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Does Anyone Remember in the Book Holes When That One Lady Puts A Little Bit of Rattlesnake Venom into her Nail Polish so When She Scratches A Guy Later for Being Disobedient it Burns Like A Motherfucker and Leaves Him Writhing in Pain? I Randomly Thought About That When I Saw These Kuro Nails Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Michi is LIVE! And she's signing posters! That means it's a handcam kind of stream and the art on them may be old but it still looks really great. But if you'd prefer your streams as more of a watchalong then Mouse is LIVE! And is doing exactly that for a monkey's RV trip. If you're into that then you're in luck. Finally Mata is LIVE! But only technically. Subathon and sleeping, etc. She'll be back tomorrow morning, hopefully with a less sore throat. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/ac76912/status/1847627190969725006

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87793376
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Good summary and edition, actually funny
Did you know that the first theme of Bruckner’s fifth symphony sounds a lot like seven nation army by the White Stripes?
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Geega? more like SEXga
this has already become the most interesting thread in quite a while
one is nail art is kuro, what's the other one?
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Zen's magically massive witch titties
retired streamer, don’t post
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controversial take, but I like current model more
I love the current model aside from the smaller tits. If she can get those back up to prior size or even bigger if she wants to be cool then it'll unequivocally be the best.
I don't mind it except for the nerfed tits
Bigger is not always better. There's a sweet spot where it looks just right, like Mel pre boob job.
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based medium enjoyer
why the need to retire zen, she's one of the few vtubers you could actually replace without people being able to notice, or at least you have plausible deniability
she could just hire someone to stream instead
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Mata and BBC(Big Black Cockroach)
this michi poster is so good, also signing them is a great way to prevent scalping
good thinking
is vtuber merch scalping a thing?
>without people being able to notice
but I would and a lot of other anon would too
I think that may be a little hard to fake
prestige the movie - but vtubers
for such small numbers of an item only sold at an indo convention, it could easily be
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I can see this movie being made in the next 15 years
Please don't say that about Zen
Thank you
fien fien fien fien fien fien fien fien fien!
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>this michi poster is so good
yeah, me
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I think matara really likes mint
So Michi left her newborn baby cousin on the sidewalk for literally ten seconds to throw rocks at a dog and now she can never babysit for her relatives again?
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Seems fair to me, who just sets a baby down on the sidewalk
Based Mousechad, Mata is for BWC ONLY.
it would be funnier to have 4 mata in the back and one black roach on the couch
Sounds like a win
Yeah, never show competence at something you don't want to do or you'll be thought of to do it every time
What can we expect from Matas involvement with WME?
she's going to have an appearance in the next big videogame movie
John Cena collab.
sponsored streams
he's already live on the subathon right now, you just cannot see him
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They're both Kuro themed. Left one is a whisper, right one is part of the new pirate design.
Glad you've learned blueshit will never take off
So mad
Unicorns have infested the waters. It's over for us.
We're based now, no longer the loser org sadly
I will kill myself if Geega talks to a man
I will kill myself if Mouse talks to a man
>not losers
Good one
The only thing they can't lose is their virginity
UniGODS run this bitch
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Pink cat cute
UniGODS have the power to make bitches run away with just their stench
mata fell off
I just checked, she's still safely in her bed
Can't fall off if she never got on my cock
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So what's the verdict? Is something happening soon?
the verdict is that nothing ever happens
Is that it?
I can see saiiren's nipples
Holy Saiiren aboba.
Please... I must see them...
Why is Geega a giant
Geega french kisses her cats
She just wants to cover her piercings, but it only ends up drawing more attention. I guess there's no real solution, but I feel for her.
Giantess org
Fucking where?
>realistic depiction of a panic attack talk
I'm out
She already said she probably has toxoplasmosis
She eats shit?
>pale white model
>brown skin rtx
Why is this so common
It's generally from the cat touching it with their feet then touching you or climbing on your table or bedding or whatever. But the idea that toxoplasmosis has some kind of large affect on humans is an old wives tale anyway. It affects the stress response in a few specific small mammals. It's not universial across all animals or all mammals.
in what fucking world is saiiren brown skin
I'm tempted to make a racist joke here, but I'm a reformed now
dunno who this sairen girl is btw
This one?
saiiren is our greatest +
She personally got Mouse 30k+ subs through babysitting chat for hours during the subathon. How many pluses can say they raised 200k or more for the star of the org.
plus that plays a lot in vshojocraft
She’s brown, using skin lighting and filters on stream to make you look white doesn’t count
Based whiterace_defender_1488.
Anon how about just typing "saiiren" in google image search? She's Asian. If you consider her to be brown then giri is brown too.
it’s called lighting and shadows, seeing as she’s siting directly behind a room divider. The blurry pixels is a telltale sign of camera ramping up ISO to compensate for low light conditions. She was literally a flesh streamer before you moron, knock it off Asmon
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Brown on brown racism
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Geega does this to her cat
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brown Mouse
Geega brush her cat's teeth
with her tongue
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I wish Zen would collab more with big titty vtubers
Kill yourself
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Ok, I'll become a big titty vtuber and start collabing with Zen just for you, anon
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Quit being a bitch boy
Michi sounding like /v/ right now
She's such an incel for hating
what a fucking CHUD
I don't think she liked this game very much
>Michi put the dumpster fire of a game that has LiS 2 name by a dumb mistake in S, next to the godlike LiS 1
>LiS 1 Remaster in A
>Before the Storm in B
>True Colors and Double Exposure in E
She is actually retarded, holy fuck.
