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Fluffy Fuzzy Yappy Gardeners Edition
Previous Thread >>87786190

>Upcoming Streams
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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Fuwawa SEX.
Mococo RAPE.
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Note to self and the other baker I put a "s" in there again since I wanted the member stream in there along with the tourney. Don't forget to take out the "s" again or else it's going to look a little silly
Gonna have to save the concert for another time, I can't buy more stuff this month...
>Interview with a Vampire
I haven’t seen that in years
ah yes, it's another /baubau/ favorite, Japanese stream
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I hope they can at least get one win
Just looking at screenshots, isn't Visage way too scary for them?
So what is "??? EN Racing"? What would the ??? part be hiding? If it's racing then it's just going to be Mario Kart right
Speaking of that, aren't there like 6 hololive concerts in the next 2 months? I don't know if FWMC are planning to do watchalongs for all of them, but if they do, it's going to be REALLY rough for everyone... it's almost 300$ if you want to watch all of them.
Mococo has a chance but Fuwawa... welp
Rip Fuwawa
Maybe Mococo against Ririka? Idk much about her, is she good at the games?
Fuwawa on the other hand...
I've never seen it, guess this is a good opportunity to do so.
Oh absolutely, I said it last thread, but I don't think Mococo is going to manage to even get past the hub to a real level
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I will never forgive Friend.
No, not really.
Yeah, just have to settle for VODs for some of them and pirate it, or hope for migoboat, I guess. Unreasonable to spend that much on unrelated chuubas if you weren't already looking forward to it. I was gonna watch Suisei's no matter what so those won't be a problem.
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I'm going to enjoy all the Mocopee during that stream
Miko vs Fubuki in the finals?
nta, would be strange for the boat to not have it considering kek
May be worth bringing it up to them gently, honestly. It doesn't look like the funny kind of too scary either, I'm expecting her to be frozen trying to play it.
Maybe Fuwawa should take control this time if they really want to stream it, she seems a bit stronger with horror.
It’s… alright I guess. If they were gonna watch a vampire movie, I would’ve much rather picked Blade, Queen of the Damned, or Underworld
I can't catch it, what did she say about phone version and switch version?
Yeah, but if it goes down in the middle of a watchalong it'll be awkward to stop chatting halfway through kek
>1 round only
I guess they actually have a chance then?
Yeah, thought the same.
I didn't play/watch much horror games, plus I'm not too fond of them, but from the ones I know Visage is easily the scariest one.
I can't wait to see their reaction to the opening scene.
Gotcha. Well, it'll probably be enjoyable with ADVENT even if it was outright bad, anyway.
They're playing the switch version
Laplus thought she can get by with the phone version
Gets disqualified
I think
>Fuwawa vs friend
it was over before it even began
It'll probably devolve into her playing it by looking away from the screen with her headphones off, but we'll see. She surprises me sometimes with how well she can push through something, and then other times surprises me with how much she's stunlocked by atmosphere alone
Not really, just emote spam and go off what others are saying in chat in the meantime
I am looking forward to them getting wet over Tom Cruise
Yeah, but I've had practive at least, since I've pretended to watch stuff during watchalongs before since I wanted to watch the stream but didn't have an interest in what they were actually watching... Was an odd feeling kek
I think it's interesting they chose FNAF2 despite finishing 1 being the overwhelming majority of their poll. It's a good thing, shows they were actually reading, not just looking at results, since the arguments in favor of 2 were actually pretty good, from what I've seen. Basically, "1 is fun, but you've seen all of the surprises already, you'll be going through the motions"
I'd still enjoy seeing them completing it personally, but it's a reasonable choice.
kek, dumbass
I guess that means if mococo won against ririka, she'd face the unprep mikochi to fight for semis
...i guess she'd still lose
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not mocobaby
mococo pwincess
I’m a bad boy!
Ollie sounds similar to La+ to me, am I retarded?
It took me a good while to be able to read what the text for the watchalong even was, I could hardly make it out since it blends together kek
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fluffy will make the fox slut into her little pet puppy trust
Is there no fanart of Fuwawa breastfeeding Mococo? How?
