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This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tournaments/events (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v & professional e-sports players are common, so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, Riddle, Zeta, KNR, 芸人旅団, GETI, JP FPS Streamers etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>87674878

VSPO! is:

Official Goods Links:

>Ongoing/upcoming Events:
- Syusetu Kohaku Cup Apex Legends 2nd $hot
- VSPO! Year End Countdown 2024

>Ongoing/upcoming Merch:
- Kisaragi Ren 4th Anniversary Goods
- Kogara Toto Birthday 2024 Goods
- VSPO! Desk Calendar 2025
- VSPO! Gear Clothpad & Glasspad Release
- VSPO! GIGO collab

>Archived VSPO member projects:
- VSPO! 2024 Godfield Tournament
- Kogara Toto Birthday 2024 3D Live
- Tachibana Hinano 4th Anniversary Live
- Asumi Sena 4th Anniversary Live
- Tachibana Hinano VSPO! 3D year end karaoke party
- Komori Met 3D Birthday Live 2023:
- Kurumi Noah 3D Live 2023:
- Kisaragi Ren's VSPO! Academic Test #2 2023:
- Tachibana Hinano 3rd Anniversary 3D Live:
- Sumire's VSPO Morals Check #2 2024

>Original Songs, covers, anime, etc.:
- Point two seconds story
- Blessing
- Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
- for Victory! (Full ver.)
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 1 ft. Kogara Toto, Kaga Nazuna, Tachibana Hinano
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 2 ft. Kaminari Qpi, Asumi Sena, Nekota Tsuna
- International Branch PV
- New Year's Countdown 2024 Music MV

>Official VSPO! programs:

- VSPO! Fanclub

- VSPO! Gekilow:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Upcoming: -
Previous: VSPO! Quiz Derby 2024

- Mother3-Beni's Midnight Double Peek Radio Show - Wednesday, 2:30AM JST:
https://radiko.jp (Requires VPN)
Archive (Paid): https://qrpf8.com/
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So we were all there for mugiko's unarchived, slow, 2-hour breakdown this morning, right?
The one that was so bad that Nose and Noah had to superchat and cheer her up?
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Thank you.
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pi, protector of thread
she looks down on shitposters and bait-repliers
wtf mabo is alive
overlapping streams right now do not deserve to be touched by the light of nazupi's vspo
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Kohacup #2 main pov
WTF happened? Who bullied gennu?
Tattooed clown (Hinano) killing herself
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I hope nazunews can continue. Not every day. But maybe once a week or every fortnight would be manageable.
what the fuck happened LMAO
Euriece team should win or get an easy top 3
pakael team should also do well but after his last tournaments idk anymore...
nazukami real
Okay it felt 4x as long at the time, apparently she just black screened for 30 minutes.

someone posted the archive, it's a short watch
I will continue to vague post about it.
but then says

Also her opinions about mental health are worrying.
karukami is realer
good prank but nazu chose the wrong people for it
Who would be best? Vspo or some of the usual suspects would know who kamito lives with already.
the way she keeps bringing this up by herself though... lmao
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and me between them
should have done it to noah and mindbreak her
She's just bringing it up constantly to prepare his sister's for the inevitable say it becomes real.
sex eyes
this shit happened because she tried LoL, why ppl cant understand
she revealed the initial prank towards the viewers way too fast too.. maybe she was scared some people might misunderstand for real lol
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nazu's christmas theory of procreation
What, that people conceive more during the holidays? kek
orange ramuti win!
raw nazupi over rice
Is it me or is nazupi breathing, unmuted
truly the daisenpai
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felt like a moege ending
The contrast of this and watching sumi's latest zatsu gives me melancholic feelings.
I only wish them the very best till the end.
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>Zeta are back!!!!!!
>Get absolutely smashed in the finals against the gooks.
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one day, ojiji..
one day..
the easiest skip ever, thanks cr.
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It's all downhill since CR apex was dead
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Booth removed the item from my cart the first time, and the second time I did it was too late.
>Booth removed the item from my cart the first time
If it was the cart error rubbish just refresh, it's quicker than hoping you can get back to add it to the cart again.
>2 hours ago
>still haven't broke 10k likes
enjoy your flop ojiji
No error - it didn't end up in my cart at all. I had to go back to the page to add it again.
Ah, haven't seen that yet I'm sure I'll get it sooner or later.
no kisaragi no hype
everything has been downhill ever since daruma knocked up tasomaru
ok next news please
kaga sumire debut stream
sumire is also pretty breedable today
the chinese dress one also sex but this one is the official sex outfit
suuchan is trying to run away from her alien identity
Still Cambodian
sorry sumi but this 初配信 larp is tab out worthy
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mcdonald's worker
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as expected
isn't this the second time she did this too
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ninja sumire is forever memoryholed...
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omw to get food poisoning
Uruca and Pute OW2 date I mean duo
I fucking love ark
>su:everyone have their own way of using merch/goods.
she hinted something.
i hate ark
too easy to guess when you put a pro player with a master/pred player against vtubers
shameless behavior
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red cat love
When did sumire start skateboarding?
I hope sumi has another 6 years in her
That's a bit optimistic. Though she does things at a pretty leisurely pace, so I don't see why she would leave unless she has enough money / a rich enough man to retire from working altogether.
i hope sumis still there until i fed up with vchuuba so im the insignificant one who left her not the other way around
cheeky utawaku
>one of fan favs in champ
>choked and got eliminated by an na team
>one of fan favs in worlds
>choked and about to be eliminated by an na team
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I love this unstable mess
I hope she does another drinking stream eventually
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always knew this is what lolfags will eventually turn out to be
Will one sister graduate?
While the other one remains?
Or will it be a synchronized retirement?
are kagas related?
no, close friend pl
sumi ask nazu to join buispo
Depends on marriage
>mimi has never eaten tuna at a sushi place
what the fuck
too busy playing roru
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>Su: キモイ
Its over again someone needs to save everyone
I wonder if the people graduating her out of academy knew about this tendency beforehand. She was a streamer with a record already after all...
That seems to be likely
shes the vspo's hidden ace double edge sword
OK got around to watching just from your timestamp. Seems like she was kinda frustrated with signing off with an unsatisfying loss and just started crying, all while reassuring confused concernfags that she's the type to randomly break down so please don't worry.
Since she couldn't think of a good way to put an entertaining spin on the extended crying session like with her drinking stream, and doing that silently on-stream with a black screen for half an hour would get everyone's attention at the best of times, that just got her convinced that her habit of letting it out randomly was a mental weakness she needed to stop.

Why is she like this and why do I find it so endearing?

>>also her opinions about mental health are worrying.
It's more just the usual Nip desire to eliminate anything they view to be 迷惑, but yeah she doesn't have to see her uninhibited crying as some innate problem with herself to be "solved". It's actually a pretty healthy form of mental care. Plus it's cute, the way her emotion filter just melts on the spot.

I'm just glad there's nothing bad going on. Also it's kinda funny that all the concern and heart emojis (and the supportive senpai akasupas) had the opposite effect to what was intended.
>autist can't regulate emotions
many such cases!
i read the whole thing anon, thanks!
so the point is she cant live without me right, ok.
that's kinda crazy cause I feel like most people would benefit without you being the one living
Nazukami please save me
groping nose's huge butt

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