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>parasocial fuck in under 4 months
Is this a grift or is she just mentally unwell?
Fuck off, Finana.
Raora has become very parasocial with her fans, to the point where she celebrates their friendship by having 'chattini days'. She basically spends the whole day streaming and playing with them.
Maybe she's becoming EN's Michelnyangelo
I love it because it's another Rushia situation, but people have to learn the hard way.
So she's doing her job? that's crazy.
It's just gonna blow up hilarious hard at the first slip up, kind of like anon said
i dont care if shes menhera, i want to lick her ESL asshole
Raora is a walking yab. One day it will come crashing down which is unfortunate because like Rushia, she's a decent vtuber.
She's overcompensating for...well you know.
It's a good strat, people are willing to overlook your personal life if you give them good GFE content.
Never before has an EN decided to stream for 12 hours for their fans 'just because'. It's normally some gimmick one-off event. This is the second time Raora has done this for them.
Don't worry. Cover will put an end to it once it gets her enough popularity that she can farm merch and sponsorships.
sad you guys have been traumatized by that abusive green-haired whore

raora is a sweet angel who genuinely loves her fans and is grateful to have been given this opportunity by cover
If you knew anything about her current situation you'd realize how retarded you sound.
No, I don't actually know. Not all of us spend all of our days looking for roommate info. I want the talents to be able to live their lives without criticism
>vtuber is good at her job, very good in fact
>schizos, antis and jealous people have no idea what to do to shit on her

I don't like her all that much but come the fuck up, be happy for the chattinis instead of being a drama queen about nothing, she's enjoying it and they are enjoying it, win-win, no news to be a pain in the ass because your retarded dogs prefer JP dicks or because Gura doesn't stream or whatever new schizo rant is going around.
don't worry about it.

whatever man I'm just saying what everyone is thinking. if that upsets you blame your oshi.

>I want the talents to be able to live their lives without criticism
a good mindset imo, i wish /vt/ were more like this
Don't give a fuck, and just enjoy the things you like.
She doesn't do GFE, she treats chattini like rowdy toddlers.
Is it parasocial to adopt your chat?
Yes but it goes in a completely completely different direction than what you dramafags are thirsting for, this isn't another Rushia.
I love her so much God I love mama
Delusional retards who didn't know her before she debuted in Holo tried to dig through her old Twitter profile and found photos of a trip she took to Japan with a male vtuber.
They started spreading this story that the two of them live together. Too bad this rrat is easily debunked by following the stories she and her Italian cosplayer friend regularly share on Instagram.
>just saying what everyone is thinking
It’s literally just you and a handful of other retards.
>a good mindset imo, i wish /vt/ were more like this
>said right after you admit to being obsessed with digging into PL shit
This has been repeated so many times and they never listen. There's no point trying. Just let them have their Shiori two more weeks bait and they'll eventually get bored when nothing happens.
>loves their fans
>this is a bad thing
you okay sis?
This is the one who designed Sayu's really amazing model right? Great artist if so
Yes. Can you guess where her hates comes from?
why do all posts on vt have triple sevens in them now how is that even mathematically possible
Found the person projecting his regret after finding out after dumping a shit ton of money on her kek. It's ok, we all have to learn eventually.
>They started spreading this story that the two of them live together.
It was as much of a coincidence as Kiara and Rissa being in the same location.
Is that really it? That's lame for a bait thread.

