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Schedule: Soon!

Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFJ9tUZXqII&t=1s

Next stream: TBA

MIRAGE, 3D Anniversary Live:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LoG81pLS8c

Buy the Merch:https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/takanashikiara_an4th

Breaking Dimensions Kiara:
Pineapple -https://files.catbox.moe/erao5f.webm
Beyond the way -https://files.catbox.moe/ur7yjj.webm
Fire & Ice -https://files.catbox.moe/mgtw5g.webm
Takotori MC -https://files.catbox.moe/c59ido.mp4
Myth Reunion-https://files.catbox.moe/l9szpu.webm

Archive of Breaking Dimensions w/ Crowd Reaction Edit + Capture the Moment:https://rentry.org/xmyh85to

Hololive Stage World Tour :https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1799260915046715819

STREAM MIRAGE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIOTD5ndZEE

STREAM HER ALBUM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY
ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS:https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Chimera:https://youtu.be/6L4NNkF2Knc
Stream Sleep Talking MV:https://youtu.be/1SUXKcFX_WY
Stream Retrospective MV:https://youtu.be/oKfKokIKqZw
Stream The Great Wanderer MV:https://youtu.be/H_Q8hB7v6qw
Stream Love Rush MV:https://youtu.be/cuUcvVI3S20[Open]
Stream Pineapple MV:https://youtu.be/WuvtwRYkOU0
Stream Hero For a Day:https://youtu.be/2yduox5pYH0
Stream Fire N Ice:https://youtu.be/yV83laHeOj4
Stream Korean DO U:https://youtu.be/AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance:https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg

Stream ReUnion:https://youtu.be/4ytZJoWR2mI
Stream MindCraft:https://youtu.be/OQuGEpICY2o
Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyzR-J17RBQ
Stream The Show Goes on!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2dWTOCdnEA

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Art source: https://x.com/OidaSama/status/1845827610409865675

