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You wish she was 3 view
>human model
Good for her. I was never a big fan but I wish her the best
>armando but women and had a tails
It's over.
id watch it if it was braindead to block twitch ads still
but its not so
>debut on yt and twitch
>still puts time in JST
well then
i will have a peek
>Delaying her debut
That's our doob!
post the previous announcement of a debut then
I'm sure she'll have roingus ears under the hat
never doubt the doob
KEK isn't even motivated for her debut. Can't wait to see her new trainwreck play out.
So the model isn't the mouse? So much for la creatividad
old habit
>no giant ears
Why though?
Also is it me or does that kinda look like Amelia Watson from Hololive EN Myth?
Fucking easier to schedule it in EU time because american timezones are SHIT
>already delaying things
A sign of good things to come, surely.
What is she delaying?
kys holocuck
my orgasm
Cute tail
Ehm, am I the only one who thinks this one looks like a slightly redesigned Ame model, but with a tail?
What she's not going to play her character as an actual hopping mouse? I don't know how I feel about this humanoid stuff...
What am I going to tell my pet hamster. I promised him someone he could relate to.
I thought she was burnt out.
Giver her time
You realise "20th ISH" was exactly that right, ROUGHLY October 20th. So she posted her debyt announcement on the 19th and her debut is on the 25th, it's that simple.
It looks cute.
You're not alone, i wonder what the silhouettes look like side by side?
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>get ready to make waves
More excited for this than my retard borther's birdthday.
How the fuck did she mog Cover's billion dollar yen studio?
No wonder she left Hololive
burn out of being ame.
>model is amelia, with mouse ears, dorito fans seethe about plagiarisme
>model is la creatividad, desperate doob fans lose interest
yeah shes not long for twitch
This is holoboard. Fuck off with this irrelevant whore.
Explain all the non-Holo generals
I'm guessing she's not gonna have a live2D at all
Youth risky!!!!!!
super cute.
JST is weird, though. Did she even have a japanese audience?
>not a cute gerboa avatar
imagine if it was just ame but with brown hair and green eyes
i'd lose my shit
Doing a literal animal is 100% the kind of thing she'd do so I'm surprised and kind of glad that she's just an animal girl instead.
who is she?
just like that grifter dookiturd
You cared enough to seethe.
I thikn she is wanting to so that 3D stuff you know
9 AM isn't prime time for people to watch streams. It's evening 5 PM for her.
Bold of you to assume that it's Holo fans seething and baiting with her.
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They'll slowly be eliminated as Cover monopolizes the market.
Hope she's successful. I enjoyed watching her in Holo when my favorites weren't overlapping her. Will check her out and watch if it's on YT.
hololive has been stagnant for years CCV wise and is stagnant in revenue, if cover was to monopolize the market it would have been last year
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It takes all of 5 seconds to find sources that refute your claim. If you want I can post their financial reports and prove your claim about revenue is bullshit too.
If Hololive keeps growing and niji keeps shrinking like they're currently doing, Hololive will control 50% of the entire vtuber market share by 2025.
>is gonna sit on a discord with groomer mods and paypigs
It's already over, no vtuber has ever done that and remained good
a meaningless chart, look at a average CCV line chart over the last 3 years
jp is kind of predictable but Bijou and Ame being so high in EN is pretty wild.
>it doesn't count
Take down the picture!
Indies are the future! Stop ruining my headcanon!
4 years in Hololive and the bitch still can't dance. Smdh
her hands look off. like they are really small
that's some excellent tracking, I think at the moment zen has the best realtime 3D but I'd love to see more indies in that space. there's an insane cost barrier for high quality 3D that most can't afford unless they've been in the game for a long time but dooby has a leg up there... and now that she's on twitch I can watch her or at least give her a try
she grew a tail, nice
I hope model's designed by Nabi
Biboo's unfortunately the main target for ennacuck's bots, so her numbers get inflated. She's easily one of the best performing ENs regardless, but her numbers are drastically blown up because of the bots.
It's gonna be kino
>This was deleted.
I thought she was wearing a detective hat but on closer inspection it's a train conductor hat
my new oshi, she even looks cunny.. that tail is beautiful
Mindshare so weak that she has to hijack the "Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread".
She can't separate herself from her old character and stay relevant.
It took her too long to respawn so most of the casual holofans have already moved on, the investigators were never known for being the most loyal fanbase and she cucked her Goslings to death years ago.

