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It's like CC took everything unique Fauna had going for her and improved on it. Imagine the German audio quality of CC ASMR. With Pillowdear and CC now on the scene, I'm surprised there are any Saplings left.
Post tits
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sorry all we have are feet
The Shon Gang
Pillow is a shon gang member?
Ok cc go back to brapping
So true sis! You tell her!
I kinda liked it more when he was using Shiori for this.
What is that, like $1.17 USD?
Can I have a qrd on why someone has been spamming so much Fauna hate lately?
$290 Canadian, so $209.95 USD or £160.86 GBP.
What does fdund mean tho
3 years
Because she keeps winning.
no no, Fauna should start brapping louder to compete
Pillowfag make it less obvious
>Holo vs Holo
Look what you've been reduced to
They literally have nothing in common content or personality wise.
The only similarity is they are green.
Use your fucking brain for once or is
>duuurrrrrr both green all green thing same!!!!
The highest level of thought you can muster up?
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kys phasenog
phasekeks pay money to get NTRd by THAT?
She has good feet. shame for the long neck, tho
Fuck off
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>Holo vs. Holo

What happened in Nijisanji/Phase/Vshitshow?
expecting faunaschizo to use their brain
>They literally have nothing in common content or personality wise
Dorky, intelligent, play pickme games to impress male audience, pretty good at gaming, yap like crazy
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Now I get filian's reaction when they were exchanging selfies
Oh so THIS is why cuckfeet has been melting down. Imagine simping for a malding troon
CC doesn't have mommy energy though.
is that suppouse to be a lot? It's like 1 day of work
I presume to hairyfeet it is, yes.
>is green
>literally fauna frfr
unicorns are seething because she told the truth
she is not your friend
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Guess thats it then. Poor Fauna.
Man I Love Fauna
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His bait threads using only CC or Pillow don't work, so now the retard is resorting to using them both.
>play pickme games to impress male
>pretty good at gaming
it is not pickme game if you're good at it, it's just a game you enjoy.
women don't play FPS on their own, stop being retarded
cc talks too fast for saplings
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Meanwhile, Raora goes out of her way to celebrate her community every month. The way Fauna is with Saplings is not normal and you need to stop gaslighting yourselves into thinking it is and that she can do no wrong. If it was a traditional VA role in some anime, fine, but as a vtuber you really shouldn't lecture your fans about parasocialism when it's the literal foundation of the medium and its what sets it apart from other forms of entertainment.
Actually kinda accurate
I can see the resemblance in Pillowdear’s voice and CC yapping… But Fauna has both so obviously saplings gonna stay saplings
I’m an absolute unicorn and I don’t get the big deal with her lecturing about parasocialism. She doesn’t homocollab and thats good enough, her stating that she probably won’t be your friend is just stating the obvious.
That doesn’t mean you can’t fantasize a life together with her.
We are not friends something something
The only thing I'm jealous of otomos is hearing their oshi fart. I want Fauna to fart on my face.
Fauna just wants all the rewards of being an eceleb, but none of the downsides. She wants you to listen to her complain about her washing machine, but doesn't want you to get attached. As if the two can coexist.
Saplings have developed an advanced form of Stockholm syndrome about it though, it's pretty interesting.
She didn't, it's shitposting
Can you provide me this lecture? Where did she say all this and what was said, exactly?
She did (reply to a schizo SC) but it doesn’t matter
>Surprised there are any Saplings left
the numbers says otherwise…
I’ll never understand why Fauna schizos do this thing where they pretend like she’s losing fans when she continually has the best viewership in EN of anybody not named Gura.
The biggest issue I have with Fauna is the following:
>low effort streams even though she's capable of some really funny shitpost streams
>lost her drive and makes no effort to try something new or different, basically just coasting along at this point
>increasingly getting withdrawn and isolated from EN
>quietly stopped ASMR without communicating why, the one thing she was good at and uniquely and successfully provided for the EN branch
>dropped schedules out of nowhere and gave no reason for it
>lack of variety these days

Now, when you combine all of that and the fact that she's still one of the most popular members of EN, getting numbers that most of her branchmates can only dream of when they're working their asses off, to then have such a shitty attitude to lecture her fans about the reality of her relationship with them is such a dick move. It wasn't even a Sapling that asked, it was a dramafag that got exactly what he wanted. Saplings will respond to this like 'her CCV didn't dip at all, so it's just schizos like you that care', but that's more of a reflection of them than anything. Who the fuck puts up with a vtuber like this when Advent, Justice and many indies are all providing so much more and enjoying the friendships they're forming with their fans (as an entity, obviously). She has no right to be as arrogant as she is. She has no skills or talents and the things she's good at as a vtuber, many others in EN provide just as well AND they have skills on top. Fauna has nothing to fall back on after Hololive so why she's coasting like it's a side-project is beyond me.
You're asking the wrong question. Who the fuck is Fdund?
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He spent time typing it all.
I've never seen someone put so much work into being wrong
>low effort streams
yeah… like your low effort shitpost? All the issues you’ve listed can be proven wrong by watching streams.
Shoncucks are mad because their mental patient got a lot of bad attention lately.
Time to lay out some straight facts:
I want to fuck cecilia immergreen
I want to fuck ceres fauna
I want to fuck pillowdear
I've never seen any indication that brownfeet is a fan of Shondo.
>can be proven wrong by watching streams

