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Fat Filbert Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud creator

>/BIG/ logo

>OP template

>Vod channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>87757943
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goose love
Fatlian my beloved
Use for next bake pls ty
me n the boys in creative mode
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>hot doob
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>based pookie
erm camimi live btw
>doko bread
sinder anons what’s the best way to see the high res sinder pics on twitter without twitter?
>da autism
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sex with Sinder's feet
that is all
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>ferret sexo
what pics
Reported, thanks for sharing.
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sinder feet in my mouth
>literal gachashit, complete with "censored" nudity toggle
holy sex
Mating Press
mating press
worth it
For $1000? Nah
What stream was this from?
the current one
the current one
the current one
jinx fricker
Sinder should give me a footjob
me first, sorry kid
Sinder should give me a titjob
Sinder should give me a blowjob
Tashi already blew me, fucked me, and jerked me off. Get shrekt sinder cucks haha
Sinder should give me a thighjob
Sinder should go full cotton and start recording and selling sex tapes with her "manager".
>I keep making a mess of my tities
Don't worry Sinder I clean them up with my tongue
TTS is the ultimate boner killer
What the fuck is Camila watching?
Mating press.
definitely not her weight lmao
Idol coro paid her to react to a debut, basically, slop, but hey she's getting that moolah so whatever
That's hot
Oh ok
>idol corp debut
I thought idol was disbanding
Brave bought
F9r real, nothing kills my interest faster than having to listen to some retard saying some dumb shit through a microsoft sam TTS, I just wanna hear a cute girl and see some anime titties

I get it makes money for the chuuba, but it gives attention whores a platform and I can't stand it
they're losing some talents with the buyout with an ip deal, but they're not going anywhere for the time being
I imagine camila has an exceedingly soft pussy interior
What if she has no pussy interior

You put it in and it's just air
ah, makes sense
only really know that they have a funny thread name and I like katta who is leaving so I assumed
this girl sounds hot
Filian/Squchan collab on Monday
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SquChan Sex
cool, I love seeing those two together
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fillyMolestation on Monday
can't wait
I'm watching Pink Cat
Lmao camimi ended stream as soon as she got done with the slop, she really just wanted that bag. Can't fault her but i hope we get a fun and longer stream next.
Why does it feel like vtubers are selling out more
EZ Money from corpotards
kind of sad that some corpos need indies to do watch-a-longs to boost their chuubas numbers
Vtubing is dying
Well, Corpos have been taking hard hits over the past two years, can't blame them for trying to boost their talents by any means
kinda weird how Indies are gaining more prominence in the vtubing space
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Not that surprising really, with Corpos shooting themselves in the foot, mistreating their chuubas, and general corpo-talent burnout, it was inevitable
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Chibi pls stop playing TCG Card Shop Simulator
That's not happening.
anon....she's already gone.....
dooby dooby doob
i won't believe it till tob has sex with every member of 3am
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oh she's showing the bedroom where we had sex on stream, that's kinda wild sinder
i made this post
Dooby be doobing a doobut doomorrow
where are you
Chibi's mom brought her a quesadilla
i'm gonna fuck chibi's mom
Sinder was drinking Yuzu juice
that's hot
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it should have been me
Our Queen.
i want to drink yuzu juice...
Bao is a silly gal
When is the next Vei stream?
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geega is on vshojo
nina is a barbie girl
grape is dying from work/mingling with ffxiv people
what of mint and bat?
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Surely some time soon
at the right time
here's the animated bit from sinder's stream
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silly and sex is a great combination
holy milkers
chibi please end the brainrot already
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what brand of autism is this?
all of them
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sinder be yappin
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Meat will fix everything. Trust in the silly lady. She will have Coqui and Tob in a collab by the end of next week. I believe in her.
are you lost?
Meat talk to Tob about joining 3am.
Meat and Tob are 4views. Are you lost?
uh, i wish. but they are unfortunately not. the thread goes by 3 month-average, unless that changed then cool, i guess.
not by 3 month average which is bar we use here, take it back to /lig/ till they qualify
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Jerked off to her today
bienner sex (with me)
mating press
excellent post
Ultra fucking sex holy shit.
Gonna use this to bust another nut to her
I really hope she streams tonight, I need it :(
mating press
surely she'll stream tonight
Nyan said she can't go to Texas next week, so Vei and Soda are only doing the LA visit at the end of the month, which means there might be some streams after Tuesday next week.
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Even though she originally said she'd stream every day this weekend and later changed it, she did still say this weekend. If she doesn't do it tonight then she just totally lied.
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her tits are the perfect size
yep, and i love how her boobs move around
She's so cute
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Will Doob be automatically accepted her or do we wait 3 months to post her
The numbers-anon said she's allowed
Yuzu is left-handed
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only yuzu is live
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Dokibird is going crazy
it's really funny what's happening in her chat rn lol
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This the /big/ thread?
What would that be
her internet is out and the stream is supposed to start already, she's going mad in the chat
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The place she lives at is a circus, no internet, karens, and now it's flooding?
what the fuck?
I woke up to Jowol. I could have sworn I fell asleep watching Moriko. Am I getting this right? In what FUCKED UP WORLD DO I GO DIRECTLY FROM A KITANYA STREAM RAID TRAIN TO FUCKING JOWOL??? what the fuck
Yeah, I hope things are okay and she's safe
Bat loves jowol
I like her though. That's really bad news to read.
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what's wrong gooner
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what do the gooners do while doki is gone
that's crazy
For me, I watch VODs or other Indies
That fucking sucks.
yuzu makes my pp hard
goon, that's what they do
I suck at gaming and even I wonder sometimes why chuubas often don't seem to understand the concept of shoot once then run away and don't just stand there waiting for the monster to throw up all over you
which bigga did this
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Ironmouse followed Dooby back, now mutuals

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