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Hi Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mata and Froot are LIVE! And they've already collected a stamp but are addicted to Ale and Tale Tavern and have been playing it for 5 hours. How much longer will it be happening? Who knows. But it's a comfy time. Alternatively Mouse is LIVE! And is playing My Hero Ultra Rumble. It's a sponsored kinda stream in a battle royale kinda game. Finally Geega is LIVE! And is yapping. On the docket is some tributes before probably an indie game of some flavor. That's it for now so pick a stream and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/senichinya/status/1846795567462338602

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87831844
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Zen is meditating
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KIll LSFfags
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I saw Ironmouse at the Sanrio store in Hell yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? caca? conyo?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her cackle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cinnamorolls in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, Connor needs to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by saying MAMAHUEVO really loudly.
Kill yourself for immediately bringing it to the new thread you colossal retard
I love Michi so much.
this anon needs to be gatekept
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>not letting it die in the last thread
this is one of the most shitty gacha i ever seen
i can believe she did this after the discord birthing roleplay leaks came out earlier this year
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Froot is about to get laid
>imagining this fag has any purpose beyond making the thread worse
I don't think this mermad has a fishussy
Yeah by adding this line to OP
>Former member discussion is offtopic
amnesia anon always does this
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Practicing tantric "meditation" with Zen
This but genuinely.

I don't care about former members, or former pluses, or current pluses.
noone cares about silver any more
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*refuses to stream for an entire DAY*
english dub is trash.
stop policing the thread amenisa anon
>bringing it into the next thread
You are no longer a /vsj+/ poster. You must kill yourself.
Bake /vsj/
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catalog fags will see this and say that she is not Latina woman
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Italy blocked access to google drive, pink cat bad.
English dubs simply make it way more obvious you're watching retarded shit for kids
If your anime can't withstand a dubbing without becoming cringe it's dogshit
Chris Sabat (Vegeta) is great as All Might. I'd say overall it's pretty good early on, but as more characters get introduced, the lack of depth in the EN anime VA sphere becomes evident and it kinda sucks.
I'll bake you in a crematorium furnace.
No former members
No +s who have nothing to do with Vshojo anymore (Bunny for example)
Anyone who does so gets sold to Mexico with naught but the clothes on their back
fighting ghosts kek
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man... I miss pink dogo so much. Youtube streams are trash to watch
holy rent free KEK
holy ESL KEK
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Make the split
We're waiting
I miss her too, anon
guys is there a way so see someone most liked tweet i need it for research purposes ??
>Youtube streams are trash to watch
You have to watch on mobile for the "best" experience
Last few hours of threadshitting has serious mousefag energy and I can't explain it
No split is needed, simply sell off-topic posters like produce
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>mouse picks the giantess character
based and cultured
You're absolutely right but let's keep it down
Literally open their account in incognito mode. Tweets are arranged by most popular.
nice sponsor i has here mouse. Options won't save, character unlocked but it's not... Amazing
do not slut shame our neighbors
No thanks, you're free do that tho
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I wanna fuck Ari
Be the bigger man
It's a mousefag civil war between those slighted by the gall to say they were coworkers and not friends, and those who don't mind such a statement
never knew that. thank you
eerrrmmmmm, Froot seggs
I shan't
thank you janny
there is the risk of mouse making the others play this game and we will get another cursed arc.
Get fucked
fucking BASED.
So it is one shitter
There is no reason to!
15 minutes KEK
Actually it'd be three days for being a racist, but that's expected from Phasefags (what a shit falseflagger lmao)
>Mata: Restaurant simulator
>Froot: Parks and wildlife simulator
>They are playing the same game
Told ya
should I actually make a bluesky account now
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Meh, it's definitely cleaner to read the following tab
But for VShojo only Kuro and Michi are active
Yeah pretty much
I don't think it will last
Try harder next time
I like it.
well froggy is really turning into a little pothead isn't she? she should do an edible stream with mint
Been here since 2021
Woah we've got a oldfag amongst us.
Never claimed to be an oldfag, just not a tourist
holy fuck I'm old
Then you'd know they don't really raid us like they used to when the board started
The Hold has held strong
Froggy has always been a pothead
I dislike them eternally for tribalfagging on and off site regardless
Froot status?
