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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>87778449

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
I love stinky loli feet
I love smelly loli cunny
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>I just finished
>Jar Studios
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What was that story supposed to be about
Two gay cops trying to avoid getting caught having sex by their chief?
if the plays are like this, how is the punishment going to go?
they're all so autistic and cute ToT
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Rimaeri is pretty short on the chart. Also I lost a few due to not keeping backups and fucking up. Whoops.
Need to smell these girls right now
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Jesus is watching and he does NOT like what he sees
please call of the bible ghost, I'm worried about my oshi
Jesus is fucking gay
>Irina cancelled on twitter and dies
Not again
irina what the black guy who died first
>the nose beaten by spongebob
what the FUCK did they mean by this
Where is that japanese toddlertuber?
These panty shots are great
I'll put her on if you can find her link or image.
>Mr. and Mrs. Biden
>not Dr. Mike Honey
>taffy's moans
It's Kiki's role, better this way since she does the gruff voice so well
I can tell she's good at making those noises but they're kind of annoying tbdesu
>you're pregnant
yeah, me
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Irina's just enjoying baby roleplay in the background lmao
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Huh, she recently has mature model... but it looks like she still uses her baby model more, hope that counts?
kiki... ToT
i'll bend you
>deep taffy
>mother NTR
I can't believe Mitty is fucking the shit outta Mitty's mom RIGHT NOW
It's not NTR, unless pissmonster420uwo is hot for his mom
kek, i hope she recovers from her menhera moment soon
Oh you hate to see it. Irina's voice change broke and "her" real voice is coming through.
average groomer
that's me
>that hit close to home
they fucking hate us
i didn't catch that, what was it?
I missed who said that
i'm gonna coom
gigi what are you saying...
champys eating good tonight
i'd let this thing groom me
I am at full mast now
I'd give Irina milkies I'm a male
it's weird observing the sexual responses in this thread that seem entirely based on fully clothed characters just saying silly stuff
Only the most refined of tastes can appreciate a fully clothed person being lewd
Sub-80 IQ monkeys REQUIRE nudity.
We DESIRE the subtleties of language and visual cues.
What the fuck, I can't watch Irina ever again
Have you never used vtuber birthday audio releases before?
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well i say this as someone who almost entirely uses chatbots as jerk material and it's still weird that it's just girls making mild jokes that does it for you
i have never been aroused by audio porn or asmr
Genuinely an incredible stream
That was amazing, it was even better than I expected.
Now what?
Are you able to imagine a spinning apple in your mind? Audio porn is the ultimate immersive porn
Here's one to try out
who's got the link for the after stream e-orgy?
the subtlety of full clothed person being lewd (swimsuit)
i don't have aphantasia and i can imagine the spinning apple clearly. i think i just have a very specific and also very blunted pleasure response, probably clinical levels of anhedonia and it really sucks.
i was there listening to it live. it was relaxing except for the dumb redeems you guys made irina do. i don't think irina wants to be seen as a porn producer, i don't see her sexually, i paid for half her asmr microphone and i will say it again, if you pressure her into becoming a porn star using that thing, i will come to your house.
>i don't think irina wants to be seen as a porn producer
That's probably true, and most of her fans don't want that either
>I don't see her sexually
That's just you anon. She has a whole month dedicated to mating jokes
they are jokes.
sexual jokes
sexual is not the same thing as porn
what does making sexual jokes have to do with *seeing her sexually*?
It's shitposting, they're not serious.
>inb4 contradictory replies
What does "seeing her sexually" mean to you? I feel like we're speaking different languages.
i actually used to think those kinds of posts were shitposts, but now knowing how much of supposed "asmr" is actually just used as subtle pornography, i think at least half of them are telling the truth
when you see someone sexually, they arouse you and you want to bang them
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Hate to interrupt the argument between the gooner with sexual dysfunction and the gooner without sexual dysfunction, but I think Shotacity is back under a new name.
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I also do the same.
The number of chatbots I've made of people as well as using shitty online image generators with lora support for making quick scenarios is rather high.
The fun I had with Lia groping and fucking lolia (loli Lia) was amazing but I wasn't genning images along with that, using ones genned by some other wonderful anon.

