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Previous Thread: >>87814075
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Sex with Koa!
tightest cunny in idol??
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I love Roca Rourin!
Roca makes me happy.
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Trust the plan
Come back, Momo
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I need to bite Daisy's ears.
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Daisy owes me paizuri
Reminder to vote for katta to collab with all of them
Katta is a right winger bitch
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Katta is hot af. I hope she does asmr soon. She's a whore(good) so I'd forgive her if she got a fansly or OF.
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Owari da
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I voted for Daisy-Tonya, Cersea-Roca, Rikki-Coni, Yena-Juna.
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I hate discord
fandits. log the fuck on and tell her 'no I do mind males' like a man
poko loves to pick out the one comment that goes contrary to most of the chat is saying
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I voted for https://x.com/DaisyDaLion/status/1846245996835021095
I need a Tonya-Daisy collab where they go full feline mode and just start tongue bathing each other
lame, [REDACTED] isn't even an option
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>leaving out her post from 3 seconds after after for the (you)s
That sucks
>forcing collabs
Voting Katta and e-sekai girls
>i personally only like collabing w girls, but its interesting seeing what fandits think!
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Once Riki does her ASMR the board will shift their opinion. Just know I will groom her first and afterwards you can have your turn with her as she'd already be my used goods
they're literally doing the exact same thing as v4mirai lmfao.
this is so retarded, why the fuck should we vote on who collabs with who??? just let them do it themselves
I voted only for Endless and Encore.
Sorry Nikki. I could have chosen Riki for her to see how frustrated she'd get.
This is not looking good
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daisy-pogo, yena-enya, riki-coni, cersea-wuby
Are there any homobeggars on trooncord?
well the discord cucks will for sure tell her to collab with males, or at least say something along the lines of "collab with who you want bro dont listen to incels!!!!".
being stuck in an echo chamber like discord is like that
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>start threatening male collabs in order to get people here to panic join the discord
devilish, poko
I voted fuyo/daisy for kino cunny (probably not happening but still), kai/yena for futa segregation, coni/riki because coni would probably get annoyed and that would be funny, and enya/cersea so enya can thirstpost
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I voted for Koa-Yena and Lala-Daisy.
I did the same for Yena and Cersea. Seemed the best options.
Fuck you
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stop voting for coni, she gets anxious about collabs with people she isn't familiar with
>Just know I will groom her first
does he know?
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I want to plunder her booty
Katta approves of the extermination of Hamas and Hezbollah
He lacks critical information
Fuck you, I'm the only one with the Rikicoins.
yeah im voting coni-riki too just to spite her
Roca is not a fan of forced collabs either
Ok, now I will vote even harder
aussie femdom ASMR
I doubt there's any vtuber who likes forced collabs
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>I voted fuyo/daisy for kino cunny
I can see Fuyo and Daisy having some good chemistry but I went for Pogo-Daisy to not potentially further clog up Fugu's schedule
I will admit I voted for Lala-Yena because I think that collab would be really funny. Enya-Riki and Ruby-Cersea for ASMRslut(affectionate) kino
kek poko is funny
I voted Daisy Enya, Cersea Lisa, Yena Juna, Riki Coni
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it was funnier that way
Does this pirate attack British ships?
judging from the amount of anons that voted for Riki-Coni, that's going to be the likely outcome(I also voted for that pairing kek)
surprised to see fuyo on the list desu, shes repeatedly talked about how busy she is and concerned she wont get things she has planned done on time. I somehow very much doubt she'll be free to collab with these girls on short notice.
Why is Rin even an option?
That's why no Jamstones will be voting for her I suspect
I'd want to see a collab between her and Daisy happen naturally. Cersea is okay minus THAT. The rest are garbage and I hope they stay far away from her.
i voted poko-daisy, yena-coni (coni is easily the most anti LGBT in idol, and she hates forced shit like this so will be funny), katta-riki, and ruby-cersea
Yeah, I didn't vote for Roca
I assume they just included everyone in the list to not feed any rrats like BRAVE HATES THEM MUH CLIQUE MUH MOBBING
Ya'll really baiting that live Coni melty before the graduations KEK
stopped reading there
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Yeah, I didn't even consider voting Roca
I like the cut of your gib
Bro, if you are going to use that word, at least do the contraction correctly. It's you all, or y'all.
