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Twitter algorithm is fucked up. I got unprompted RM doomposting.
>Mori asking the Fire Keeper to ride her cock
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I just read a Grand Blue chapter about this
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Bae cute!
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hey man
Why is Mori so horny all of a sudden?
>Is that a homeward bone in your pocket?
Is holohero getting 3.0 before EN?
>biboo sex thread deleted
>for a fucking fauna thread
Meidosan why...
>the fire ain't gonna keep itself
>stroke it
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Very accurate descriptions, Bibs
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jgh, how's the streams been?
was ccmoom good?
is raora doing these 12 hour streams every month or something?
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timesmith is underrated and doesn't make a big deal of their ship name like biboo does with grindstone
Its just Kaela and her crush hanging for hours
Gutsliope is a sexpest...
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Lapsama my friend
Fuck you Im crossposting. im genuinely offended by your stupidity that you think i dont know that she isnt actually a frothing at the mouth racist, i know the tweet is fake its called making a joke you troglodyte.
correction, it ain't "vtubers/streamers"
it's "women"
I can see them...
>they just cant talk about it
Fauna once very incredulously said "these people think we're millionaires".
They deleted the Biboo OP last thread, too, for the towa one.
Can't have any good shit here.
It was made first, retard.
she says they won't be a permanent thing as she gets busier. she wants to spend as much time with her chattinis as possible before then.
Buying more ads
ogey sis
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IRyS identifies as a little girl
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the snake
Fauna isn't really known for merch or sc numbers to be fair
uhhhhh, hmmmm...
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I love our Spectrum Shark
Both were early and late threads. Learn to bake.
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i'm guessing it's not too long until they get as busy as advent
can't wait to see mamma 3D
>using the corrected version
yeah but its weird because the 2.0s myth have been getting are more of an upgrade than a 3.0 could be
>Take me to the wizard!
I'm right here mori
yeah I was wondering how she would keep this up monthly
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These candle enemies are one of my most favorite designs in DS3
>Kobo made vacuum licking noises during her 3.0
god damn /ehe/ is strong
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Biboo needs to get laid
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My Ina!
What? I'm pretty sure Fauna is top 2-3 in SC and merch.
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Bae a cute.
Yeah, by me.
it is always women
Ina and Kiara don't seem that diffeteby
who the FUCK is liz
Gutsliope is now a candle...
I havent been able to join the sessions since these new models have been made. Cant wait to use them
Koyo failed to get the jecht shot
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oo ii aa ii
FWMC together already take the top two slots for both
Fuwamoco secretly post on /ehe/ from time to time.
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I'm sorry, but you'll always be ERB.
even then its more than some ahegao toggles
no way that coin puzzle effects the ending
i'm a little surprised she failed, it looked like she was doing well
a lot of chuubas i've seen play it didn't actually understand how it worked the first time
Is this teleporting sage fucker the inspiration behind Miriam in Elden Ring
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Is Watame perhaps a little mentally disabled?
Yeah, I thought she had it. Must have been borderline.
I absolutely thirst over pyramid head
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Very important image
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fucking kek
Fauna is like #3 in SC and #4 or so in merch.
Gura, FWMC, and Ina beat her out in merch. FWMC handedly beat her out in SC and can sometimes get beaten by IRyS
Raora bush status?
Man I love Mori's Dark Souls adventures
Not really. Neither one of them would be top 3.
Yeah I guess 3.0 is more incremental
she doesn't identify as one, she IS a little girl
When is the toilet scene?
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Think about it this way. Twitch had a doxxed list of streamers salaries based on subs/ad/twitch sponsor board revenue alone. People on that list with 4-5k concurrent viewership were earning roughly 1 million per year. Lots of Holos get more than that plus they have youtube vods music and merch revenue. Moistcritical makes 2 million per year on twitch and his average ccv is only 5k. Vtubers probably have a higher percentage of subs than normal twitch streamers because vtubing is more parasocial as a medium.
numbermonkeys you are in the wrong thread
Why the fuck do women thirst over Pyramid Head anyway?
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>and Ina beat her out in merch
no, Fauna beats Ina now
Chattini please let the jetpacks shit die I'm begging you
Lmao this place SUCKS the first time you go through it.
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i don't watch raora so i've enver understood the jetpack meme
DEXchads don't have this problem, Calli. You should use a scimitar or two here.
you forgot the girls have Cover stealing more than 75% of their money earned
Mori getting trolled exactly as Miyazaki intended
I don't think Biboo quite gets what's happening here...
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I love how Bijou's fear dissipated for a moment as soon as she saw Pyramid Head fucking the legs.
biboo should sing Duvet during her next karaoke
It's only 30%. Pretty standard.
it's called capitalism sweaty
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so what's Bae's announcement tomorrow?
not now nijisister
Ina rage status?
The skateboard set is not a good indicator because Nerissa lost to Shiori when in every other merch run she beats Shiori easily.
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Very important inage
it's actually impressive how much is wrong in this post
why was pyramid head krumping
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I love smug Luna
and Youtube and taxes fucking them over
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Laid OUT
Biboo just got dabbed on damn
Biboo please I'm begging you
How did the topic of that song come up in her stream anyway?
damn this pyramid head intro was cool
What is happening?
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I miss my wife...
>couldn’t even be assed to crop it properly
takos deserve deportation
I thought triangle boy wasn't until Silent Hill 3?
Marriage to me.
Pyramid Head was raping the legs.
