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The 274th Wind

>CURRENT STREAM:【HALO: REACH】Do it, Mumei.. DO IT! (more co-op play yay!)

>LAST STREAM:【MEMBER WATCHALONG】It's raining in this city!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87760473
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1 second...
Do you guys think Ceci knows how cute she is?
CC and Moom bonding over High School Musical. Cute.
(TL Notes: Keikaku means Schedule)
We could get a highschool musical 2 watch along with Ceci after the next one if she does Carla cugino to sucker punch for Vanessa hudgens
Love how well they vibe with eachother
CC will laugh at Kat’s death
Ceci just talked mumei into a movie date with her
so that's the power of an extrovert
It’s especially effective since all of the holo girls besides her are introverts.
Oh God she absolutely will.
>most wide open space in the game
>almost crash into each other
Something something women driving
is this why their brothers didn't let them play?
I remember playing gta2 with my sister, older one though
Video games are for boys idiot, girls should go play with their dolls
Also mumeis family seemed to have been strict with what they let her do
>mumei's chat
>we never lie

>CC's chat

having both chats open is nice sometimes

she later played the sims 2 only so there's something right about it...
Until she was caught looking at her undressed sims at least...
I actually wonder which one of us me or my sister was that found out you can take away their shower while they were showering and it took away the censorship along with it, lmao
I think they're kinda bad at video games... but they're cute so it's okay...!
>get to section of game where you can’t brute force it and have to pay attention and engage with the game
>instantly lose
Funny how often this happens to holos in general
EN is just going to end up as CC's harem at this rate...
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I hope that she lets us watch.
This reminds me of SW Battlefront...
games were basically all the same during that time period
Did her game bug I could have sworn the space muffling is only for outside the ship
Mumei's sound the same
If so both streams are bugged
>>87781971 (me)
well to be fair, Mumei's game volume is a bit higher
You heard it re pressurize when the music just started up
The way CC says
>I'm sowwy
gives off aura of "Must protect"
>did he died
>incoherent babbling while not realizing jorge sacrificed himself believing he saved Reach when in reality an entire fleet is warping in
When evil vtubers meet
Why is she so evil
they probably realized but they were too evil to care
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I think they might actually be evil
she's attained the form of the ultimate yapper
So how do the Otomos that care about the story feel?
Its "did he die" for any non European ESLs out there
she's not helping the wheelchair rrats...
Unrealistic and childish. I hope they get a 2 week suspension for disrespecting Halo.
she's totally helping them... by feeding them...
a little disappointed, i was kinda hoping they'd pay even the slightest attention to Jorge's death and the futility of it. Maybe Kat'll get a bigger reaction but they're cute nonetheless!
We are safed!
There is a better chance that Ceci will notice. Mumei tends to be too scatterbrained for that.
>mumei immediately shoots civilians without a second thought
and I thought cc was the most evil in hololive...
I mean CC is double tapping the corpses.
her intrusive thoughts are something else, she just doesn't vocalize them
>cc fucking magdumps a spiker into a civilian's face
they are.
Does anyone else feel nauseated from watching?
Mumei does thing whether or not she believes they are evil. CC only does things that are evil
Mumei just wanted to shoot random allies out of boredom. CC encouraged her because it was an evil act.
Are elevators even rated for spartan weight?
Aren't these guys just noobie spartans, not real ones?
Spartans only weigh 1000 lbs so an american elevator could probably carry 10 of them
That whole jumping dowm from space irked me a lot more
Noble 6 had a reentry pack on his back which like a parachute/jetpack
Got bless nerds attention to detail (OG Devs)
Which is still far too weak to come down from orbital velocities in any reasonable timeframe.
You don't go high to get into space, you go fast. REALLY fast.
Between Reach and ODST, which one does "Defense and fall of a human city" better?
both are winners
I thought they will just fish the guy up sometime soon in the space, but then he fell down on the ground and I was also like "what the? how?" but I guess it's just a stupid game
They're -3s which means they have the cheaper, lighter, shittier armor.