Ok that was fucking unfair lmao
kek the elephant is basically instant lose
she is also in the call I think
that was fast
oh my gosh!
maybe? Ollie's is pretty high-pitched by comparison imo
There's a luck element, so Fuwawa might actually have a chance...
You can tell it's Ollie by the voice changer and soundboard yagoo/airhorn spam every 5 seconds.
Wait, are they playing at the same time with the same animals or?
Closest we got to something like that was art of Mococo sleeping on Fuwawa’s floofies which Fuwawa replied to
That's what that was? Damn she's annoying
no they take turns and the animal they get is random
Why do JP not use Ultra Low Latency? It's not like you can even enforce it, you can just 2x speed to make it Ultra Low on your end, so it doesn't even work as some yab prevention measure.
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Oh, it works like that, I see. Didn't know how the game works, I thought it's similar to Tetris, where you go have your own blocks and screen.
fake fan
Advent should all move to Japan so they can have offcollab watchalongs every two weeks.
It's always been FuwaMoco
Ultra Low requires a more stable connection to watch filtering out viewers with shitty reception.
Ideally nobody should use it, it's only important for keeping a conversation with the chatters going which only happens extremely rarely anyways.
it's orge...
>That talk during FWMC Morning was done exclusively so they can spot the fake fans among the famous people saying they love them
kek too fast
what the fuck was that
Okay, now understand the game. There is very little skill here, anyone can be beaten.
you know, i think they actually might have a chance after all
Miko Sololive, 2 day Marine Sololive, and Suisei's Solo Tour in 3 different cities
Their chances are looking better and better every round I see. There may be hope yet
Isn't a JP chuuba with JP viewers the perfect case for it then? They're the ones who use it the least.
It's not just for conversations, even on Ultra Low FWMC are often confused when trying to follow advice they ask for because 2 seconds is enough for the advice to no longer reflect what's on screen.
fake fan
Shiori already did a watchalong of Blade in members
Why is Mococo on the male colabber side?
Mococo next make sure to cheer her on I cant since im not subscribed
the mococock is real
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Imagine we somehow get FUWAMOCO final...
FBK, Raden, Mori are all on the right?
i'm also not subscribed kek
There are no BAU BAU emotes on her channel, sorry
I wanna put my face in there
ririka presence completely shadowed by mococo's bau bau kek
please rig this to make mocofuwa the final
>ririka good at game, right?
oh no
she sounds ok
if a bit lower-pitched than usual, i think?
Fuwawa told Moco-chan to take it seriously and do her best
where is PeroTL?
fuck, I instinctively looking for FuwaHm when she said that
They do say it themselves, the best medicine for the barker is sleep. They got like 12 hours today.

Would be rude to only translate their parts, and I don't feel like doing it for everything, so I'll post here if they say anything worthy of note
Gigi played it with Ceci, it's a 31 minute stream and Gigi was screaming for most of it
isn't it the one with literal timer?
>Isn't a JP chuuba with JP viewers the perfect case for it then? They're the ones who use it the least.
No. Japan has a significant amount of viewers on mobile and people watching during transit, short drops in connection quality are very common when you aren't sitting at home on your PC with a wired connection.
Pekora has talked about those kind of things a bit before, the mobile demographic is extremely important. There's plenty of games she initially wanted to stream but decided against because the text would be too small and the screen to cluttered so mobile viewers couldn't follow them easily.

Also FWMC being confused when they don't get the answer to their questions until 2 seconds after the fact is more on them than anything.
why does mococo act cuter when she speaks japanese?
>JP's name in romaji
>EN's name in hiragana
huh, I wonder if fuwawa's name is フワモコ
That makes a lot of sense, yeah they do have a ton of mobile viewers. Also shows why they didn't think twice before jumping on the shorts bandwagon when it was a buff, a lot of their audience would benefit anyway.
