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and here goes another round of "WHO'S NEXT?"
Added NEXAS, VSPO EN, and V-Dere(I know they're a group)
7 anons guessed right last time! (good job!)
Bro link the last thread. I want to see who called it. I remember seeing a lot of EIEN posts
I thought idol already closed down
nope just acquired by brave group and lost some talents
Nexas's strategy of debuting a huge amount of random people and forcing them to stream on a shitty app can't be sustainable.
every corpo in this image with a V in their name will be dead by December 2025
VDere is close to collapsing.
VRev. If there's a God it will be Nexas.
Vreverie decides to stop bleeding money or Mozzu menheras vdere out of existence, whichever of those two happens first
Either Vrev or Vdere will be gone by the end of January. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vrev is gone by the end of the year.
What's Lucid media?
>some talents
The ones that made the company worth a damn.
A number of these corpos are brave group. The illusion of choice...

Also is mythos not included because they're on twitch?
formerly 4VLive. It has none of its original members in the company anymore.
Hopefully Phase
who? the company filian's with?
I think he means the company Hylo went to. They're themed around greek gods or something.
no, it's a company of twitch vtubers themed after greek gods
I've assumed it's more of a friend circle that got formalized by incorporating, like vdere, which probably means it'll stick around until they get sick of each other. might be wrong though, I dunno
Lucid. First time I've heard of them.
Vrev. One of them is graduating in two days, and another one just announced she's leaving
Company that acquired by Brave don't count
Brave affiliates are in no danger unless main company starts losing investors. Specialite (and FSP) too because GREE doesn't expect them to make profit in the near future.
they may be whos but dont let that distract you from the fact they've somehow managed to continue to exist for over 3 years now
Vrev has just been a waste of talent. I don't know how they are standing.

I'm more interested in where people are going. Phase has new members soon. Idol real soon. I think half these corps have a new wave coming...
Idol should be marked off too, nothing about what they are now has any relation to how they started.
you can't just mark someone off because you don't like them, anon. Idol may have lost some of its most prominent talents and got bought out but they still haven't closed doors or lost all their talents. Unless one of those two things happen, they're staying on the list.
w-what? Genuinely how?
beats me. I have been bewildered by how long they've lasted myself.
There's a pretty big rumor that Idol corp is gonna rebrand completely once they officially merge into Brave, so technically you can count them.
I will genuinely be surprised if Nexas lasts any longer than january next year, talents have already started dooming.
Vrev is most definitely prepping to shutdown.'Everyone else is barely a year old so way too soon to tell.
BondEN still alive. They just took IRIAM money and moved their youtube/reality vtubers to IRIAM. Those who wouldn't agree would be released (probs all of them) but Bond is still alive and they will likely start recruiting more vtubers soon.
Honestly, this is my bet too. Nova is practically the only talent left at VRev and Nexas is just spamming new people constantly. Neither one of these situations is sustainable.
>technically on rumors you can just remove them now!
yeah no, i'll remove them when its their turn. we knew eien was gonna close but i wasnt gonna cross them off until it was their turn.
>bunch of loli gfe sluts
lmao how about no
make this seriosu and remove the brave group subsidiaires they ai'nt going anywhere anytime soon
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here's a big one
too many japanese corps
they having auditions now too which is also interesting.
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Is the secret to small corpo success is to actually be successful long before starting your own vtuber corpo?
Take Phase out of there. They're large corpo status now.
Yeah probably. I think he said they weren't profitable until after year 2. That's a long time to toil, if you make any management mistakes, don't gain traction, or don't hire well, you are kinda dead. That's with phase getting lucky with Pippa hitting it big. Grim prospect

