into drama with filian and asmon
Lmao, I was laughing too hard while seeing that tweet. Crazy how hard she was trying to distance herself from EIEN by planning breaks and such around trying to dodge the fallout
how did this become a phase thread
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Honestly, no.
There was a short period where there was both a market boom of interest in vtubing, and a lack of ecosystem for rigging models, and this was the impetus for a flurry of small corpos to spring up and step into the void. You had all sorts of girls willing to sign up with anyone if it got them into the business.

These days though, while vtubing as such hasn't even existed for more than a few years, it is much more of a 'known quantity' amongst creators now, and it is easier than ever for someone to commission a model from a variety of artists and riggers, and open source software for 3d tracking and live2d is already available. The value proposition for small corpos basically doesn't exist anymore. If they don't come with a big pre-existing fanbase, you may as well go indie and do your own thing.
>and the Madame
Wait, Vallure ceo is a woman?
Phasers have been having an uh oh melty since jacksepticeye or whatever and their mania is spilling over into other threads.
i still remember all the "riifu is a better fauna" shitposts. then that bitch graduated instantly and now her whole corpo folded.
sometimes there is justice in the world
do they shit on their own company just to derail other threads???
It's as if being cancelled by people who don't watch you doesn't work...
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I lost all my sympathy for her after the Kiki shit
my japanese whores are anything but that
>then that bitch graduated instantly and now her whole corpo folded.
>sometimes there is justice in the world
Anon.... She started her own corpo thats been doing amazingly, she just had a huge donothon....
She won
You realize Riifu came back with her own corpo and made a fortune recently? Riifu unironically won. I feel bad for the EIEN gen 2 girls but at the end of the day, they applied to a corpo during its dark days. It was a small corpo lolcow with a woman CEO and they still fucking applied.
if you pretend pippa isn't part of phase then sure?
honestly i'm surprised her red haired friend so far never started stupid shit, either she actually changed for the better or fishman gave her a manager experienced in dealing with mentally ill bitches
She's the only one from that shitshow of a corpo that won retard
retard, she runs vallure now

Vallure was started by Riifu who became Stronny after she was fired by Eri, that's why people call it a 'revenge corpo'. She named and recruited all the other girls personally just to fuck with Eri.
Based and same. Was a day 1 Kiichain and I got cucked. I indirectly got my revenge for I made the /vt/ post that bvtm shared on twitter which Pippa saw. Then it went viral.
No one gives a fuck about jacksfilms anymore and asmongold is not apart of this either?
>trouble with advertisers over the whole "whore corpo" brand
why the fuck should you care about advertisers when you are a whore corpo, whores make fucking bank (see pic, she pulls home around 25k A MONTH from patreon audios only)
Well, that's another one to the list.
There's still plenty of small corpos that either joined way too late into the boom, can't adapt, or are missing a flagbearer, as in someone who is the face of the corpo and can put them on the spotlight.
Expect more soon
>sex sells
And water is wet anon
>we didn't gatekeep hard enough
lmao, chuubas were sex from the very beginning. If small corpo/indies are trying to combine fleshie and model its because they are simply trying to get the spotlight and draw some people in.
Adapt or die motherfucker. Even the big corpos do.
Phase is the Hitler in the vtuber analogy of Godwin's law.
she went on a political melty because of asmon and he's also the owner of filian's corpo, so he's responsible for all of this
This. People here are fucking dumb, these girls are making great money
All catalog threads are phase threads because phasefans are first-and-foremost catalog drama apes
The owner is a woman (the DTL ASMR girl), but the CEO is a man she hired. I don't keep up with them, so she might have retconned his gender.
That whore goes fucking hard. Most whores can't actually keep up with her. Not even vallure's ceo could do it.
>She did a total 360
you meant 180
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Even if it was accidental, she was definitely the winner
Ally is by far the best lewdtuber because she does her coom streams in-character.
Asmongold literally stepped down from all leadership positions he held?
So no, he's not apart of this. Even Filian is barely apart of this because she's smart and ignores drama almost entirely.
Pippa just decided to sperg out and defend her friend.
>lmao, chuubas were sex from the very beginning
They're attractive anime girls but cuteness sells, too. Vtubing has always been about women acting the male ideal of a woman. It's never been about sex, even though it's part of it. Most of Riifu's/Stronny's fanbase just like chilling with their Scottish whore talking about lotr and shit. Even Vallure fans don't want constant coom.
Delusional phasekek
This situation should unironically give all the regular fans hope. You CAN groom your oshi better than some paypig cuck!
>phasefags trying to put away attention from pippa's fuck up
>/vt/ is one of the main phase hubs
>some people are legit obsessed on phase and think everything revolves about them
>people farming for easy (you)s
>good ol shitposting
Pick your poison
What part of that statement was delusional mr. catalog dramafag?
The assertion that "Phase is the Hitler in the VTuber analogy of Godwin's Law" collapses under rigorous formal scrutiny when analyzed through advanced logico-mathematical frameworks. The reductive analogy, built on the foundation of Godwin's Law, fundamentally misinterprets both the nature of analogy and the mathematical structures that underpin discourse.