Even the Mjolnir isn't that heavy. It's mostly composites and gel under the shield.
Honestly, I can't even remember the difference between them. I suppose one has a desperate last stand at the end while the other doesn't?
yeah realistically he would have just floated in space next to the corvette while jorge watched in terror inside as the bomb went off
We don’t know how much time has passed between the cutscene. The wreckage of the carrier has already crashed onto the surface by the time noble 6 lands. Besides Master cheif somehow survived reentry by clinging to a piece of debris and still had time to win the battle for earth.
It's one of those rule of cool things. Just don't question things
ODST. It really made you feel hopeless at times
/ourguys/ mentioned
I wanna see Cecilia and Mumei play Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2. I'm sure they'll like it.
Tho I'm also waiting for that Biboo and Cali collab for that.
Don't forget Truth was broadcasting for days or even weeks before the first level of Halo 3. Long enough for Miranda to get familiar with his speeches.
Irys too. But it's going to be silly when you're dealing with US-EU-JP ping between whoever is collabing.
with Mori it worked because she is massive chuuni and loves this kind of stuff, to wh40k was critical hit for her tastes
I felt that Biboo was little bit unenthusiastic and I feel it would be same for them
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>they are entertainers, NOT gamers

I need to take a deep breath and remind myself
>hmmmm I wonder what will happen if I keep on shooting my teammate
How are you holding up now? >>87785142
Canonically evil
Are you frustrated?
Positive thinker CC
>can instantly tell who is a civilians den shoot them
>can’t tell when an enemy is shooting them and if they should shoot them
Some napkin math gave me like 12 hours of firing a 'jetpack' to come down to 100ish km, which is where most reentry burns start, from a 10000km orbit (just outside the inner van allen belt).
Enough time to watch the fireworks and then some.
biboo moving to JP soon anyway. Cali has a place in JP. Isn't Irys in JP too? So the ping should be fine with them all in JP.
Anyone who's beaten a Souls game is a gamer. Besides, they can be both a entertainer and gamer.
It keeps happening
What a “coincidence”
The one game that really got me good at avoiding friendly fire was actually Left4dead on expert mode.

I used to be trigger happy and there's barely any consequences in most co-op games.
I still remember my brother and my cousin yelling at me because I accidentally threw a molly that killed us at the last act of death center... with 11/13 gas cans... yeah...
Okay, that was a brilliant line by Mumei
>gushing over a cute pet picture while a city burns in the background
Perfect summary of this playthrough
Damn, I've never seen this guy!
What's this guy's issue
they got the ick
>being vulnerable and having emotions gives them the ick
Sad but accurate
he had to watch his oshi play his favorite game
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>me watching them mock a suicidal guy
Holy kek
Truly a fate worse than death
I pity the Halotomos.
why are they like this
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Why is this automaton so good at bringing a nice kind of energy into any collab she participates in? What's her secret?
She's always been sweet, even when she was a giant.
It's funny to me how this still gets posted
this game looks fun to be played with friends... whatever the word friend means
She's evil..
I think mumei is more evil...
She just does what feels natural to her...
So CC and Moom are a good pair?
Are pelicans brutal
Yes, I approve
Real pelicans are fucking terrifying to small animals. They get gobbled up whole
The ass of reach is leaving soon…
There's a video of a pelican eating a pigeon whole (still alive)
I know why women shouldn't be allowed to play halo now
yeah, you kind of can't defend them when they want to play...
She really hated it
Man, they don't care about this game at all.
Dumb whores.
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I'm sorry Brotomaton & Owlbro, I get it now
they should play some 1v1 multiplayer after this
no one cares about halo in 2024
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They make each other laugh so much
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Yes I love this pair collabing.
Good night Otomos
That was fun, thanks for having us Cranks
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Looked like they were having fun for the most part

Hopefully they will finish it?
you called it after laughing (tho maybe it was mooms)
>why did they kill HER
Probably, they only have like 2 - 3 missions left ?
That was fun. Thanks autotomos
See you next week!
it was really fun, see you soon hooties? hoomans? MOOMANS?
we're hooligans akshually
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Might as well post that one here too.
I am the Hootie that hoos
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Is she... you know... that?
Evil? Mayhaps.
She’s intimately familiar with her mouth being in v shaped things
>Moomlike shriek
Mumei's way of speaking is rubbing off on her... cute
>Mumei's way of speaking is rubbing off on her
>Ceci's way of speaking is rubbing off on me
Speaking of, did Ceci start overcucumbered? I noticed a lot of members using it in 7dtd
easily influenced
Not really I'm usually pretty stubborn but it's funny when she says

Also I'm going to sleep, good night
I think so, she said it before when she played 7dtd with gigi
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She should install an eld ear upgrade. They would suit her, and I want to nibble on them.
Could I get a source on this picture please? The reverse searches failed me and I didn't see it when I scrolled the hashtag around the 9th and 10th.
>she liked my post on twitter immediately after ending stream
later virgintomos
That post? Mine.
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>mumei has two feathers
>ceci's key has two holes
what does this mean?
They're basically married to each other at this point
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they had sex.
you know what they say about keys with two holes…

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