She sang a lyric of it randomly
She started singing it as a comfort song
Weirdly enough it's hard to swirlie a nerd if you can't catch them
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People dont like to hear it but Luna is actually intended for corrective rape
There's nothing to get. It's even not stupid than jdon my soul somehow
it’s okay eggman, I fucked her good for you
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why didn't you protect her smile
It does I guess. I thought it was just how much you healed and how much you listened to Maria as well as looking at Mary's picture or looking at the knife in your inventory.
Gamespot says it DOES effect the ending but they could just be making shit up. Wouldn't be the first time.
5 of the 8 endings are NG+ only.
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I'm gonna post Petra again if you fags don't stop shitposting.
he isn't even in 3
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Anniversary live
I use the tools God has given me (paint) and there is no way I am downloading a pirated copy of photoshop to fuck with transparency, layers and bendy shit
just leave your keks by the door
You think that, but you actually already understand it entirely. It's not a very deep or complicated meme.
No? Cover takes 50% from superchats and membership, merch goes almost entirely to the Holo. Youtube takes 30% before Cover off memberships and superchats. Twitch takes 50-70% depending on how they're feeling that day and the particular streamer because that sites management is a hellhole. The revenue splits are roughly identical. You're also ignoring the fact that Ame managed to full on buy a house no mortgage in fucking LA where the average price is 1 mil
ccmoom was very good, there was even wheelchair rp!
Has she given any hints on what it could be? I've seen anons here speculating that she's getting a sololive soon
I think CC should lick Fauna's pits
Cute. I wonder how she came across it
ohh I hate hololive hahah please don't post more of her
Biboo isn’t sexy, Fauna is.
anon it's 2024 Cover, literally everyone is doomposting, you need to narrow it down
How exactly does Biboo cute?
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Shioriface !
do the legs have two vaginas?
Am I gay for not understanding the appeal of lipstick?
>dropped out of nowhere
>didnt even shill it
her shilling game is worse than Kronii
>welcome to Philippines biboo
maybe more
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>posts garbage anyway
I don't get why gooners think she's hot. It's like their concept of attraction gets tossed out the window as soon as they see a costume they recognize.
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this bitch has the sexiest pits ever
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no way :o
Are sisters actually trying to firegas us into believing >we were the black corpo the whole time kek
anon there's like an online photoshop that you can use (I don't remember what is called, but it exists)
why are you crying for a fucking OP?
or Nerissa
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But can it beat shiori or ame's
>How does the holo who watches other holos sing karaoke find the song holos sing in karaoke
Shit man I have no idea.
>I don't get why gooners think she's hot
She has nice arm pits, that's literally it lol
ok female
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here's the hot new meme everyone is posting: moomcakes
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I think this meme is very hot and has a lot of potential. It's not at all like that lame and washed up Shioriface meme.
yup, that image is canon now
You're a faggot if you don't think that she has a sexy body.
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Kiss zone highlighter
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I get how it makes a girl look appealing but I don't want to kiss wax.
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But this is sex
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Check their ccvs yourself then. Moist is online right now with 4.5k
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too much effort
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hey...maybe she somehow watched the anime..also it went viral on tiktok for a bit
I will not be seduced by pink ladies the same age as me.
this girl has to be the sexiest hololive cosplayer
>she's a sapling
of course she is, all good looking people are saplings, this shit is so unfair
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someone should make a chatbot were you can breed nerissa's entire family and nerissa just has to watch
I NEED to be inside of her.
idk but the color makes a difference, i think dark red lipstick is ugly
I did not get that at all from the scene. They toned it down compared to the original
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the hot moomcake everyone is posting
You fool, that was her goal from the start!
Koyo trying for the jecht shot again. She'll probably get it now.
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I warned you
so what did James do to get sent to silent hill?
She is supposed to have wider hips than this.
If I was making this much money sitting at home playing video games I'd be in Japan ASAP holy shit
Nerissa probably reads posts like this which leads to her current mental situation
Please be kind
easy trick to spot a numberchimp
this thread has shit standards for cosplay whores
Biboo confirmed that this is nerfed biboo and she has a big gyatt
she mentioned she saw this on tiktok
>open original image in paint
>paste Ina image, move it into position
>erase along edges to fit the same shape as the phone, ignoring the background being erased too
>copy newly cropped Ina
>open original image in new canvas
>paste cropped Ina
just use your brain and the world opens up
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>she's a sapling
she's a multi-oshi whore
I watch Blitzball for Koyori's boobs
To be fair not a lot of people get it immediately, it's more of a retroactive realization when the more obvious phallic stuff happens later.
>Biboo swapping between keyboard and controller to shoot
I swear to fucking God IRyS and biboo are long lost sisters or something.
Which ending is Biboo on track for? Or is it too early to say?
Naw, her "hips" are entirely her dress. she is a stick.
t. chinese femboy poster
She can leave kissy marks on your dick.

You are objectively a queer.
we're being kind by letting her watch
Pebbles and Novelites really care about OPs
huh okey
all these years I thought it was 3 that had pointy lad for some reason
obviously I have never actually played a single SH game before and came to this conclusion somehow. Naruhodo.
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How do you fuck that up twice....
Mori you have to hit them
Kek that's funny
Is Mori getting to twin princes today or is she just going to get fucked by the library sage forever
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i legitimately think Nerissa is a lovely girl and i would love to give her a big family. bullying her is just fun
>owns a shitton of Hololive merch
>cosplays multiple girls
>owns Sanrio plushies
How crazy is she?
Nope I was wrong, Koyo did worse this time.
Is she enjoying X?
I've had it in my backlog to play again.
the other girls said she has a nice soft butt for her height
They're not wrong though, walking around/platforming plays better with a controller, aiming plays better with a mouse
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Here is Shotz, the lowest streamer on the list section I linked.
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Hearing IRyS and Biboo talk about the same random shit at different times is actually very funny.