Previous thread: >>87754557
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I think touching my lips with Wawa's lips would feel good
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a cute
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very cute
>don't have to stay up for a stream today
I can sleep.. finally
I'm a bit glad I can just watch yesterday's vod because it was at a really bad hour for me
I'm sad no Wawa but at least I can watch football
>clicked the link
>wishlisted the game
>downloaded the demo
hope they see an impact from Kiara's stream and give her money again in the future
I'm pretty sure the only thing they can track are link clicks, but sure
pretty sure steam gives them insight into the number of wishlists and downloads and while they can't directly link them to the link they would be able to see an uptick around Kiara's stream
>sponsored slop turned out to be BASEBORE
Holy shit I didn't miss anything
You missed cute Wawa
Wawa is embarassed because she thinks her vagina is abnormally stinky, but it's ok because she only stinks a normal amount, and I love her anyways.
Thanks for the report smoothie
I want to sniff Kiara's ass
>wakes up from a nap and start cumming over Korean women
My relatable oshi
650k reached.
all me
Ganbatte Chegi
interesting retweet
My Wawa struggles because of her giant ass...
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Wawa feet
We all need more awareness of Kiara's ass
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need waitress gf...
Where the FUCK are my dance shorts, chegi?
>la pog darkness
How's Kiara's schedudle for next week looking?
>break day(s)
>monogatari watchalong
>zelda finale
>voice mimicry
>maybe a collab?
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I hope that one day, there's a con with a Takanashi Kiara lookalike contest. I'd love to see which waitress could get closest to perfection.
Here you go
Don't know when it happened, but it seems >Kiara is following >Ame on twitter now
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No one cares
Probably some time this week since last I checked neither were following the other just yet a week ago.
Ollies spanking almost got cut out I see
One of those days is for marriage to her favorite chimkin and/or cat, and another day is reserved for shoe shopping.
Collab is definite I think, because there's a second Mario Party coming up.
>not new jRPG final boss Ollie
Spicy undead women cute
>Mirage already at 650k
I'm thinking we got the snowball rolling
Might just be as recent within this hour actually. I got curious and went through archives if anyone else noticed and apparently she wasn't following her yet over 12 hours ago
zoomby a cute
Hey KFPs, are you guys excited about Bae’s sololive announcement later?
Why would we? If she announce Kiara as a guest then yes
You are replying to a shitposting schizo btw
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Chiara Kotoriyuki in my kokoro
Wait is it confirmed?
Anon please.....
See you in 15 minutes.
Juicy ass
My wawa experience has basically become that stage in a dwarf fortress save where the fort runs pretty well and you just open it up once in a while to have some fun and remember the good old days leading up to the present
I have no idea what you mean nor I care about it
Very sweet
Wawa cute
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Is this model just shorter than her other ones? Kronii towered over Kiara despite her official height being 1 inch shorter than Kronii. And here she's pretty much the same height as Ollie, despite the fact that she's two inches taller.
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>at the club and this zombie smacks your girl's ass, what do?
smack her ass back
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I'm finishing Zelda Echoes of Wisdom right now. The automaton side stuff forces you to at least make a passing effort at all the side quests, most of which Kiara finished.
That could be a good way to kill time on the finale.
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Seafood and rice a la wawa
that looks good. i love a good lemon cream sauce on seafood.
>shortstack wawa
her boobs don't grow, the rest of her just gets smaller
tag team the zombie in bed
I think Kiara should do a collab with Reine where they wear a bunny suits on stream then she should strip.
Soundpost onegai
Short of something positively outlandish and definitely against the spirit of the rules like wearing a kig, I can't see how a pavonashi bunny suit offcollabo could really work.
Follow da tiktok
If you wanna
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KFP you owe me answers, following the 7 days to die collabs I simply must ask why is your oshi so Horny.
Have you properly been taking care of her?
Her lust for cute girls is unquenchable
We can only satisfy her with waitresses for so long
Even 5000 chickens can't satisfy her...
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The 5,000 chickens? All me.
This but me
You're doing terrible job then
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cute ladies get her going. The Waitresses are exhausted so her Holo coworkers have to pick up the slack.
Kiara's Flower Pee
2025 version?
I'm so ready
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You know nothing.
Did you just check it randomly or did you notice it was back up? I remember in 2023 it had shutdown late into the year but I don't think I really payed much mind to when it stopped working in 2024.
>I am still waiting for some confirmations anyway
potential collab this week?
Well we know the mario party one, so could be another then
basically two days off in a row is sad
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Please god, waitress gf im on my knees
Sucks to be burger
It's not two days for her, NA got two in oje day essentially
I'm european, but I consider Tribe Nine as a Saturday stream because I went to sleep after it
the stream was from 6am to 10am, anon
fix your sleep schedule, you are no CEO, you are a wagechicken
I'm still young so I can afford to do that during the weekends
based ollie
>finally get a chance to sit down and watch the VopD
>almost 4 hours long
you're in for a ride
You now remember smegmanon
good (bad) times)
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So, the collab she's waiting for confirmation is almost certainly Mario Party?
probs yeah
Not sure if 2nd collab was supposed to be this week or week after that
wawa love
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Ok what the flying fuck is "holoctober" I keep seeing that logo
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Each day is a prompt/theme. I've seen people do these for a while before hololive but then Iofi started to make lists for hololive. Think it's been a few years now
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That looks professional. When is Kiara releasing a official cookbook?
>no longer fucking up rice
She's come so far...
Watching the Tribe Nine stream, definitely not my type of game.
>Please implement online play.
Kiara just wants to play FF14.
aw hell naw
FF14 isn't an action RPG
based on GG's membership post, the Mario Party collab might be on Tuesday
gibe me solo streams pwease
Maybe it's just because I've really liked her collab partners lately, but it doesn't feel so bad for me. Orange on orange action is everything I want.
we just had 2 solo streams back to back
Her collab partners have been mostly fine for me too I just don't like Biboo but I just want solo more solo streams right now
Yes, after 8 days of collabs only
But can't you just be happy to see her excited to be helpful, to have friends to chat with during the stream, and see her connect with her co-workers? 7dtd was amazing because it made her so happy and there were a lot of great moments out of it. The Mario Party collab was really good too.
>>87855117 (me)
small correction, she streamed the hololive mountain game in between, so not ONLY 8 days of collabs I guess
The streams were fun and Kiara had a great time, but now I'm looking forward to solo streams more than more collabs
My issue isn't that, it's that she will probably schedule in the Luna Holotak with lesbian sex encore because she knows I'm working this weekend
>Luna Holotak
Did I miss something? I thought the situaiton for that one was so bad that she pretty much decided to skip her
No, but considering I'm working she'll do it
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What's with that facial expression
Imagine (me) fucking you while you watch your HelloFresh order being eaten raw
Oh now I get it
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Cumming on Kiara's face then pissing off the cum
Pissing on Kiara's face then cumming off the piss
Cumming on Kiara's face then watch her wipe it off with an annoyed look on her face
Watching Kiara have an annoyed look on her face then cumming on it and wipe it off
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sex with this wawa?
Yeah, I guess I would stick my dick into it
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Yes, but would human Wawa be better?
I guess
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big ass
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>Witch Spring R pngs
>Zelda Echoes of Wisdom pngs
>Diablo pngs
>2020 Minecraft wawa pngs
There's a surprising amount of cute Kiara witch screenshots.
If Kiara was actually a hag (of the magical folklore variety), I bet she would make a witches' brew that made the drinker fall in love with her, and also become a Rings of Power and K-Pop fan.
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Me when I press 4
cutest witch
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A cat will do
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>fall in love with her
That would have no effect
>Rings of Power fan
Eh, could be worse
>K-Pop fan
It became worse
Wawake at 6am
Sleep schedule fixed or smoothie demanding foof
Hag years
Hag getto

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