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Collab soon?
oh that's super cool.
I don't think so. It's cool that it happened though
That's not what that means.
I would not be surprised if Gura leaves too. she probably would have already were it not for the concerts. Mori too but her career is too tied up in Cover. Ina could take it or leave it imo, she's always been the least affected by corp rules. Kiara I would say is the most likely to want to leave but I don't see her taking the chance to go indie considering what happened before.
Can you guys be positive and not shitposting FOR ONE FUCKING DAY
you are asking the impossible, but hey, at least these people are more interested in dooby career than anyone else here.
it's fucking over...
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Were you asleep last night?
Can't wait for EN to dissolve.
/vt/ logic:
(fuck you bvtm you venezuelan tranny faggot)
>female vtuber follows other female vtuber: collab soon
>male vtuber follows other male vtuber: they're fucking
>female vtuber doesn't follow other female vtuber: they hate each other
>male vtuber follows female vtuber: he wants to groom her
>female vtuber follows male vtuber: she's a homobeggar
(fuck you bvtm you venezuelan tranny faggot)
>male vtuber and female vtuber follow each other: they're fucking
>female vtuber doesn't follow male vtuber: sisters btfo!!!!!
>male vtuber doesn't follow female vtuber: fucking bastard not supporting my oshi
>small vtuber follows big vtuber: what a fucking leech
(fuck you bvtm you venezuelan tranny faggot)
Antis using the same exact playbook with the collab begging shit? Get new material.
And then he started spamming EN doxx
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xes from puerto rico actually
>Mori leaving

If only, but she and Kiara will never leave hololive, they have nothing else to sustain their lifestyle, their roommate activities earn them pennies in comparison.
>mumei is a girl
>some retard making babby’s first bot is cause for anything at all
how new
KEK bvtm was REALLY desperate to drown out Pippa's dox huh?
That is a big forehead to drown.
>Pippa's dox
it's ogre...
I hope so.
Mori wants to support Dooby for obvious reasons though I am shocked management doesn't seem to mind. They are usually strict about them going outside the Hololive walled garden.
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>>Something cool happens
feels weird that she her streaming burnout suddenly disappeared after leaving hololive.
it was a holo burnout
Retard, management actively wants them to go out of the walled garden, the talents just dont want to
Hololive members are unironically the most free vtubers out there in terms of what they want to do but most people bought in the idol=prison mindset
that forehead situation was crazy
buy an ad
I’m surprised this is allowed. No one else did this right? Gura followed using her alt account not her main
As a holobro I have no idea I’m sick of it too
She has collabs lined up with
In that order since it's based on who she followed first
As much as I wish Mori would leave, I don't think she'd be able to as easily as others with her music contract.
Kiara would rather do anything but leave Holo, she is fucking desperate and finally getting attention now that she's openly coombaiting and others are finally leaving. Even if Cover shutdowns she will go to japan and chain herself to the building.
lurk moar
They're all gonna graduate if the walled garden is not maintained
Why would they all graduate?
pretty sure most of them are dirty flip flops
Sure, that's why she doesn't move to Japan, where she could get much more career opportunities.

The only one who would like to leave Holo but can't is Mori, because she is nothing without her alter ego.
The others could easily leave the company, but they just don't want to. Kiara - because Holo finally gives her what she wants, Ina - because Holo allows her to do what she wants, and Gura - because she can get money without doing anything.
Kiara can't move officially to Japan even if she wanted to. She doesn't have high enough of an education level to qualify.
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Pippa's real (real) dox leaked. Again. It's definitely REAL this time for sure. Turns out she's ugly (she's always said as much though). It's a very big deal, except in /pcg/ because they already know and they hate Pippa for her content, not her looks.
And the world keeps turning.
Maybe 2021-22 Mori would consider that because she had a history of prioritizing outsiders like those shitty anitubers over hololive and acted like she's too good to be there at times but a combination of experiencing hate from both /vt/ and normies on tik tok probably opened her eyes that this shit is niche and she might very well kill her one in a lifetime chance by acting like a retard. She also claimed to witness a fair share of assholery from e-celebs outside the walled garden and contrast with hololive members made her rethink her priorities. Kiara felt outright betrayed by Mori for a time but now she says they share the same vision so to say.
Gura's situation might be similar to Ame's as much as we know atm but she was never all that passionate about creating content she could do lazy react content but people do that for money not passion, she could also make more silly meme songs or whatever - also not really worth it and Cover obviously wouldn't let her go easily.
If life is better outside the garden than in it, there doesn't deserve to be a garden in the first place. Just look at niji.
Probably not but it would be funny to see doritofriends trying to justify not watching while claiming to not be as insane as nijigroids.
Senzawa was before them.
that's what i usually do at night, yes.
>dat forehead
i will now have empathy for the rabbit. just a little.
yeah but she aint collabin with dooby cause u know, unless she soft graduates too but i dont think so
>male vtuber follows other male vtuber: they're fucking
Not horrible. Being normal weight is honestly minimum 5 at this point. Also damn is kiwifarms the new place to be for real information? I might need to spend more time there than this over moderated site

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