Knowing Mori she will get killed 3 more times by the sage then 1 shot the princes lmao.
I like lipstick in moderation not slathered on like she's doing
meanwhile i see anon spamming the same 10 faggot crossplayers every day but this is the one you cry about
Don't know, I have her on mute
>walking around/platforming plays better with a controller
This is retarded, it literally doesn't it's just preference to what you're used to.
>aiming plays better with a mouse
Use gyro aiming
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They should both adopt the superior method of control
Yes and Marine said Mori's butt is bigger than her's, but Mori looks like this.
I think the chick’s hot but she doesn’t look particularly good in that Fauna set. Her make-up is “off,” I don’t like how she looks shiny. Her other cosplays are much better.
I don't like it at all (on anime girls or otherwise)
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Fauna is her Kamioshi
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What's going on here?
oh boy what a dumb bot, he really thinks people will care about something that has been spammed 1000 times already?
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Mori's inability to deal with spell casters is hilarious
1 and 3 are connected narratively, 2 is its own thing
There are skew options in mspaint, but even without messing with that you could pre-trim the sides at an angle with the lasso tool and get it looking tolerable in four tries over the course of one minute. Effort issue.
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>all these years I thought it was 3 that had pointy lad for some reason
Nah 3 is the one with the vagina monster
not enough tummy
Fuck off Woolie
Too early to say but it'll either be the "Leave(Mary's)" or Maria's ending.
The only way to get the "Water(bad)" ending is to basically always be injured and look at the knife in the inventory.
THEN AGAIN Biboo never has healing items and is always injured so I'd fucking laugh if she accidentally got it based on that.
I'm watching Mori, did Biboo get the room whisper yet?
>doxfag posted twisty spam first
Be less blatant where you came from.
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Assuming a holo makes $30,000 a month, that would be $360,000 a year. Let's pretend that SCs, memberships, merch sales, promotional opportunities, etc don't exist. Now, let's say Cover takes 30% of that. Down to 252k. YouTube takes another 30% of that. $176,400.

Now we have to factor in taxes. Assuming the holo lives in the US, $75,874 of that income is taxed at 24%. $53,374 is taxed at a 22% rate. $35,549 is taxed at 12%. And the remaining $11,600 is taxed at 10%. That lowers their income to $147,019.08 annually.

Now, we have to consider that because these girls are living in the US, they probably have to pay for health insurance. That will vary depending on who their provider is, what their plan is, and even what state they live in.The US average monthly cost for health insurance for 2024 is $477, so $5,724 a year. We are now down to $141,295.08. Thankfully, that's barely a dent!

But what about housing? I think we can assume that they have to live in a house of sorts. I doubt many holos stream from public libraries. So let's pretend that this imaginary holo lives in SoCal. Los Angeles, to really try and paint a grim picture of the cost of living. Average rent in for a 2 bedroom apartment in LA this year was $2,953 a month, or $35,436 a year. We are down to $105,859.08.

So it's possible that the ENs are millionaires, if we assume the EN has been in hololive for 4 years and has a very dedicated (and rich) fanbase, multiple promotional opportunities, and has a constant stream of endeavors that result in a substantial increase in net income. That is to say, the only EN that could realistically be a millionaire would be the one and only Calliope "Your Boy" "Money Mori" Mori.
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She deserves it and I'd drop everything to go if she actually got it, but I don't think there is any way Bae is getting a sololive this year
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why the actual FUCK are there genuinely unironic femanons here in this sanctified boy's club thread? Fuck off back to /cgl/ or just shut the fuck up like it says in the Bible and do something useful for once like make a sandwich, fucking jezebels
well, two has it's fair share of vagina monsters
It was fun when I was the underdog but at the end it was boring since even the non-Tidus players were too good for the AI.
I'm not around for those hours
Some retard testing out his bots
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Wrong, faggot
Don't you give me that fucking look Joshukun I'll kick your ass.
A lot of holos deserve it and have been waiting for much longer
need me one like this
What is the point of posting the faces? They are all beautiful imo (Sana doesn't count)
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Her Lui cosplay is my favorite
I like this Biboo
She doesn’t give a shit about vtubers, she only cares about costing what gets her the most attention on the internet. And judging by this board’s constant worship of her, it’s working.
T u T
If I had to guess it's announcing something for her anniversary
Very unlikely it's a sololive
Will I go to hell if I get a boner from Biboo?
I'm Scott
Mildred is a terrible name
Those 2 statements aren't mutually exclusive.
Dude, a lot of those birthday/anniversary merch sets are clearing 6 figures alone, and the profit sharing is probably much higher on a Cover/Holo split than Super/Member between YT/Cover/Holo. They're easily making $50-60k twice a year after merch splits, in addition to all their cuts from regular merch sales, events, voice packs, and SC/Mem.
Biboo got mihoyo "panties"
Yes but it's worth it.
seething females are funny
And it's always the same pics.
It's the same tourists complaining about /v/ calling silent hill 2 shit. They always do this and pretend to be organic members of a community.
All I know about SH2 is that one of the endings has Mary(Maria?) reading a very sad letter. Is that universal to all the endings or only a specific one?
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>numberfagging about income
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Yeah see, she looks a lot better here. Eyelashes are a bit much and I’m still not sold on the lipstick stylistic choice, but otherwise she is quite attractive.
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based hooman, I come here to watch women, not have to deal with them
Koyori's blitzballs are pretty great
>only a female would hate 3DPD
what happened to the world
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...is Biboo realy asking if Silent Hill came first before Stranger Things...? Is she doing a bit?
