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File: gura.jpg (151 KB, 1280x720)
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did you like it?
they made a new episode?
i aint watching it
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Two, actually
Meant for
la creatura koreana deportada
some sort of CalArts x Hololive collab?
Don't talk about what you don't know, stupid newfag.
This is a Hololive fan who is British and like every Brit he likes mediocre women.
too late to correct that
it's common shorthand for animation that looks shitty in any "western" way
like crappy art is "modern," though almost none of it really is
No? Calarts is a very distinct style of animation that OP has nothing to do with
I always liked the art style of these shorts, I just wish they made stuff more frequently
What was the name of the guy's twitter?
>The comments in the image
Ok, I will watch your animation.
the artstyle on amelia is sexy
this, calarts is beanmouth shit, at least modern calarts, this animation is more in tune with the low framerate on purpouse spiderverse copy slop.
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the artist should release the model so i can make a nude edit
You're right, but at least he doesn't spend a billion dollars making this animation.
The artstyle and low fps is really bad, especially for gura nd ina.
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very true
This animation was so ugly it made Ame graduate
they went live yesterday
I asked "did you guys feel like ame leaving was like a dagger struck your heart?" and they didn't answer for some reason?
At least link it
And no, while I appreciate all the effort, I still don't like the art style
Needed more vore.
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Bad taste. Art is unique and cute.
la creatura style
Same. I wish they were just cute because they're good animations.
More like Tim Burton desu
I like their approach a lot. There's no shortage of animators making them as cute as possible. A bit of ugliness and realism breathes new life into the characters.
3D French Ina.

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