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Ara~ ara~ Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
Pixel VSMP:>>>/vt//vsmp/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>87705670
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Essie is for spanking, not punching...
Essie is for having her womb brutally punched with my penis as she breastfeeds our child.
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spooky creature from down undah whispers sweet nothings in your ears for a while
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essie is for cuddling and spoiling and caressing and cajoling and mole counting
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a gay retarted homosexual en retard appears to be a little late, lapine and lesbian
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>late cause nervous to start stream
>was drawing 3.0 stuff not sure if i should stream
>95% sure debut will be at the start of 2025 maybe for bday maybe not
>after next week, will be away doing taxes
>krum raid
>para was lurking during the krum rat stream
>definitely not teaching krum how to evade taxes or anything
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>it gets really stinky when i stream without opening the window
>sucking some clippers dick
>he should be proud of his clips and his big numbers
>just like im proud of every short i make and every stream i make and ....50% of the drawings i make
>something is burning...
>it's Miaelou's candle
>para learns how to starve a five
the fire alarm had nothing to say on the matter, not even a chirp
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Esi schedule! The one on the 26th will be a 24h stream.
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>Para confessed she smoked the pipe before stream
>and maybe that's why it smells burnt
also Para is off her meds, this is a first since she started streaming
is she also streaming on twatter? nitter doesn't support articles, spaces or broadcasts
Are there any /wool/tubers that streamed and enjoyed Outer Wilds?
Dunno but if you donate enough for Esila to be able to buy it she'll almost definitely play it on stream at some point
Enya has streamed it a few times
Would it be a good pick for her though? Maybe I need to watch more of her streams but I remember her saying she would rather play more casual games without story
I think as long as it's the sort of game where she can talk to her audience without feeling time pressured to do things constantly she'll probably be fine. Since her main thing is chat interaction she doesn't really play many games that don't facilitate that
it won't be once she learns there's a timer
I mean she plays MD and Slender too and those both have some time constraints involved, but as long as she can either pause or relatively frequently look at chat and respond (not constantly attention held by game at all times) she seems to be fine with it
Ask her on stream first, she might know the game and say no, and you'd make her uncomfortable if you forced her to play it on stream.
There's been a bunch of people who've donated money for specific games so far and I haven't seen her have any problems, but you can do this too I guess
none of them did it out of the blue, they all asked Esi first whether she'd be interested in playing them, and afaicr some games were in fact vetoed.
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Someone took over Pillow's channel again...
>see, im a good girl!!
check mark means she eats it often
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Essie ring fit.