Yeah and it's hot as fuck
don't think any of the Holos on the waiting list work harder than Bae
bro i just don't care about your /v/tard shit. there's a reason you have to be insane to still post there in 2024
She’s an adult anon, you’re okay. Small women deserve love too.
Are women aware that showing their armpits is enough for men to jack off to them?
Yeah, these stupid doxfags are repetitive
>watching JP
When are the hololive girls doing a shitstorm of scariness?
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Uh, sex.
She's just comparing the two, not which came out first
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so do children
This is bait but I think we all agree with the fact that Mori is one of the richest holo.
I really wish they'd start planning sololives in America. But I guess Calli would be the most likely to get one.
Just because I don't want to fuck anything with a vagina and a heartbeat means I'm a queer. Fuck this dumb meme.
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because you're dumb enough to acknowledge them posting it and give them attention
imagine if she cut holes just to show some armpit
>is (ethot) aware that she’s being sexually provocative?
I swear you people suddenly have zero brain cells as soon as she gets posted
Bae should rape me
sasuga shiorin!
I dunno about you but I have a VERY high sex drive
Next you're gonna tell me she's not a rock.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
kinda impressive they couldn't come up with anything considering how long she's been in the game
Do sisters really think that house was good, it had fucking termites
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at least she buys merch and cosplays them. Better than seething sisters .
I want to smell goob
What do you do in Tribe Nine?
disgusting gooner proportions
Mary and In Water has it being read. Maria just hands James the letter and he glances it before they walk off.
Hot even though it's ai
She's doing her BibooBest...
fuckable pits desu
Not AI
Its really really shitty and Kiara will get filtered by the tutorial boss
It's her hard working shill posting her the same hours every day, same pictures every time, gets mad every time he gets called out
Does that mean every cosplayer knows that they are being gooned to?
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What a handsome and non-villainous looking gentlemen.
a whore remains a whore
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what do you guys do when there's not streams that interest you?
How do I get hair like that?????
This was before she got her tits done. She shouldn't have.
Is it ever mentioned why Seymour has vericose veins on his face
why does this dude have dick veins on his face
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this guy has a retarded artstyle that is barely passable but he draws holos with big breasticles so I enjoy it
It didn't even look like AI. Was he baiting for a source?
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I used to eat the wax on those babybel cheese wheels...
oh did we finally get our own spambot arc? we're like a real board now!!
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play games
fortunately I like a lot of EN girls so I have a lot of streams to watch
We watch VODs while shitposting
As a dude, I'd get into cosplaying if it meant women would goon to me, but I know it would just be gay men jacking it to me, and that's unsettling.
uwah, a bot
What is happening here?
I've been getting back into reading
That is a lot of bots, damn.
Vods, games or a random YT vidoe
This retard is really struggling to make the bot work kek
3DPD fags are super annoying. Probably a high crossover with doxxfags since they care about the non-anime world
I mean he could have just asked...
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That explains why you're still posting here in your mid to late 20s instead of stacking paper and getting bitches.
holy shill
I want to lovingly kiss the old pink woman in the bottom corner.
My best guess is a seething /v/ kiddy mad about the anti-spam measures taken there.
what does Pyramid Head symbolize then? MC's repressed libidio? Guilt at raping his waifu one time? Guilt at lusting for other women post-waifu death? Insecurity about having been keked? Something else entirely?
Pitch it to Gigi and Ceci.
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I'm 31...
Oh I only said it was because the shark teeth
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Time for tutorials!
I play games and shitpost
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>accepts paying the price of ten packs of oreos while expecting to receive only one pack
I don't think mori is a millionaire.
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Get into kigs and it'll be straight men jacking it to you instead, much better
post pits
Considering normal people working 100k/yr jobs can't even afford a termite infested house over there yeah it's pretty good.
When will they implement that shit here already
play video games, watch vods, jack it
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I sit here and pretend that I'm going to finish Yakuza 0 while staring at the wall and panicking that there's not enough time to play the game before I need to do something else, so ultimately I end up just sitting here doing nothing.
her reaction to seeing this huge ass tutorial list was funny
mating press
post pits
Generally James being a horny fucking creep, yeah.
I watch sports
Which is worse, that he's struggling, or that our incompetent retards on the mod staff can't even deal with one monkey using baby's first proxy provider with their "improved" captcha
who stole her butthole???
>spamming in order to accelerate the coming of antispamming measures
oh shit I didn't know there was a 3rd form
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he's just like me fr fr...
i don't sit here posting to fill the empty void in my life
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Ok but seriously, this is the fasted thread on the board by a wide margin. Can't you just range-ban the bot?
I watch top gear and sopranos clips
That was fast kek
I wanna die bros
Pretty much all of these yes
>complaining about moderation
>and Kiara will get filtered by the tutorial boss
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I fucking love Blitzball.
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Contemplate suicide
They actually don't have genitalia.
games or read manga
Why did this spammer appear, if he wants to spam at least spam Aqua, Sana pictures
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I wish she was more moderate with the lipstick, this would be so much better
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Jesus. Mori's going to be stuck like this for a year?
What's the botfag trying to accomplish? idgi
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Also if she didn't have a man jaw
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what anime am I supposed to be watching this season?
very pinchable tummy
What the fuck is dry yogurt
Don't die anon. I'll kill you
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Calli has a cough. Raora has a cough. What happened on that coach?
that's the most male person I've ever seen.
No butthole I cant masturbate to this...
who is this chuuba?
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>panicking that there's not enough time to play the game before I need to do something else, so ultimately I end up just sitting here doing nothing.