Firstly, Godwin's Law, which posits that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1," is not a law in the formal mathematical sense. It lacks the necessary axiomatic rigor and is, at best, a descriptive heuristic. When examined through the Gödel Completeness Theorem, we can observe that for any consistent theory (such as discourse logic), there must be a model where the theory holds. However, Godwin's Law assumes an inevitable breakdown of discourse into reductio ad Hitlerum, which would imply an inconsistency in discourse models. This, however, is not guaranteed—discourse models can remain complete and consistent without collapsing into such analogies, as suggested by Gödel’s Theorem.

Moreover, by applying the Löwenheim–Skolem Theorem, which stipulates that any theory with an infinite model also has models of every infinite cardinality, we can refute the deterministic progression implied by Godwin's Law. In a VTuber discourse, for instance, we deal with an infinite cardinality of conversational branching points, none of which must necessarily include or invoke Hitler analogies. This undermines the presumption of inevitability in Godwin’s Law when applied to infinite structures of discourse, such as VTuber communities.

Furthermore, invoking the Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé Games, we encounter a critical limitation in analogizing entities like "Phase" and "Hitler." This theorem provides a method for determining whether two structures are elementarily equivalent by constructing a game between two players who attempt to distinguish the structures. By this logic, the discourse structure surrounding "Phase" as a VTuber operates in a fundamentally distinct domain from the socio-political structure invoked by comparisons to Hitler, thus violating the conditions for elementary equivalence. In essence, the structures are non-isomorphic, and the analogy fails under this precise formalism.

In modal terms, we can appeal to Kripke Semantics for an additional layer of refutation. Godwin's Law assumes a static progression towards a singular conversational endpoint, but under Kripke’s framework of possible worlds, the progression of discourse operates within a branching model of accessibility relations. In this context, not all possible discourse "worlds" are accessible from a given conversational state; the modal accessibility of a "Hitler comparison" world from a "VTuber discourse" world is, in fact, restricted by layers of epistemic and cultural separation. Thus, invoking Godwin’s Law disregards the accessibility constraints inherent in the modal discourse framework.

Lastly, the Malament–Hogarth Spacetime Theorem, which deals with spacetimes that allow for non-Turing-computable functions, illustrates a deeper flaw in the assumption that all discourse paths are computable within finite time. The presumption that any extended discussion must necessarily invoke Hitler (as Godwin's Law implies) operates under a simplistic computational model of discourse. In reality, there exist undecidable trajectories in the space of conversation, where no deterministic endpoint such as Hitler can be computed. The analogy between "Phase" and "Hitler" thus disintegrates within this relativistic discourse model, where the flow of discussion is inherently non-computable.

