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VAllure won.
Eien lost
Why cause drama for no fucking reason? Why are women like this?
Was she in EIEN too or has she just heard about all the shit from her boss?
Aren't the VAllure whores literally forced to be whores and do subathons?
Not for nothing but the lighting on that girl makes her look like she is the evil one.
>the entire premise itms to be coombait
they are not, being a whore it's in their contract so no
and i thought the phase shitstirrers were petty, jesus
VAllure? More like VAilure, am i right guys? xDDDDDD
Both ESLs. Tragic time to be VAllure shill
They might be as bad as Phase because they're dramafags AND they're contractually obligated to be whores
>nothing to do with Phase
>deranged antis bring them up anyways
>literally correcting a misunderstanding is shilling now
God the fucking console wars is truly the blight of /vt/
She seems to feel they weren't playing fair with her
It was literally always marketed as Avtubers you fucking retard if they had a problem with it they wouldn't join a corpo that literally advertises it's self as avtubers
>You don't want to be a whore and want to make regular content?
>TOO BAD. You signed the contract so sit on this dildo anyway
dumb fuck, most of the VAllure girls are *literal* poorfags that Stronny pulled out of the gutter and is giving them a better life. The job requirements are 'must have done adult work before in some capacity, no male collabs and must make 4 adult audios per month' other than that they are completely autonomous and can do anything they want.
If you join a corpo that is advertised as doing adult content and have a problem doing adult content you're fucking retarded
>Forces members to ignore the existence of men
>Forces members to masturbate into a microphone four times a month
>"It's okay because she's paying them for it"
Oh it's just a schizo time to disregard
You don't think members should have the choice to not be whores for money if they don't want to anymore? Not to mention the whole org is mismanaged mess where the owner can't even do her own job most of the time
Nta but they do have they do have that choice, they can graduate.
>Contractual obligation to whore yourself out four times a month
Actual black company. No surprise it's run by a menhera whore
They chose to join knowing exactly what the company is, your line of thinking is like someone complaining that strippers at a strip club are expected to take their clothes off. They can just choose not to work there if they don't want to do it.
you could say that about literally any job requirements
>Forces members to sing
>Forces members to dance
>Forces members to play games
It is a chuuba corporation, monsieur. They stream. They should have the choice to not masturbate into a microphone if they don't want. It's not even profitable, they force members to do donothons and the owner has said that sponsors avoid the shit out of them
She wasn't in EIEN, she was in /EIEN/
are you a retard? the organization is run fantastically for a tiny corpo on a shoestring budget. they are all making bank and having fun doing it
>Anon thinks singing and playing games is the equivalent to riding a dildo on camera
It's so easy to tell that you've never worked a day in your entire life. Not even going to argue with you, just laugh at your pathetic existence
have you heard of a little thing called patreon? thats where the adult stuff is. their normal chuuba activities are almost as seiso as any other streamer. you can choose to pay extra for the spice or not.
>they are all making bank
KEK. Keep up those donothons because the company literally can't afford to do anything without em
what if I love masturbating and hate singing? the world doesnt revolve around your sensibilities, schizochama
>Audio = Camera
how stupid are you? what are you even anti-ing? some EIEN psycho that hates Stronny? they never even had donothons til recently, and were making money hand over fist even without them.
>They should have the choice to not masturbate into a microphone if they don't want.
Again, they do have the choice - graduation.
There are many members in Holo that hate singing and dancing so they don't do them. Meanwhile in the whore corpo, they're forced to work that pussy four times a month
im so mad i wanted to be in eien
>There are many members in Holo that hate singing and dancing so they don't do them
And look how it works for them it doesn't
>Masturbate or lose your job

