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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQOASFmUNxI
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhFvq4owWSw
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
TUE - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - Mario Party w/ Kiara, Shiori & Gigi at 3 PM EST | 12 AM PST | 4 AM JST
THU - Advent Collab - Phasmophobia at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Gigi's Bday Dinner Party at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - Silent Hill 2 at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
SUN - Day off - Biboo Idol Meeting
Next week:
MON - The Forest colllab w/ Shiori, Fauna and Kaela at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
The other days are TBD, but Biboo will post her schedule.
why are women such sociopaths?
I love Biboo!
She's still watching those videos..
famichiki! :D
I understood that!
my reps are paying off!
famichiki please!
Because it's hot
This is the best feeling ever. Ganbare, pebbro.
You're making me REALLY fucking hungry right now, Bibs.
>heard about fasting, started doing it
>biboo is giving me the 3 AM zoomies
Making Biboo dinner and cuddling on the couch afterwards
Which character?
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how does this look anything like Biboo
Herta from Star Rail and Uruki from Grandblue
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I think this
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Uruki. Definitely some similarities, including a chest gem.
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this one
Okay Pebbros, it's my turn with the braincell
It's definitely the flap that does it.
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I kind of wish I got into Granblue during its height.
What got my attention initially was her hat, kinda reminds me of Biboo's bonnet in her nye clothes
I don't know man, all I've heard is that the game is a full time job
>Green curry
Based Bibs
Most old gacha becomes like a check in, but GBF you have to nolife if you wanna be part of guild wars to actually earn good stuff.
Game's on life support now as they wait for their final 2 zodiac characters, but there was a point when Versus and Relink were first announced that it was easy to get into. Now it's a shitshow where you need 9 copies of limited SSR weapons or farm for months for free ones, and you also need hyper end game shit that JP's won't let you join rooms for unless you're Level 350 (years of grinding).
>got ellen
If we ever get hoyo perms its over.
I plan on getting into the fighting game when the Rat character comes out this week if that counts
Character designs were really good in zzz but god DAMN I hate when games actively try and make me STOP playing.
Once you run out of energy there is literally fuck all to do outside of the roguelike thing
>she immediately proves me wrong
We are saved. But I am still doubtful with genshin
Sounds like even if they did get perms we'd be safe.
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Biboo in these clothes yes please.
>Actually booty shake physics
Jesus fucking christ that almost made me reinstall.
it's all factored into the game. some game companies spend millions researching this to get as many people addicted to the game and willing to pull for as long as possible
Biboo is saying she likes to be kept in small dark spaces! Huzzah!
I don't think she plays Genshin anymore, bwo... She was already still on Sumeru when Fontaine ended, she doesn't have time to catch up with stuf...
It's not a fear but when I'm in a big city I feel so small and insignificant after a while it makes me really depressed and I want to kill myself then. Takes a couple days for that to start tho.
I want to push Biboo out into space :)
That's the thing she doesn't have time but if she had perms she might make the time to play.
I kinda wanna watch her experience the story though...
theres not really much to do in any of these games outside of patch day. At worst it would be a daily yap stream where she does the daily stuff for the ones she plays. Or maybe just the biweekly stuff like abyss or moc or shiyu.
Gacha games seem like boring streams outside of pulls.
You always see in past time because you can't look into the future :D
>a billion years ago
Uhhh your astronomy reps biboo...
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Not if i can help it
I could listen to her tell me random ass facts while I ignore her and play video games literally all day long
God I hope she steps on me with her platform shoes
Im the exact opposite. The height is what gets me. I beeping hate the part where youre just slowly climbing up. When it drops and starts moving fast its fun.
>tangible threats
>intangible threats
It's the same thing as horror games:
>can fight back
>can't fight back
I miss her already...
She's such a hime-sama I wanna dote on her and pamper her and call her a good girl for every warcrime she commits.
I love Biboo so much its unreal
And now we wait.
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Puzzle time!
I could listen to this tiny woman all day, she legit gives me butterflies.
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Now I will wait for her return.
What the heck are you going to do with all those butterflies?
Can't wait for more SH2 next week~
We had a pretty good thread tonight pebbles. Good night!
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don't worry about it
That was officially Biboo's longest horror stream btw
Our little biboo is growing up.
longer than RE2?
Yes, her longest RE2 was 6h:30
gg Pebbros
gg, thanks pebbro
GG Pebbles now eep
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Thanks for playing!
Tomorrow's puzzle will be at biboo standard time! (If there isn't a surprise guerilla stream)
I'm too hyperfixed to her, that if I don't have my comfy time with her, I'm literally start to malfunction.
I'm so proud to follow her and praise her so much. I just... Love her forever!