Thus, the claim not only misapplies the analogy but also assumes an invalid form of discourse progression based on Godwin’s Law, which itself lacks formal rigor and collapses under the weight of these intricate mathematical theorems.
mods why are you here instead of /eien/ you gave up there already?
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Uh... I'm not reading this. Try again with Subway Surfers.
This fucking bitch
Why did they force them to purchase their IP? Sounds gay.
also, forgot to call you a nigger
I wonder if those logs of their discord server are still out there. The ones talking about doxing and killing riifu.
i didnt know lia had a fang
2024 the year the EN small corpo bubble burst
Calling her a lewdtuber is an insult, just call her an AVtuber
wait, who was planning on doing that?
the /eien/ browsers, or other talents lmao?
Thank god Phase-connect made it into medium corpo status.
What if she moonwalked.
>They're attractive anime girls but cuteness sells, too
Know your audience, some want cute anime girls, some want sexy AND cute anime girls, and some want 20 dollar anime whores.
Also AV like Vallure or Melody don't rely only on sex, They high charisma, so they can also chat or do something else that isn't just fucking something. That's the difference between a high quality escort and a cheap hooker.
Riifu is still the better fauna
Sapcope will never not be hilarious
Enjoy your no asmr while you content yourself with "but she got 10k small children watching her play minecraft for the 100th time" you sad little numberfaggot.
It really makes no sense cause personality wise, they couldn't be more different. The only similarities are both of them having a green themed model.
At least indies like pillow getting compared makes sense since both have a soft voice and ASMR history.
I mean, EIEN's reputation would have been a lot better had Riifu died in an unfortunate accident, instead of getting terminated...
Like 2 mods and a handful viewers, they hiding in a secret discords. It got leaked when big drama was happening and kiki was still part of eien. You definitely can find it in archives. They had some irrational anger towards her and I know they were trying to dox others around her.
It would have been better for like 1 month and then everything else that happened to EIEN would have still happened, or worse.
So, like, honestly, genuinely, completely without any semblance of irony, sarcasm, or exaggeration whatsoever—just purely in the interest of making sure that I, along with anyone else involved in this conversation, fully and thoroughly understand exactly what you’re talking about in this precise moment of discourse—could you please, for the love of all clarity, specify exactly, precisely, and definitively who?
What happened?
Hate asking to be spoonfed but I can't keep up with all this small corpo drama, can someone give me a QRD on these two?
Something I enjoy watching, as opposed to faggots like you who pretend you're content with content literally meant for kids because you've got some weird fetish for high ccvs.

It's a board about vtubers not ccv numbers, get a clue faggot.
Pillowdear is the better Fauna if we're being honest. Ironically, I believe Pillow invited Stronny to her ASMR relay which was based.
Can someone please tell me about Pixel Link? I know that Kanna is pretty cute but I have no fucking idea how the corpo is run and if it has a chance of surviving
>Promise full on porno corpo
>pussy out and reel the actual porno aspect way back in favor of slightly suggestive asmr and sketchy donothons
Wow, truly a winner indeed.
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>who was planning on doing that?
the mods eri hired for their shitcord
She doesn't, she doesn't use that model at all anymore. She has a 3.0 now.
>pussy out and reel the actual porno aspect way back
The concept was always that the Patreon audios would be the only mandatory NSFW stuff and everything else was up to the individual talents
The way people talk about Yuri is so funny, you'd think she was some deranged menhera akin to shondo or even rushia, but in reality she's so normal its boring.
She's just some young girl who fumbled and is figuring out how to navigate adulthood.
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jesas...has there ever been a good discord in vtubing history?
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>she shouldn't of
>would of streamed
>expecting anyone here to know about a literal, non-holo who.
sorry famalam we don't watch you're kick fleshie lardwhale hottub steamers.
She just needs to pick something and focus on it. Whatever she did to get terminated ruined her vtuber career I think, since now she's already gone through the nanobites persona into something else. She needs to just stick to one.
It's an anti discord what do you expect.
Last half of that sounds like a pretty extreme false flag to be waiving, why?
You think that the mods were ever paid? Lmfao
>shouldn't of
Gets me every time.
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>saying your nationality is 'doxing'
>all that esl typing
I want to Panko post but I don't want to get banned for racism!
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she's made it pretty clear she is just in it for the hobby and not focused on growth.
Considering she get all excited when she does normal people things like leaving the house, she's probably more interested in a normie lifestyle with vtubing being a "just for fun".
Name a more disgusting combo
CEO wanted to create a gamer corp with girls but got a cute girl corp
It's a comfy place for anons because there's no official discord, mods are invisible in chat, and donothons aren't mandatory
While it's mostly CGDCT there's nothing necessarily preventing male collabs like Kanna in fighting tournaments
The best a vtuber discord could ever hope to be is a quarantine pen to divert people from flowing into other, more disgusting discords. It's like asking "has there ever been a safe nuclear waste storage?"
I don't think anyone has pulled it off since they inevitably cave to demands for off-topic channels, mod cliques, and other garbage.
I guess. Good for her either way honestly, long as she's happy.
Is it an unspoken rule that every Corpo graduation thread has to be filled is phase connect shilling?
It's getting really awkward now.
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In 2024 we had:
>NijiEN shooting themselves in the head
>Big corpo vtubers becoming indie
>Small corpos dying left and right
>Brave buying the scraps
>Phase is somehow doing fine
What a crazy year
Pixel feels like what everyone hoped EIEN was going to be early on, minus the lewd alts I guess.
male collabs are implicitly banned. Even when Kanna did the tournament she was never in a position where she could directly communicate with a male streamer I believe. On VSMP men are straight up now allowed in.
>has there ever been a good discord in [X] history?
Take notes everyone. All discords are breeding grounds for trouble. Wormtongues and axewounds.
You SHALL remember the small corpo wars every time another one dies and Phase-connect continues to live.
And leader above them all lost
>One OG JP vtuber with graduation
>One EN OG vtuber with graduation
>One OG JP vtuber which was fired
>One fag that got fired because the retard probably got caught doing drugs on site (And had the balls to at least own it)
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>minus the lewd alts
>now allowed in.
not allowed in.*
no, vtubers with discords are the biggest red flag for me i'll instantly stop watching somebody at the slightest mention of it
What's even the purpose of Discord for chuubas?