You are the one tribalfagging, unprompted, retard. I hope you get banned.
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go bills
>when the shill came into our thread to promote someone who supports tribalfaggotry
What did he mean by this?
>dear diary
I am once again asking for a Vshojo Runescape arc
is this the new "fightcade"?
I am once again asking for a Panini kk card.
I'm asking for a Mount and Blade arc
It's not like this is much of a vtweeter org other than those two and Mata. Other than that it's regular update posts, Zen fake stories, and GTARP tweets no one cares about. Hoping some of them post more on Bluesky at least for better visibility on stuff that gets suppressed on Twitter.
And there Froot goes
I asking for a Doom WAD dive arc
warband because bannerlord sucks balls right now
Go pack
We will only get a RuneScape arc when a vtuber who loves RuneScape joins.
Froot and Kson collab tomorrow
What's wrong with bannerlord? I haven't updated in about a year because I don't want to remod it.
Damn these devs are desperate if they sponsored Mouse to play their arenaslop.
Devs abandonned it, so it's up to modders to pick up the slack
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more tourists tomorrow? great
I only ever played warband anyway
why would there be tourists for that?
Tourists don't watch streams
Maybe because of Froot even if their smear campaign ultimately failed, but they stopped caring about Kson the moment she joined
don't be surprised when suddenly posts like "why is kson collabing with person she called out" pops up, just saying.
Maybe he meant to say shitposters. I already have "management mandated stream" on my bingo card.
Hopefully one of their blue dorito girls goes live to distract them
They will probably say something like "oh it's management mandated to keep the Froot clique alive" or something like that, probably not even attaching the stream but the Twitter image of the stamp rally, while ignoring the stamp rally posts
what does bluesky have to do with the suicide guy? i thought he was mad about lesbians.
Tourist, not sure. Definitely bait threads
>Don’t look vshokeks, management forcing kekson to reconcile with Froot ooooh what happened to talent freedom?
There, 2 seconds to be as retarded as them. 200 reply circlejerk from there… calling it
>literally making up scenarios to get mad at
I do not care
Even if it's not getting active support I still prefer it to Warband. I've played the shit out of both and don't really see myself going back.
Oh man, you're really new here huh
No, dumbass. I simply do not care what the catalog subhumans do. Now stop this pathetic shit.
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>to get mad at
My post is literally describing what has happened in the past
>thinking it's only the catalog
damn, Froot's penis is so massive she can balance herself on it
I think Geega should go full slut mode
Why is kson sitting on the back of your head?
>only cock in the image is Froot's

femanon detected
It's a passtime for anons in this thread. The catalog lives rent-free in their head.
Oh right, guess his 15 mins are up.
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It's amazing how despite all the terrible posts itt, you still manage to come across as the faggiest.
i will not stand for mikey slander
Thank you, it's a talent.
Then it's a good thing no one asked.
secret selfie for the Geegooners
is all the geega hornyposting a meme or are anons really that horny for her in particular
Anon, nail this into your head: no matter how much catalogfags and the fucks on Musk rats hellhole hate on her, Froot is still gonna keep on flourishing with her career, with lots of support from her friends and fans.
The recent stuff was their biggest attempt at cancelling her, and they failed miserably, with many of her detractors backtracking or deleting their hit pieces on her, and ultimately fully destroying the cheating rrats for normal people now that there's far more videos calling out the baseless rrats than there are shitters like Ant or Doxsagi.
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She is literally the perfect woman
a meme
i am very actually horny for geega
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she is sex incarnate
It's very real
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It's impossible to feel any sense of lust towards Geega. Everyone only watches her for her skill and prowess as an entertainer, and we respect her too much to ever sexualize her.
She literally has the sexiest design in VShojo. However people presumably meme on it as well because she hates it.
Geegooners, mousefags and frootfags are the unfunniest posters of this thread
i am horny for her in particular
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this bitch nigga mad
>Geega has abs
I like that Geega can actually find some pretty interesting games when she isn't playing GTA.
