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(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>87765630

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
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Good morning, friends! I try my best to make sure the thread doesn't die while I am awake but there's nothing I can do in the middle of the night...

Looks like my theory was correct. She's running card shop in parallel with Mikosan. Apparently, the time limit is 18:00 and at 19:00 both appear in the Animal Tower Battle tournament.
Card shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ofscb0fZHo
Animal Tower Battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eaqbEuxEKY
Didn't even realize previous thread was even made!
Might as well use this one because they're already posts on it
It's been a long time since we created two threads in parallel, so I didn't bothering checking again before submitting, sorry! You were 20 seconds faster
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I'm not the baker. I mean this >>87765630 thread I didn't even realize it was made
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Looks like they went out together somewhere with some other Holomen, including Suityan, and got their fortunes read and apparently the results were eerily accurate. Mikochi and Suityan got very similar results (lucky with even bigger success awaiting them in 1-2 years) and were told they are pretty compatible and should look for a partner similar to each other, which Fubuki found highly amusing and couldn't stop smiling about. She herself got her fortune read as well and apparently, she isn't going to be too lucky when it comes to love so she should prioritize her work. Even if she were to get married and have children, she would likely still make work her highest priority since she is very devoted to her work, so maybe she is just not too suited for that kind of life. Apparently, all of them got similar results in that regard, which they deemed pretty fitting since they are enjoying the work they do a lot right now and frankly wouldn't even have the time for anything else right now.
Apparently her own luck isn't too great right now but is supposed to be at its peak in 3 years. She is taking luck donations from the Sukonbu to supplement hers in the meantime.
She was talking about riding her bike and how she enjoys it a lot and mentioned she often rides her bike when she goes to the supermarket. Apparently, she learned to ride her bike without using her hands as a kid and she got very good at it and learned to ride a unicycle after that. She isn't confident that she can still keep her balance when ride a unicycle now, since it has been quite a while since she did so. Someone asked if she had any interest in getting a driving license and she reiterated once more that she has no interest in that at all and never intends to get one.
Thanks for these translations/summaries, friend!
Hi Friends!
Hi friend!
She wanted to reach store level 50 before this stream but she didn't have enough time to keep grinding. She wishes there was a real room of time and spirit so she could spend an eternity to just opening card packs in there.
She has been using the ultra light laptop she got from HP as a part of the recent sponsorship deal to open card packs 24/7 whenever she has a spare moments in between work or in the waiting room or in bed before sleeping and stuff like that. Apparently, Mamagitsune also watched her sponsored stream with HP and has been giving unsubtle hints to her that she wants a laptop too so Fubuki has been thinking about getting her the same she is using now.

She also mentioned she is planning to play Terraria (with Mikochi? didn't catch that part) as soon as the next major update comes out, since that is supposed to introduce an official Japanese translation. She is also planning to have a one on one collab with Suityan where they eat something extremely spicy in the foreseeable future, but they decided to wait until after Suityan's live tour is over since she doesn't want to stress her throat too much before that.
Thank you for this.
I would love to see her in a unicycle in 3d lol
Apparently, Rui and Miko both just won pretty big during the horse race which is going on right now. She said she is going to make Rui pay for dinner next time they go out (they already scheduled a date) and convince Miko to organize an onsen trip somewhere.
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I love Fubuki!
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35bu and SukoP. She talked about this earlier, she said Miko's shop was low on stock and 35P were coming over to her shop and growing corn tails.
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People asked her if she ate some sort of time limited McDonalds item and she explained that she is the kind of person that only ever orders the same thing in the same place for the most part. For example, at McDonalds, she only ever orders Double Cheeseburgers and is not interested in anything else on the menu. She always orders the same sort of Donuts at Mister Donuts, mostly orders the same type of Sushi etc. It's not like she doesn't like the other stuff on the menu, but as soon as she finds the item she likes she no longer feels the need to experiment and it makes going out to eat very easy if she already knows in advance what she is going to get at what place. She says the only time limited thing she ever gets is some sort of peach drink at Starbucks.
Otsukon! Victory goes to Miko this time, but because they didn't reach their goal of getting a 2 million card, they will have another battle sometimes next month. And possibly every month after that until one of them wins.
The tournament is starting! Hajimanbo!
She's literally me...
Thank you for translations. I see so much myself in these, no wonder I like her.
Since Laplus is disqualified since she thought they were playing the smartphone version and doesn't own a switch, the next match should be Fubusan vs Fuwawa and start very soon.
Apparently Miko didn't realize it was the switch version either and was only told by Fubusan shortly before the tournament started. Fubumiko love!
Nevermind they are finishing the left side of the bracket first, I thought it was round by round. So that means there will still be a couple of matches before hers.
Alright, it's her turn now! Fubuki vs. Fuwawa! I hope she makes it to the finals, Fubumikosan finals would be amazing.
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First round victory!
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Second round vs. Raden starting now!
Another Fubuwin, and she and Raden are now also in the lead of the second high score prize!
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She's got this.
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Fubuporu up next! This is going to be a tough one.
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What an amazing end to this tournament. Kino.
Raden match was incredible because their voices just kept getting higher and higher.
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Guerilla in 4 minutes!
This is such a fubuki stream concept, some extremely weird way of playing a very well-known game
Pro fox! This was really good, it took her twice as long with a lot more deaths to clear x10.
VGTC finale in a few minutes, Fubuki is 2nd in the championship by just 2 points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYhEd6ZCETE
When will the fox stream another gacha roll?
I don't remember when exactly she said that but she did mention a couple of times that she hasn't been spending on gacha much lately
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Man, she was way too cute at the end..
This would be an insane statement 4 years ago.
We are in first place going into the finale race now!
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We won!
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good, my fox waify is starting to see the truth about gacha.
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She fat
Puppet foob is extremely cute
I want to have sex with her.
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It should have been me

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