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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87800505
10.25 DEBUT 【5pm PT / 9am JST*】
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Doob night!
Have a doobday friends!
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Good night, bros
I've been smiling all day thanks to that teaser
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hopeful disposition
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>gura: this is uh i guess our last one-on-one
>ame: for now
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>I guess I'm the ultimate ground pounder FOR NOW.

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
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I believe!
I can't wait for all the dooby lewds and r34
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Come hang out with the gators there https://awat.420699.xyz/

also I'll be heading to bed myself though
Im addicted to her announcement vid, it’s so recognizable and hypnotizing in a way. It got to be the hips and how her head sways,God I love her
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Doob night
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so I have the free prime sub thing but I think I'd rather get the youtube membership
what are the chances she does member streams?
Close to zero I'd say
fuck off anti
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Is it actually antis or people who are mad ame left
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catalog tourist
regular schizos
it's usually a combo of them since they seem to be buttbuddies
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>provides JP debut time
>japanese in description of the YouTube video
How many JPmates do you think actually followed her?
full dance
Not impossible since her YT bio implies there may be streams not simulcasted to Twitch. I can tell you that if she has any interest in paywalled streams it's significantly more frowned upon on Twitch.
I loopy da dooby
Bros she's still so bouncy and cute...
Probably some
another option is an unlisted YT stream where the link is given only to members, so people with a twitch sub can watch as well as although that seems needlessly complicated
Bones boneees bones boneees.
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Will doob have a train with different sections like restaurant and sleeping cabins?
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please have gloves pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
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So this dude retweeted her debut anouncement. And is apparently considered one of the best 3D character artists and modellers in the indie scene. Could very well be who's behind her model.
Yeah, people think that’s the person who made her 3d model. Kinda makes sense if what they say is true >>87800639
Does that mean that stuff like new outfits will be super uncommon?
Probably depends on how modular the design is
>she's been planning this for at minimum a year
Not sure how I feel about this. It's true that she started to show signs dissatisfaction and burnout at around the second half of 2023, guess I was just coping that things weren't as bad as it seems, especially with something she has said in one of her member posts.
There is also the part where the dooby3D twitter account was created all the way back in February 2023. Wasn't she in Japan preparing for 4th Fes and Myth 3D showcase at that time?
How much has Dooby spent on her tracking and model?
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A high quality model and expert tracking is... Pretty darn expensive.
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Back to Bus Driver.
So, uhm, eh...
How do tailjobs feel?
Worse than boobjobs.
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This will be real in 5 days.
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What did you do!?
Agreed, I hope there's ones scissoeing senzawa
Use your free prime for her and get a yt membership anyway. I think members streams are dead forever.
Got to say I'm surprised that she opted for skirt in her model, considering how she felt about that in the past.
Considering that she will be messing with her model a lot more, there will definitely be more "accidents".
>Her trip to Enoshima and the prospect of earthquakes spooked her so bad she wanted to do anything she could to minimize Japan trips.
I will not take my meds.
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I want her to have a mouse form and collab with crowki
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Someone's cooking.
I will literally cum if the hidden buxom trait got passed to her ears too.
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Ame knows that cunny make the best momhounds
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I do hope she picks Yugioh, almost all female indies in /gay/ are good. Especially the lamb & degenerate dragon.
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night gators
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So the character was made by LAM and the 3D by yoolie, nice, but if the rrat ears don't come out of the hat, then it's over
Why'd she do that?!
The LAM thing in the youtube description is one of those things youtube adds automatically. It associates vtubers with LAM in general for some reason.
LAM probably has nothing to do with her.
someone should tell her this mushroom gathering game is 80% off
I wonder if the horns are going to be an ongoing gimmick in her streams. Like, she would pull that out after any hype moment.
Dooby is not following LAM as of now.
It a good concept. Except I can't stand the fur, instead of regular skin. That's too far across the furry scale for me.