I'm hoping pixel link can make it
Rolling for PixelLink
How is that a seethe?
Why? Pixel Link is great.
V-Dere is imploding or at least about to lose Mozuu
Ah yes, the big 3 vtuber corpos: Hololive, Nijisanji, and Shigure Ui
Kanna needs to suffer for collabing with men.
Strong implications of gen 2 meeting with them in Japan and them making up with the kawaii girls of all things. Their future remains to be seen.
you guys do it in every thread
>muh phase connect is too good for this!
no one cares, the fish isn't going to fuck you
Shigure Ui is a corp??
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you joke but
Man that cunny song really skyrocketed Ui's popularity
Sadly the slutty loli gfe was a big reason why they inclined in the first place, but the audience it attracted wasn't exactly humanity's finest. Good riddance I say.
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kawaii really, really tried man. It's not fair...
She was already big in the JP scene, and the song made her world famous. Shes giga famous in JP now.
Idol, V4, VSPO! and Globie should all be under one banner (Brave Group). Next one to die will either be V&U or VRev
Wait Vrev isn't dead yet? I thought they died already
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He was making management mistakes until he hired Muumi. If he never hired her, a few of them would have quit.
probably Vrev
all I know for sure is it wont be Phase-connect
For me, it's Varium and their cute girls.
hiring Muumi and the other talented managers (along with doing the opposite of what Dizzy says) are the best idea's he's had.
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>"Don't hire Shiina, she yabbed too hard and would be a brand risk"
>*hires her anyway*
Oh Dizzy....
Vallure or VReverie
most of the best girls are still in
The Dizzy thing is funny but she honestly did a pretty good job keeping "her" company afloat considering how much of a dumpsterfire it was
Dizzy also told fish to not hire Pippa
nah, pippa's giga yab just brought your shitty corpo to the brink :D
him deciding to never hire any males for management, hiring muumi, starting the invaders branch and poaching half of tsunderia was the winning formula for stability
made him primed for having someone like Pippa popping off
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I wonder how many more from Tsunderia are going to end up as Invaders / next gen. It's almost like he wants to collect them all but somehow didn't want Lisa.
>but somehow didn't want Lisa.
he did but he creeped her out with the stalking incident, even /pcg/ roasted his ass for it
Yeah, it's mostly a meme. She had one or two questionable ideas (didn't want Fishman to hire Pippa or Shiina), but she's got a good grasp of behind the scenes stuff and is a good vtuber as well!
>poking fun at a washed up old hasbeen
>giga yab
Who's even left out there? Besides Rosemi "never leaving Nijisanji" Lovelock.
she fucked it up by suddenly siding with sssniperwolf, who's universally hated. your balding oshit lost, get over it.
Who is that?
Yuuna, Miori, Amiya and Meru, listed in order from "would never join" to "I'm not sure"
Everyone else is either semi- or fully retired or already in Phase
>siding with
>referencing a disproven dox
doxxfag whore who pretends she wasnt previously a pornstar, fakes gameplay, hits on kids on omegle, steals content, doxxed jacksfilms house
Amiya is never going corpo again, put her at the top of the "never joining" list.
They might as well be dead. The killed all their talents except Nova, brought in a 3rd gen, one of which graduated, and the other is on strike
same as Yuuna then
Definitely Vrev. Someone save the breastie.
Hopefully V&U not long after.
It's like MyHoloTV all over again
Breastie will be saved when she wants out. She has made enough connections to end up somewhere else.
>Heavenrend doesnt even get a spot on the page
To be honest most people probably didn't pay much attention to them other than Rurumi.
Vspo EN might turn out differently, but vspo JP hasn't had a single graduation or termination. Over the whole 6 years since it started.
Making a million dollars with a small vtuber corpo is easy. First you just need to start with five million dollars.
he is unaware
what the fuck is lucidmedia
Everyone saying Vrev is retarded. They already stayed afloat with only Bestie, they'll do it again. She's too much to lose, so she won't bail, management will just stay MIA as always
>Everyone saying kawaii is retarded. They already stayed afloat with only Nene, they'll do it again. She's too much to lose, so she won't bail, management will just stay MIA as always
I literally have no idea what these things are.
Kawaii never stayed with only Nene, before gen3 debuted, vrev literally only had Nova and Salmon (that was on hiatus and graduated soon after gen 3 debut IIRC)
Even the current big JP corpos had millions to help them when they first started, having no investors or start up money basically ends up with agency closure within 2-3 years.
She's too powerful
Brave USA is a sub-division of Brave, it is not the core. So budget and other aspects aren't the same as the core Japanese branch. They also had a major staff reshuffle, with Idol enforcing a bunch of Japanese staff at the helm. With the departures also factored in, I foresee idol as a brand merged into V4Mirai.
A lot of people are going "Who" and rightfully so. Having recently found a new investor and with auditions having opened, this next gen can be make or break for them. However they want talent locked to YouTube and seem to be focusing on hiring North Americans.
At it's current output rate, the branch could have more than 100 hires by the end of 2024. Yet the only ones people talk about are within their niche bubbles like /choc/, /wool/ and /ag/.
Despite being crossed out, Bond EN is still alive somehow
A few ESL's, but an otherwise committed foundation. Brave seem to have faith in the project with a third gen planned
I think these guys will end up merging with Brave or Lucid's new investment group
Males are a dead, branch being carried by a Bong. Brave EU have next to no budget and it's social media has next to no engagement. A complete afterthought and comes across as a tax right-off as someone who wants more EU reps.
V4Mirai, all but one of the talents started rebranding/making RMs accounts last month (and following each other on them). Now, 3 of them showed her models and looks like they'll get back to streaming real soon
I'm gonna take the easy bet and say VReverie. I hope they don't get "couldn't buy their IP"'d like Zumi and Navi tho.
Furi got terminated for trying to get her ip...
What? Really? ;-;
Not terminated In paper, they just made her cease all activities for a while and then went MIA
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>Get Sanrio sponsor for le numbers
>Sponsorship autism kills your talents
That's what should have happened
If Brave wont shut down Yumenos, theyre not shutting down globie, and definitely not v4Mirai, Idol, or VSPO EN
VReverie. They've got what, 2 or 3 chuubas left?
I hope Brave buys Pixellink. I want to see Raki and Lottie in 3D.
>and Meru
lol, lmao
Fuck. I really liked the Nova model. Is she her indie persona at least getting something within the same ballpark or is it a complete departure from V4M?
Nova's indie is rebranding and she hasn't shared her new model yet, but Yumi's pl was completely different and rebranded to something similar, so there's hope
Can you explain why you are a vshitshow cuck anon? You refuse to add them despite how many fuck ups they have had lately with the channel termination and drama and all.
That's because they only had two talents and the other one played nothing but Apex
You mean when Vshojo helped Ironmouse restore her channels? How is that a fuckup?
laugh at this tribalmonkey
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Brave doesn't give a shit if they stream on their RM acc, see Coni or pic related.
Doesnt make sense since they can get Pink Rushia/Mikeneko'd. Take the money
Vreverie for sure
Henya really should have choosen more wisely. Now look at her.
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The company is propped up by government subsidies and basically run as a tax evasion scheme.

