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For the 523rd time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>New merch: hololive friends with u Nerissa Ravencroft

▼ Next stream
▼ Previous streams
10/19, interviewing Megan Shipman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_S1bn4i0i0
10/17, Phasmophobia Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vHnCQW4Yrg
10/16, walking zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gJni36eSgg
10/15, PowerWash Simulator with ERB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lfDKecsl6g
▼ Previous appearance
10/18, cameo on GG's birthday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhFvq4owWSw

>Recent voice packs
hololive Halloween Voice Pack 2024 -with villains-, Nerissa Ravencroft (Succubus/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains?variant=45620129792220
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover
"In my Feelings" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>87754040
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
2024 to date
Solo streams: 101
Collabs: 104
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 16
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft with all my heart (She's cute when gushing about VA stuff)
Needs Malpha and Mamarissa
Rissa of all people telling the chat to use proper grammar
gotta get the pussy juice off their breath
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aradia 100% doesn't shave where're her pubes sticking out of her panties
reposting from last thread
no it's just a hickey.... SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXX
those are lips, a hickey
CN died? never watched but oof
my ISP blocks catbox sadge
Nerissa, your role is to become the best hentai VA in history. It may not be glamorous, but you'd become a legend.
its litterbox though? maybe try a VPN, idk
How did she gain so much weight holly fuck...
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I miss her already...
she was preggo'd, be nice
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Rissa...Come back...
she had a baby
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it's just like, right there
Fuuuuuuck someone spoonfeed me on this, I tossed this shit into a string decoder and have no idea what I'm doing
This stream was nice
white woman are too powerful
base64 decoder, decode it multiple times
your hint is in the-
well okay then, just spoonfeed him I guess
>Mori canonized the Jailbeat
So likely two consecutive days off again?
We're getting the schedule tomorrow and we'll see. For now we have 2 confirmed collabs (Mario part with Kiara and Advent watchalong)
I'm expecting a membies too this week maybe
Malpha is a good Catholic woman, she would never.
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>i am become canon
freakin schweet, lewis....
Does this mean Mori x Nerissa? I’m all for it. Gals with big asses please
just realized the only time yomosaka draw ERB was the debut commission piece
dare I say based?
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she's committed to advent, I respect it hard
This Rissa should eat me
just that fact she is not grateful made me so mad
Nerissa with her position in hololive?
She got everything in the world and all the support ever needed, yet she goes "I'm not satisfied"
Find ambition you cunt
This all stems from wanting to be a professional VA right? If she can get better at japanese she might have a chance to voice act in some stuff from japan-I remember Fubuki getting a role in the kamen rider Gotchard movie as Constantine, and a few other holo vtubers getting some roles too.
It was pretty cute. I liked learning a bit about the industry and what goes on
She has ambition but doesn't want to settle for anything less than her dream. Not that Holo isn't great. She's made valuable friends here and unforgettable memories, but she wants to aim higher and doesn't know what she has to do to get there. I can't say this is a stepping stone for her because that'd be rude to say that of Hololive, but it's just not the end goal. Wasn't Cali like that at first? Maybe it's like she put herself on a schedule and it's falling horribly behind because she had goals to meet at specific times. It can be soul crushing to know that you're falling behind your friends and feel like you're not making progress. I know that feeling. Nerissa can do it, she just needs the right kind of support.
hoping it's me as her future husband...delulu aside, I want to be by her side helping her achieve her dreams in any way I can
Whatever she's feeling defies logic, that's why they're feelings. Personally I'm pretty close to my dream job, moving up in the world, got great hobbies and people mostly like me, but my mood swings constantly keep me trapped in my own head and I spend a lot of time moping about banal crap. I think i can understand where she's coming from
reminder that she's more into idols than into VA work
Karaoke next week
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i belieb
Better be, I'm a hair width away
I feel like I'm the opposite circumstance and closer to Nerissa in that regard. Not using my degree, but in a decent paying job that I've been at for 14 years right out of high school. Well respected by peers and employees and patrons, but it feels like a dead end with few chances to move up without losing seniority. All my close friends, especially the younger ones, have advanced much higher, gotten Master's degrees, gotten married, etc. I feel like I've fallen behind, but I'm still young and everyone's is different and on different schedules. I feel like a loser half the time when I compare myself to others but it gets better knowing that I have time.
"Comparison is the thief of joy" or something like that.