Thanks for the game! I love this picture from Mo-mama! I hope we can play more tomorrow!
I wonder if Biboo and Momseki like Breaking Benjamin
Eep well friend
Anyone have a timestamp for when she enters room 209, the room with the whisper?
I'm ready for this monochromatic nightmare tomorrow
Its a tough battle tomorrow with no Biboo by my side...
The plushie literally can't come soon enough...
Can't wait to put my tulpa inside the plushie!
I'm so glad other Tulpamancers are apart of this community :D
Thanks, I remember that whisper freaking me the fuck out when I played the OG years ago and I'm glad they kept it in.
Can't wait to insert my chatGPTboo into the plushie as well
Wait... is chatgpt just the digital version of tulpa...?
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Interview with the Vampire with Advent on Tuesday at 6pm PT
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Also HoloEN racing
That's not spooky! That's gay!
Yup, nerissa definitely picked this
don't worry biboo I'm stupid too
>interview with a vampire
holy that movie is fucking gay
at least it has an eternal loli in it, I think.
but it's mostly gay.
Thanks Nerissa.
yeah, a young Kirsten Dunst
>Interview with the Vampire
I hate Nerissa...
Honestly it's fine, we get to watch The Thing with just Biboo alone. Advent can watch whatever popcorn flick they want and I'll just listen to girls being cute.
Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed holoEN please
Shadow x Sonic Generations releases on Friday, 100% chance Biboo will play it on perms get
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>31yo Brad Pitt kissed 10yo Kirsten Dunst
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there is no way that happens
Hollywood...is an interesting place
It's just a harmless kiss
Just wait pebbro
It's been 2 decades since I've seen it butwhy are you saying that movie is gay? All I remember is a cruel and miserable film and at the end Brat pit is afraid of trains kek.
No idea but I assume its gay since Nerissa is obsessed with that gay vampire dude
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Very silly rock
Okay, that made me laugh... a lot.
Eh, you'll see for yourself. It's "vampire" gay and not just your run of the mill gay. I dunno how the fuck to describe it, just watch the movie!
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>Vampire gay
Ah yes, I understand
I love this dope pebble so much
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Miss wife
This might be the best timestamp for a video I've ever seen
Biboo's videos have amazing fucking time stamps honestly. It's great
I assume it's some kinda bot but at the same time they label every timestamp so uniquely. I don't know how they do it
The only stamp I need is my dick stamp against her bibutt
I need bibooty on my face
I need bibussy on my face
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I kiss the screen
Chu chu chu
Man I can't fucking wait for this to show up at Christmas
So it turns out that SH2 is actually pretty hard so choosing standard was the right choice for her
That's my prophetic wife!
4 collab this week ?
This scares the Biboo
Kek, sometimes yt chat is alright
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I love this bad bitch
God i want her to step on my dick so bad
I will fuck this bratty rock
I dont give a fuck what other people say, interview with a vampire is a good movie. Yes I am a man, I just like vampiric themes. It's basically a story of a bunch of toreadors.
>Yes I am a man
a very very gay man
>It's basically a story of a bunch of toreadors.
Holy shit you're actually right
I never thought about it that way
Okay but what about an interview with Biboo
What would you ask her
Good morning, I love biboo.
"What does Shiori taste like?"
I'm thinking about biboo
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biboo if she hag
Man I can't wait for the stream tonight. Had to watch the vod yesterday.
>stream tonight
graondstone core keeper on friday
My wife, her strict Asian mom, and her pampering Italian momwife at it again!
It's low tech but that's a soul schedule
So sweaty gamers shiori ver, Advent, and graondstone. The handwritten schedule is adorable
Kaela will probably enjoy Core Keeper much more than Terraria because she can actually see shit. I hope Bijou is able to convince them to play on Hard because the game is pretty fucking easy even then but at least you're at risk of dying.
Huh that's an unusual collab time for them, not complaining though
>sweaty gamers
Fauna's not on the list so she probably cancelled
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Just woke up. Rock status?
Absolute SOVL schedule, what the beep
Scared. Had to pee twice, even.
>she's still playing the card game
What the fuck is she even doing? She's streamed it for like 30 hours at this point and she still wants to do more. What hasn't she accomplished yet? The game can't be that deep.
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She only got one foil ghost last stream and is quite pissed about it. She also still has 200+ boxes she needs to open
jesas fuckin christ
This woman is not human. I need her in my life.
I saw her spraying that pile, was it for good luck?
At this point she'll try anything
I heard from very reliable sources that having sex with me will give her ten years of good luck. Might as well try it...
I heard from my cute autistic wife that you should GSH
/gem/, can I say how much I appreciate this thread? Most other generals are often very negative on other Holos, but aside from the ubiquitous schizo's posts, basically every non-Biboo Holo is met with a bunch of praise and happiness when they collab with the gem-hime. Hell, I think there's only one Holo who has a somewhat more negative reputation on here, discounting aforementioned schizoposts, and that's just a debut grudge that hasn't had a chance to be replaced with more positive interactions yet.

