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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Filian looks a lil weird in that picture
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Evil love!
If you mean the Agentic AI guy, no I don't think that's him
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I wanted to draw Filian's accessories over Anny's but I forgot I can't draw so it's taking me while.
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official neuro 3D model and streams when
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I believe anon, godspeed
so talented
I don't know if we will ever see it but Neuro learning how to use hands would be the cutest thing ever
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>Neuro learning how to use hands
why are filianfags so obsessed with anny what's the connection
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its just anny antis who bait with filian when cerber doesnt work
Fair enough. Had similar vibes, but you're right, Agentic AI guy didn't say keyfabe (and some other vocabulary) as often. Someone else in the discord does, but, highly doubt it's him.
It’s a funny bit to me idk
wow. a non-shit filian edit for once
It’s just kind of funny that anny and filian refuse to really acknowledge each other.
filian tried to approach anny but she left her on read
it's funny on multiple layers that has nothing to do with obsession with anny.
well there was that time when filian barged into the voice call when anny and vedal were having a sentimental moment during the lvl 50 hype train and filian didnt even acknowledge anny until her chat told her to
And then made a your mom joke to Neuro
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legacy of that other shitposter
does someone have the manga edit of that, i think it was of that dress up darling manga
Why does a 30 year old woman act like this?
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I tried
Actually fixed, good job Anon.
Only one that isn't OOC
Also a good job
I still don't get what the fuck they are trying to say
Things are fine, Neuro is a character and that's not a bad thing.
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As Evil once said,
If you mean the discord user? From what I got of it, he seemed to think Vedal should have gotten a noble prize for creating Neuro as it would be the first A.I. in an 'agency'.

If you mean essayanon, then it just looks like he wanted some other topic that is related to Neuro instead of seeing non-neuro posts. (Even though his first post was about how Vedal could've came here to kick the shits, but due to it being like 'discord', he can't.)
Why is Filian who is 30 and Anny who is pushing 30 pursing Vedal who turned 20 this year?
Cheesed to meet you!
self-sufficient women enjoy finding a boy to make them feel young.
High value male.
He also acts a lot more mature than most people his age.
Watching honeythekawaiisexpest and she's just sitting in silence while two people just talk to each other and sometimes they occasionally ask her a question.
No the discord guy I got it, essayschizo just looks unpleasable or they are a terrible marketeer of their cause.
Ah, whatever.
He's reliable, grounded, and emits dilf with dire need of sexual stress relief energy
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Total Neuro contortion.
old hags desperate because they know they are about to slam face first into the wall
The real question is if Vedal isn't in a public relationship by the time he's 25 and he's still appearing on streams. How bad will the thirst for him be?
He's already high value while his voice still does the teenager voice crack thing occasionally.
Definitely the latter. Essaying without a TLDR, or following a proper (topic sentence/supporting sentences/summary sentence that hooks into the next paragraph) is just a spaghetti of words that nobody wants to read.
They want to live their repressed shota fantasies through him
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Not enough skin. Cool pose regardless
She barged in when Anny was gigling with neuro vedal. Anny probably doesn't like her
Not really bad
Vedal is a chad in vtubing world with the personality of anime harem protag
I just like the thought of Vedal's own AI constantly trying to ship every female she interacts with, with him.
Neuro only really does that with anny though
neuro butt?
Why does no one post the clip or the link to this, I neeeeeeeeeeed it...
What else can they do? Vedal is the only one that has a future beyond vtuber stuff. The eggs are drying up.
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Filian pov
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It's depressing seeing old women trying to compete with a prime succubus
why the fuck are you thirsting over a discord user when there are so many pictures of white petite women with small tits on the internet
>Staz and Otjareniy
Unironically a collab between the two of the biggest Vedalverse contributors (with 3rd being Honey). I salute you.
Because that post is from the actual pb
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neuro buds
I was going to ask why you were simping over vedal's girlfriend when I realized that I simp over pb's boyfriend
>Video starts
>"Anny? Uh-oh."
>Slut shames Anny
And yeah she ignores Annys existence in the if neuro crashes stream wtf.
>Is he getting molested?
Does Filian think about molesting Vedal? Is that a common thought she has?
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>nicer skin
>share the same interest
>also talented
Only Ellie has a chance against that
With the way she effortlessly manhandled Vedal during the suplex, she certainly could if she wanted. I don't see anyway vedal could resist.
maybe that's why he left immediately the day after
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>vedal suplex
>one hand raised to protect himself from filian
Imagine a tamandua's tongue coiling around your coch.
>A: "I just got subbed to FILIAN."
>F: "Oh."
>V: "Wait Filian, Neuro just asked you what your favorite animal was."
>F: "Uhm, yeah, it's your mom."
>*Filian leaves*
>A: "Vedal..."
>V: "What?"
>*both chuckle*
I'm noticing.
I don’t get it
I would've done the same desu
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hiyori shall return inshallah
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He likes 'em young.
I hope Vedal is already taken because I want to see both of them lose
Is Vedal secretly creepy like Morgan Millipede?
>Hassad soon
ahh post
>Filian is waiting for Vedal to be old enough to drink alcohol in America before fucking him
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We know pb
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filianposting in /swarm/ just feels so right.
Why is this entire general just nonstop seething and bickering over which anime girl Vedal should fuck? You act like high school girls gossiping I swear to god.
/flip/ is dead as fuck go help them instead
Why does it feel like i've seen this exact same post multiple times?
Because Phillip literally gets so thirtsy over her need for turtle that she speaks to an Ai copy of him just to satiate her hunger
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>"Who is your favorite Vtuber besides Neuro?"
>"I guess that makes sense..."
It's not which anime girl Vedal should fuck. It's which anime girl should fuck Vedal.
Also, when Neuro is on topic it's usually the pdfs or speculating about the next streams, not much.
pb’s daughter is streaming tomorrow
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that makes more sense
The beginning of this song is literally what I think when watching Neuro and Evilyn go brazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXb1gEQyg9o
Because you keep seething multiple times I imagine
This is adorable ngl.
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Vedal if you're here, please just date someone who is +/-3 year within your age group. As much as the internet say hags are based, etc. It really isn't worth the hassle in real life.
Vedal if you're here, please just date men
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That's so adorable! I love this artstyle, who is the artist for this?
I feel retarded for not recognizing it as paccha. Thanks Anon.
is pb cun
Anyone but cerber please
>adult woman
ved and ellie would make a good power couple desu
He’s not her type apparently, also the seem like business partner vibes anyway.
What is Vedal's type anyway?