She's just got a hairy body like Bowson
I don't think you can correlate his wait list with anything especially when people can be fast tracked if the money or the artist likes them
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Posting again this list of all of the membership posts I had emails from as a day 1 teamate, if there are people here who want to do some membership post archiving.
What in the actual schizophrenic fuck are you talking about??
I don't want to promote indies directly so I use their nicknames. If you don't understand, then it just means you aren't watching a lot of yugitubers, it's alright.
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I can't stop replaying the teaser she's so cute bros
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Try and stop her.
Did you see her whiskers?
It has to be, right? I hope so, I need those big ears.
No I'm blind
is catbox dead for anybody else?
I hope that other guy comes back because I couldn't get the program to work
I hate holokeks so fucking much bros...
Well, we aren't part of the hololive fanbase anymore so
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Ignore retards.
Don't reply to schizos
I think you fags should [-]
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I just noticed that "Kiara" is following her now
Wonder if that new anti spam thing will help
Why do you want to see tits? What are you some kind of fag
Any doob lewds yet?
God bless her, for some reason i was not expecting her to do it
>thinking she wouldn't follow dooby
You're dumb aren't you
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I didn't notice she came to chat to post her new emote last night
Nice, how many rms are following her now?
I like her pose here. It is really cute.
Regardless on whether you think she hates the idol work of Hololive, I think she has gotten really decent at it, if not good. Just look at her performance in 5th Fes, BD and Myth Anniversary (mostly the Myth songs, since Violet and End of a Life don't have much choreo).
Still feel like a waste for her to drop it.
(Wait, can't forget about her appearance in Haachama's 3D live too.)
There's a few that haven't like I believe waabyuu
I'm confused, is this a Tamagotchi?
The animation is a reference to club penguin
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aww, she really liked this one
I think it's a legally distinct kuchipatchi.
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Muad'Dib will show us the way
Sick, wicked even
Link to the post containing the program?
I'll keep calling her this just because of how long it took me to understand the reference.
I dont remember man it was so long ago
You still got the program then?
No I deleted it...
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wtf they split ame into three ames.
Was it python script or what?
oh this is the club penguin emote she was talking about
Don't worry, a lot of people who never watched her as Ame will take up residence here once she debuts as Dooby.
Yeah, I remember some helpful hooman posted it tho
and you dont know kiara at all tourist
A bit early for me but I'll try to catch the debut live. Please set everything up properly this time Ame.
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Still got some sam and max playing on the cytube
After is the moom and ame aquarium date
Did they post a program? I only remember this post >>85939695
It might have been in a /who/ thread
this was the original post and description in gofile link has the program (https://github.com/sternenrichter/yt-community-posts-archiver)
I dont what program you guys are talking about but there is this
Its supposed to save webisites offline like wayback machine, i couldn't really make much sense of it since i dont really know how to use docker or well versed into programming at all but if any of you are well versed maybe you could try.
fwiw there are people who made word/pdf documents of the membership posts already
I will have time by the end of this week
with this one your major roadblock would be running the local server.
I will have some time by the end of this week but if anyone want to try, feel free.
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It's not the size but the quantitty that matters.
4 rows 2 nice plumps
thats fucking hot
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>I though it said years
doobmorning my fellow roinguses
Doobmorning gamer
The teaser is very aesthetic
Aquarium date starting
I'm absolutely in love with her model already. I can't stop watching the teaser video
Some Biboo "AMEEEEEEEEEEE" from earlier
based rock
It's too bad those will end soon, people won't just bring up ame soon, and it will be years until anyone does, if it even happens at all
so what kind of kayfabe will she use this time?
Add the word doob in everything
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None, she's going to abandon that garbage. We're all here for the person behind the avatar anyway.
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dooby will lean extremely hard into being a rat girl
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doobmorning bros, just 5 (cinco) more days for debut!
Amnesiac mouse that stole a train
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her catch phrase will be "it do be like this"
Cinco de Cuatro!