At least in strip clubs, you aren't forced to shove things up your pussy for money. VAllure forces girls to be more whorish than strippers
It's not forcing anything, they chose to work there, they can choose to leave - they're not a bunch of Vietnamese women who've been trafficked into sex slavery or something.
wrong. EVERY member has to sing and dance sometimes
>Masturbate or lose your job
Amazing choice these people have
That's life.
Shibi is unironically mentally ill, she posts /here/ after all
sounds pretty based to me
>>Forces members to ignore the existence of men
This is a good thing.
she's likely reading this thread right now. say something nice to her :)
Who was she in EIEN?
Is she the dark one? I'm talking about the irl thighcam when she flashed her panties.
She wasn't in EIEN. Her boss was. She's basically sticking up for her boss and causing drama for no reason.
Thanks for reminding me now i gotta go back and find that stream again
She was friends with Killia you fucking retard
This is just provoking another fandom and driving hate to her company and her genmates. She could have posted this on her pl if she just wanted to get her feelings out but then no one would've seen it, really shows what a drama whore she is.
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>for no fucking reason
since when is gloating over someone getting what they FUCKING deserve "drama" what drama is there to be had? theyre fucking DEAD and you can't bring them back faggot
How is it what they deserve? EIEN kept to themselves and caused no trouble. The only bad thing they did was protect Kiki when she caused so much damage.
you have to remember, people consider someone breaking the law as drama now. I don't hate dramafags but the fact people are so fucking brain dead that breaking the law is considered 'drama' now is fucking wild. I can't wait till war is considered drama.
they don't as far as youre concerned
but in my book, you fuck with someone i care about you can eat shit and die for all i care generally but i will laugh when you fuck up
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bro, you dont understand, the drama between Russia and ukraine is CRAZY
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Unironically deserved it
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She's speaking for Stronny because if the cuttlefish talks about it Eri will find ground to sue her.
a monica-tan vtuber would be pretty great
>If you're not okay with audio releases of masturbation four times a month you're not qualified for this job
>Still sign the contract
>"ree they're being forced to do sex work ree!"
You're just jelly nobody would ever want to pay to hear you pump one out.
That's what all the people say
>Your job involves masturbating, is this okay?
>Yes that's fine.
>WTF I have to masturbate?!
Anon are you actually retarded? Do you get upset when you find out bricklayers have to actually LAY BRICKS as a job?
Whores who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I'm laughing as EIEN dies and I'll laugh even harder when the whorepo goes up in flames.
>It's okay to be contractually forced to do whore work because they signed up for it

So Stronny is basically a pimp
>find girls who are in a dire situation
>"hire" them to do sex work
You are describing pimping. That is LITERALLY what pimping is.
No amount "but they knew" changes the fact that this is a predatory practice that will land her in jail the moment one of her working girls meets a "fan" IRL.
You can go kill yourself Shibi.
Shibi has the least hag voice of all cakes to have ever Christmased and doesn’t match her model at all
The bitch got the mentality of a dramafag. Either she stops that or I can tell her how much she's a worthless cum rag to the point where she gets mentally depressed. Which is it?
I believe she's referring to the corpo not the talents as "evil". As EiEN was a pretty black corpo. But still a little bit in poor taste, I think she realised that though as the tweet is already deleted.