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Frootfags fuck this anon silly
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Take a drink, I'll make it quick.
mousefags have been pretty quiet ever since the split
Would you get circumcized just to have sex with Asian girls?
I respect her for learning about what actually happened and still remaining friends with Froot even after the she was misled by twitter haters. At least things aren't awkward between them.
I will rape you
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Mommy and uncle Bricky are fighting
Is 7TV down?
Is it too late to say I miss Froot uuuu
Thanks for the reddit update, you can go back now.
we love reddit here
is back for me but it was down most of the day
>mass collab
>no vc
who cares
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What the fuck is this lobby
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So I found a 2view girl I like .She's nice and fat, and her model is fat too. And a total whore, with pics.

Not asking how to change her, just asking how should I get my dick in the mix with her?
Geega said "do not lewd me"
Which only made people want to lewd her harder
/lig/ is full of experts of grooming vulnerable women, ask them
That was what anons here found when when the kson tweet bait was getting spammed. Maybe read thread.
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>the commie bbc fetishist is a 2view groomer
I am very surprised
try to become a mod
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>Nyan and Vei have been in a VShojo stream this year
>Drama subreddit
>It's full of Phasekeks
Every. time.
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I get it now
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Geega hovered her mouse over vei's character and it shower her name, I am filled with rage

lmao vei completely refusing to talk with geega
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We're so back!
vei is alive
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geega fucking died
they're killing everyone that isn't american
>they are killing aliens
>vei appears
>thread quality skyrockets
Really activates my almonds.
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guards = vshojo
aliens = mythic
Vei just killed Geega's cat
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Geega just said she's okay with small dicks
Is that MurderCrumpet? He sounds like a regular guy.
Absolute fucking kino.
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all zesty gay niggas have another voice they can use to fit in with different groups
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I used to spend entire threads just Veiposting...
please give me the name of this "anime" I remember watching a censored version as a teenager but I loved the black chick in it.
>roflFAGGOT in the collab
of course
Vei is cool, I like her
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we love vei /here/
If geega kill that whore alien scp CUNT vei I will oshi her forever please geega please please
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I think Soda should invite Moonmoon so Geega can spend quality time with him
then go set up your little hugbox, lets see if this will break the record to total collapse, however it will at least give us a rest from you toddlers.
So the usual, then?
geega is so corny
boomer trying to fit in
all of the people in this collab are near 30
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Waddles /in/
Vei is a SCP
speak for yourself.
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Waddle /out/, fat creature
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finally I can post this
How did he KNOW?!
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only the biggest whore will prevail
Search the subtitle.
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Does this count as a stamp for Geega?
>she's a hideous monster and needs to be taken care of
talking about vei?
SCPs have rights too
ultra rare bonus stamp
rights to get filled with all-american holy divine vshojo bullets
The only SCP that remain are Soda and Vei.
my favorite scp is the porn factory
They just killed Vei kek
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There's a secret element to the stamp competition. If they manage to collab for 2 hours with each ex-member, the prize is that they can get any single person of their choice /in/
the whore of babylon has been killed, vshojo won
Geega just killed Vei.
Geega stomped Vei corpse
Geega and Vei should have sex
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Is it true that geega teabagged vei?
lmao is vei scared of vshojo or something?
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>ignores the leech
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vei FELT the pure holy vshojo radiance from geega, her demonic heart couldn't take it
Natural instinct when meeting Geega
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Vei found out why he's called the Gunrun and has never been the same since.
Vei knows Geega can send a drone strike to her house any second
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GEEGA straight up abandoned her kek
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This calls for a celebratory goonsesh
Vei ded again
geega died
Her mic wasn't on that round
How did Geega end up in this lobby? is it because of GTA?
Geega just hawk tuah'd
geega said it
>spit on that thang
Thanks GEEGA
Garek, so yeah
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thank god
>>87837685>>87838652 >>87838889 >>87839129
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all me btw
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my precious retard...
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shitting on vsj+ with silver bait when mousefags have their own thread is a new level of pettiness by resident schizo.
Anon you ok?