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>degradation rp
Essie ring fit and crosswords VOD
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>celebrating numbers by exercising
>mind *gun shot*
>body *gun shot*
>and soul *gun shot*
>ignore the spaghetti stain
>paralysed cause she saw something really shocking before stream
>wearing grippy socks
>but unfortunately i am not insane
the noises...
Ayu doing a rather /wool/core karaoke relay
Very denjyarasu
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>next week i can stream every single day
>except for one day
>im a liar and a fraud
>i have plans to see a friend but she hasnt replied in 2 days
also real and true essie ethnicity reveal, she is french canadian
>Essie is already sweating
>had to go get a towel
>essie's modest essies covered in sweat already
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sus essie noises start now
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I'm going to engrave this pillow stream into my mind
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someone asked the other day
Momoko's YT debut is starting right about now
>i dont wanna do this anymore...
>*catching her breath*
>im not tired... im not tired... im not tired... im not tired... im not tired...
she made a notebook slideshow!
>i have unlimited maxed-out stamina, actually
>*pant* *pant* *pant*
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very cute essicore doodles
She's so regretting picking higher difficulty.
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>doing it faster is so much better
femdom loss with pillow's Neighbor
Essie is so self conscious about being fat. That fit pic she posted with Para's merch showed shes skinny
>TCG's and fighting games
Esi still "owes" us a Nexas collab from a previous event...
Esila has said multiple times she's probably just going to join a NEXAS collab chat and sit there for an hour or so and if someone shows up she'll collab otherwise not, so whenever she does that remember to spam your NEXAN of choice
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gamer momoko likes games
I think I'm in love with Essie. Fuck.
I'm having impure thoughts about Essie.
I know and once Momo was in chat during an MD stream, and my over excited dumb ass put both of them on the spot... needless to say, Momo said yes to a collab but Esi said no.
>begging to lower difficulty
>decides not to and start crosswords instead
I hate willow
sex with willow
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>had to go change shirts
i have a feeling momoko will get a collab with a wool girl who isnt esi first
i see her everywhere and everyone seems to like her
>who isnt esi
yeah, she already said no. >>87859384
She says no to literally almost everyone, while she's technically free game for the nexans when she does her weird collab russian roulette we're realistically quite limited in who we can possibly get by her streaming times
>essie got too sweaty
>she had to change
>stream died
>then she got sad lonely and insecure
please comfort the creature and tell her you can see her, smell her and feel her warmth
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momoko watches anime
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momoko music likes
that wasn't a "maybe, we'll see" kind of no, it was an outright no. I did apologize afterwards.
>can't squat as her legs are shaking like crazy
I can't think of why she'd be opposed to momo in particular though?
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momoko other interests
lewd noises have started
she's gone, I NEED more willow
>She hates the lorax movie
>family is hearing it all
>i've been exercising for 1h
more like 40m
>game won't acknowledge her cause she is shaking too much
dear god imagine essie trying to handle s-
>*upclose and very breathy* this is harder than i expected...
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momoko interests part 2
Lot of cope right now
If it's not just me putting her on the spot, I really don't know. There was that one time when she almost said something during a member stream about an anilive jumpstart, can't elaborate on that one.
iirc she's only really done the few collabs she's done when the collab partner has chased her down and set it up, she may just be shutting down any attempts to try and push her to do them since she clearly finds them uncomfortable for some reason
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>momoko dislikes
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>momoko goals
she wants to collab with everyone
really strikes me as a unity gremlin (positive)
>i dont deserve to go lower...
>i have a confession to make... i have a confession to make...
>at work, i always get a little snack...
>this is my punishment
i can think of better ways to punish this little sinner
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someone might be a bit of a feeder with pink hair and also really into unity and baking and... yeah
she's now stripping
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and here's the first Youtube schedule for Momoko
>plate up
>goose game
>stanley purrbleu
>needy streamer
you're probably right and my brainworms are just fucking with me at 4AM
not sure whether essie took clothes off of put on really warm stuff to sweat even more but either way you can probably smell her
how many pushups can she do?
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>my strength is at 80%
>i want to work on my abs...
>*whispers* they don't let you work our your... you know....
>*finds the other page* yooooooooo
essie got really excited at the idea of getting a cute bubble butt
bottom heavy sheep...
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para is also getting a big butt today
Essie... your wording...
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>squeezing baachi's head instead
>it feels like i'm getting bred what the fuck
>It's too wide it won't fit...
Lord have mercy..
I spotted some toes, any full Para feet?
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>oh hell naaah
>those are the worst
>i have to hold it between my thighs... i cant...
>i feel like im giving birth....
>i cant it's too wide
>it keeps slipping..
stream was very very feet coded today and i dont think you want to see any of it, trust
>*whispers* everybody is outside my room right now
>im so sorry
>...they are like right outside my room
this isa great ASMR stream
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>close, deep breathing
I need to archive this stream for later
Essie will literally be incapable of walking tommorrow
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>im soooo strong!
>im shooooo strong!
>im shhooooooo strong!
>im shaking so much...
>*just panting*
>oh my goodness... someone drag me up...
>im dying again...
>no! im so strong! im so strong!!
this was the cutest bit yet
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>you guys need to insult me
>say something mean right now!!
someone is horny
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>i did it i did it! i completed a whole world!!
>we'll do the next world another time
>we'll stop the ring fitting for today
>sometimes i worry about streams
>what if i feel super happy in a stream
>then super jaded in the next
>and people are like wtf is Para then?
>if people are here for Para then i need to be para all the time
she just showed off... yummy!
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10USD feet, not parafeet tho
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>doing the word games and yapping
not to spoil but i believe the connection between these is
stuff to spank essie with
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>We got to 5,000 today, yippee!
>I'm very lucky to have all of your guys' support, which I am incredibly thankful for <33
>Let's keep having a fun time together!
she didn't post her schedule on YT, someone on the bird app pls remind her to
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today Para drew Para with a fat ass and wearing Kiba (the artist formerly known as Nano) merch and posted it on X (formely known as Twitter)
>short stream btw
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>Para had no idea it was 5AM
>today is rest day
>doing movie watchalongs, allegedly
para raided Rima who is playing Roblox
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>Essie took forever to do the Connections
>did the mini in under 30s and was very happy about it
>onto food guessr now
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>losing it to silly languages
she forgor about her entire family being right outside her door
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>still losing it and snorting
>still had the leg strap on
lots of great essie noises today
>i finally let myself have an oreo milkshake for the first time in forever
>and that first sip was life changing
i can fix her
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>thank you so much for working
>your mind *gunshot*
>you body *gunshot*
>and your soul!! *silence*
>...it's not working
>AND YOUR SOUL *gunshot*
>not sure what schedule is gonna be like
lots of stream but one day off
Essie raided ghost chuuba Erisa who i- ...was birthdaying
Essie is so sexy
What happened with the essie vod? I had stuff tn so I'm gonna listen to it tomorrow at work
the twitch one remains unpublished for some reason, the youtube one is still up though
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Don’t go snoopin’. You might regret it.