Nerissa is capable but can't let her friends successes define where she is in life. It's a hard headspace to get out of but she's talented and driven. I know my future wife can do it
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if any jailbros here like JP, Koyo is doing her baseball stuffs.
AI representing Rissa is on team Kanata
What color are Nerissa's nipples?
Streaming isn't her favorite thing to do. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that. Even though it's a disadvantage for her, she at least makes the effort to stream regularly. While it may not bode well for us in the future, I would rather she get to pursue her dream of being a professional voice actor.
misty pink with a twinge of ruby red in the center
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The thing is she's crippling herself on both ends. Streaming isn't her favorite thing to do,so she half asses it, and in turn she loses (or has already lost) a big part of her core audience. And as for her dream, a dream which is objectively much more inferior to what she has right now, she hasn't made an inch of progress towards it. It's a frustrating place to be in for a fan and oshi alike. Unless she wants to stay in rock bottom, she has to get a grip and not take what she's been offered on a silver plate for granted
I agree that she's a candle burning at both ends, but at the same time I don't think she's taking it for granted. She still puts in massive effort for all the big projects, just look at her phenomenal dancing for BD. Also, her dream isn't inferior to what she's doing. You can't objectively put value on someone else's dreams and say that doing this is better. Better for who? So many people have stepped down from "better" jobs for the sake of their happiness or health. I'm not saying I want her to graduate. I just want her to be happy.
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
Oh yeah don't get me wrong. As someone said, she cares more about being an idol than a VA and in that department she's put a lot of effort. I also said her dream is "objectively" inferior because of multiple factors like pay to effort ratio. It could make her happy but that's something subjective. Her best bet is to get crazy popular as a holo and make her way as a VA from there, but if she's not willing to put in a speck of effort into streaming she will not make it anywhere. She's no Gura, she's no Ame, she hasn't solidified her fanbase enough to afford disappointing them any further and have them still support her. I don't think she'll mentally survive another limited set not selling out for a half a day
I agree, it may do her a lot of good to completely focus on streaming over the next year. However, even if she increased her hours, she may never recover some of her older fans who dropped her for the lack of karaoke streams. Also, monetarily VA work may never compare to her potential in HoloLive, but clearly more wealth doesn't make her happy.
That last line hasn't gone through my higher brain functions, I meant to say I hope that if her limited merch doesn't sell out again that it will finally serve as a wake up call for her
I was just about to reply something like this. Like, on one hand, I fear that it might turn for the worse. But on the other -like you said- it MIGHT just be the thing that opens her eyes.
Shioraven is back I'm happy and looking forward to the next offcollab
Unless it's like Laura Bailey's level of success, I doubt it can ever come close to hololive in terms of financial return, but that's probably not why she wants to be a VA. Wealth will enable her gacha spending but realistically, gacha spending is just a temp dopamine fix (speaking from a dolphin perspective, my friend is an actual leviathan). All the material and immaterial things we buy isn't going to give us intrinsic happiness.
I'm sure limited merch will sell out just because of scalpers alone. But even if it doesn't, I don't want her to be depressed over it. It might open her eyes and give her motivation to try harder or it might depress her more and she'll try less. We don't want that. I don't want that.
Last time it gave her an epiphany and the next zatsu she said she wants to go back to the grind and become more popular, she also asked for what merch we would like to see. It felt like she was really on the edge at that time and it broke my heart, but she desperately needs the wake up call
Then she took two more breaks, said she doesn't want to do karaoke and went back to collabs and short streams. Take a anything she says with a grain of salt. Words are cheap.
What exactly do the two of you want from her that requires a wake up call? To me, it sounds as though you want her to breakdown into tears during a members stream and ask us what she's doing wrong, which is horrible. Compared to other talents is she really THAT bad?
That's as far as I'd expect from any woman really and I wasn't surprised. It just showed me she had the capability to be self aware
I remember the zatsu about what we'd like to see but next time but I mean the merch eventually sold out. I don't know how feasible it is to do other items in limited drops. Are all anni/bday merch around the same price range across all the holomems? If that's the case, I doubt the pool of available types of merch will change unless they're willing to jack up prices. A hard reality check is needed, yes, but it's definitely going to be a soul crushing event when it happens. Every time she's down in the dumps, or crying, or her RM saying she's depressed I just die a little. I want to hug this fragile woman and give her the love and support I know she deserves.