There is viscious bullying among the talent, and they know that if they try to leave they'll be slammed with huge bills and sued exactly like they did with their gen 2 angel.
VAllure votes are the most retarded ITT. Zero signs of instability, Icey Snowpaws graduating is the worst that might happen. I think these anons are just assmad at whores.
What happened to her?
>I think he said they weren't profitable until after year 2
That's pretty normal for a new business. It took Tesla 17 years to become profitable.
Brave is happy to keep their failing divisions around until they run out of venture capitalist investment money. I don't know when that's going to happen, but when it does, I expect there will be a major reshuffle. On the EN side of things, V4Mirai and VSPO EN will probably survive as independent entities, but I expect Idol and Globie to get merged into V4M.
That said, investment money isn't running out anytime soon.
Requesting a version with every single other dead corpo, Prism, AKIO AIR, HoshiLive, OWOZU, WACTOR 1.0, Project F, Yume+, KoMETA, Heavenred, Project Kavvaii, Amber Glow, Heavenrend and other I forget/don't know.
I used to work in loans and for a while was working on applications for business loans. 2-3 years to be profitable is actually really normal for both big and small companies. You need time to build up customers/clients, depending on the business time for the payment on contracts to start coming in, etc. You don't just start your business and instantly have income. And the whole time your going through just starting out your business is bleeding money (which is why you get loans at the start) then when the income starts rolling in most of it goes towards paying off the loans you needed to take out to start and run your business in the first place. Usually around year 2-3 is where you grow enough that your balance between income and bills/payments stabalizes and you start to actually become profitable.
They debuted gen3 yesterday. They are still alive.
That's Mythic, which is not a vtuber agency, it's a management company
Idol is doing well in Brave. The new generation just got unlucky with 2 of the 4 talents being duds.
They are a micro corpo which works more like a collection of indies.
Nikki is still there
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EN only
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forgetting the toilet concert debut group
I'm confused about this as well. VSOP EN sounds like they have everything to be alive for years given their niche.
I thin he's just saying there's a way to go from a reasonable start to be up with the 6 years of stability of the JP branch
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Just stopping by to say that I would happily spend an entire day just eating Jelly's ass.
what the hell is variance?
You also missed Ricorie Productions, /corpo/ has been gooning to one of their choc girls lately
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It's a corpo that has less average CCV and abit more watch hours despite having 4x the amount of vtubers than Phase Connect.