Ririka is HoloEN
Mococo is HoloJP
This is fucking intense
bad rng it's over...
kek wtf nice try, that was a good game
best match so far
Holy fuck, that was actually really good
rigged i say
they changed the thing into whale
I hope Miko loses
Ririka tried to become Fuwawa and Moco-chan didn't let her. Based littlesisterwife.
This is pretty fun, shame it's one round only
hoarse voice lapras is just a boy kek
I don’t like Fuwawa’s chances. At least I can go back to bed if she does lose to friend.
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who knows, if fuwawa plays as well as Mococo did then she has a chance
Bryan no that’s an infant
>that’s an infant
Nah, I'm pretty sure that's Mococo.
she won
La+ got DQ, so...
Miko is so strong she didn't even need to fight
It's a bit tragic that them powering through sickness to not worry people ends up being the thing that worries people. Lots of holomem not feeling well and with hoarse voices because they all caught the same thing, if they were open about feeling bad when they first started sounding hoarse, even if they were still streaming, people would connect the dots a lot faster instead of assuming they were destroying their vocal cords.
Miko ddos'd Lapu
I really want to clip that miko's
>hai, ore no kachiii
Lui is stalling...
not if i clip it first
Does the number of animals stacked really matter
post it here then
i just want to use it for... stuff
Already clipped and sent Sobbi 50 bucks to put it in FWMC's feed when they start scrolling after the stream.
Ore no kachi
Is she finishing one side of the bracket first?
fren next?
Wtf, that's retarded.
Yeah but Matuli was AFK so she was taking the time to add the side info while waiting, and considering moving to Fuwawa.
Oh god it's gonna take a long time for Fuwawa to actually play
>matsuri vs ollie
>sexpest vs sexpest
That's the way she should have done it anyways. I never seen it done like this.
Probably to keep people waiting the least amount of time, I guess? If she let them know before the stream it would be like that, the people on the second side don't need to be on standby for at least half of the expected duration.
all things aside, this stream has been real comfy
even though it's competition
Ollie confessed to Matuli that she was her first oshi that got her into Hololive.
Matuli didn't care and said Ollie is a hoe who likes anyone anyway.
damn that was an easy elephant too. that matsuri play though
Is Ollie fucking retarded
holy shit that goat hanging
she got baited by matuli fucking play and want to imitate it with fucking elephant
10/10 mindgame from matuli, really
Remember to thank god for intervening in that Ollie VN collab
Soooo, 2 more games before Fuwawa?
discord on screeeeeen
I don't usually dislike anyone but Ollie is fucking obnoxious.
I wish she'd stop using this dumb ass soundboard, it's not funny at all.
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the way she is doing this bracket is a crime
the gaki energy from miko holy shit
That Lui avatar is so fucking sex
nah, you just look for things to hate
I mean the clip of matsuri talking about bandaids and pretending to piss into the mug that her fan mascot was drinking out of got me into hololive.
Sometimes I get the impression she feels trapped. Just a tourist though so I could be completely wrong, but she comes off as The Great Clown Pagliacci very often whenever she tries to have honest talks.
Kill yourselves
Ollie is shit
I watched Kiara play the first chapter of that VN, and it sucked
kek miko is too funny
What the fuck Ririka
uhhh... i think this tourney is rigged...
>baited ririka to try hanging the animal
stay mad nigga
Migo is a blast kek
ok so they are just throwing for content
>miko wins by doing nothing
what a shit stream
they are not even playing seriously
It’s amazing what the mind of a man in a woman’s body can do. It’s pure sex and comedy.
Ollie is a loud obnoxious homocollabing INDog whore and everyone who defends her or regularly watches her streams has brown skin
Miko is the main character. She's always the main character
>animal tower gameplayschizos
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Her Uncharted and Bokunatsu series are some of my favorite game streams in Hololive.
How do I say the asmr made me almost cum in my pants without getting banned? I want to let them know in my asmr afterparty stream SC
Nah nigger. The main character is Fuwawa. Get outta here with that shit.
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its literally one guy, like always. guaranteed its the same person baiting the JP schizos right before too
max SC eggplant waterdrops
For me it’s Miko x Korone A way out with the 3D models.