It's really simple, these people are all about feeling superior to others.
They have to KNOW details you don't.
And you have to know that they KNOW.
And they have to say they don't care about this! They just happen to have morals and ethics you plebs don't!
God I hate Promise. Bunch of normalfags every single one of them.
Why would Sayu and her fans hate someone who gave them one of the greatest vtuber designs in the indie scene?
You can't be this retarded
kek me up browncord bros!
lol you just confirmed that you're one of those retards who rely on an old tweet and aren't up to date with the stories she and her female friend regularly post on Instagram. Do your reps, schizo.
Bizarre post
No wonder Biboo likes her
Tuber doesn't stream all the time? LAZY GRIFTER WHORE
Tuber streams all the time? TRYHARD GRIFTER WHORE
>his oshi doesn’t love him
Tuber has a dog? JACKAL-KISSING HOE
Well Raora is letting Biboo stay at her place in Japan so of course she's going to like her.
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My favorite thing about Fauna is her fans.
She's Italian
You're right, but it stopped happening now.
Merryweather lost...?
He's gay. Like actually puts-penis-in-mouth gay.
He meant what he said.
They are no more normalfag than someone like Raora which is why it's a bizarre post
Raora streams a lot. Promise (aside from BaeRyS) do fuck knows what most of their time and are a lot more of normalfags than other Holos.
>person who was in the scene for 10 years is actually a normalfag compared to actual normalfags who were there for 1-2 years before getting into holo
No, mumei is not actually an 'autistic weirdo like you'.
That would make Gura and Mumei literal faceless NPCs
The guy is openly gay. It's her gay friend >>87781382
That's pretty gay.
How much you stream has nothing to do with being a normalfag, otherwise Marine would be a giganormalfag
Mumei is still a student
This is the lamest anti thread I've ever seen
Mumei is a bad example since she was also in the animetuber scene for a long time.
My point is that none of these girls are really normalfags.
>Merry's cumdump
Look based to me
I know Fauna is gay because she fucked me in the ass last night.
Fauna is also 6'4" and talks with a southern twang
are you gonna casually ignore her flirting with male vtubers too?
Skippa skippa…
Damn jealousy has mindbroken lots if pathetic seething 2view sisters
He's gay.
Timestamp or it didn't happen
>Is that really it? That's lame for a bait thread.
It's a BVTM thread, what did you expect?
That tranny is playing very hard defense because Plappa was called out.
Now this I need a QRD on
The two interacted, therefore, they fucked like dogs and made 20 children
>just enjoy the things you like
If vtubers could do this the board would be 100x more peaceful
They went on a date a coupme years back so they have an entire family
I mean nothing changed. She was always like this in fact, i think she got a bit more chill with hololive brand
>Guys the Ina situation isn't phasing the holokeks
>QUICK deploy operation uh.......lesseee Shiori no damn that one fucked US over damn her collab choices, uh....uh YES RAORA !
I can tell you never spoke to a woman
I can't believe Shiori is a threat to the national security of United States of America...
merryweather is the guy who owns 'merryweather media' and is an actual homosexual IRL
(at least I'm assuming it's that merryweather)
she should show them the cool face pasties shes got on.
they fugged and lived (or live) together so they could fugg some more
didnt know it was normal for women to post their tits with your face on them
>their tits
Holy retard
It is and he is also Danish which makes him double the fag
>their tits
Yeah you really are retarded
Got nothing better to do huh Ina?
He's openly gay, so there's that.
sorry you had to find out this way cucktini...
Fucking duh. They're both autistic as fuck
The amount of times you've been BTFO has been nothing short of hilarious. Keep seething turk.
That's terrible. She needs to educate herself
>source: my ass
I was expecting a yab.
Something something hidden mickey shaped
this is super weak, but i guess i'm expecting too much from humble baitposters
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chuubas should be parasocial for their chat
Don't see anything wrong with this
She... L-L-LIKES her fans! Oy vey, I feel faint!
>He's openly gay!
>All holomems are openly totally lesbian!
enjoy chatini day unironic cucks
I have gaydar and my alarms going crazy right now at your post
I would be more mad at her for simping vox
Learn how to read retard.
I put 'and' there for a reason.
It's more than what people had on Rushia and mafumafu.
You're the one who brought up streaming when the original post was about being normalfags. In that case my original point still stands, they are about as normalfag as each other.
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>the most obvious corporate spy ever
>b-b-but nyoooo, the biggest concern is that she hugged a male once!
>"It's just a collab partner"
>"But Mafu called her somthing someone intimate/close would call someone..."
>"Nah it means NOTHING"
>"But there's photos of them having similar dishes and table..."
tl;dr, obvious proof = weak
tick tock holokeks.... your time is running out
>the hard way
She was a vtuber for a long time before the dorito, any retard who can’t be assed to look up entirely dox-free vtuber info (regardless of content) deserves whatever he gets.
>2mw holokeks
>she going to explode holokeks

Yeah, honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more anons here using that. I don't have any particular feelings about Raora one way or the other, I just don't watch her very much, but I know the whole "actively engaging with NijiEN members" is more of a red flag to anons, and people in general, since shit hit the fan back in February.
You're proving my point, dipshit.
>interacting with her viewers (marketable plushies)
That's... really good for a streamer? What the fuck are you retards on about?
merrywether would like to have a word
How dare she show appreciation to her fans? She should instead stop streaming in their language/timezone/at all, and then try to sell them merch
Naruhodo nee, that makes sense desu. Arigatou.
trying a different angle after getting btfo? you're glowing, faggot.
too old woman
hag love
that's... good, right?
A woman typed this.
Fuck off, Pippanigger. You have to eat your shit oshi's yabs sooner or later
I don't care. He's gay.
Nijisisters still haven't gotten over her being Sayu's model Mama, have they?
With how many schizo rrats ebb and flow from /here/ daily it is ultimately just the rules of probability that one of them was actually right eventually.

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