I bet Fauna gets so excited with this new gay trend of events. She can just fill the entire week with the same shit and sapkeks will eat it up like they well behaved ATMs they are. Reminder that Advent and Justice still had other games, content and 1on1 collabs, sometimes 2-3 streams on the same day. The EN events were just filler for them, not the core of their schedule.
Even your Advent/Justice bait doesn't work, because Nerissa/ERB didn't participate, Shiori and FWMC basically dropped out, GG/CC/Raora were inconsistent with their 7days streams (on/off/playing but no PoV), and Biboo has ungodly streaming stamina. Watch streams...
>such a shitty attitude to lecture her fans about the reality of her relationship with them is such a dick move
bait post but there's undeniably some people who think this when its a complete inversion of reality. The only people who will play into your delusions are people who either despise you, have given up on you or see you as less than human, only a person who sees their audience as humans with potential for individual happiness would ever even think to challenge their unhealthy escapist coping mechanisms.
He got caught in a shondo shitpost thread over her twitter meltdown doing his deflection to fauna strat. He's definitely a fan, and explains why he's been mindbroken even before debut.
Guess he still thinks that shondo was slighted by her.
>Shiori and FWMC basically dropped out, GG/CC/Raora were inconsistent with their 7days streams (on/off/playing but no PoV)
I literally have no idea how that goes against the point I was making. They try to keep things varied because they CARE. On the days they didn't play, they still did something else. Fauna takes the path of least resistance constantly and these events meant she had no perms to deal with, so she spammed them like a lazy whore.
>say literally anything negative about fauna's stream
>wow you must be this anon
>or that anon
>or this other anon
>must be the shondo anon
>ur rong
Tiring as hell.
CC is not good at FPS. stop being retarded.
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Keep going, as long as you waste time here, you don't shitpost in other threads.
it's how much you are worth
>>>87836767 (You)
>must be that one anon in the entire board that dares criticize my oshi
They don't really have much in common. The strongest appeal Fauna has is her soothing voice and gentle demeanor. CC is not like that.

Why do austist keep trying to make up a rivalry just because they are both green?
CC is teal
CC is an Ame successor, not a Fauna rival.
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Wrong! as a unicorns I love fauna
CC just said she was green on stream.
Such expressive hands
I know. I was referencing the Halo collab
holy cope, the mental gymnastics you have to go through. She thinks you're beneath her and you're just too desperate and pathetic to accept it
Good to know you know her best, kek
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nice deflection brownfeet
Fauna antis, and one in particular who can't cope with the
>we're not friends
speech and has been on suicide watch since.
CC often gets the same CCV as Fauna in the same slot. Fauna had a good run but her time is up.
Never forget Anon that this place is basically /eceleb/. Nothing but extreme hate and blind obsession exist here unless your Oshi has a slow splot or is a smaller part of a bigger corpo.
He invested everything into that being a big yab, when it didn't hurt in anyway it completely mindbroke him. That's why he can't let it go, and keeps lying about it and trying the same thing over and over again out of desperation.
Occasionally some gullible idiot falls for it, for a bit.
I'm not a sapling but I have played Fauna's yab clips and streams while playing Xcom2 until I came across that. It made me like her a lot more because of how honest it was. I'm more of a novelite but I think it's best the talent say this instead of it being an unwritten rule for weirdos who can't get a clue.
Just a reminder jannies are protecting him
Fauna spent a lot of time watching content creators and streamers before becoming one herself. Probably more than anyone else in EN. She also went through a phase of wanting to be friends with those that she idolized, before realizing it's not that simple. She also talked many times how making real life friends was never easy for her. Those two topics are important and personal to her, she was honest because she wants the best for her viewers - put yourself, your friends, and your family before the person on the screen, but you will always be welcomed to have fun with the stream. Simple as.
Just come up with another nonracist name, it's that easy
his feet are literally brown it's the most defining characteristic in the photo brownfoot.

But we both know you don't actually care about it being racist or not, you're just weaponizing the reporting system because you know jannies like you. I could call you "Fauna schizo #1" and you'd still report me.
I'm not the guy I'm just telling you it's really easy to not get banned
Who the fuck is cc

Sure you're not fauna schizo #1, also clean your room it's fucking disgusting.
what video was this?
No one talks about how disgusting the fucking keyboard is, man. What the hell, he posted that of his own free will.
It's why I swapped to calling him kekfeet, same effect but captures his love of NTR with shitdo and phase
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fantafeet is also good
fauna ruined herself with le irony humor. people like that just stops putting effort into anything
my god man, why is everything so dusty.
where did the fanta pic come from?
fauna and cc fighting each other for gg's affections
Go away kekfeet
I need to see Filian's reaction to Pippa's selfie?
fauna strikes me as somebody who does something cause she saw someone else do it. what she watched influences how she plays the game and trys to emulate who she watched.
cc feels like she lived through it possibly played it or heard about naturally decades ago and decided i want to do this on stream now that i have watchers.
I thought the ame successor role was GG if anything
How do you retards fall for this false flag?
shes just the ame or
He posted it to reply to himself catching himself in the act, so that all his discord bros could kek him up. Whenever you see someone obsessively saying "brownfeet brownfeet", it's him false flagging again.
>anyone who accurately points me out is actually falseflagging
nice try warm-fanta
yes for an 8 hour shift
lmfao. You might have a point if CC didn't sound like a fatass ESL kraut. Waste of a model with that disgusting dog voice
How many of these threads are you going to make? Don’t you get tired of this?
She has a bf

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