Fuwawa will ask "Wuffians, what do you do when you're listening to our ASMR? Do you just relax in bed, or...?" and you can just post :fuwahm: and they'll know.
cringe, go to the stars thread if you wanna jerk off to men
HOLY KEK, this really should have been 2 out of 3 but its funnier this way
Everyone falls to Miko
Yeah, Miggers is too powerful
miko is the protag
stop samefagging, it's embarassing
just say it faggo
Friend is so cute with them
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kys tranny. all ruffians are kings according to FUWAMOCO themselves and >we don’t tolerate whores who associate with the homos like ollie in hololive /here/. off back to your thread.
>don't be fooled by this dog!
Louis has a preference...
keep posting naked men, fag
85k watching, dang JP audience is really different
You’re not tricking me. A true modern suave gentlemen can infer his true desires without being uncouth.
They need to stream like 10 times to have this many eyes on them, and it's many of the same eyes... JP collabs are too powerful
>they both use ふわもこ
it'd be confusing if they actually meet in final, but alas
they're sharing the switch dude
that was a cute joke kek
Man, Friend is perfect for them
both their matches have been great
they definitely practiced this together for a while, they're the only ones with real matches
alright, stream's over for me
That went better than expected
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giraffe into orca is just too much mang
this dude posts some shitty opinion and then spends ten minutes replying to himself with naked males and "baused". does it frequently, look at the pics in the archive. Frankly pathetic and extremely gay
Not a shitpost, but holy shit, FWMC are so much better at interacting with the JP girls than the EN ones
That was cute
Time to root for my JP oshi, Polka.
Started this last night, hope there's actual nuance to this fag and he isn't just a cartoonishly evil character like P5 villains tend to be, he has potentially very good reason for his acts that would be fun to see the protagonist being forced to address instead of just rape correcting like in P5.
Ollie being an annoying whore isn’t an opinion it’s a fact kek
The JP girls are actively better at reciprocating they're exchanges with them
The JP girls treat them like cute pets so it's easier, they just go BAU BAU and the girls go かわいい. It's a dynamic that works for them
damn she's really riding off that one short
establish dominance and if you pull it off it extends the field basically
I agree, they should make the full transfer already since they don’t belong in EN
one minute apart, embarrassing
I'm about 40 hours in and hoping for the same. Thankfully a few characters I thought would be one note have some more meat to them, so I'm staying hopeful
That's not at all what happened in this last match with Fubuki. JPs are simply used to the same things FWMC immersed themselves in and can immediately reciprocate to their media references and style of banter.
The JP girls play along with them
keep crying KEK ollie won’t ever be accepted around /here/
>all a minute apart
uh-oh, fag is mad he got called out and is having a melty on cooldown
Ollie is bad
>all a minute apart
This twanny can’t tell time! KEKUS!
why are you defending literal who in fuwamoco thread
I'lll keep this in the background now I guess
why are you shitting on literal who in fuwamoco thread
Behold, massive reply calling the dude gae
Because you retards keep biting. The posts shitting on her have no substance and would lead nowhere if you didn't keep replying. People say ruffians are the ones replying to bait nonstop but it seems like globalfags are the ones to blame.
orca is fucking killer mang
Imagine trying to defend Ollie in /baubau/ of all places and not outing yourself as some tourist in the process.
Fuck off.
>I waited a second, I'm in the clear!
why are you so obsessed with trannies and naked males? work it out in therapy instead of here
that's also bait
Why here when time still instead of making the game?
reminder the Holo anti tried to start an anti FWMC loop too: >>87822995
fuwamoco wants you to remember the maid stream
both the post above and below mine are also bait. time to cleanse
The JPs just naturally excel at Kusoges like this. It's over
i love cum
ESL brain melt? stroke?
They have better interactions with Advent. JP girls mostly treat them like silly dogs, which is nice, but Advent treats them like they're actual friends.
>Holo anti
holy tourist
Can't into flowery words?
Your flowchart broke?
Anyone who defends Ollie is actually the holoanti.
literally what the fuck were you trying to say?