They could have not included them on the premise of "they're leaving idol next month" no need for rrats
Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of all my freedom
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I put Coni for all of them cause it's the only way to get her to collab
Also cause she clearly hates them all and it would be funny
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Roca: Campfire Karaoke
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Roca Autistic Karaoke
Juna goes on all fields.
I think I do enjoy watching Roca.
>but its interesting seeing what fandits think!
I'm going schizo over this
Prepare your ass for a mega collab with globie males on it
Look bro, I'm sorry for you, but Coni crashing out over a trannie collab with Yena and them having an absolute shit fest of a catfight on stream is too good to pass up. Imagine this: Coni is passive aggressively making anti trannie jokes the entire stream and Yena pipes up abs gets smacked down by Coni. Later on discord and on PL complaining about feeling unwelcome etc.
Or: Yena forcing inclusion down Conis throat entire collab. Coni loses it. Crashes out saying she hates trannies and doesn't give a fuck. Awkwardness. End stream after Yena after Yena and Coni make bitchy serious remarks about eachother as "banter". Later Coni vents on PL, alt x account and alt alt not coni X account about hating trannies. Seethes, graduates. VAllure 2nd gen. Good end.
Who wouldn't want that?
>Increase in PL activity
>Comment mentioning males when she could've easily ignored it
>Flashbacks to her pre-idol behavior
oh nyo
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>Yena pipes up abs gets smacked down by Coni.
coni would spill her spaghetti and make catty passive aggressive comments later and more posts shitting on her /here/
Waking up with a hand between her legs
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me, I like Coni I don't want bad things to happen to her
is this the trans agenda i keep hearing about?
Yes she is going to make your cock explode
fake carnie
oh thank god
They can't into English, although it would be funny a Riki x Meica collab just for maximum zoomer energy
I still haven't forgotten how her and pia toyed around with the idea of inviting male vtubers to play content warning with them
Fair enough
I want to fuck the hyena and marry the dandy lion please thank you
Coni, please. You will collab with the tranny and you will like it.
you have quite the imagination
holy sex what was that toggle
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fuck you
I put Coni and 5 other kiss-ASMRs from various vtubers before I go to bed. They all kiss me simultaneously and I cry 'till I fall asleep. Thank you Coni.
Yena's model was made to cater to me specifically
not sure about her herself yet though
kys Juna
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it's this underwear
The ones I want to see are
Lisa x Daisy, for the /tsun/ old days
Juna x Yena, because I know Yena is a fake Stacy and I want a true Korean Stacy to make a bitch out of her
based, enjoy your group sex as you drift off to dreamland
>has watched coni for 15 months and doesn't want to see her suffer until she reaches the point of having a mental breakdown live on stream
like I said, fake carnie
Interesting idea, does it work well? I guess you need vids with no talking
she was fun last night and can sing...and yes her model is not only sex, but super well-rigged as well. i just hope last night's streaming in 720p was only a fluke...
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poko mention!!!
damn 270 deadlift?
she can almost lift me haha...
voted coni and riki
My dick
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fornication with Roca
This is pretty hot. Thank you anon.
i love my oshi, sorry you can't relate
I voted for Daisy and Koa because something good might come out of it, and it will be hard for Koa to take the first step
Ok, and the bad thing is?
marital sex for the purpose of procreation with Roca
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its for her own good
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can trashfyre trannies get their own split please?
>does it work well
no, I get overstimulated with sounds and I start crying uncontrollably. After 45 minutes I become a husk of a man, and I can sleep softly.
How many water bottles did you eat today?
you will NEVER be a woman.