Shonshon, Riro and Lia being the main ones.
I guess technically Fuyo and Poko..
Then yeah, it's just you. I'm not the guy that thinks ASMR is porn, but she certainly teases a lot in other streams.
>it's just you
i never claimed to be speaking for anyone other than myself
i use sillytavern a lot. i know there are image gen plugins but haven't tried them
That's exactly what I said at the start of this, anonchama...
At least we agree.
okay well i'm confused then
That's the SFW stuff. Lia promptly raped my mouth after this with her futa dong (that spawned out of nowhere because of the way I was using to get around filters, it got confused kek)
It's one thing I always wanted to try but never cared to set it up either
I kinda went off chatbots and image gen like... few months back. Got a bit bored.
Only just recently got back in to image gen and see this new thing Flux is all the hype. Not looked in to it yet
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Should I stop seeding this?
Go for it, it's been long enough and your ratio is great
cool. hopefully they won't implode this time.
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>anon thought he was in private tummies general
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amaihiyo added to chart
actual onahole
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Should add Muyu, she's 130cm
>western hag voice
X'd out
If it's who I think it is, she does a pretty decent loli voice too
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Thanks Riri, really cool!
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added muyu, added back neppie who i shamefully lost
Add a rope to hang yourself with
Fuck off already
Add tatsu the thread loli if she has a png
you're either a vtuber or a champy. you coincidentally popped up during the big collab after not being here for a while.
which stage are you on currently?
>uwu silly anons i just make charts for fun its my hobby doesnt mean anything
>check out my official scientific loli scale for proof that this big tiddy hag is a loli and your uohshi is a hag
i'm on the stage where you're gay
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one of these is nothing like the others, hang yourself
Currently on the falseflagging as another general to force a fake blood feud stage >>87848087
NTA but Saruei was literally added because of the discussion last thread about standing blowjobs >>87835886
neppie is so fucking perfect i swear ToT
no i'm not as autistic as the retard maing the charts with his own equations that he uses for and excuse to add who ever he wants. heres my schizo theory though: a collab with a few uohs happened then he showed up out of no where. it was organized by kiki right? one of her viewers (who are mostly bjce people) is a giga autist and likes charts and vtubers. he wants to put everyone possible on the chart because he's retarded and knows it makes no sense but it will give him attention.
No need to confirm what I just said. Fuck off
this explains why miwa isn't there because all of them are jealous of her
you're really bad at identifying anons. are you going to find a bunch of posts you don't like and say all of them are me like you did in the past?
neppie and shorter all need a good standing face fucking
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Get Taffy on there again, please
>Kiki isn't a vtuber
oh nyo
standing on a stool and fucking the face of your oshi is an underutilized technique
examining miwa's mouth with my fingers then fucking her mouth
shit how could i forget taffy
i can put her on, no problem
sure if i can find her character reference
>needing a stool
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I only have this one...
perverted champy...
What's the best hair color/length for a loli in your opinion, anon?

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added miwa, taffy, and kiki
did some minor adjustment based on perceived position of the heel of the foot and compensated for high heels, platforms, or standing on tiptoes
moved saruei, shylily, and trump off frame so fewer people tell me to hang myself
>Kiki right next to Neppie
bnuuy love!
Retarded nigger
Ginger/freckles is a great combo. I'm a sucker for long hair too, but having a short option is basically necessary if you want to do any collabs.
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why are you so mean
yeah it's crazy they're almost the same proportions except kiki has way thicker thighs
none and completely bald so I can kiss
>why are people so mean to me after I repeatedly troll the thread with my shit charts to piss everyone off?
I don't know what shithole you're used to trolling but here people do have long term memory
kiki is a curvier neppie
mind blowing...
miwa's ranked high as expected. She's supposed to have a smaller model as her next one. I expect something around taffy and pipkin
You are a fucking retard
Really, do what your heart desires, but I love red hair and freckles. And twin braids. For length I would love to see long, maybe mid-back length, but it doesn't matter that much to me.
anon I...
somebody needs a snickers bar
>having a short option is basically necessary if you want to do any collabs
oh, why is that?
big hair takes up a lot of the screen
I love freckles!