Also I dunno what this retarded talk is about being forced to masturbate. Streaming 4 times and making lewd audios is their only requirements. They don't have to masturbate, 5/6 of the girls have anyways but they don't have to. None of the girls have complained about their obligations. There is no lock in contract, and they are allowed to promote their pls. Before joining they had to have past experience of doing this type of work, and they were explicitly told what they will be doing.
She’s a mid talent who was likely picked because she was from /asp/ and thus 4chan bait and Stronny saw it as an EZPZ way to ensure that /vag/ would become a thread at all. It’s been obvious since the start ever since she literally picked a corpo name that would spell vag. If you want some funny shit; learn about what happened with Icey, the loli model who decided she didn’t want to be loli anymore and who explicitly is a man hating lesbian. Like bruh.
You're kinda fucking retarded you know that?
But you got my >you so it worked out for you I guess.
Vallure won't last either, a company full of mentally ill whores will eventually implode
lol two more weeks, right?
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Something I realized watching male youtubers whose chat is 99% straight males and vtubers where 40% of the board is composed of women, trannies, "other" sexes (so, more women but ones more mentally ill than normal) is that it's like night and day in terms of how the discourse is. I feel like my T levels are going up just from reading dudes making dirty jokes and laughing without fear as opposed to this place where some assblasted sister is making threads whining about pippa pregnantkin every day. It's nuts.
go cry about Jacksfilm Pippagot
See that's the shit I'm talking about. I don't even know what the yab is supposed to be or who these people are supposed to be. You're a shrill mentally ill whore screeching about shit I literally have to research before I can gve a fuck about it and I'm just not gonna do that.
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Don't play dumb Pippagot, it's your kind that is always simping for your favorite drama channels. You know perfectly what's going on. Is your cuckqueen that allowed that kind of people in to begin and she deserves every bit of pushback she gets from it.
you just described starting drama. hope that helps
I swear the only ones that do anything lewd at all, outside of the forced patreon audios, are Stronny and Immy. All the others are literally no different than any other run of the mill vtuber. Not even worth it to get invested in them since you get nothing out of it. Other vtubers like Pillow, Miori or Nene don't even advertise themselves as lewd or anything but still give you what you want.
>Find a bunch of poorfag /asp/ies
>offer them a "job"
>It's actual prostitution
Crazy how being a pimp is ok if you're a vtuber
>actual prostitution
theyre not fucking their fans tho
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>Hates them so much that she grudgeposts almost 2 years later
jesas man what really happened behind the scenes?
Also why did she join them in the first place if she was already a borderline millionaire from her asmr PL?
two more weeks?
You're retarded if you think a bunch of actual unironic whores won't take the first chance they get to enjoy a fully paid trip to fuck a fan.
not really, but hey keep showing you have no idea about who you're talking about
wrong woman
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Hey if pic rel literally did it, what's stopping any of the poorfags in Vallure once an offer presents itself?
Anyone wanna qrd?
then who is OP pic?
watch streams
>if this one completely unrelated vtuber did it, then that means they will to cause i want to call them prostitutes
not even remotely how it works bro
No, tell me who she was instead please
You're thinking of Stronny. This tweet is from Shibi.
Shibi was fan of Eien, which is why she followed Stronny in the first place. Every fan of that corpo knows how shit it got.
we all lost
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... our cum.
Every. Single. Thread.

Success breeds envy
>"other" sexes
Also (you)
Eri lost
Her shilling of Vallure on the other channel didn't pay off so she's stuck leeching 2view corpo drama 2 years later.
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Riifu won
Kiki won
Kilia won
EIEN lost
Eri lost
Prospect troon lost
Shay won
Gabe won
Green woman corpo is next btw. She's possibly even more retarded than the woman that was running Eien. Only a matter of time.
What's stopping any vtuber from escorting on the side if they want to? Some like Silvervale already do
I don't care, I just want to hear them cum.
>She's possibly even more retarded than the woman that was running Eien
Eri was a spiteful racist woman and a Filipino. Stronny will be fine.
They just need to exist longer than EIEN did to win.
The first thing Stronny did was get a man to run things for her.
she's a smarter woman than I thought
shouldn't you be in school, kid?
Kicking a man while he's down is nigger behavior. Of course a black woman can't at least pretend to have a modicum of class in public.
I think all vtubers should be forced to masturbate on stream
VAllure keep talking shit about other corpos like they're not the worst one left now their rival is gone
What? QRD?
Sex work is fine. Completely legal in my country too. It's no different from any other work.
It's because nobody would do the watchalong. Stronny holds a grudge...
Idk anon they've been playing it fairly smart so far.
Anyone else would have immediately went full steam on the sex worker part of the corpo and ended up with a discovered BF or disgruntled paypig yab.
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It might be counterintuitive and hard to believe for tourists or someone that wasn't watching streams, but CEO and 90% of management within EIEN would stonewall (most) talents from a jarring number of events and ideas they had, with little rhyme or reason aside from "because I said so" levels of reasoning (if any was even given in the first place) pic related
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I still find it crazy how prospect troon was able to stay a mod for so long when all he would do was detract other mods from getting anything pushed through because of how often (and aggressively he'd play "devil's advocate" then actually just end up as a fence sitter because of how much he paid Eri. Only reason that he was finally removed was because he started giving his money to other corpos more than EIEN, despite the fact that he stopped watching streams after kiki left
>Also I dunno what this retarded talk is about being forced to masturbate
it's a retarded catalog subhuman who never even looked at the corpo before, or a deranged eien schizo incredibly buttmad that Stronny won (50% chance of being a mod or actual staffer too)
good for them
Who's the art mama? Looks familiar.
My man doesn't know what chuubas so at cons
I remember Stronny talking about the funny "Handshaking" booths"
What a cunt
2 views against 2 views
This; also "virtual prostitution" could constitute companionship, like IRL hostess bars and cuddle whores, which would include basically all vtubers as well.
For what it's worth she likes all the girls just not the management
WACTOR still exists, VAllure can only compete for second worst at most.
I'll never understand how some of you are so fucking retarded. Born with 70 IQ is the only explanation.
I don't understand, are you saying Wactor ISN'T the worst corp in the history of vtubing?
It's worse , Vallure whores are paid for pleasuring themselves
>someone calls out his favorite brothel for what it is
>the only comeback he could come up with is to call them retarded
Well I guess I've missed a lot not keeping up with her for a bit. Qrd?
that's my dream job
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>people in this thread finding out about avtubers
You don't like women to be outspoken and a little bit bitch, hence the seething. Misogynists, the lot of you.
Yes I hate women
Shibi is a 3view
It's ok when phase does it
Barely. It's like confidently saying 100CCV is a 3view. Shibi is a catty bitch.
Whoever designed that jet was trolling for cash. It will never not look like an actual military aircraft.
hello tourist
Anon, it was literally advertised as a corpo for whores. Anyone who signed up for it knew exactly what they were getting into
Moving on is the right choice you mong.
Keep crying you lost
Nobody in Vallure comes even halfway close to the lewdness of a jp AVtuber. Not even on their fanslys.
That's intentional
There's a shit-ton of JP avtubers who just do 18+ audio.
I still won’t trust green woman, I don’t care how much you shill her.
Hate the game, not the player.
Who owns the steam accounts now?
that's pretty fucked
good thing they got out at least
Waiting for them to speak out
Hilarious. You EIEN bitches should just throw on tripcodes at this point. The jealousy and steamy estrogen wafting on your cunts really tickles my senses.
are you actually retarded?? cant believe im reading this unironically.
I keep reading in the archives that 2 of the Vallure girls are “problematic” but names are never dropped. So who?
icey and stronny
Read the thread
How is the Leader being problematic?
She is one drunk stream away from fucking an actual dog...
Just pl schizo shit
You are defending a pimp
Shibi is obsessed with starting drama.
She accussed male /asp/ies of being racist and sexpests on a collab when that never happened.