Thanks for loving Hololive, pebbros.
trying to be subtle now that >>87829945 got implemented?
Damn there's new rules? cool. I still want user IDs to lower the amount of idiots replying to themselves.
I'm sorry that mentioning you ruffled your feathers, schizo-kun. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will mention Fauna so you can return to seething comfortably soon.

I would settle for flags tbdesu
/gem/ is one of if not the best general in this hellhole. Truly an oasis in the midst of the desert of ignorance.
yep, if you wanna ban evade now you need to wait 15 minutes like a good little cuck
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Imo flags are worse because it tends to distract from the topics and enables more shitposting. Along with literal falseflag shitposting with VPNs.
With ids you avoid all of that, at worst you'll get the equivalent of namefagging but it's way less common than the flag shitposting.
I just want to be able to ignore thirdies, but I will agree that one big downside of flags in general threads is that it enables pseudo-identityfagging from rarer countries. Like, if there was one Pole regular or whatever, he would be recognizable in every single /gem/ thread. So I'll agree, on further thought, that IDs would be superior to flags.

I still want to be able to filter out SEA, though.
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Behold, my evil (definitely evil and not just sad!!!) wife (SHE'S EVIL OKAY?)
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The Mini Boss.
>I still want user IDs
Nah, anything that identifies someone just distracts from discussion. On most boards with IDs or flags you frequently get responses aimed at your label, not your post. One of the biggest problems with 4chan right now is ban evasion and the post timer helps with that. 15 minutes isn't enough though, they need to bump it up to several hours.
If you're making enough shitposts or self-replies for your ID to have a negative connotation within that same thread, you deserve the label-related mocking. Fuck shitposters.
That's the thing. There are more than enough schizos and retards regularly browsing most boards that it doesn't take much to get you hounded. The IP count was removed for a similar reason. Post is a new IP and someone disagrees with you? You're obviously a phoneposter ban evading. Not a new IP? You're obviously samefagging.
Anything that derails from the actual discussion is unnecessary. You don't need flags, IDs, IP counts. You're meant to be anonymous.
I want this Biboo to "hmpf" at me.
Unironic shitposters terrified of having their awful posting habits caught out.
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Koseki "Biboo" Bijou, the eepy princess of the gem world.
Correction, the eepy princess of the world, period!
ichiban ohimesama!
Perhaps even the eepy princess of the galaxy
Most of the Advent splits are good, outside of /baubau/ and that's only because it's invaded by antis and schizos.
I heard the Shio split can get kinda retarded, but that might be outdated information from the "omg sisters she's totally gonna collab with the homos" period of schizoposting.
which one?
The Forest is at the "normal biboo collab time" aka BST+2
Core Keeper is at 8 EST which is basically around Raora's stream time anyway
Core Keeper. Not used to seeing Grindstone collab at JP time
NTA but Graondstone collabs are usually on Waowa's stream time
Pretty sure the ones with Raora have all been in JP time unless I've been mistaken?
Huh. Guess I forgot, my bad
Yeah I think they gave up on Shiori finally I think they just get the same schizo we do.

Kind of crazy the shitposting's gotten so bad on /vt/ that the Jannies had to put a 15 minute waiting period up.
I don't even think it's "gotten" any worse than it has been for over a year now tbdesu, though that just might be my /gem/-exclusive narrow view. I feel like they just FINALLY did something about it. From my understanding, catalog has always been a fucking cesspool of dramasisters. Also, good for the Shio thread, I love our Novelite Adventrix brothers.
15 minutes is too short. Make it 3 days.
Not the normal baker but gonna try to make one of these since I'm procrastinating studying for an exam
Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - The Forest with Kaela + Shiori at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
WED - Advent Collab - Interview with the Vampire Watchalong (on Nerissa's) - 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 PM JST
THU - Core Keeper with Graondstone - 8 AM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 PM JST
THU - ??? holoEN Racing - 10 PM EST | 7 PM PST | 11 AM JST
Possible Streams:
Silent Hill 2
Dead Space
Sonic x Shadow Generations (comes out on Friday)
The Thing watchalong (probably the following week)
>8 AM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 PM JST
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Thank you for your service
Thank you! I didn't bother making one because Biboo said she'd post her schedule today or tomorrow, but I'll save this.
That's in effect here? I thought the 15min thing is only on /vg/
nevermind just saw the post
They put up a sticky a few hours ago saying it’s in effect. For now, it seems like it’s helped stopped the rampant antiposts on /baubau/
Starting today*
did fauna drop out of forest collab?
Not officially confirmed, but Kaela's most recent schedule, which came out after Biboo's announcement, didn't have her on it. So most current news is that the collab is Biboo, Kaela, Shiori.

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