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Previous thread: >>87741256
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
Streams / M.E.S.
>【HALO: REACH】The Good Guys Are Here to Win !!!
>【GIGI'S BDAY 2024】A Dinner Party to remember! #GGBDAYDINNER
>【ECHO POINT NOVA】A Towl and a Gremlin Play A Video Game w/ @holoen_gigimurin
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions :
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Watching your hull integrity is for weaklings and nerds who read
Okay, maybe that is a bad idea.. they are somehow dying here.
They are a bit silly
Freespace 2 looks better than this and it must be 20 years older
Probably cost about tree fiddy
my poor oshi and her severe case of streamer brain
Freespace2 is from 1999 and aged incredibly well thanks to a fuckton of community effort. But due to permission fuckery they will never be able to play Freespace Open, the comminty upgraded version.
Blue Planet(a mod) looks anything like something from pre-2000.
she should change her eyes red for the bit
Can she even do that on her default outfit?
I remember Reach online coop for the campaign always had really bad latency even though normal pvp didn't, that must be why Moom has it
I feel like she already forgot she has that
she hasn't used any of her new hair or outfit styles since she got them
She saw the Evil Spirit edits and doesn't use them to ward it away.
good point
She used emo like last week for the shrek musical
CC molesting Mumei
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She used them a couple of times but she has been using her default outfit a lot lately so...
What did she mean by this?
It's exactly what it looks like.
not the wheelchair. sound post that
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Yea. My wife.
shes not escaping the wheelchair...
>mumei in a wheelchair
The prophecy is true...
>Doesn't roll down
boo, this physics engine SUCKS
Moom is 100% green woman approved!
Mumei and green women are a delightful combo.
Please don't mute when that sneeze comes..
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Mumei is kinda bratty today...
Sniffa sniff.
hope we get a don don fan art for this
CC's retarded style of playing video games suits Mumei
They both just enjoy goofing off it's great.
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Too bad Microsoft doesn't have the money to fix the game
Good idea
3 year member badge should be an emo hooman
Holy... her luck is something
did CC do the cute Moom shriek? or am I hearing things?
The beast approaches
God I wish I was animal
I wanna see secret animol pictures....
ayup, another dub, ignore the stars falling in the background
An unsightly beast...
A great terror looms!
Ludwig, the Accursed is coming.
Have mercy...have mercy on us...
The vile beast deceived another one..
What did she REALLY mean by that?
>post-war clarity
\(ovo)/ orz
ORK doko?
War makes her cum
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She knows. Mumi-chan hentai
sex with Animol
I miss the Civ V streams...
God I wish I was shot by mumei
They murdered an innocent man in cold blood...
Commissar Mumei. The man was a deserter
How far are they from finishing the game
This is mission 8 out of 12
My bad. This also includes lone wolf so more like 10.
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Hes just needed to be reminded of how much his mom loves him and he'd gain his will to fight back...
Animol is a cruel mistress, they might not finish today.
yeah, unless they take a small break so Mumei can walk animol
I get that overwatch is her most favorite game of all time but has she ever played an FPS before that?
i dont think so
If they don’t finish today then they might have time for firefight or custom games next time
CC tends to take 15-30 min breaks during her streams.
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Nah. 5 mins tops for rewinding per rewind.
>15-30 min breaks
you mean seconds right not minutes
Mumei has customed too much to infinite ammo
this is an exaggeration (they're usually 2-5 minutes), but yes, she takes breaks, so she might be willing to wait for Mumei to walk animol
>murder them all! :D
Is CC kinda...
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Evil? Yes
It's mumei!
bald mei is real?
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mumei NEEDS a mistress
What are they doing
Mumei has zero rizz
Mumei's trained in sniffing out federal agents
Just some attempts at ERP.
Don't stop them now.
i want to lie to mumei!
Towa... run...
Youre going to end up like swiss cheese buddy
God I wish I was that npc receiving mumei's release
Is it okay to have autism levels this high?
As long as you are a cute girl
mumei is so cool...
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Why is she so sexy
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Animol will NOT be denied.
Walks NOW
Huh I guess the game autoaims you out of friendly fire if you're far away enough
Mumei is a towl...
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They are silly..
CC has two holes...
>I'm putting it through the holes
Nanashi Mumei has owl sex with a piece of wood (real)
They so are
surely they're finishing this, right?
Did they just have sex on stream????
I can't believe they HATE each other now