She’s obviously gonna go hard with the train stuff. I really hope she makes a VR map with a train where it has sections like the food area, lounge, etc.
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Can't wait to see how sexy cute dooby is
>just wait and see
Our wait is over tonight. Let's see now.
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He doesn't know...
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It appears I have left my ticket back home… I might have to bunk in with some anon here for the night…
>they didn't purchase the doob early access
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You can stay with me, I promise I'll only impregnate you a little bit.
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might need filters soon at this point
we love liggers here
Holy shit is that.... is that Koopa Fortuna, the collab is going to go crazy
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hey check this out
>*starts rotating right in front of you*

who does doob actually know in the indie sphere besides doki?
>Koopa's character originates from the /hlgg/ thread of 4chan's /jp/ board, when a member (now referred to as Schizo or Dreamer anon) had a dream about a 6th Hololive EN member named Koopa.
awww, it's a /here/ chuuba. now dooby will learn about 4chan and find this anti thread.
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dooby please do a doob drop
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doobs doobies and ames ames...
>anti thread
Nice try
Also I guarantee she’s been to /vt/ before
is doobame selfcest?
too bad for fanart tho, gonna be a bit of a taboo.
It's selfcest, but not as good since the genes won't be as similar as two Ames or two doobs
>awww, it's a /here/ chuuba
were you not here when koopa started?
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no, i was a coco/kson tourist because this place was the only place you can discuss her post graduation. expect the same influx of tourists for ame.

Employee of the month
dooby will rebrand her hiccups to mouse burps
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behead /lig/gers
Will this lead to future Ame fan art giving her a tail?
dooby is a ligger
She's /BIG/ger
more like N-
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you mean rrat squeaks
How big will they be?
no, big ol burps
3-4k views I say, pretty good for an indie and twitch
dooby braps
medium at best
Screw numbers, how big will the tits be?
I only care about how many she'll have. >>87833379
coco was 10x as popular as ame and she still dropped to 3view w/o the hololive branding.
a lot of the success cases (doki/mint) only managed to hang on to their numbers by aggressively networking.
if dooby does that, she will lose a huge chunk of her holo only normies (and most of the people in this thread apparently)
Kson also went heavy on flesh which her fans didn’t sign up for.
Kson went full facecam whore streamer. Her content can't be compared to Coco's.
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Doob will be the same size as Rratmom
I would sign up for kson flesh desu.
We've never seen rratmom take off her shirt, she could be huge under there.
Small jerboa ears, medium to small doobs, long jerboa tail, long jerboa whiskers
We won't know until the hat and coat come off.
tourist here, is there a frame for your oshi's debut yet?
I think She should play DMC 2
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Not yet tourinstchama, we expect the frame to be made the day before the debut, you can check the trailer here! https://youtu.be/-OCfw4OleQI?si=xZzoWKCCkUuxCaes
wait, debut on the 25th? I thought it was today
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I mean the date did have a question mark so it wasn't really a hard date, Friday also makes more sense for a debut too
that was a tentative date, was never official
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I have night school on friday which sucks
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I have work, I hope she delays for a bit so I don't miss anything
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We have, actually! (jk)
Is that some rrat cunny I see?
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Here's one for the real detectives. What could the thing be that shows up on her right leg, but isn't visible on the her left?
I wouldn't call it that, actually. She's more of a... uhm, I don't know really.
What exactly is rratmom?
Yeah, makes sense.
Coco was only 10x popular during leddit shitpost or asacoco, her regular streams are usually 2x as popular at best. Imo she lost traction fast because most of her contents are centered solely around Hololive, its hard to keep tourist fans once she couldn't use that anymore. Doki/Mint are success cases only because Niji imploded and majority chunk of their fan left. Considering Ame is basically the first HoloEN to leave and kept streaming, we will just have to wait and see.
something like a cute pin maybe?
Will you still remember Ame after the Doob is here for years? Will you keep Ame in your heart forever?