If the rumors of her wanting a smaller fanbase are true then that's what she'll get.
>Doki just rips off selen model
>Based! Fuck Kurosanji!
>Dooby just uses Ame
>Not 'Doobut'
Agreed, she should have gone full Crowki. At least the tail is long and looks good in motion.
will there be uppyskirts?
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>Hololive will control 50% of the entire vtuber market share by 2025.
Cover is 25% of the vt market at best. This chart doesn't even include blibli and afreecaTV
>I N F U L L M O T I O N 3 D
Was it that? I thought it was that one faggot who got pissed that Fauna was smarter than him.
you don't have to lie, just say you are not interested because she doesn't have the blue dorito, i hate when people make a lot of excuses just to say they will not watch at the end
" oh its on twitch i will not watch" "she is not an animal" "she will only do react content" "she will get bored" "she is a tratitor" "she will only collab with men" ... just fuck off and dont bother
Don't bring your fanfiction outside of your monkey thread. that's just botting plain and simple.
im from Arg so its easier to change it from jst for me
Last samurai bro still stuck in 2021
What kind of mental illness is this? People don't watch vtubers for a number of reasons. There are people who refuse to watch vtubers once they go corpo too.
Holo/niji was almost 50% combined last year btw. They're losing ground and will continue to for the foreseeable future.
Why are bronies on this board so obsessed with fighting phasetards anyway? They're 0.7%. I don't understand the obsession, truly.
They're like 14% of the board and 56% of the catalog
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Phase is one of the big three fanbases on this board.
And 95% of the antis offsite.
I would assume most non burger vtuber fans prefer times in jst because it's consistently one time zone to convert from instead of having to figure out which one pst is.
well to me that proves whatever this board is irrelevant in the larger affairs of vtubing. i mean, t hey fucking think phase is the big rival to holo.
pacific standard time? if anything any burger would know that, it's califoria and east coast in general time.
Filian killer
Actual model? Not the dumb furryshit? Good
Not to be an anti or anything, I think it's cool that gators can have her again so soon, but as an Adventbaby I kinda feel stupid for getting invested in Ame's 'graduation' when she's basically just coming back 4 weeks later. Am I just a seether or do other people feel the same?
this is the annoying thing about vtuber graduations because they still try to tug on the heartstrings or hype it up as this huge deal when a lot of them do just immediately continue somewhere else like nothing happened. The only actually impactful graduations were the ones that actually felt like it was over and they were done. Even if some of those did come back after a REALLY long time, they definitely hit the hardest because you actually couldn't say what happened to them.
It's your fault for getting invested. It wasn't even an actual graduation
Can't expect her to stand around doing nothing for months. In the end it was a planned leave, not a sudden graduation that came out of nowhere.
because it wasn't a graduation
it's literally a wwe legends contract
hell, the JPs even included her in the koshien draft
Now that she isn't bound by any hololive rules, will she just tell people who don't like male collabs to fuck off straight up?
Tail is too busy. Gotta slow that shit down.
According to all the stories and dates, she was already planning on leaving since the start of the year, and instead of farm money and dump it all into her indie career, she decided to blow it up one more time for holo stuff and she's still in the company in some way, so she can't go to any other company and she will be a hololive member forever, but at the same time it would be stupid having like 10 months free and not plan anything and just come back with a random stream or video in one of her channels, she still wants to be a streamer after all and she doesn't have any degree or any way to survive without the internet
Fair enough, I guess I was under the cope that she was shifting careers or taking a long hiatus due to IRL things. Not saying that what we got isn't better or that it was a reasonable assumption but yeah.
Based, if she does.
she probably still is what with the affiliation
That is what you get when your talents go /here/. Thank fuck holos didn't go that route
When her Twitter launched the profile description said 10/20
The "affiliation" is a fig leaf.
It never said 10/20. It said "debut 10/20?". There was never a definitive date until this announcement.
YAGOO will deploy Gura to overlap.
Goob & Doob collab when?
I guess didn't see the question mark, thanks
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>signed a legends contract
>working the indies until she's needed for Myth collabs
>have a match with flippyshitter filian
Ya got worked brother - HH
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>Desert mouse girl
Do you think she planned this?
I'm an aussie. JST is easier for me.
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PhaseGODS, we are 0.2% higher than 774 now…
Will she be a guest on Fish Tank?
chink shit?
>week delay
what happened?
Not like you are going to support her if she does, homosubhuman
Vtubers is all chink shit
she needs to learn how to edit or at least have a better way of ending streams dumb bitch
not that anon but i will always support her no matter the platform if is 3D 2D or casual/full fleshie
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Why do you say that? Nobody gives a shit about male collabs on twitch.
>ending with a goobyeeee and short message at the end with a dark screen
There's no better way. She's always had it down perfectly.
where are her fat tits, where???
knowing she is dancing like that, after being trained by the vtuber idol corp kinda give her an advantage.
>Desertor (deserter)
It's Kojima-esque
Gura wouldn't do it
kinda disappointed that she she doesnt have ears that is twice as big as her head
looks like fillian is safe lul
nice ZERO flips loser
Burnt out from management's bullshit
oh fuck she has the doki tranny silhouette happening. this should be interesting. Also, what happened to hating dancing? now she's baiting with it? lame
literally why the fuck did she leave though, can't she just use shitty home 3d mocap to dance to shitty meme music in hololive

this is like kson levels of bullshit, next thing you know she's just going to be fleshtubing with pornstars
And Gura will respond "Sorry Yagoo-san can't tummy hort :)"
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probably didn't want to deal with perms anymore. Actual cancer compared to just... playing the game you want as an indie.
announcement was just retweeted by yoolies, so that's why did her model
for any holos not familiar with the indie scene he's considered the best 3D modeller (or possibly tied with jjinomu) and his waitlist is extremely long, so she's been planning this for at minimum a year
Same, the whole thing that interested me is that she was gonna be a weird creature in 3D
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just checked his shit. Damn, that's impressive
but jesus christ that banner makes me feel old.
>considered the best 3D modeller
haha you must mean the only half decent one willing to take commissions for vtubers
imagine just doing your fucking job and playing one of the thousands of games you have access to for what, 10 hours a week? Its WORK, not fun time. Play the games you want on your own fucking time. I hate these dumb bitches so much.
stay jealous
>Breast reduction