Real fans cum to FWMC every day
yeah, the only reaction they really get from HoloJP is "cute!" and "bau bau!". Other holos don't get that treatment when interacting with JP
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Defending Ollie, Kronii, or Matsuri means you are a holo-anti. Every single other girl can be argued for in one way, but these three are antithetical to Hololive and should be terminated posthaste.
FUWAMOCO are holo-antis...
into turtle

that's some hax
KEK they are going for the record
>kaela handling penguin good
actually lore accurate kek
Look bro you're obviously ESL and that's fine or whatever but the curiosity will kill me if you don't explain what you were attempting to convey
No, they're professionals who see the best in the worst.
Nice try sis.
those sounds kek
wait who whon?
It's over... Total JP domination
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stay mad, most of this collab has streamed with males
Rooting for foob now
It was, as the Romanian would say, pulling a Brutus.
foob and miko is crazy good on adapting huh
Come on, say "KEKAROO!" next, I know you want to
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That's our job
You’re seething so much
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its rigged!!
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
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>kaela polka tower height immediately beaten
dang they good
and job we did...
You lost, touwist. Go back to your ID safe space.
The scriptwriter is here...
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that cow should have lost them, it was hanging on by its fur
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Miko counts as EN!? Are we sure we want her!?
typing like a retard makes it really easy to find all your posts in the archive. sad
migo is gonna lose now
You reek of touwism, twanny.
Gorillas have strong butts...
>dolphin into dolphin
script too strong
15! New record!?
Yes Miko is good
KEKYFUNNY! Go, grab all of my posts from the archive and post them all here just so I can laugh at your mental illness some more, detective.
Everyone loves the medical team too much, which member will have them together at a 3D live?
Friend is so fucking cute
Seriously, this is pathetic.
>beaten by small turtle
still watching, cute
they'll probably watch that noel, lamy, marine collab later if they have time
that’s just fuwawa tho and she’s pretty baused too
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I'll watch the final from bed, goodnight
>that's just fuwawa
hm, what do you call it when a man pretends to be a woman, again?
Wait, are they in chat?
I see nothing but good posts in there against obvious retarded antis and tourists like you. I’m curious, though, why does being called a tranny in particular infuriate you so much?
Yeah, just type "@FUW" there
>pol x miko
>pol that fight nail and tooth
>mikochi that wins by doing nothing
yeah, just posted again
Polka average tower height is fucking 12
Miko average tower height is like, 3
you forgot your faggy babytalk this time
How is JP so fucking powerful?
>avoiding the question
Curiouser and curiouser.
keep projecting, only one of us here spends days of his life talking about trannies and it ain't me
>EN vs JP
sasuga FWMC
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Just woke up, why do we have people in /baubau/ defending ollie? Isn't she literally a homocollabing turbo-whore? No real Ruffian would support a whore like her.
>still avoiding the curious
You’re not helping your case here…
>Miko has gotten 3 monkeys
>polar bear into orca
its over...
Just another lost tourist.
yeah that tracks
EXCUSE ME?!?!?! actually rigged
Why won’t you answer the question? Could it be that being called a TWANNY stings because you actually ARE one…?
Holy shit she's ACTUALLY the main character.
>lost by fucking tiny chikin
kino script. Well done, Lui.
Miko truly got a fucking plot armor
Literally beat Polka using that tiny chicks
I'm not a tranny. I think they are all mentally ill. Much like yourself. Now why don't you answer why you have spent weeks of your life obsessing over them? Do you have some kind of fixation with them? Do you jerk off to shemale porn and cry?
Absolute fucking kino, holy shit
>I’m not a tranny.
And yet, for some odd reason, whenever you’re called that, you start chimping out. If you weren’t a tranny, you could just simply ignore and move on, and yet you don’t. Weird.
glad I stayed up to watch after they lost
losing to a tiny chicken kek
She really does especially after that fucking giraffe got saved after it fell
>avoiding the question
Curiouser and curiouser.
>Mikochi's luck is weird isn't it?