>tell myself I'm going to finally sit down and relax and do something fun
>gnawing feeling in the back of my mind to organize my room, try to sell some more of my old junk, to put together that furniture I've had sitting in the corner for a month, to finally finish researching that piece of equipment for that hobby I've wanted to start for a year
>end up posting here, jacking off twice, making dinner and going to bed
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I love this guys style so much
make sure you're an organ donor
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What if we create a hlgg2 to escape the bot M
>dry yogurt
that just sounds like yogurt you left sitting out too long
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>Spambot is a Nijishitter
Of fucking course it is.
I'm very confused. Is the botfag pro-twisty or anti-twisty?
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Have some Fuanamilk
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yagoo likes the new netflix gundam
really need to see beebs reaction to the siren
I think your lamy has down syndrome or something, take it to the vet.
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Bae also said she felt she was getting sick after that but she managed to fight it off I guess
Yagoo should go back to work instead of having fun.
hlgg2 already exists
is it any good?
and your oshi is subaru?
Anxiety sucks
hey, you're just like me
anon, that's a nipple
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a shitposter
I'm allergic to yogurt so I would die if I ate it (:
Yagoo should get that Bandai/Hololive partnership for model kits
Cute Towa.
Maybe they should cool it with the spitswapping at their watchalongs then
Currently jerking off to Mumei
yeah, with me
you're a nipple
Nice shots biboo!
>chattini have no pp confirmed
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My Lamy is FINE thank you.
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you heard your momma, chattini. you guys dont need to mate. i'll be doing all the mating for you, don't worry. i'll take care of your big mommy.
They should keep doing it to build their immunity
quite good actually, it has zeon army perspective
I don't even have anxiety, the problem might be I literally have no reason to do those things other than a self-imposed desire to do so rather than an external pressure - it's easy to do my taxes, pay my bills, but starting new things is difficult because I have to set myself up time to do them.
the best yogurt is skyr
Fucking kek Bibs
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lemme help
Fuck off
we did that before and ended up with like 8 hlgg threads
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Yagoo should shut the fuck up until he fixes Ina's situation and gets IRyS some Gundam song perms.
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anons that are just like me!
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I'm starting to think we should have made /vt/ a Holo-only board
take your goddamn adderall
I just gave up and don't even pretend to try that I can play games or whatever. I just put streams on these days since it's easy enough
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Do not do that
It's true, they talk about holo as much as we do.
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La lolion~
What the dog doin
>aqua wig
That man has some immaculate thighs.
how hard is it to just play video games
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FUGS is such an ugly weapon
How the fuck is James still using the same fucking piece of wood since the start of the game?
These things are TOXIC
i love this part of the FFX playthrough where they read the blitzball tutorials for 30 minutes and then lose the game anyway
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I don't have pills because no psychiatrist can stand me long enough to diagnose me.
Are you saying it's FUGSly
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i don't go to the doctor unless i'm in pain for more than a day!
i don't even know how to get medicated!
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Did one of the Shitzo's bots break?
I pray for /vtg/ or /holo/ every single day.
>completely flat
>still wearing the bra
so close to greatness
working as intended
Post the source of this already
Just buy some off a friend then
/vtg/ would not fix anything btw
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The hardest part is sitting your ass down and simply doing it. You end up getting distracted by all the little nice things in your life and end up accomplishing and finishing nothing.

If watching a stream or engaging with the internet is that riveting to you, just put the goddamn stream on the other monitor while you play games or while you finish up work or selling old junk. Or put the stream on speaker while you clean your room. You'll find that doing the things in your life you wanna do isn't that hard when you just stop sitting on your ass and simply do it. Starting a thing is harder than finishing it. And you're alive, so go do the things you wanna do.
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in the longshot chance that the announcement actually is a sololive can someone explain to be how a nonjapanese goes about getting tickets?
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I don't have friends.
Wtf is happening in this pic?
The wretched Dung Eater.
It's a metaphor for the raging boner that he gets while he beats up women. So it doesn't break because it's not actually a piece of wood.
Do girls really do that?
I hate how it kept getting its attack rating nerfed early on. Like damn dude, it’s already heavy as fuck, slowly as shit, stat-hungry ans anll get out and requires twinkling titanite to upgrade, give it a break already.
Those finger monsters look like her purple starfish avatar
Fauna finding her glasses
I thought captchas blocked bots, otherwise why am I even filling these in?
Don't they usually do lotteries
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I think this one's designed to force some kind of moderation on the thread or destroy it completely
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I think I'm just gonna post Kiara pics before that thing takes all the image slots
...the wall graffiti in that game can attack you?
Nero > Dante
Eating pussy
or ass
can i jump in with no gundam knowledge or should i watch any other series first?
Bibs officially lost it
Biboo the DMCA...
no full source posted ever
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For me? It's Ninomae Ina'nis
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This be how nierfags felt...
Its gotta be ass because mumei keeping her legs together would limit access to the interesting parts of her pussy
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The most important thing is to control the things in your life you can control. The difficulty with trying to, for example, clean house by selling shit on ebay/marketplace/whatever, is that you're really not in control of it, it depends on other people.
But for example, it's much easier to build a piece of furnature than it is to say, hop to a new and shiny job, because that task requires an external force to complete, and is therefore not entirely within your locus of control, creating uncertainty.
Hell is other people, as they say.
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if it's actually to force them to do something then I'm on board
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It's disgusting how I would have thighs just like this if god hadn't given me a hugeass birthmark that looks like I partake in BDSM
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You should post the one with huge breasts
Why do we have a new botter schizo?
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do people really just wake up and start spamming bot posts and say CAPTCHA ME UP BOTTER
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I unironically like Blitzball.
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>1 year member
how stupid are these people
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have no pebbles backseated biboo into leg shots? i was astounded koyori never did either .. it makes ammo never run out
Kiara soon
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You'll have to be more specific
New models are a lot of fun, can't wait for you to check them out.