>she likes /pol/shit game with two retarded whiny kids more than double exposure
>Michi talking about DEI
I just had no idea there were that many LiS games
I hope gunrun is ok
gunrun is grooming michi
the devs expecting you to side with Chloe in the end over the whole town is still laughable
Michi is an Asian and they don't care about DEI
Gunrun going through it hope he is oky
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she is so cute
I know he's too much of a chad, but he should learn to share his burden more with the girls
>he should learn to share his burden more with the girls
What? They're his employees, not friends lmao
I'm cancelling her as we speak
The sisters are gonna EAT
That opinion is absolutely not cancel-worthy kek, not sure why she's worried about that
uhhh, michi talking about rima?
I wonder if Michi watches anti-dei/sbi videos
just to be clear, the gunrun stuff was just a joke from a comparison michi did with a lis2 character
michi fucking LOVES henya
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No Kuro today.
It's over
It's Michi's bi-weekly rant about twitter
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This is how you can tell a chat loves their streamer. They protect them and want them to be healthy, even if it means they can't stream. A toxic audience demands they go live no matter what.
I kinda like her and I think she has potential, but I wish she wouldn't make her content revolve so much around drama
who is michi talking about?
talking just in general
Haruka has toxic audience
>no one ships with me kuro now and I complain about it
I want to see Geega naked
I ship Michi with Kuro AI
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only a peek
how did you get that
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me and geega are in a discord ERP server and she sent that to me during one of our sessions
Fuck that bitch for doing a hit piece on my man quinn
Do you think Kuro would have had a chance with Michi if he hadn't been fat?
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I dunno
She's a complete Phase shill and hangs out with doxfags, not sure why you like her.
nta but mouse once said she liked rima
What the fuck bitch, Haxorus is cool
No. Most SEA look down on flips. Friendship is one thing but she would never be able to bring herself to see him as a man.
Being fat or not isn't important, having muscle and height is
Michi said Kuro is very quiet irl so he doesn't have rizz.
He seemed charismatic enough from what I've seen during his con irl
What is your point?
I have lost a lot of weight in the past and I would say that being very thin is a hundred times better than being fat
He was jester maxxing for camera. People like that usually become awkward when breaching topics that require actual rizz.
I respect Mouse but sometimes she should do a background check before saying things.
Geega will fuck grimmi with her massive futacock
Maybe you know less than you think
I followed her when she was much smaller, her content reminded me of false's
to tell the truth, I haven't watched her in quite a while though
the old pokemon games are only fun when you're playing drayano's hacks
they are better than newer ones imo
Ok Rima.
Why did you stop tourists from making bait threads that would embarrass themselves?
I asked ChatGPT to /in/ post JP talents, what do you think?
>Shigure Ui
>Tamaki Inuyama
>Tenkai Tsukasa
>Pikamee Amano
>Hoshino Char
heavenly brick breaking
>Pikamee Amano
Someone tell OpenAI to force meds down chatgpt's digital throat
Tenkai Tsukasa is the only one that even has a bit of relation to vshojo. Never heard of the last one.
>Derek Vinyard likes your post
I just want to sloppily tongue kiss heavenly while rubbing our oiled up overweight bodies together man (not in a gay way)
Do they need relations to Vshojo when we have auditions right now?
>Do they need relations to Vshojo
Yes. Auditions were a mistake.
5’10” is tall in SEA land.
Nah, watch his interviews with his viewers or even look at his collabs with the girls. He always knows how to respond in an entertaining or understanding way, despite claiming to be awkward. Being a humorous and chill guy is rizz to girls. He’s had a lot of relationship experience as well.
aufition were a pr move
like crashed into a tree while driving?
lose weight faggot. I hate fat "people"
EN auditions were a mistake
We love fat bitches here
I hate a feeding fetish
Yes, but imagine Vshojo is invite only and the only way to get in would be being on friendly terms with most of the members and doing collabs with them. The leeching would be way worse than it is now, especially from 3views and other subhumans, because indies would have an incentive to do so as getting into Vshojo would mean a viewership boost, merch deals and other benefits which in the end means more money. And humans do everything for more money
What if I want more leeching though. All collas being the same 5 plusses gets boring after a while.
>tts fags can get married but i cant
in real life the chad autist dumping his life story to his oshi during an inappropriate time gets the girl
According to this general everyone outside the org is a leech anyway, so let them have at it.
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How many burgers could you make with all that meat
But you think this would give us more Sinder, Mint, Snuffy et al collabs when in reality every vtweeter and 1view would spam invite Mouse, Zen, Henya and maybe Michi whilst completely ignoring the other members, because they think they are less influential. Just imagine several hundred Dani Dawnstars.
tickling geega's fuzzy ovaries
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Why the fuck would you bring up EVs to a first time Pokémon player...
What's stopping 1views from spam inviting Zen now?
Pokemon autism is a particularly potent flavor of autism
She was about to blow all of her money on EV boosting items.
I think the sensible people in chat were just saying "don't worry about it".
Poketards have no sense of measure.
kek, mindbroken
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Does Michi want to fuck Pokémon as much as Snuffy?
Michi doesn't understand statistics
Wish Kuro would join in VC, been craving more bf streams
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snuffy looks like I'd have to wear a nose peg around her
Nose peg?
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You mean a clothes pin
Damn you literally my girlfriend Michi Mochievee, now I feel like seriously playing Pokemon again

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