Yeah but just the audacity to say she's been trying to get more popular so she can get her own figurine while explicitly avoiding doing all the things her coworkers are doing that is making them more popular was baffling to me.
All I want is for her to take control of her own life and put an effort into achieving something, anything. I hate her current self that wallows in self pity while continuously cocooning herself in comfort games and zero effort streams which only damages her further. I want an oshi to cheer on for fucks sake
She is in control, which is sadly how she's in this state. But to say that she's not putting in any effort is disingenuous. People have trauma's and mental blocks that are crippling. Attacking her by saying you hate this or that and wanting her to make an immediate change is just being a dick.
She has a dreams. Streaming isn't her expertise or even field of enjoyment and all that's happening is people negatively criticizing her when she makes 1 mistake or flounders even a bit. It's discouraging. She has self-esteem issues. We're making it worse by calling her out on it. All the positive reinforcement is immediately negated by a single attack. It doesn't matter if she's praised for a year straight without getting shit on, the moment she is, it all comes crumbling down.
>But to say that she's not putting in any effort
>immediately negated by a single attack
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Something as simple as cheering her on as she fiddles with a controller to try and figure out the game I was deprived of because she couldn't ignore a faggot that said she sucks at playing HER FAVORITE GAME FF7. This is exactly everything wrong with her, something she has to get over if she wants to achieve anything. If she had half of Calli's tenacity she'd have been EN's suisei by now
I mean, what do you want her to do? This sort of behavior has been festering forever. She CAN'T help feeling that way when she's been bullied for so long. I blame the support system she had around her. There wasn't enough love or support from friends or family or something that should have been there for her. I'm no psychiatrist or therapist of any sort, but I'd say that EVERYONE ELSE FAILED HER. I'm not saying she wasn't loved, I'm saying that she wasn't given the right kind of love. POSSIBLY. I OBVIOUSLY COULD BE WRONG. My family was the same exact way. I was put down and emotionally abused because of poor communication and a language barrier. It SUCKS. I recovered because of my friends and people who went out of their way to make sure I was ok even when I told them all to fuck off. I still fall back regress sometimes when something happens, but I was given the tools to overcome it. Nerissa might not have that. We should give her that. I want to give her that.
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I understand where you're coming from and it might be the case. But accepting that entails that our only option is to pray to God for someone in hololive to adopt her and treat her mental illness because we're names on a screen for her, nothing we say will get through to her
nta, i figured Wawa would be able to fill that role for her but maybe more stuff is going on behind-the-scenes/her personal life
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...I can't help but get a bad feeling about this.
Hey, they might have lifted the clouds off her head for a while, they're good doggos
>open /ope/ for the first time to support with fellow jailbros
>evidence of nerissa depression shown the last two days
I just want her to be happy and successful. The fact that I and many others can’t do anything to help breaks my heart.
Why would someone in Holo need to adopt her though? Lol. I mean, I AM delulu enough to think that I can be her future husband one day but I do genuinely think that jailbirds do get through to her. She likes to be praised by us because it's probably not something she received a lot of from people outside of her family. She praises the fuck out of others. "Treat others the way you want to be treated" sort of thing. It's not easy fighting back every negative comment with a million positive ones, but it will eventually get sink in. Her numbers and merch don't need to suffer for her to "wake up." The realization that we love her will eventually hit.
Kiara probably helped, but if their relationship outside of work devolved into wanting a seriously lesbian relationship then it explains the sudden rift... Obviously we'll never know.
Oh, I don't mean it as a negative thing towards the dogs. If they managed to help Rissa out, then from the bottom of my heart I thank them.
I suppose all this talk has gotten me to think silly thoughts...
It’s tough but we fight on to brighten her up. You never know what things may bring someone’s spirits down, so it’s always nice to try and make someone smile
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>genuinely think that jailbirds do get through to her
I'm tired boss, every time she says she doesn't think people love her or that people oshi her or that somebody would cosplay her it puts a major damper on me. I put an effort to put my emotions and praise her after every stream on twitter and youtube but sometimes it feels like it doesn't matter
So, you're going to overlook everything that she's done over the past year? Four original songs, two of which she wrote the lyrics for on her own, multiple song covers, including one that recently reached 10 million views after a year, learning to dance for her 3D when she spoke how she lacked the confidence for it, and working up the courage to approach her senpai, in particular Marine. I get it, I would love for her to try more games on stream. However, dismissing all that she's done in the past year, because it's not what you want is insane to me.