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Who fucking cares? Why do you care so much about them? Talk about streams god damn you
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Reminder that you can turn off thumbnail previews so you don't have to see spam fags doxx/other shit
I like Koyo's blitzballs
why do Chinese men look like this
what's in their water supply
This is evil. I thought it was just a cropped image.
Sarcasm is hard to read in text.
7-2 in Sven was crazy
This should be illegal
just conceal it retard
Yes, beware of Fauna's wrath
The door was scripted to explode.
idk there were quite a few retarded messages
interesting how that anon isn't crying about asian faggot cosplay spam the same as that woman being posted a few times, really makes you think
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lack of proper diet makes them small and easy to handle
I refuse to believe Raora isn't a 30 something Italian hag
It actually ruins it for me if she's young
This guy will never come close to the likes of Accelspammer
>what posting here feels like
>licks fingers clean
There are a lot of implications here
mm halloween candy
rent free
And that's a good thing, but also it was different back then. It's because of that worthless faggot we can't store finished captchas anymore
Then leave
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>ywn be comforted by a psychic with crazy eyes
why even live
>me going shoulder deep in shioris ass
Culturally, the chinese prefer male successors, so the one child policy of the ccp resulted in a ton of infant females being killed and a there beign way more men than women among millennial/zoomer chinese. Many of these "men" were groomed to be women to compensate for this discrepancy.
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Raora's stream is pretty comfy but she's so low energy right now.
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Implication porn is top tier
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yea it's a nice stress reliever
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I just noticed these gargoyles are deadbeats
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Stupid sheep, trying to be sexy.
I don't think that's a real song, Biboo
Store finished captcha? Sounds amazing
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Is the 15 minute new IP timer rule for 4chan posting applied on /vt/ yet?
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Bib so cute
cute cute bib
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You know too much
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Why doesn't anybody her horns?
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If I cant jerk off to my own thighs without covering part of it up what is the fucking point anon?
Yeah. You can just like, spend 20 minutes doing captchas and you'd just post without ever doing a captcha for a while.
not yet
she's NOT gonna be able to sleep soundly tonight kek
Try it out in a new incognito window.
I'm not gonna say I hate it but I also REALLY want to see Fauna tonguing Mumei's anus
they seem to be putting stickies on the boards it's applied to
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Me too!
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Do you guys remember when Korone ranked her favorite Saw kills? I remember
also SOON
>Implication porn is top tier
Oh yeah? Check THIs out.
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>niji out of nowhere
thats how you its a phasekek
this but in my ass
We love Chinese femboys and can do without women thanks
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Start preordering Hololive manga
I just came on my screen
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I'll be taking this image slot
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alright, im just gonna post what's on my mind despite the amount of
>you're a retard
>you're a shitposter
posts that i might get from posting what i observed.

Despite being talked about and posted the least among all advent members, FWMC gets shit on the most and defended the least.
it's really odd that while they were still in the NWP (canada) they never got as much shit as they do today. there was still shit posts but not as bad as now.
so the question is, is the reason for all this really because they moved to japan?
is that really the reason why they get posted about less, talked about less and among anons here at least, they are the least popular?
it's a shame too because i honestly think if they never moved at all none of this would be the case.
it's just a strange thing to observe that between their move to japan there was a decrease in talking about them at all.
even though they talk english in 8/10 streams a week they still get meme'd on for JP pandering even though irys does the same thing.
but, what are your thoughts on this?
feel free to call me a schizo as well.
Spoiler that shit anon, advertisers are reading this board
Biboo losing it!
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Oh God... I passed out watching Kaela again
Biboo _____________cute_____________
think about how worthless your post would be without the Kronii image. You're already pushing it besides
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Imma fuck both
skippa skippa
skippa skippa!
skippa skippa
Are we getting a 3D live on Halloween?
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robotomo explain
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Scared Biboo does something to me
>mumei and cc wheelchair bit
i wish i was here
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dude that was like 8 hours ago
It's because their fans bite bait easily. That's it.
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Yes we're all gay and hate women here
/hlgg/ stands for hololive global gays after all
wombo combo
takodachi breeding grounds
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She's modular.
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my beloved
Good additions to HoloEN:
0 members
Fauna, Mumei, IRyS
Biboo, Nerissa
So a Cecilia can get huge booba too
Lmao Mori. Doing the Joestar special.
Skippa skippa.
i don't care about the JP stuff, they're just boring to watch if you aren't invested in them from a parasocial point
hey guys, did you know raora can draw?
The termites house is different, nijichama.
And hlgg eats up falseflags against them like no other.
Mori, your coffee...
Shit additions to this thread:
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Number of dicks this Anon’s mother sucks on a daily basis
>Too high to count
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That or a vshojo fan
Nobody likes greedy numberdogs
>like no other
Kiara exists
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"Partners Shirakami Fubuki and Ookami Mio defend the peace of the land corrupting force known as stigma, this fox-wolf duo is always ready to do their duties with a smile!"
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Good additions to your mom's vagina:
my cock
Meant for >>87804224
Yeah, I just woke up. I was 20 minutes to the end too...
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>shitposters have no angle
>less shitposting
>shitposters get an angle
>more shitposting
It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
I want to know what Cecilia looks like underneath. What does her automaton skeleton look like?
it was very funny
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Present tense.
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Good additions to HoloEN
Pic related
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Imagining this as a skinsuit fetish image and getting rock fucking hard
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My pretty gremlin
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Is Fauna the only one who actually uses the puppet assets Ame made?
No, watch streams.
