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Thread #426
Previous: >>87581914
Cute Mion.
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it was a nice hot day today
t.not br but close
steel yourselves brothers, it'll be a tough week ahead
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Many bumps means many pregnant hags to come
okay i've got a questionable hag digest tonight
maple winters doing some AC6
violet neko (new?) on Silent Hill 2
/ligger/ ceelio Isolating Aliens
Deadbleat (new) on BG3 with Renn
Trixie (who apparently self-posted in /nijien/)????

who the fuck are these people?? Is hag culture catching onto the masses or something?

watame is up early playing zelda
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Hag love
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Lolihag bnnuy's weekly hunting trip is today. Maybe she'll try fishing at some point.
>s hag culture catching onto the masses or something?
yeah. the hag tag attracts a lot of views nowadays. Sadly everyone is using it, even guys, so you'll have a hard time filtering the whores and trannies
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pochi doko
Incredibly grim
Seiso vtubers are already hard enough to find
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>it'll be a tough week ahead
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Ame is (re)debuting on her PL account
Literally never watched her. Like not even clips.
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she's been enough to elicit catalog attention these days unfortunately, no offense to her. I'm happy she's paving her way, but as you know any sort of activity positive or negative will birth tons of activity
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Today's been pretty good, bros. I had an enjoyable conversation with a nice old lady on the train, so that'll keep me going for a while. How about you guys?
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Mine's been pretty good, finally got the money to finish paying off a gun I've been working on getting but the only downside is the gun shop closed before I could get there so I'll have to wait till Monday and spend all Sunday thinking about it lol
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Darling Daily Dose
What gun?
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M1 Garand to go in my collection and personal use (like range shooting and hunting)
Nice. I'd like to get one someday.
Bump like the bump that’ll appear on Mio’s womb a few months after I creampie her during a candle lit love making session
I've only heard this in some voiceover, didn't know if was an actual JP tweet
i posted this
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i don't remember this
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we're so back
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extremely cute but also it's cold so please wear more layers
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Source artist: https://x.com/Chareux_hiei
He got one with advice with Lamy feat Nene that brings up an important point. If a hag's sucking your dick, remember to give them plenty of tit play while they do it
Fantastic Botan.
Man the biggest migraine is that Twitter going to shit is that the Japanese are fleeing to misskey and misskey is blocking gaijin and proxies from signing up because faggots earlier were shitting it up with uncensored porn and breaking other rules. And you can't see NSFW or even full size images there
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Varnis delivers
My face belongs in there
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Cute Poru!
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Watame is looking at baby stuff on stream right now.
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Incredibly based if she’s married and expecting soon
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would be even more based if she didn't exploit her fanbase to make them go parasocial so they pay and buy stuff.
It's really weird when a vtuber is married and still sells GFE
She was talking about the toilet paper and didn't realise it was a baby brand until Watamates pointed it out. She just likes the softness and cute design.
Fair I guess but whales who will never even have a chance of getting a gf are gonna whale either way
I’d do the same thing but I’m a man and don’t wanna be fujo bait and play sims 4 all day
It's better to whale at games than at streamers. atleast with fictionals characters they dont lie to you while streamers do
Why are you so obsessed with stinking up the thread with your headcanons?
>literally Official Hololive Merch
>Wedding voice, date situational voice, wedding anniversary merch
>didn't participate
>didn't participate
>none of her birthday or anniversary merch is remotely wedding themed
She has situational voice packs which you might view as romantic but that's it. She doesn't try to do lovey dovey ASMR either. Watame's relationship with Watamates is family. You just love to make shit up.
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This Watame discussion is making me fantasize about a future where Im staying up late at night with my wife shopping for baby clothes
Now I’m sad because this will just stay fantasy for atleast another 5 years
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Made to be manhandled
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I want to take Reine home after a night of too much drinking.
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Luv me some Lui
Why are Japanese hags the most alluring in the world?
Based Lui lover.
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I hope you hag bros have a good day
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You too bro
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Thanks fellow haggot
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How are you guys liking the new anti-spam feature?
based on the state of the board, it clearly hasn't worked
I think It'll be pretty good
Prevents VPN fags from shitting up threads and creating massive arguments that send us flying towards page 10
Retarded Nijifaggot.
Can you hag bros post hags on bunny suits? i need inspiration
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Hopefully it's not too little too late.
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>Watame is a GFE chuba
News to me.
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Morning Mio

She's talking about how she dreamed about Miofa's wearing her parka lol

All the bunny suit pics I have are Azur Lane. Best I can do is Lamy in a bikini.
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hag woman my beloved
Thank you haggots
And i appreciate the intentions
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New Toko pic from Oggu
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Lolihag bnnuy's karaoke party
wtf, that 2nd outfit is nice. Has she worn it lately?
I'll be at work...
Enjoy Pochi for me bros...
>Watame's relationship with Watamates is family
So you're admitting her strategy is to make her followers feel parasocial love for her so they buy stuff.
And by the way, I was talking about holos in general when I mentioned the merch.
>replying to the vshojo faggot
is the 2nd outfit Kaguya related?
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wtf is this guy's angle, he's been replying all day
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Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same Polschizo guy, but whatever...

Darling Daily Dose
Fall date with my wife
Hinamatsuri-themed. She uses it for special occasions like birthday, new years and, well, hinamatsuri.
>So you're admitting her strategy is to make her followers feel parasocial love for her so they buy stuff.
yeah i only watch vtubers who openly antagonize me so i'll never buy anything, it's great. why are you here? fucking leave already.
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uhhhhhhh has any miofa who ordered their hoodie received it yet? I never got mine yet
How can a faggot like hags?
Not yet :(
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could use a late night hag visit
Sure you were. You don't know the first thing about Watame. You're just a argumentative sack of shit.
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Apply rope.
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putting your ass in front of a known spanker like lamy is bold

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