Same time next week for sure
need to wait for 2 weeks again
That was fun. See you guys next collab stream
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Thanks tomofriend
I moom
I meem
I moom again
I guarantee they would have dragged that wheelchair to the end and survived with it.
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whats with the IRyS filter?
IRyS filter? I'm not sure I know what you mean by that
your shits mega bright
nta, Mumei's stream was like that
wait it is lol
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Mumei still got her settings fucked from her Anniversary stream, it's been like that for the gigi collab too.
because she's a very bright girl!
Maybe she got whiter have you considered that?
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i see
i only watch her on my phone so i never noticed
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Not even the first time she fucked with the settings for something and didn't change it back for months...
Mumei is no longer brown
She is white
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Mumei is white now
deal with it
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Cute white girl ass
i'll never get over how good her nye outfit is
also the hair twirling is a cute touch
Hey guys, are we hootin hard or hardly hootin?
I'm hooting hard.
Mumei should do late night white girl karaoke today
idk i'd rather watch her study than sing all the time
Mumei should sing me lullabies and put me to sleep
I'm always hard
CCmei toes in my mouth.
are they really called just ccmei?
I like Autatomei.
I don't think there's an official name
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they should
They should what?
Have sex.
with me
hi Fauna
have a proper duo name
they're pretty good together
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we already knew that mumei had big moomers
Two cute mediums
she has mediums with pads. Still should have been the flat one.
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she's a medium with no pads
>identical in size to Mumei
This is more cope then saying Bae is also the same size as her.
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jwu how was halo
CC pushed Mumei who was in a wheelchair.
Mumei KICKED cc because she was FED UP with her
they talked about highschool musical
mumei sent cc pictures of animal
I hope we get more preydator soon
i'd give anything for a new cover
sometimes i sing but change all the "you" parts in the lyrics with "moom"
they always do something behind the scenes, Im pretty sure more stuff will come out in the future.
this but more ccmei
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I've been out of the loop moomwise for the past week due to a cool game coming out and binging it, how worthwhile are the GG and CC collabs? I'm not big on Justice, but I feel like I should give them more of a chance than I have.
what game?
GG's was la creatividad and scuffkino
CC is just a good collab partner in general
Metaphor ReFantazio. Which is a Persona game but in a cool fantasy universe instead of Japan.
Mumei vibes really well with CC and GG, I really recommend watching the collabs just because of how they bounce off, especially Mumei and CC.
Literally some of her best collab partners since Bae
Did I nope out too early from the Gigi one? I found Gigi and Moom were mostly just talking about the game so I found it pretty dry.
I was referring to gigi's birthday collab
The fps collab wasn't anything special, they're just two friends with great chemistry being cute, which is perfectly fine in my book
It sounds like you're more interested in gameplay I'm guessing
When you first saw Mumei were you blinded by her majesty?
yet the schizos were able to evade your threadpolice, land on the sacred thread and desecrate it with their filthy bait posts
I dunno, I kind of like when the game is a vessel for interesting tangents and discussion rather than hogging too much attention itself.
>since Bae
I know this is controversial but I don't think Bae is her strongest collab dynamic in Promise despite Bae being her closest friend
to each their own I guess
I would think bae is her strongest collab partner in promise regardless of how close they are
and, just speaking from my own opinion, I don't even think it's remotely close
when Mumei and Bae had last proper 1on1 game collab? not counting the offcollab.
nta but they both admitted that they always struggle to find a game for a collab
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wanashi mumei
I just really like Fauna and Mumei's "egging eachother on to be weird and quirky" schtick. And how they can both act like over the top fangirls for eachother. I liked KroMei's cat and mouse dynamic too, but it's been ages since they've had a one on one so I've kind of lost hope on that. MoomRyS is great because Mumei seems to love teasing IRyS, but it's uncommon.

My favorite dynamic is Mumei x Hooman but that's kinda rare right now...
You need to rewatch the anatomei class the tangents are top tier
They do have pretty different game tastes
Imo they could try a backseating game collab, where one of them games and the other one just hangs out in VC and provides commentary, but you'd also need a game that works with that
Also maybe some sort of 1v1 race in a meme game like what JPs do sometimes, like Miko and Fubuki right now
Mumei should feed us again, that was my favorite arc
starved... forever...
I miss the teasing
she's such a BRAT
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Study what?
they did that like 3 years ago when bae did her "tsugu no hi" stream, it was an impromptu collab but it shows how close they were even back then because bae wanted an emotional support so she called mumei.
Bae should play Visage while Mumei watches