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that is a really good point
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i want to rape miwa so much
she's fucking asking at this point, stop being so erotic
hair-to-body % chart when?
any femalekidchuubas that aren't massive whores?
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you mean idol-like chuubas?
Imagine them tying you up with their hair as they fuck you silly
Just remember that whatever is on the top is gonna match the bottom. So if you get green hair, it's gonna be pretty awkward when we meet up later and you look like you got moss puss. Unironic answer: you can't really go wrong with blonde. Anything else depends on the design, but blonde (while kinda boring) just works on lolis.
carpets don't always match the drapes
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>blonde (while kinda boring) just works on lolis
You're right but >>87850527 didn't mention blonde so didn't think she was interested.
wtf zenya is collabing with shee from kawaii? wouldnt have expected that
they're lolis, there's not going to be a bottom
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N..No loli bottoms??? I'm gonna fucking KILL MYSELF
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cheer up, lain
HI ANONSSSS!!!! night checkup! how is everyone doing today?
I want to draw a sketch while I'm out tomorrow but I'm not sure what type of outfit I should draw, feel free to leave me a suggestion!
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your uoshis carpet matches my drapes
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good old-fashioned serafuku?
what makes miwa erotic
moe art omg i love it, also ill add it to the list!
Tennyo Yui. She's only a little bit whore.
I'm doing great! Had a super lazy Sunday. Went into town and had a drink while sitting outside on the bar patio enjoying the beautiful afternoon. I think a cute elementary school outfit with the hat and the randoseru would be very cute!
HELL YEAH LAZY SUNDAY!!! Did you get to see the sun set? im currently dreading monday though XD. Ill also add that one to my sketch list (≧∀≦)ゞ
that's to be expected when dealing with ad*lt women
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stop being silly. you can NEVER talk too much as a streamer. talking is the main reason people are watching you. if you can talk forever about anything people will stick around and recommend you to others and eventually other people will start talking with you in chat. pic unrelated
I didn't unfortunately. Went home before then. Mondays suck though, I agree. We have to get through it together!
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Sketch! Still didn't decide on a hair color. How are the imouto vibes here?
Fug, that's really cute!
Ill stay strong if you guys do too!
Ideal size/height. Name one lolituber that can top them.
amai is for when you want to lie back and bring an onahole down hard, hunney is for when you want some tummy or thighs or arch a spine
erase the middle string of hair and add freckles
Bonnie is no longer being linked in this thread for some reason
Most of them can be ontop of them, they're really short.
Bonnie stream
I stand corrected.
Brunettes are incredibly pretty in my opinion. And with green eyes. God that combo is so gorgeous. I love the hairstyle you sketched too.
Thank you! I'm thinking light brown hair or ginger + pink eyes combo it's looking cute

Uncovered forehead? like Takagi? I can try that, I think it looks adorable
I love the brunette green eyes combo too! I'm so indecisive ToT
Bare loli bottoms uohhhhh ToT...
Well that combo gets my vote. And really long hair too. I love long hair. At least down to lower back length. With some kind of cute styling on the top that still shows off the length.
Rimaeri is doin random Roblox kusoge
the anon that killed himself everynight for a month is gonna piss his pants when he see rimaeri is streaming
She really waited for him to actually kill himself to start streaming again
Ran into porn of an actual underage vtuber which I'm pretty sure is all commissioned by one guy
Am I the strange one for finding that a line crossed
I know of a viewer who commissioned erotica of their oshi and then found out their oshi was lying about their adult status. The viewer was quite distraught. Please don't lie about your age, girls.
Why do you know an actual underage vtuber and why are you looking for porn of them?
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Oh no! She was 17 and 11 months old!
The character is still fictional.
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as many anons already mentioned freckles are very cute
as for the hair, mid lengh, pigtails or a side tail, the color can be anything really as long as it matches the eyes
something like the pic related
I didn't on both counts, I just researched after because I liked the design and then realized what was going on.
Didn't know that pippa is a cunny
There is also Filian on that chart
That sounds awful
Unironically touch grass what the actual fuck anon
you wouldn't get it
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Nothing to kek about, retard.
Rima jumpscare
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