Other than giving them a space to spearfish whales in, but it's not like they can't DM their paypigs elsewhere.
Sorry phasekeks I'm not into reaction "content".
probably to promote some sort of area for their community to listen to their ideas for streams(at least that's the intention, I'd assume), but they just devolve into retarded shit
>cuckposting out of nowhere
They used to be a necessary evil because official discords did alot to help small corpos grow in 2021, but now it's just a cancer for any corpo or indie big and small.
Just look at how a single discord server completely ruined /shon/
I enjoyed the few times I watched her, but her being friends with Kiki is a red flag and she streams at an impossible timeslot for me
what's funny is a guy asked all the kawaii girls if they'd make a discord or hire mods when they announced they were going under
>probably to promote some sort of area for their community to listen to their ideas for streams(at least that's the intention, I'd assume), but they just devolve into retarded shit
Maybe? Still a weird idea if that's the purpose imo, since they can still do polls and whatnot on community posts, or xitter, or hell even live on stream.

I'm still convinced it's just the preferred place for whoretubers to slide into their oilers' DMs.
My 2view oshi pushes her discord hard and her "general" channel stopped being about her just like 2 months after debut, and it has over 50 channels of shit that has nothing to do with the stream. I just don't get it.
Whoretubers definitely abuse it for sure, but take Erina for example, she's not even remotely a whore. Her discord is still filled with retards though.
A lot of them get pressured by people who show up in their chats when they are just starting out and don't have much of a viewerbase. Even people who are 2view or cresting into 3view territory have these people who BEG for a discord or - if they think one isn't being made - will create their own and start spamming links to it everywhere.
But if you aren't experienced enough in the space to know why it's a bad idea, and you don't have someone coaching you to TELL you it's a bad idea, then it just gets made because its easy to do.
>some deranged menhera akin to shondo or even rushia
Those two are not the same, Shondo at least keeps her mental illness under control enough to have a stable friend group and vtubing career. The funny thing is that Rushia was her oshi before and ever after the termination, but even Shondo eventually got tired of her shit
this is every /asp/ie in existence, any girl posted there is guaranteed to get a few groomers in their streams begging them for shitcords where they can become their pretend managers and confidants
and the struggle sessions, and the termination threats, and the unequal treatment, and and and...
Due to the experiences made in the eien discord, VAllure had a strict no discord rule from the start and they still regularly get retarded grey names who beg for one

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