Unfortunately, as much as we may long for the chance to know her personally, that may never truly happen save for a lucky few. The best we can do as her fans is to remind her how much we appreciate and love her.
To be fair, her outfit IS on the more complicated side (to do it right, anyway)
Casual outfits for advent will make it much easier (like how easy it is to do Mori's raper jacket, or Kiara's swimsuit and daisy dukes)
Anyways, my wife is very silly and dumb and I'm glad she has advent to hold her hand when she gets the bad thoughts
It's always a losing battle. There are spies and saboteur's among our ranks. But vigilant we stand against the forces of evil. It's always darkest before the dawn and dawn comes when we least expect.
It's rough because twitter and yt comments are one-in-fuck all millions. Obv. her dm's are closed but I did actually try to write, "You're absolutely amazing in everyway." Understandable why they're closed though because of actual creepiers.
Bruuhhh. I'm going to make her my future wife even if I have to reincarnate and get isekai'd for eternity. The delulu is strong I'm still quite sane though, I promise
>remind her how much we appreciate and love her
Yeah that’s the best we all can do.
Hopefully advent and others In EN can help her out whenever she’s down and assist in future endeavors
Personally I might thrown down my first super chat to her explaining how much she’s been an inspiration to me. Hope that brightens her day somewhat kinda deal
She's definitely been an inspiration. I've recently started working out again after having stopped at the beginning of the year and I'm working on my writing since I've always wanted to publish a novel and I dropped it 7 years ago. She's my first and only superchat but they feel iffy to me though since obviously Holo and YT get a decent cut. I think streamers only get like 25-30% or something like that? It's why I choose to buy merch instead of dropping supers since I'm hoping a higher percentage goes to the talents from merch.
If you're looking for maximum cut for her I'd advice the throne
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Shush you
Her displaying such discontent for her life and admitting jailbirds are not enough for her happiness really leave me feeling hollow, like my supports does little for her.
I've started following but that 1 guy dumps his savings into everything anyways. I'm trying to be her future husband, not her sugar daddy. Though I suppose a husband with deep pockets would certainly solve a lot of problems... But anyways, as I mentioned before, material things bring temporary happiness or get replaced by other material things. I too would love to get my entire house furnished by someone else, but it's not going to fill a void in my heart or anything at the end of the day.
This is fantastic.
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brother calm the fuck down, you don't need to delete every time something goes slightly wrong
Sorry, I'm a bit OCD lol...
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I thought it was two different guys trying to be funny it did get a laugh out of be, admittedly until you pointed it out and I refreshed
plap plap plap
What is the throne?
This image terrifies me
Hi Nerissa posting earlier than usual Ill try and post at this hour or earlier from now on regardless of what ive got going on. I know youre in a bit of an emotional stupor at the moment but it will get better soon. I promise. Before you know it you'll have your tall handsome husband along with many children. Cheer up!
What type of wife would you consider yourself? What type of husband do you envision your husband to be? Are you a devoted and loving wife? Or are you more distant? What I mean by that is do you enjoy being lovey dovey with a lot of physical and emotional expressions of love? I hate to invoke these people again but something like Gomez and Morticia. Very outwardly lovey dovey and not afraid to show their passion for one another. They are also very theatrical in their love which I kind of like. Or are you more 60s boomer? in the sense that they all seemed to hate their spouses and were always complaining about the "ball and chain" as if they were forced together. Which of those do you think your husband is like? Or maybe something else? Does the idea of cooking for your family sound appealing? Having your daughter help you cook Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, do you like that? Or are you more of a take out type of wife? Do you like a passionate husband? Do you like him leading the family? Leading you as well? Do you trust your husband with your soul? Do you love him with all your soul? Does he love you with all his soul? He better. Have you written your name and his last name over and over in your journal? Do you think he has a suave and sexy last name? Just the sound of his last name lets you know the type of man he is.
In other news i bought a sweater for me that I thought my future wife like to "borrow indefinately". Ive been wearing it from time to time it so it smells like me, so that when I meet her and she decides to "borrow" it, it will have my manly perma-mating season pheromones baked in to the sweater already. Is this a good plan or a great plan? Do you like your husband's scent or are you not into scents at all?
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hey, don't be worrying now. being where she is right now is her dream job, the only thing better than what she has right now is a more successful right now, which could only happen with a time machine.