I can't wait for her to try the wrong person and get her shit kicked in.
>Sex work is fine
LMAO. You probably live in a third world country where hookers and children go missing by the minute
>/asp/ies of being racist and sexpests
I've sometimes read through /asp/ and I believe her about them being sexpests.
There are some terrible people in /asp/.
One guy manipulated a girl into licking pee from her floor on camera for him.

Shibi rarely collabed and the few times she did, were normal. She just wanted to lie for attention.
/asp/ holds some of the worst human beings on this board, so they deserve any hate they get.
I don't know if this is some 360 and walk away meme, but the Boeing X-32 was indeed meant to be a military aircraft, and is a real thing. It lost to the F35 and was never developed further.
Which EIEN member was the one who was asked what a creampie feels like and said she couldn't feel it? Was it the pink chair one?
Post clip
that's not a lie, /asp/ has always been known as a gathering of racist sexpests
you have my attention
Before EIEN she talked about wanting to find out what it's like. She also made an ASMR scenario, where she gets fucked by a dog (DarkestDungeonAlpha.mp3).
Did the massive collection of dog dildos not tip you off anon?
Right, forgot about that little detail. Do we know why she left the UK for Australia?
Kek what a fucking pussy, just call the cops.
I dont get it, whats evil about Eien? I havent checked them out since gen 2 debut.
holy based
Isnt she the one that was /here/ during the golden era of EIEN? Funny how she turned out to be the worst one in Vallure.
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>Drove off all their decent talent through gross mismanagement (either neglect or outright spitefulness) combined with a huge cut taken on all income
>Official company groomcord with official company-sanctioned mod clique that chuubas were forced to interact with
>IdolEN-style donothon spam to rake in money while leaving tons of promised goals unfulfilled
>"Sold" a ton of merchandise that they never shipped or had any serious intentions of shipping.
Just off the top of my head.
crazy isnt it

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