>Chat saying here we go just to spook Biboo
Pretty funny ngl
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thanks for the heads up! hopefully i remember to put my order in when it actually drops
why is it having a melty?
I'd fuck all of them even Sana
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whats wrong with raora
no Kaela ...
This anon is a Deadbeat
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Shiori did once I think
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>No Towa
Shit tierlist
at least use different pics
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Is Angela a bit menhera
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>a bit
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>Koseki Bijou is not sex-
What's the lore of these three dudes cockblocking the road the Lothric anyway
>Are you afraid
I mean yeah a little
It seems to happen whenever Mumei runs into a wheelchair in co-op games. She and Bae played around with the wheelchairs in A Way Out as well.
No she's really menhera.
>Elizabeth Love Song cover
I immediately thought of MGS4 theme

what a fucking masterpiece
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also yes the bottom right is porn
It'll have some characters from the 08th MS team. But you should be good.
is it really that simple?
because in my eyes gura didn't even get this amount of shitposting and she's gooba.
but then again, she never did things that gave shitposters an angle except
>no stream shark
so yeah, it probably can be that simple but its probably more than that right?
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Not even a classic gank squad can defeat Mori!
Damn, somebody is really mindbroken
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What is Ina plotting as revenge?
Gura - 7/10
Mori - 9/10
Ame - 8/10
Ina - 7/10
Kiara - 8/10
IRyS - 7/10
Sana - 5/10
Mumei - 9/10
Kronii - 7/10
Fauna - 7/10
Bae - 7/10
Nerissa - 8/10
FWMC - 6/5/10
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damn this scene with the music kinda hitting
what broke it
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>because in my eyes gura didn't even get this amount of shitposting and she's gooba.
Holy fuck you are so new. Go back to the first year of Myth and tell me that again.
Let's just bust out the images of the entire board being full of gura bait threads.
Tail doko...
Post cute soundposts
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Sorry, fixed it.
Fart intensity.
Angela having a normal woman moment
>gura didn't even get this amount of shitposting and she's gooba
>Gura doesn't stream
>endless shitposts
>Gura streams
>endless shitposts
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Or Haachama and the Tit
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Koyo can't whistle...
Where's the tail i can't jerk off to this...
Probably something mostly or entirely unrelated to Hololive.
Friend A......
Source anon
biboo is peeing again
Biboo's tiny child bladder is engorged with urine.
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biboo is gonna pee on me again
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These two were cute.
Biboo is just DROWNING me with her pee.
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go piss girl!
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I cant whistle
I cant roll my Rs
I cant do any of the fun things
Happy the meidos are acting so quickly
t. deadbeat
cute and sexy
Raora should pee too
skip the obsession holy SHIT
Strawberry flavored piss in my throat
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Technically, all of ID counts except Kobo. It's weird but I don't make the rules.
I'm proud of Mori deciding to go fuck it and move to Japan
And actually make it work
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I wonder how many people are hearing this story for the first time
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Since it's a bot, what happens if the next thread is renamed differently or if we have 2 threads up at once?
This is the most Biboo has gone pee on one stream since debut
biboo's actually rippin a dart
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I'm proud of Mori for having big boobies
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>Sometimes I can't sleep, and then Ohapol is starting soon so I just stay awake
Ngl, I had no idea that Polka's morning show is this popular among Holomems themselves
Fucking retard
they have WHAT in sven?
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Look at this graph
Biboo was full of pee
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Correct actually
Mori you’ve given this basic advice 1000x
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This is the shot
It's genuinely the most kakkoi thing about kari
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It's good every time
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Makes me think of the end of Ghost of the Babe
What if she's not going to pee, but to clean up her pee
Idk why people ask Mori shit like this when the circumstances of her life so specific that any advice she could pass on is somewhat useless lol
[ALERT] Biboo has finished peeing.
The duality of deadbeats
People ask pretty often.
Where were you when biboo piss herself on stream
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beeg grem
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kek Korone
Sometimes I think Polka exists in the same "the Vtuber that Vtubers love to watch" space as Fauna.
Not really
Yeah on me
i worded it wrong.
as of recently, gura doesn't get as much shitposts as she did back then when myth started.
obviously there were a ton especially from hardcore /jp/fags.
that's why i brought up the only thing shitposters talk about now is no streams.
of course, the reason is because she isn't streaming now that it(shitposts) isn't as high as it was months ago
Very cute Anya
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how did it get so big?
The face of someone that would rape me
Gura - 8/10
Mori - 7/10
Ame - 7/10
Ina - 3/10
Kiara - 8/10
IRyS - 6/10
Sana - 3/10
Mumei - 8/10
Kronii - ?/10
Fauna - 6/10
Bae - 9/10
Nerissa - 7/10
FWMC - 6/10
I was the chair
t. gave up on his dreams
I think the phrase you're looking for is "the Vtuber that your favorite Vtubers watch"
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are you telling me a tako fried this rice?
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should i eat a big cookie or have a sandwich and a sprite?
She always ends it with "in the end it is mostly luck" which is true.
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Nice Bloodborne reference, heh
Ooh I like this farming spot because I like one punching those fat fucks with pre-nerfed white hair talisman.
Jesus it looks like the artist drew a man and then bolted on some tits as an afterthought
Is this what people call good sound direction?
Foot odor.
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I'm pretty sure Anya is always cute. Except for when Mumei uses her to stab someone.
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Unpopular opinion I like 2d biboo more than 3d biboo.
Jerking off to Ame Kronii fanart right now
Can’t give up on what you never had
Try to bake HoIolive Global with the first L as a I like last time.
i made this post
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'k brat
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You could say the same of end of a life being about an extremely specific time and set of circumstances in Mori's life yet people relate wholeheartedly to the emotions behind it. All Mori is really saying is that your passion will lead you take big leaps in life, regardless of how particular her own life story is.