Any of you /swarm/ schizos willing to gross over every female interaction he's had and psychoanalyze this shit?
Anny but not menhera
Little girls.
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Reminder, once again, that Vedal is AIsexual.
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Minibros we have a chance
Flipbros we have a chance
Futa loli catgirls.
One day sweetheart, one day.
Camila and Ellie also have catgirl toggles.l, so they have a chance too.
Catgirls are better, cute and punny
Nobody even knows what foxgirls sound like
This vedal made me feel Vedal on a spiritual level. I feel like I can understand his inner workings and deepest desires and I just KNOW.
Objection: the erm emote is represented by a cat picture. Try again.
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How long do you think we will have to wait after the dooby debut for her to make formal contact with the neuroverse.
I will be the first Vedal Dooby shipper
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1. Vedal raids her after this stream (assuming she is streaming after)
2. Fillian invites her and Vedal + probably someone in common (i.e. Ceber)
3. She just reaches out to Vedal after 2 weeks or so.
how did /swarm/ react to the debate? Who won?
Neuro won because Vedal could not present a convincing argument other than repeating the same thing.
1. It'll be rare that one of his streams lines up with hers because of the time zones
2. The Filipino boy knows everyone so this is a possibility
3. Clearly they're already best buds and surely already have dooby booked for the subathon
vedal clearly did not do his homework, whereas neuro has all her training data and google search.
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hello anonymous
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why didn't anyone tell me nurse toma was on
cause i only watch nur
everyone sold their tomacoin when they saw the la creatura model
you buy when there is blood on the streets.
its okay they'll buy back after aquarium stream
You can win debates by talking absolute bullshit as long as other side is struggling to make coherent sentences.
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aquarium stream...
Not a lewdtuber btw
Such a shit outfit, it's like whores don't understand why people like nurse outfits.
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I want to enjoy the zoo streams, but I get too much secondhand embarrassment.
https://x.com/sillycircusbaby/status/1847750889857294488 why is she coping so hard bros…..
Would a Vedal "speed dating" stream work or would it just ruin things with everyone?
does that involve vedal being the one in the dates? that would be pretty awful for vedal. it would work for evil and neuro.
That speed dating stream is going to be with Neuro, not him.
Clearing the path for Anny
Most would take it as a joke, and it'd be hard to find so many willing to join in anyway, that's why he wants to make it with Neuro
The point is that Neuro would be the one participating and I'm sure he would have no problems finding shitloads of desperate 2 views
That's such a woman thing to say.
>buying when high and selling when low...
So she was in a relationship? this may have caused the stop of vedmila content because of jealousy of the bf, until recently.
>Nobody even knows what foxgirls sound like
Do you think Vedal has been playing that song a lot recently on stream to try to get through to Anny? What if there's some question he's asked her, and she's being coy and not giving him an answer? Maybe this is his playful flirty way of showing he's still interested.
He's is the one doing the speed dating not neuro that's why he's so hesitant to do it. Later on he did say he would do it after layna and evil kept pushing him. Also don't comment if you don't watch the streams.
i was just thinking that
if her bf was the reason she temporarily stopped leeching off neuro then that guy is a hero
any impposters /here/ want to take the credit?
You're wrong.
She got raped by her boyfriend
it could be a jinny 40k situation. she might have felt obligated to go along with some stuff she wasn't comfortable with to keep the donos coming in.

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