MC power
stronger than the fwmc jinx too
I call out twannies like you because you make it so obvious when you’re trying to pretend to be Ruffians even though you’re defending whores like Ollie KEK! And every single time you seethe about it, and I believe that’s because you feel personally attacked by it.
>Thanking the viewers for sticking around for a long stream
Man, I love short streams
If you see trannies everywhere you look, maybe look in the mirror. I hope you get some help before you end up a statistic
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alright bed time, good nite
>call Mikochi EN because she calls polar bear polar bear instead of shirokuma
>jinxed her by sayng she's the only hope for EN left
>actually won
Honorary EN now
>no u
KEKUS MAXIMUS! Fucking pathetic, but it seems I hit the nail right on the little twanny’s head.
Yeap, good night /baubau/
Dont bite bait too much ok
Absolute kinoeh
literally just regurgitating your own sad posts from the archive, get a life
Man, they really put on quite a show considering how short and random the matches are. Didn't expect this to be so much fun.
You will never a woman, twanny. You won’t ever be a Ruffian. Ollie will always be a whore.
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That was good shit
As usual, the world bends around migger
KEK! I love my wives, making twannies seethe from this to this day.
wow this guy sure is cool, so many people agree with him! he's definitely not replying to himself for hours!
>immediately start stream after winning
I guess she didn't expect to go all the way to final kek
The kind of person to have a Luck bar instead of HP. It's not that she can get shot many times before dying, the bullets just don't hit her.
ollie is a whore
ore is a whollie
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She is, yeah. How does she even have "fans"? She literally doesn't belong in hololive.
melty on cooldown
average ollie fan
Can jannies just do their fucking jobs or is it too hard?
hello wuffians, i want to violate mococo in her sleep. bau bau!
hello /baubau/ i want fuwawa to violate mococo in her sleep. bau bau!
>ollienigger crying to the jannies after getting btfo
jannies hate fwmc. doxx stays up for hours here, shitposters dont get banned often enough. I feel the only times anything happens is when some other janny from a different board sees whats happening and takes pity on us
i dont think thats hate towards fwmc, theyre just retards that sit in the general they like all day
You did well in the tournament today, Fuwawa!
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id be inclined to agree if I hadnt happened to have seen doxx from a different talent get instant deleted but ours stay up more than once
I just wish the nuke would go off so we could see all the samefagging
i mean yeah thats what i mean. they sit in their oshis thread and ignore elsewhere
need a ruffian janny to squat in here
pretty sure some of the more common doxx pics are auto-flagged by hash
Good morning /baubau/
NTA but I'm pretty sure he's talking about this thread. I've seen it too. I've gotten 3 days myself for joking about another talent having a boyfriend while we regularly get "FUWAMOCO sucked this guy's cock" cooldown spam for an entire thread.
It's undeniably malicious moderation.
I'm the bandages
yeah I meant this very thread
It's sad that doxx gets posted so often that there's a "more common doxx pics" category
idk how jannies see things, if they get direct pings from reports or whatever. but with the speed things get deleted in other threads like /uuu/ it leads me to believe they are only interested in moderating their home thread. i guess intentionally knowing youre ignoring the rest of the board is mallicious, but i dont think they care. they applied as janny specifically to delete doxxshit of their specific oshi
they divided the one set of bandages by two, perfect
>need a ruffian janny to squat in here
I'd sign up but I wouldn't care about other threads enough to delete shit there since I'm here almost all day
thats what im talking about, i think most jannies have that same mentality but they apply anyway
Their REAL favorite
Nerissa was built for scat
Fuwawa needs to stop trying to rape the Ruffians. We should send a SC tonight demanding her to stop.
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I want to murder her and wear her skin...
Bryan is FWMC's favorite ruffian.
Bryan is just Fuwawa
You'll have to get past FWMC
Friend is playing Ao Oni at 15x speed...
I want FUWAMOCO to collab with Fuwawa and Mococo
Why are you such a Pero anti huh
Woke up and saw the VODs for the competition. They actually put on a decent showing.
That reminds me, I wish we got more fanart from when they talked about how they share the same scarf on walks

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