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...Nah, Mumei cooked it. Ina is just uses it to make fried rice.
Whoa...Kaela looks kinda cool here
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The ame InAme schizos dream of…
These enemies are fat fucks
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>opened Biboo's stream
>she's singing Stellar Stellar
That scared, huh?
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I like how you can catch these fat knights descending from the heavens if you look up quick enough
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brazilian gooba
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I love how Gigi says her name

Also listen to Gigi's new cover.
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I forget exactly why, but it had to do with progressing through the map.
Don't bother. It'll be perfectly emulatable within a year. They fucked up for long enough.
That's because the no stream people are her fans not shitposters and even they got buck broken into expecting nothing now
>giga hyped up, meaning easy set up for grudgeposting about the smallest things
>inoffensive, meaning they have nothing consequential to lose your shit over so you have to come up with your own made up issues to pretend to be upset about
>genuine schizo bandwagoners jumping into their train early thinking there finally was a chuuba that will cater to their ridiculous autistic standards
What are 2 ENs who should collab with each other?
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No, please enjoy the newest remake of the Last of Us where we added some superficial bullshit and slapped a 80$ price tag on it.
Wait these fat fucks actually have angel wings
this game has way too many fucking keys ngl
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Thoughts of Ceres Fauna?
The blue ones do too, just very tiny
when will she let us hear her cats purring
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Kronii and Shiori
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no thoughts, just jam
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i want to rub that round head of hers
I remember when she first debuted I thought her name was Ceres and Fauna was her surname. I still think Ceres would have made a better name
I wish konami hired Korean instead of westcuck devs.
That's no way to talk about Kanata
Remove Sana and I'd agree.
Queen of hlgg
The good green woman
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I want to feed her meat
My meat
my godbirthing wife Heather
Mumei counts as a Tako for these purposes.
Gigi please...
kosepiss or pisseki?
Reminder that Konami themselves wanted more changes, and the devs had to keep telling them no.
pfffft hahahahaha
Link? Greedy bastard
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It's Biboonald Duck
them titty balls fit perfectly in a swimsuit i tell you what
Holy cute
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That reminds me I need to upgrade Horizon.
When they make the Anya manga one day, they should establish that Mumei forged Anya or something
It's actually a manifestation of how Heather is a loose legged whore who should've kept her legs "locked" up.
why did IRyS retweet this? she looks like a lesbo
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I miss her.
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Did Mori mention she's doing a different song for day 2?
Dark Ame and White ame
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Imagine the alternate universe where this happened and we're all shitposting about how they replaced the entire cast with kpop stars
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do you have fauna's scream when they fell in the ravine
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The fanarts have been great so far, yeah
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Sex of EN
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I miss her so much I want to die
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The group who hunts Moms for breakfast
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hell yeah
No. Timestamp?
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Biboo's a genius!
she's overrated and not for me
Why does Raora’s BGM sound like a song from Stardew valley?
>I'm not grinding
That can be easily fixed
I love bedhair
I want to lay unmoving and stare at the ceiling next to Gigi…
Biboo really grinding her gears on this one
That says Kaela and Bijou
She deserves happiness for all her hard work.
nihongo jozu
>we're boning it
Yeah, me
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Isn't her oshi Korone?
Biboo don't forget to take a piss break. You're leaking
Sleazy, manipulative, fake. EN Rushia.
>we have to bone
Yeah me
>Am I thinking too hard?
Kek Bibs
>I could be at home lying around on the floor right now.
I've been listening to Gigi's cover, it's really good, listen to it as well
here's the link if you're lazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_N1uEAHk10
Her brain is leaking
She's fine, bro, I got it.
>even they got buck broken into expecting nothing now
They did nothing to enforce any expectations to begin with. Shitposting here doesn't accomplish anything.
She has listed at least 5 oshis before. Kinda like Zeta
Are women really
>Biboo will not play Outlast trials with Kaela anymore
Damn it. What horror game would they do then?
Why do Ina’s legs look like satyr legs?
isnt koseki bijous thumbnail a violation of the geneva convention
my biboo is so smart
bobba iss on topic you fucking janny
>biboo counting bugs
Watch out bug man!
Containment chuuba.
she's not used to standing so shes locking her knees. don't worry she'll pass out soon and resume her natural floor state.
I always figured Mumei used her up until the point she got amnesia and Anya achieved sentience during their time together.
FWMC should make her eat bugs again
>Deadbeats we have to bone
My Biboo is very smart!
I think they mentioned Panicore?
yeah but you could say that for all criticism or compliments here. Some people are delusional enough to think the holos are here reading it
sponsored Dark Souls with Anime girls in the style of Dangeropa on the orange chiggin telly
They aren't. Kaela told her of she doesn't want to do it the deal is off.
Biboo can't tell blond(ish) white guys apart
Fauna is smarter, Pebbles should know
chickens gather for your allotted feed of shilling
oh cool Kiwawa on the telly
Well shit she did it
>biboo stepping on bug
Bug man your response?
>girls talking about Leon

>girls talking about James
>"yeah go do the thing whatever your name is"
how does Italy have more cons than Canada
But Kaela is the one not upholding her end of the deal, isn't she? Didn't she promise to play Mon Hun?
Biboo is secretly smart and only pretending to be cute
No part of it is like Dark Souls.
James is a creep and not charming at all
He's just like me
to be fair James is a certified creep
My Ina xD
For who?
It was actually pretty hilarious how Shiori was constantly taking screenshots during that stream.
do you guys clean up your sharts if you go one while watching mid stream

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