Pls don't show flesh on stream
yep, he's the 1:1 king and deserves that title
we're talking about vtubing industry yes. and look, I say this as someone neutral on holo in general... their 3D models are not as good as the top indie ones. it's likely partly because the holo L2D models aren't as expressive as indie ones though so they have less to work with
She want asian audience too. Doesn't even hide the attempt to bring viewer with her at this point
I guess the jacket color is black
So would she be allowed to collab with gura? How would that work since ame technically isn't truly dead
it's not a cover problem, it's a jp problem. the don't have "fair use" like na does.
She boldly showed off idol steps like that
Type it without crying next time. People can actually mean what they say without tribalfagging
lol he better be making at least 7 figures
he's not, at most he's making maybe 50k a year. at most. why does it matter though?
Have you ever wonder what's the end of holo would look like? It'll be like NijiEN, with important talents left and brought viewer along with them. Management don't care, they think they can just hire a new one. But management can't generate revenue on their own and they're inefficient/incompetent. The business is seducing lonely weeb for money after all. This will spiral down and down until a rival corpo who value their talents more surpass them.
So, any bets on how long she'll stream for before she peaces out for ages at a time? I give it about a month.
holo 2d and 3d will always be limited by their size. small corpos and indies can get artist and rigger dream teams together since they don't need to support 90 talents.
I'm used to checking time with jst. 200 min delay is easy to remember
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It's not that bold at all. Your MO is an open book.
Her content won't be the same, probably. She also escaped perm hell
Depend on how much money unicorn gave her. Considering she hasn't followed any sexpest, she will playing it safe for a while
This faggot never watch her stream
Shark never bite her true "friend"
EN management is incompetent and extremely stricted. Denied projects, new ideas, perms n games. Prime example is omegatroon who actively tried to fuck them over.
she has more nip fans than even Kiara that speaks japanese.
how long before the hiatus?
she moved it!! I thought it's gonna be today
Maybe she'll do multiple models at different times, like Dokibird
not here
KEK i didn't even notice, hasn't even debuted yet and is already delaying shit, it really is hopeless
Likely because her second most revenue income came from Japan.
I like that the tail is not limp and lifeless like you get with a lot of models. Looks like when her hips aren't swinging it has an idle animation.
This is necessary for everyone not just corpos. At any point a videogame company can go full nintendo and fuck you. It's still their copyright. Most american companies know it's not worth the negative publicity but nothing aside from that is stopping them from doing it. good luck going to court with a publisher over your let's play. The reason corpos do this is they have employees and there's too much at risk.

My only worry is that this teaser was likely skinwalked by kanauru...
>retweet means skinwalked
I unironically would not watch if she didn’t simulcast to youtube. I don’t want to watch a stream where there are 1-2 minute long ads every 50 seconds.
ame literally said herself to not get too sad since 1. shes technically not graduated fully yet, and 2. she announced dooby mere days after the affiliate news broke.
you could sub or you could use the fucking github, plus im sure she said in her test stream that her channel shouldn't get ads for the time being if i remember correctly but if she get the partner in the future it could have so that people can get the paid emotes, again i don't remember exactly the words, but the first to option are there, if you have prime you can get a sub for free, i don't even know why do i bother explaining if like i said you people will always get another excuse, so you do what you want
I hope she learned her lesson last time, its just not profitable for any vtuber to be a male collaber. I don’t really mind the male collabs last time but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel cucked.
Once again I’m still gonna watch her since she is simulcasting. It’s a matter of principle, Twitch as a platform is just hot trash for making their users suffer through that to watch streams. Also I tend to watch streams on my phone (IOS) so not much I can do about the ads aside from giving money to their cancerous platform. I’ll happily member Dooby on youtube.
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Will you be cheesed to see her debut?
Yeah, Myth has been complaining about that since debut. At some point a lot of them just got sick of it and stopped trying anything new, some stopped sooner than others.
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Jerboas are ugly as all fuck, i hate them.
Mogochan you didnt take your pills again
'Holofags incapable of stirring shit' doesn't work when you no longer have the BD attached to your name, anon.
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The week of rrats
>this is like kson levels of bullshit
She at least had the reason of the chinamen relentlessly attacking her and everyone around her, soon you will find out how much that her problem wasn't management but her own lack of direction.
>it's not an animal
nvm im not gonna watch

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