I said yesterday what if they’re long boots and not scrunchy socks?
It's a knife strapped to the boot.
On one foot? Check the video, it's only on her right leg. Which makes me think it must be some kind of ribbon, or like >>87841045 said a pin.
Anime girls are like 10x more likely to wear mismatched leg- and footwear
Self defense from the ojisans
yeah and the shape does not looks like boots at all. I'm fine with either
You mother fucker... I am not supposed to know these things...
No one mentioned the more obvious reason he might be the new modeler. https://www.artstation.com/yoolie
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oh shit, he did Lil Bit and doob has lil bitties, it makes sense!
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Wow thats insane work.
oh wtf
Regular community posts are fine, but I don't get how the original anon managed to get the member posts with this, I seem to keep getting response 500 from them, as if the cookies are failing.
I also noticed I was getting some errors, so I looked at the python source files and made the regex strings into raw strings, as I think they should be, to handle the escape sequences right, but it still didn't fix the problem.
does she have a gun on her right hip?
Is he really that great? I don’t recognize any of those models besides the obvious one. Don’t remember her model being particularly great, but I guess that was 5 years ago.
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Fuck it, good enough. Damn quaternions to hell, I just wanted to make my shooting stars rotate.
from what I see in artstation they look pretty clean, not too overloaded in texture details like hololive but i think that might be better for full 3D, we'll see when she debuts
If nothing else the tail physics seem really well done. But the entire page seems to have nothing newer than 3 years ago which is a lot of time to improve one's craft
Imagine the smell of her 3d suit after a week of streaming
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there's a green flat star that looks a bit weird
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this counts as rainforest.
You're right, why are my background stars rotating. Time to fix that shit.
you ever gonna post your model files?
That looks more like Ccatmom to me...
I downloaded the urls in your txt file and out of the 638 urls only 610 posts got downloaded since the other ones were deleted. I put all the member posts from your txt file in "Ame - Members.zip" and I put the public ones in "Ame - Public.zip"

I updated the gofile folder [610 member posts + 116 public posts | 726 total]
The model is a clusterfuck built for the animation. It's honestly not good enough for posting.
Deadmates ALWAYS win.
Looks like a Guilty Gear character
pretty cool tbhdesu
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woke up to some new skaarl femmate sex
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Aight this'll have to do, Factorio will prevent any further work I do until the debut anyways.
Any good fanart guesses already?
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This one I'm betting is pretty close.
8 inches minimum
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>Ears not even longer than the Watcock
I thought she was debuting on the 20th, guess I gotta wait 5 more days.
It's better this way anyhow. Debuting on a Sunday afternoon is silly.
Socks like the Dreamin Chuchu model?
>Debuting on a Sunday afternoon is silly
A Friday means people can chill to your new streams over the weekend without thinking about school/work the next day. Or if you're in a timezone that's far ahead then you can stay awake until late and sleep in the next day. Just more convenient for the first couple of streams, which is when there's a larger amount of people are going to be paying attention.
Sunday is the best day to debut. No work and people don’t usually go out on Sunday nights.
it would be in the middle of the night for euros and monday morning for JP/SEA, on a sunday that's losing a big chunk of a potential audience but on a friday then euros can watch as well
>>87844256 (me)
*euros and asia
I'm so sorry, anon
this is great, thank you!
File deleted.
Sickmate here, I slept for about 16 hours and only feel a little bit better. No more joint pain but I feel super fatigued.
Puzzymaker, can you hear my desires
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>vtuber fans
>vtuber fans excited for a debut
>going out on a friday night
It's too complicated for me Anon...
well are you going to share with the class?
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Employeee on the month is on the cytube currently but it looks like I mis timed something because we'll gonna cut it off an hour in instead of what I had assumed as gonna be 3 hours in
>creepy meth addict who looks nothing like ame aside from hair color
buy an ad.
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I'm more worried about who made the character, I just hope she's as cute as ever
theres no product being sold retard

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