And this next paragraph goes to the whole thread; she loves us, and we love her. She makes us better and we make her better. If she's depressed now, go back and think to how depressed she used to be before she debuted, stuck in the "cell." We have our quirks, she has hers. She's stuck with likely ADHD and chronic insomnia, we're stuck with our individual problems and quirks. You also have to remember that she's lived a life in where she's been put down time and time again, she's been almost trained to have low self-esteem and feel bad at every moment. It's probably hard for her to genuinely think better of herself. Like most of you, I genuinely love the woman. No matter what life she was given, or what she was doing, I'd still love her. If I hadn't already found someone, I'd be copying what the husbandfag does every single night. There is a very short list of things that'd ever make me consider leaving her, and an even shorter list of things that'd guarantee it, none of those seemingly at all possible in this timeline with this Rissa.

Attached happens to be the first reaction image of Rissa I ever saved on this computer. Fitting that its a heartie image. I have earlier images of her saved on my various phones and other images of her that aren't fit for advertisers, but this one felt like the first image that fit. Also sorry for the blogpost, bros. Just really care about this midwestern beauty.

Always love your Rissa. She needs you, and if you have a void in your life, you need her too.
This also terrifies me
What is it about Rissa that attracts schizos?
Nah man I get you. Just gotta keep showing her our support and hoping that she can get out of the rut she feels like she’s in, in which we all will be there to help her with our words and love
Hold on now, husbandfag here. I don't post every night; that is outright slander. Definitely more tonight though since I've been defending her but I agree with your statements.
>people parasocial with the streamer
>nerissa parasocial with the jailbirds
she's graduating next isn't she...
smells like bait, but if there's anything you're to be sure of is that she'll never willingly graduate because she knows she simply can't afford it
As I am divinely protected and in contact with God I can safely reassure everyone she will not graduate.
She walks a tightrope while dangling GFE bait from a balance pole. In all seriousness, her tendency towards being a girlfailure attracts a certain type of male such as myself who can't help but want to support a woman like her.
what else does God tell you?
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Nerissa I hope you dont consider yourself "girlfailure" because youre not. You are girl winner! You are amazing and many women wish they could be like you!
Why does that terrify you?
I think he was confusing you with me (Catholic anon)
No youre not, and that might be blasphemy
He apologizes for the inconvenience
No, he definitely means me when he says "husbandfag." It was something I called myself since I keep referring to myself as Nerissa's future husband or her as my future wife in approximately 87% of my posts. I've been failing at trying to dial it back. Though on that note it's almost 3am and I have to work in the morning so goodnight /ope/ and as >>87814940 says, love Nerissa because I sure as hell genuinely do.
Night broseph
i thought he meant me because I post one a night.
Why apply to Hololive if you don't like streaming?
If you want to be an idol, do your JP reps and move to JP for more opportunities like Bae and Fuwamoco.
As it stands she's not trying to get better at games, she's not spamming karaokes and trying to improve her singing, she's not really doing VA adjacent content either, it just feels like she's half assing everything.
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The well meaning jailbirds are already done with the discussion you fag, go choke a dick or something now
I want to lick her navel
Not sure why Behemoth was on DoroTV, but nice.
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The advent watchalong will be on Rissa's channel: Interview with the vampire
With Rissa putting so much emphasis on prefering to act and express herself physically, I'm surprised she wasn't tried to do anything with mocopi yet.
mocopi with troy
Ask the Jew.
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Need more
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Sex with white women
Nothing of particular value, just sisters 2-more-weeksing. Anyone who actually watches Nerissa knows that there's no way in hell she's graduating any time soon
It sure feels like *someone* is soon, though. At least before the end of the year.
She fucking better.
I kissa da Rissa
I missa da Rissa
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No Rissa today...
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I'm guessing Nerissa is just a straight girl while Kiara is actually into women (bi or lesbian, call it)... Things got awkward after Italy methinks
Why this feel like a /baubau/ bait lol
To counteract half-assing some things Rissa should full-ass me
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Good morning Nerissa, I normally dont post this early but I got rudely awakened by a vivid dream turned nightmare. I dont like to see you sad or feeling bad about yourself, so I want to share some uplifting messages with you.
>feel good about yourself
Do not be down in yourself Nerissa! I know things can seem tough at times but believe me, things will turn around for you real soon and before you know it you'll be in the arms of your future husband. He'll make you feel reassured, confident, and overall good about yourself like you deserve to be. And even before you realize it you will be a wife and even quicker than you realize you will become a mother to a beautiful baby.