I certainly do.
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Good morning shaggers
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Comfy Monday ahead!
1h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMs2JSfv2dk
4h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYhJz-MYWew
>slowly getting better
>terrified of large chuubas popping up in her chat
i hate how esi sounds the same as essie and she keeps calling herself that
>let's bring back the dinosaurs
what could go wrong?
context: anilive jumpstart vol.2 will have AI generated models
She's unbelievably based for shitting on them for this
At this point why not generate a model yourself?
>Quantity over quality as they say
Esila is getting uppity again!
this is just a rrat: I think Anilive is on its way of becoming another Reality clone, and once they implement in-app DMs it's over.
I want to DM Wendy questionable things and have her shit on me in DMs before blocking me and I make a new account and do it again
qrd on Reality?
IRIAM/AniLive but more like VRChat than VTuber, also groomer central
So like, everyone is a vtuber and hangs out together?
No, just the visuals not the technicals
kinda, but with underage streamers
one of Esi's genmates was literally such a Reality groomer. The fat, autistic ukulele fucker.
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By the way Kadalyn is live and playing Celeste.
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She's nervous about revealing she did get married
Yeah, to me
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Noitan singies
gathering ideas for the bingo cards
good morning I love pillow
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>still wanna do the end of year party with everyone from RK
>not sure she is the right person to organise it
>got the okay from management already
>maybe a yami nabe would be fun
singing 3 songs in a row, wondering why her throat feels funny
first stream's over, she's headed to the post office to pick up her acrylic stand
I love you!
>told my bitch wife i was goin to the bank... BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHICH ONE!!!
>IN 4 HOURS (6pm BST) LET'S PLAY SOME WEBFISHING AND DO A BIT OF ZATSU! if you have the game, you can feel free to join my server, too!
>please look forward to it!
now in 2 hours
the first eira stream thumbnail in several years... thank you multistream arc...
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>lately i have been really in love with Yomi paisen
>i want to become her girlfriend
>>she's a gachikoi
>i really am!
all my little sisters are gay...
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>one last song: kokoro nashi
>next stream is members on wednesday
>then a regular stream on thursday
>there is nothing on the schedule for the 25th but i have a feeling something might happen that day (friday)
and just like that she faded back into dorkness
we're back!
This game is the most baffling trend in a while. Like I can get Para playing it since she actually enjoys fishing irl, but there are so many better options if you want to play with your chatters while yapping.
>looks and feels like a nintendo game
>no need for specific hardware
>no doxxing your account
>costs about $5
so there is a small barrier to entry, usually keeps annoying people out for something that would cost you $60 + a switch + very special nintendo internets + viewers who also have all that
i think that's at least part of the appeal
huh, the itch.io version is a name your own price game
is it incompatible with the steam version?
i have not tested it but do let us know
dystopian game
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welsh little sis sheep's hanging out with her viewers in webfishing!
should i link these early since youtube prechat is a thing
>maro + catching up stream
which one is that? work w/ me?

also Lillie schedule i guess
should be in euro/Lillie time
she just got deez'd by the game lmao
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the game fits her colour scheme very nicely
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Krum is streaming a thing maybe
but she is definitely not ready for whatever it is
twitch is back, RIP youtube
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this unplanned stream is now an elio cosplay stream it seems
>multiplayer is also RIP
rest in multiple pieces
Esila got attacked by a ghost!
I swear there was a q+a waiting room up. she must've taken it down for some reason?
>Eira's first idea of a penis was a horse cock
>She thought all dicks looked like horse cocks
would it be bad to warn eira about chuubas she's interacting with that i have dirt on
I dont know.
I have full blackmail material on some chuubas she interacts with but I trust her with who she chooses to interact
Looks like it isn’t compatible.

>Edit: The official server is currently down until further notice. Singleplayer works fine however!
Thats faggoty as fuck.
I mean, would they realistically be a source of trouble for our sneep?
Yeah, this developer is kind of lame.
>The market needs ojisan idol group
I will keep her safe

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