So is this the ship name?
Actually it's called Turing Test
rewatched Grease last night so now I listen to Moom sing the songs. I think this is my fav of hers
Mumei should sing this with Fauna or Bae
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Currently watching the CC vod
She asked if we could notice something different but I can't see anything. Any hints?
They were talking about their suit colors
armor colors
ohhh I'm dum
It's ok anon, we're all a little doopid from time to time.
The anon below me is the doopidest.
Still stupid they didn't notice you can change your sex to female and various suit parts evne if many of those are locked behind progression.
Also, I want Cece to force Mumei to play Halo 1 after they finish the last 2 missions of Reach on the same stream..They only have an hour of gameplay left right now at best no matter how badly they play those missions.
Anonkun, holo forbids multi-game streams
Reach did the prequel where everyone sacrifices themselves for the McGuffin that leads into the first story of the franchise thing way before Rogue One tried it, and Reach did it better.
Might work if it's the same publisher since the perms should be the same.
>holo forbids multi-game streams
You absolutely sure about that? Then just start a new stream then after Reach finished, it isn't hard to do.
I highly doubt JP corpo autism would care about that, it's an internal rule anyway
yeah, are you new? It was a big stink when it was implemented
And it depends entirely on how much bullshit they have to do before scheduling reach. Many games they play have to be scheduled in advance including asking permission for literally each stream
>Might work if it's the same publisher
I mean, MCC is technically an all-in-one game colleciton as well, and game collections with the same launcher might have blanket perms in general.
>It was a big stink when it was implemented
When did this rule come into being? As in, who announced it in a stream?
Yes rogue one copied reach completely. I mentioned it in the CC thread last time
>is a prequel to the main trilogy
>involves a small squad fighting against impossible numbers
>stuck on a planet with no escape
>the squad dies one by one with no survivors, but become the catalyst that ensures the victory of the good guys
>a ship barely escapes destruction at the very end with the essential mcguffin that will save them
>ends literal minutes before part 1 of the mainline titles begin
it wasn't announced, it was just holos saying they can't do it anymore
mumei herself complained about it because she used to enjoy hopping from game to game
I don't remember the date it was probably like 2 years ago
>I highly doubt JP corpo autism would care about that, it's an internal rule anyway
Ame played all of the Valve games in 1 stream. It's only an issue if you mix different games, like you start playing Dark Souls but then you change your mind and switch to Minecraft.
Notice how you don't see this anymore
>game collections with the same launcher might have blanket perms in general.
Good point. If the perms are specifically for Master Chief Colleciton and you are playing Master Chief Collection already, then it makes sense you can jump into ANY game mode, from fire fight to multiplayer to another campaign.
That's probably why the variety stream Mumei did got axed.
Did some quick archive digging
Seems like this is when it was found out
And based on that and the youtube comments fauna talks about it somewhere in this 4 hour stream
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We should make a parody of Greased Lightning called Greased Hootie
Ah shit that "same" was for this anon
why are there so many pics of mumei eating burgers
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watching vod and this gave me a hearty chuckle
>I know this is controversial
Only to the brrats here.
>I would think bae is her strongest collab partner in promise regardless of how close they are
The drunk karaoke stream already beats any yapping yap attempt at some kind of banter that Mumei has with other Promise members.
You should learn to watch more streams that don't just involve Bae.
Who's more evil, mumi or cc
You sound big mad, go cool off and then come back sap.
Come on, Mumei was instantly killing civs
Why are you afraid? Don't be afraid... After just having mowed down a bunch of civilians without a care in the world

I don't have to kill them, but - Okay, I've decided let's go murder!
Could be one of these new Justicefags wanting to claim their mumei turf.
Mubae /u/ schizos not beating the holoan allegations
Fair enough.
Not beating the scissoring allegations.
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It was the Kronie printer starting trouble again all along wasn't it? Notice how as soon as the shipper war infighting started, the doxfag is also back.
I think every agrees Fauna is her best collab partner
>every agrees
And an ESL doxfag at that.
Someones been spamming doxx on the catalog, global, numbers and other threads for the past several days
It's a typo
Yeah but I always notice how this SEA doxfag is always the most interested in the holoEN white girls. I think he wants that marriage greencard and is mad he can't find one willing to marry him..
You're doing an awful lot of projection here
That isn't how typos work, retard. You made an obviously ESL grammar mistake, own it.
English is my native language, I just have brain damage which makes me spell badly when I'm tired
I doubt that, its more likely some vermin trying to go after the EN girls and hololive as a whole.
Found him.The pagpag good this time of year?
Why do you think only SEAfags like white girls?
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/who/ is somehow simultaneously disciplined about not giving obvious shitters like a doxfag (you)s while also throwing the whole thread into disarray anyway arguing over who did it
the whole point of not giving (you)'s is to preserve the thread you fucking retards
got any more moomzuri art?
This retard literally started attacking me because I posted after a doxfag
yeah and you replied, good job bro
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Those are the pros and cons of autism anyway im going to bed
NTA but that set was posted not that long ago >>87559026
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God she looks so unamused
>gives attention to the retard anyway
you're not very smart are you
She wasn't too happy about lotion between her fingers now imagine how lotion, mine, on her face makes her feel
So... what now
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So beautiful Mumei. Can I share your drawing in a Facebook page that I have, please? I would give you the credit
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>while also throwing the whole thread into disarray anyway arguing over who did it
The shitposter creates his own sockpuppet arguments, taking both sides when it is necessary, with plenty of rude as fuck comments directed to everyone, and people get drawn into the argument because nothing else is being discussed. This is much trickier to deal with than the blatant doxfagging but the best solution is changing the subject quickly.

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