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>enjoys her time with you
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You'll Never be Mine Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream
YLYL - If I laugh, I remove my clothes


>Previous Thread
Thats where all the trouble started. That smile. That damned smile
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I can't take any more!
I wish filian and all snackers a very good day
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overcooked 2 be like
Frick you anon, someday she'll be mine
but does she have your eyes
you too bruv
She wants my eyes too? She's already got my heart and a large rent free space in my head
I hope thats a witch's brew and not dinner
I hope she posts more funny pics and less slutty pics
I like slutty filian please don’t take her from me
New bread rule. You can hatepost or discuss about money/popularity/scam whatever, BUT you have to post a funny post first
It’s too late, I love her too much to see her doing that
I don't have anything funny to say, but that's okay because I don't hatepost either.
the only good thing that was ever built out of the crooked timbers of humanity was sex and sexual desire
More like your mom
What’s the filian smacker account on X?
This guy needs to improve his impersonation, it doesn’t feel like her (yet)
Maybe it is her acting different on purpose
Ken, that would be kino
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Filian's feet are pretty nice.
I want to wash them for her
you know what, i agree
new wife vid
That's what I've been saying.
You mean like jesus, right? Right?
Chill out, L.
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Can't wait for Filian to rizz up Squchan again
what are you thinking about the anti-spam /flip/?
its okey, but its not perfect looking at other boards that implemented it
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It's a band-aid that will only discourage the laziest shitposters. I won't stop the actually troublesome ones.
It probably won't work. But it's a nice try
It should help with the schizos that get banned since they'll have to wait 15 minutes between getting banned and posting from a new ip
they have to do something, people blatantly ban evade like it’s nothing, we all do it
i feel similar. might discourage some if they get banned often enough.
remember to report retards. if nothing else applies it's off-topic
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You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?
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n ice
put a girl on
spam bros.....it's JOEVER
Our most common shitposters are extremely lazy spam on cooldown motherfuckers. It won't fix everything but I think it will have some value.
if filly puts on a /shiny/ outfit i will cum buckets
What is a /shiny/ outfit?
Fucking bullshit. The timer was bad enough but I’m tired of being punished on the internet as a normal user because of spammers/bots. That’s besides the fact that most of those bots are trying to access publicly accessible data anyway and should be able to do it without getting blocked. Sorry for the rant but this “prove you’re human” situation has gotten unbearable on every site
>schizo spammer seethe
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>normal user
Describe how, as a normal user, you are affected by this. Then I will invariably respond explaining that you are not a normal user.
I use a browser that deletes cookies on close because I don’t want to be tracked by 30,000 cookies
i do the same. just keep a tap open.
Keeping the same session defeats the point of starting a fresh session with 0 cookies. I’m going to have to wait the 15 minutes and that new inconvenience is one that the bots will eventually find a way around anyway
cookies autodelete. deletes cookies automatically after closing the tab.
You consider yourself a normal user? Security is the antithesis of convenience. You are sacrificing convenience for security. You forfeit the right to complain when a service someone else is in control of prioritizes its own well being over your convenience.
nice to see the skinwalker growing so fast
If it ends up not doing anything I'll be open to them rolling it back but until then you're acceptable collateral to make the site less shit
he should post porn already
Caring about privacy is frustrating. It feels like no matter what you do, everyone is trying to make it increasingly inconvenient. On top of that, for some reason, regular people manage to pick some of the fucking worst services and apps to use when it comes to caring about it. Most popular browser? Spywere. Most social media? Everything about you, your enviroment and your close ones is fair game to collect. You can't even properly search for shit on the internet without them trying to collect every bit of data, mainstream OS also wants to do that and God forbid any company uses anything but that. I really hate that part of the modern tech.
i don't own a smartphone for that reason. normies look at me funny when i tell them.
What is the anti-spam?
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Is there a way to pay for the 4chan pass but not have the icon by your name?
Aren't there "dumb" phones that are simply used for making calls without any sort of Internet features? I'm not sure how difficult it is to get them connected to a carrier though because a lot of times for the sake of "security" they won't allow older phones to connect to their towers.
The icon is off by default. You have to put since4pass into the options field in order for it to show up.
where i live every phone, by law, has to be attached to a name and that would defeat the point. i have a phone from work so if i really need one i could use that but i get along fine without.
thanks anon i couldn't find anything about it anywhere. ill buy one now
Nah should just keep with the teasing, the moment he does porn is when people stop believing
im sorry you are poor
But it will do nothing about them at all, they just need to wait 15 minutes to prepare their VPNs.
I wrote that
She's so cute bros
Filian has 26 moles on her body, it's truth since I said so.
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You're crazy. Small question though, where would they be if you weren't crazy?
2 on her left hand and 3 on her right

3, in a triangle shape, on her left forearm and 1 on her right forearm

5 on her back

1 on her right breast (really cute)

2 on her neck

1 under her left eye

5 on her left leg and 2 on her right

The final one is on her butt

Thank you for reading.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
Filian hasn't showered
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Since when?
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I’m commissioning an anon to finish the bottom part. Be her on top of my chest or standing up showing panties. Lewd but not porn
I didn't even notice. My pc/browser is so fucked and slow the captcha doesn't load half the time anyway.
Has she said anything about the streams for this week?
Squ cooking collab tomorrow, hot ones with Chacha on wednesday.
She still needs to do something with Deme
yeah they should be reacheduling that collab soon
Filian should cook for deme, and make her eat it.
Not one but two collabs ended by food poising. Poetic.
Next week is going to be good. I have to think of a few questions for ChaCha
Its her, she's the predator and she's grooming me.
Idk who the pedo is though
We know you're underage, don't lie.
filian is based
If it's something as stupid as "someone in her server turned out to be a pedo" I won't be surprised. Antis will make a big deal out of nothing.
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>on the internet as a normal user
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that's cute
This one is sad on the other hand. Squ is trying to feed Filian some better food and Filian would rather eat mid fast food that is tacobell. I do have to admit – it is pretty belivable
Man I Love Filian
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It even has lore accurate food
I wonder if it's a fan or an anti trying to somehow mock her
I'm pretty sure it's a fan
the fansly content we will never get from the original
Where was this posted?
You can't be this retarded
This is almost Filian's levels of retardation when it comes to spotting stuff
What? I know this is not the original Filian and I know the account on X. But this was not posted there.
Do you see this u/Filianne? It's reddit handle. Look there
ah thx
i did not visit reddit ever in my life so i did not catch that
on 4chan
would? y/n
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