Yena has eyes very similar to Dokibird. Right? Am I crazy? The way they blink and shit remind me of Dokis.
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42% will do its magic in the long-term
you are right. i'm a man.
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And I never want to be one
oh nyo, anyways
i think the number went up again recently
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*steps on her*
daisy-pogo for art collab, yena-nikki cos nikki seemed excited about her, cersea-wuby so the two hags can sperg about naruto together and riki-rin cos I want to punish rin by forcing her to interact with an even more insufferable retard
Thank God
you will NEVER be a man, yena.
Yena's model is really well rigged, goddamn
I need to bite her
*pees on her* (affectionate)
Can you spilt yourself from existence?
Daisy rabu
All of them were cooking for at least 8 months so maybe extra work went into their rigging. Looks nice.
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I am very emotional today and Roca singing this is actually about to make me cry
She's cool and has a nice voice.
I'm going to murder my ISP, don't fucking force me to reset my connection during Roca Karaoke, niggers
Roca's singing is beautiful
roca's karaoke is making me feel warm
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Damn fuckers
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Did somebody hurt you?
yeah everything else notwithstanding, I like her voice
>50 min till daisy

Life is suffering bros...
Who the fuck likes forced collabs? Retarded idea
>juna cuck to yena troon pipeline
color me shocked
looks like v4mirai is sharing management with idol, they're doing all the same retarded shit that v4m is doing
Can't watch Roca because I'm driving with my dad, but have a good time, rockfuckers
Absolutely nothing but hate and condemnation. This /jidf/ civil war is not the first, but it definitely is the most serious. Troons get the rope.
It's more bizarre to be upset over it.
It's definitely not. It's a perverse corruption of intention and desires to manipulate someone you like into obedience. Sociopathic behavior.
Sex with Roca by the campfire...
It's gone again. I will shoot myself
beggars and schizos love it
t. bizarre post
i did roca x yena
It's a small corpo. Like a mcdonalds out in the boonies. Sometimes you have to get a shift with someone you never worked with.
I hate Yena but I'm more upset over management apparently being anti loli now
me, i want to see coni get annoyed during a collab with riki
Roca and Yena, let's go!
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[Roca News]
Roca uses YouTube Premium
no more dutch ads between songs...
Based premium user
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wife soon
I can't wait
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Do you faggots ever get tired of drawing battle lines between each other? I sometimes question whether some of you even like vtubers at all.
[Roca News]
She is going to edge.
It'll die down soon. It's just a mixture of shitters from catalog and tourists.
>expecting civility from lolitards
Roca... I love you...
very organic posts
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So lovely!
Yenas mouth rigging is kinda weird
Roca loves me.
God I want to headpat Roca whenever it buffers.
She deserves the headpats
Every day I fight the uphill battle that is trying not to gosling for Roca
So I'm new to idol and I found yena cute and cool.
Also what was her past life
She's so extremely headpatable, shame she doesn't like them
A headpat emote would get so much mileage in her chat
It sure would
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Roca's voice is so powerful!
Her past life was being my wife
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Just enjoy her now and don't think too much about things.
I feel the Jesus in Roca
that Jesus guy? Me
My heart...
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I'm pumping sunflower seed into Daisy's daisy
It's raining indoors?
give me a Daisy x Poko collab
organic christian posts
It sure is
I think the ceiling is dripping water.
Rockfuckers are literal monks
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Holy fuck, I just clicked on her because none of my regulars were doing anything interesting, but she is crazy good, how have I never heard of her.
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a kiss from my beloved tulip
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Roca is something really special
Welcome to the club anon
All these posts shilling Yena are threadshitters baiting.
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>daisy 2.0
>encore collab
>fuyo watchalong
>all gonna overlap
>La isla bonita
That brings me memories.
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all during the football game I'm watching
guess roca hasnt seen batman forever
Has Yena even burped once?
welcome to american vtubers
This song is nice but the instrumental sounds out of tune
See some of you at Daisycon.
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the autism that comes from ad season chat is truly astounding sometimes

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