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What is her appeal?
The signature on her arm makes it look like she has a hairy belly button.
begins with c ends with y
Actual streams and cares about her audience
Actually streams VIDEO GAMES. Gotta make that distinction so Karaoke fags can fuck off
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I wanna be Joker to savage this RoBiboo
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>incredibly cute
>rock hard
>streams a lot
>tomboyish at times but also very girly
>pretty good at most games
>wants to live the idol dream
>actually pretty good at dancing
>friends with pretty much everybody
>has a praise fetish
>cuteness transcends language barriers
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Some people like boring content. Just look at Ina.
IDs are always the most degen
whatever it is, it'll be gone after she moves to Japan
chu chu chu chu
Makes cumbuds seethe
sexy rock
Pick me girl
I pick her 100%
She's not an obnoxious cunt. Seems to be a very rare thing in the western vtubing world.
Imagine being the sidekick of a sidekick branch member
YES, I dropped all of Myth because of that. I don't expect daily updates but ffs, months long breaks?
She has none. Shes a leach on HoloEN, never creating something original, but always copying what works for others. Why try to be original and risk some failures when you can just copy what already works? Like damn bitch I know you're desperate but at least try to be your own thing rather than restreaming others content a week later.
This is some next level vagueposting, but I can only give you a 3/10 for whining.
>Like damn bitch
Calm down, sister.
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Crispy creamy cringey calloUsly comparatively cooperatively cunningly conspiratorially coNspicuously coNtroversy cockfiendishly convincingly continuingly crassly creaky correctlY

conspicuously and callously correct this crispy creamy controversial cockfiend continuingly until she creaky leaky then provide cooperative and corresponsive cunnilingui like a dinnerplate of linguini

is what i assume you mean...
Is ina boring? Yes. Nobody could reasonably disagree.
Good. If they aren't it means they dont care about providing entertainment.
Lolicon's when Gura isn't around.
She cares a lot about streaming, and this passion is seen throughout her interactions with the chat during her long-ass streams. She's got that kusogaki energy which she's carried since debut and resonates with fellow shitposters such as myself. She's dedicated, passionate and those who can see that have formed a bond as hard as stone. She is my 2nd favorite in EN behind bae and she will always keep a special place in my heart.
Mori's play toy
i agree, and especially with that 1st point
at the end of the day when 7dtd was over i always saw her chill for up to like 3 hours after the game, she has a good rapport with her chat and a really upbeat fun attitude, no wonder people love her
Pretty simple, she's got silly humor and plays a ton of cool games.
Underappreciated post
Cute, passionate, silly and cool (sometimes)
A 5-star holo
I'll add something that others haven't- Biboo is fucking PROFESSIONAL. Like sure, she's very casual and relaxed in her on-stream persona, and she absolutely loves to stream. But when it comes to her own personal standards, she upholds them meticulously. Tech issues? Virtually non-existent as she does pre-testing on most things, and the ones that do pop up, she fixes quickly (looking at her first ER stream as an example). Punctuality? She essentially never starts a stream late, and usually has the pre-stream intro revved up prior to the scheduled start time. Entertainment? She keeps dead air to a minimum and considers whether any given stream she runs will be fun for the audience.

She enjoys her job, but she works fucking hard at it, and I respect the hell out of that. It never feels like she's taking her position for granted.
Very cute and very funny. In wholesome ways. Like she's one of the cutest girls and her comedic routine is pretty good. On top of that, she's pretty sincere in her career path and enjoys her hobby/work of playing games. It doesn't make her tired, it just makes her happy and enthusiastic. A positive person in general.
She also doesn't use any curse words if you ignore how she things some words are funny like "butts" and dont do the whole sexual innuendo roleplay other vtubers are into. She's pretty fucking seiso.
Probably one of the best vtubering streamers on top of her obviously being cute and funny (ToT)

Her ability to entertain is amazing and I make her the default pov in collabs.
streams regularly and plays games at a decent level those two things alone puts you leagues ahead of most EN streamers
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Sex appeal
Biboo fought and grinded to get into Hololive and she shows quite a bit of skill, it's actually amazing how well she multitasks gaming and yapping without degrading her skills to non-existent like most streamers.

She's great in collabs able to move at the pace of whoever she's with when she's gaming and she's willing to be supportive or trollish depending on the nature of the game.

She knows how to exploit a game for content, and she also knows when something has run it's course and when it's time to move on.

She challenges herself even when she doesn't have too and she never lets herself get visibly frustrated.
That is a really good image. May I save it?
Yeah, all of these. I have lots of Holos whose on-stream personalities I like and I can enjoy in collabs. But there are very few that I can see a frame for and think "I can guarantee, 100%, that will be an enjoyable stream which will not frustrate me at all." Biboo is one such. She's just fucking great. She never misses. She's adaptable, entertaining, witty, and charming. The only reason not to like her is if you don't like her specific niche- the gaming gremlin. But she executes her niche at maximum effectiveness.

her singing is, admittedly, kinda bad. but she's getting better and putting her reps in! and in songs that fit her limited range, she genuinely sounds good.
no that's theft
Haha sure my friend, it's all yours!
*picks her* checkmate libtard
out of ten
Do we really need a biboo pedo thread on /vt/ 24/7??
Uh, yes? What kind of question is that? Next you're going to tell me /vt/ shouldn't rape Ui.
Bitch do you know where you are?
Biboo can have many flaws, but boring ain't one.
I don't always post ????, but when I do, it's to reply to foundationless vagueposts like this shit.
She's not a great singer, but the spirit she shows makes even her below-average songs seem so much better than they would be and she's still good enough to sing a good song, no matter if it takes a thousand tries and a bit of studio magic here and there. Besides, you just want to root for and support her along the way.
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What sort of question is this?
that would be weird since many of the first Pebbles were chumbuds.

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