I often talk about God creating the perfect spouse for us and thats true, we all have the perfect spouse created for us and I know its your dream to become a wife and mother. Well your future husband, his dream is to become a husband and a father and not just a husband and a father but to be a husband with you specifically as his wife and to create children with you as their mother! Personally I think thats incredible, someone out there that perfectly matches our desires and personality and loves us for who we are. Someone who so perfectly matches us who has strengths where we have our weaknesses and who we have strengths where they have their weaknesses. A perfect compliment.
Dont feel down, there are so many great qualities about you and things about you that are enviable, youre funny, you have a cute personality, youre pleasant to be around, youre very feminine, youre kind, sweet, nurturing, youre a good caring friend by the sounds of things, you are an incredible woman and you will make an incredible wife and mother. I could go on but I feel its best that you hear it from the actual voice of your future husband. Theres so many great things about you, I know your future husband will love you with all his heart and will foster a great emotional and mental uplifting in you to make you feel good and confident about yourself, the way you make others feel good about themselves.
Thanks Nerissa youre the best! Its a good day to be great, so lets have a great day! XOXOXO
You know theres 0 chance of you being her future husband right? Knowing that, why do you post like this?
Stop replying to this idiot
Why do you talk to her like this? She wants to be a lesbian so badly.
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It's here
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you're a bit early bro
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So nothing will change really
Eh, the worst offenders have the pass anyway, so not much will change.
remove the swimsuit Nerissa
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Gonna listen to some ASMR in bed, don't die while waiting for the Rissa
EN racing
…who FUCK
their homework and deadlines
and ME
, Anon expectations.
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If she takes Aradia's advice we should expect a 3 days break every week
If she takes Malpha's advice, she'll return with a husband and at least 2 kids
She really should just take off until a week before her birthday or something.
Seriously, how far away did they move?
If she takes Malphas' the 2nd advice, she'll return in a stola
I don't know how much closer to her support group she can get, they live in the same house.
She should move in with Kiara
While Austrian countryside living is absolutely lovely, there's no Culver's
Sacrifices have to be made for a healthier life.
I think she's closest with Aradia and so not getting to see her every day was a bit of a loss. At the same time, Aradia is married, now with her own home. She's not going to always be able to rely on her for support, especially if Aradia has kids of her own.
She can use her holobux to open a culvers franchised store there
I doubt Aradia moved to a different city, she can still probably see her whenever they have free time.
One of those sacrifices would be less twitter but she sure as hell isn't doing that.
Wait until they let holos have special accounts on holoplus with a feed
'IF'. Big IF there.
If she moved to another side of hell, which is big, then it's not so simple. She dislikes driving, and you can't really drop in unannounced, even if its your sister's home. I imagine a big part of the reason Aradia and her husband moved out was so they had their own space to themselves.
Yeah, it's a big IF, but it's still possible for her.
Everything seems to point to the root cause being the fact that she's starting to think the ideal man she'll spend the rest of her life with doesn't exist, or something like that
what if she picks someone else? what if she picks wrong? what if her choice disappoints her? marrying a fan is risky
Basically the same reasons, i'm single. We're made for eachother
>If she moved to another side of hell, which is big, then it's not so simple
Oh I don't mean to imply it is. I'm just saying they likely can still see each other fairly regularly, they don't need to go to each other's houses.
Why not move to Japan at this point, at least she'll have the other girls around
Kek. If you watched streams you'd know that would speed run her suicide
Only fucking insane people move to a country where they don't speak the language
Kiara lived in Japan and chose to go back to Europe and stay there despite everything, Nerissa is probably similar in that regard
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I am hyped for Biboo streams that will go into late night American NEET hours normally that's IRyS territory
Well, Kiara moved back because her visa ended. She wouldn't move to Japan now because of her cats. If it wasn't for that, she'd probably live there.
Rissa aa corpsebride?
>marrying a fan is risky
Male celebs do it all the time and it usually turns out fine, aside from some whining from twittards about power dynamics or whatever
Nerissa Ravencorpse
Fuwawa sex will save her
>Male celebs
That's the thing, women will do anything to marry a male celeb while female celebs are much more picky and would rather marry someone already establish
Even in death, she outshines the living
She was still a shut-in while there this summer. Japan won't make her happy long-term.
I could see Nerissa marrying a fan, but I think it'll be a while before she reaches out to one.

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