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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>87737656
first for acti love and rape
I read up on EIEN and they found Killia sometime ago? that's news to me
they found everyone's alts because it was obvious eien was going down but kilia was the first because she left one month ago
oh yeah,idol gen 3 is debuting
Elia is live
I love menhera whores (affectionate)
>well guys, what did you think of my vagina?
Meru doesn't need us anymore...
lmk if any cute girl makes an appearance
You guys didn’t post your new hyperfixation

I only watch vods
she's not currently whoring herself out, I don't care
Elia cute
>has a deadbeat black father that ran
this is so sad alexa play the song that plays in the flashbacks where naruto is on a swing as a kid
What's the appeal of menhera vtubers, cancelled streams, brain worms, pointless drama etc... for what? What can they do that menhealthy vtubers can't?
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Acti I’m gonna need you to submit a pigmentation example shot against a graycard pls and thx
whore themselves
Well uhhhhhh it’s hot.
Hope this helps.
Thrill of holding a live grenade, promise of extreme horny arc
I could never believe a normal woman could enjoy my company
Insane women are hot, and with vtubers you can always simply disappear once you have had enough
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anything to know about her? a lot of her watchalongs are vtubers I like
She was added to the /tsunx/ OP.
least scuffed JP stream
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umaru and lovelive references so far
something something racism
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Jewry mention.
Mozzu saw Daisy's puppets and immediately thought about selling them as merch, this woman is completely lost.
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I love physical craft segments
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nice desu ne
>streaming at 720p
>room is not sound treated
seems like a waste to put all this effort into debut but miss this
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so this is the flower that all chuubas water
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cute pout
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she's a master autist
based merch addict
Good night. Elia hate and rape.
Why do people join small corpos? I legitimately can't think of a reason you benefit from giving away almost half your income unless the brand name is worth the cost, which it isn't if it's a small or new agency. It makes sense if it's just a group of chuubas coming together like GirlsFC but I don't understand why anyone would join something like EIEN or any of the new corpos that keep popping up.
>got so invested in the Acti stream that I stopped posting
at least I actually watch her unlike the coomers
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there's a picrew in the garden
dude weed lmao
Even small corpos can give you a jumpstart and exposure. Blue dorito buff on a much much smaller scale.
You can go from a 3 digit sub count in your PL to 10k+ pretty easily with a chance of becoming popular
did you just call Idol a small corpo?
couldn't be me
it automatically opens the door for networking, gives a model of good quality to use (not their own, but better than what most indies can afford with their low income jobs), resume for better opportunities down the line
50% of income from 60 CCV might still be more than 100% of income from 20 CCV, plus you don't have to put down the initial investment in the custom model.
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smaller slice of a bigger pie. it's rare for someone to build an audience on their own, so your options are basically have connections or make connections by joining some place.
Be funny.
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cute flower effects
Really well-made and creative debut but manic lolis aren't my type
Nta, but yes absolutely
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which one of the new idol hoes was the pansexual nonbinary whatever?
nobody greentexts outside of here
did that faggot really made an alt to get actis attention by pretending to be an ebin 4chinner
>nobody greentexts outside of here
anon, i...
you don't greentext in chat, right anon?
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holy sex
not me personally, but when i watched a /here/ chuuba i did chat like i was /here/
>nobody greentexts outside of here
Sadly I've seen lots of people be cringe like that especially in twitch chats. Last time I remember was in KK's chat not that long ago
Also, this Acti vtuber should stop entertaining /here/, realize that nobody here has good intentions and anons will turn on you for any perceived slight
Because I'm so, so lonely
>realize that nobody here has good intentions
Speak for yourself, it's a mutual bit of attention, a mutual bit of grooming.
ok *does male collab*
Suddenly you turned into a schizo anti sending death threats in maros, damn and you seemed to be so mentally stable.
surely she knows better
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I don't know where Kira Lily would normally be discussed, I don't follow her regularly but I liked her part in the Rockin' Relay a couple weeks ago. She did an unarchived karaoke last night that was 8+ hours and I thought it would be a terrible waste to just let it disappear. Full stream was 21GB so I only uploaded the 500MB audio. Set list for reference from her Twitter.
Drop that in /pxl/, some anons liked her performance
And such a thing is an impossibility with people that aren't /here/, right?
she's super cute but she her stream times are bad for me so thanks for this
She’s growing on me, I’m glad you guys shilled her. She’s gotta work on filling dead air but that’ll come with experience.
>dude weed lmao
>loud equals funny zoomer
>pronouns freak
So the whole gen is garbage?
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Ai is revealing her new outfit
I thought the pirate was Aussie
fujo shriek...
It is less likely yeah

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