Just randomly evaporate 62~67% of your viewership does that.
>>87831196 (me)
added context:
> stats was taken for september 2024, the latest month
> Vstats only tracks youtube and not twitch hence the addition using twitch number. Nijisanji doesn't stream on twitch enough to change any numbers. Twisty has like 14 watch hour or something.
> NijisanjiEN was a major corpo in 2023, in 2024 it became a small-sized corpo viewership-wise
should we include agencies that had fleshies too like MSM ?
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Fixed, removed variance, what the fuck is it anyway. I stole the picture elsewhere.
UTA, MSM, Mythic are not Vtuber corpos.
Why is niji in 2024? I get that they're a small company now but the timeline should still reflect when they first started
If the columns represent when the agencies came into existence, then Niji EN should be in the 2021 column, not the 2024 column. Also Bond should be crossed out like all the others that have fallen.
Niji EN should also be in the 2020 column and crossed out, for Niji India.

....speaking of Niji EN (current), neither they nor Uki have announced his 3D debut. That does not bode particularly well for the branch's continued existence.
The odds of Niji EN formally ceasing to exist before Eien does are very, VERY small, but not zero; the odds of them getting snuffed out before Kawaii closes are slightly higher, what with that whole "passage of time" thing that's gonna happen in the four-week interim.
2 more weeks
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you're correct phaseposter, but what I meant nijien started in 2021 so I'm mystified why it's listed under 2024
MyHoloTV is technically not dead.
I thought Brave is like the big umbrella name like Cover to Hololive. There's a branch called Brave Group?
The umbrella name is Brave Group.
Cover is a single company, Brave Group is over a dozen companies each doing things their own way.
Hard to tell what exactly Mythos is, they don't even have an official website, but their Twitter says they're an agency.
At the same time, they keep getting new members without any auditions.
Astraline is missing
what about that sock agency?
You forgot Glitch Stars, the company created by DuelLogs, the turbo yugioh autist
Unironically Vrev. They've just not been doing amazing.
These big companies have various smaller companies, like Cover does. Although in the case of Cover it's basically all Hololive
fuyo yeah, rin, juna, meica, and katta are better off gone.
especially rin and juna, they were liabilities.
sadly idol got a new tranny to replace rin though, so her leaving is negligible
you got it, next corpo to die thread will have a bunch of dead corps added in and crossed out
Heavenrend was 2021 going by the time they announced debuts


as irrelevant as they may have been, I like accuracy

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