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>almost 10 months of GTA
>for one Vei collab
geega feels so out of place kek
its just silver self posting because she fell off
go away
leave us alone
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vei feels so out of place kek
we need more pics of vshojos looking up, instead of relying on bigasses
I literally pray everyday for someone to make porn of her, I like her voice, I like her attitude, I am being very serious when I say, I want to fuck geega
this is like 1/20th of a collab
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i feel you
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WTF, I love GTA now.
there needs to be more zen ass
This game is boring.
Now we just need a Nazuna collab.
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I love this dumb boomer
Out of practice, it's been years since she attempted to hob knob GTARP cockies.
how humilating would it be for vei if she came back
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soda would have to dump her first and fernando would be her biggest fan again
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veifags mad we got better white haired vtuber now
she wont, never ever
even if Soda dumps her (which also will never happen)
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We don't want her back.
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Vei refuses to talk to Geega
Better than silver though
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i like them both
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Pink tracksuit only
Imagine geega trapping vei and FORCING her to give her those two jackets back
Let's not be hasty here. Vei is no better.
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Man it feels good never having to watch Silver's stream or collab ever again
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Vei will convince Geega to leave Vshojo by the end and join Mythic of 2025
shes better by like 10 percent. Nyanners on the other hand....
suddenly so many veifags
why are you never posting in /lig/ or /big/
GEEGA is going to call ICE on her
Geega x Asmon will do it
but I literally do?
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Veifags were always here
unironically true
Get her deported Geega
its just couple of anons dumping their galleries for some reason
She's too big for /lig/
/big/ talks about her when she's actually streaming
I'm not veifag, but a geeghead having fun in this thread that can't take a joke.
fuck off threadshitter
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Its all one guy. Its all me.
is there an actual reason to hate silver or is it just because a certain janny is annoying
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I never stopped watching other VShojo members.
not unlikely considering it’s Geega. she is one of the more flexible members as opposed to mouse and zen who are (now) in it for life. i can see geega leaving if a contract isn’t to her liking
or that texas tip line for abortions
shittiest game taste ever imaginable
liking Starfield unironically should be legally considered a warcrime
Truly Geega is the Vei of vsj
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No clue
>not having a meltdown challenge impossible
Bc veiposters are actually funny and contribute to the thread conversation
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remember to thank tony
Minto is a Sixers fan...
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Unironically one of this is true, or both
We are shitposting and using our Veipics
Most people still in the thread were Veifags and move on, so we just activated
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all me
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That's never been true.
>veiposters are actually funny
/in/ matas bed
People also said that about Nyanners
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I don't know what you are talking about Froog is my oshi
I use all three
nah, she was controversial
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Veiposters are gay. Don't think I haven't seen you posting about pounding your bussy in /lig/
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same guy btw
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It's like thankgiving all over again
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Amazing how just being in mass collab with vei can cause this reaction. She's powerful...
Even when she was in VShojo, this thread didn't have a lot of love for her.
"Who?" became a meme because people would frequently just forget about her.
Nobody watched her 'cause her game choices were boring and she's not particularly funny. She coasts on the "anime waifu" appeal and that's kind of it.

So she leaves and burns bridges on her way out, and the thread hates her for it.
Pretty simple. Person you barely liked did something shitty, what an asshole.
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>Veiposters are gay.
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Mouse x Dani Dawnstar!
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I think that I, Iron Mouse, speak for everyone when I say the veiposters are always welcome here
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>let me quickly do this on stream but also fuck you coomers and parsocial FUUUUUUCKS
the vei experience
you wish
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>commissions anal art of herself
>tweets "uhh actually no woman likes anal" 3 years after
>knows mel
Geega SCP finally
she got the intel monster
kek you are funny. I also figured out why you post things
Probably the most boring to play
but it fits GEEGA
The other girl in that emote
Explain to me how you could ever look at that thing and want to jack off to it
holy autism
holy delusion
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I step away for a couple hours and come back to 2022. WTF?!
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Fernando where are you?
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Brown skin, yellow eyes, nice tits, nice thighs, yummy tummy
>became a meme
>when in reality it never was
nice try to make shit up
OK but that face
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not even a “what do you mean?” etc but instead just going straight for deflections? I am saddened beyond belief
That's not leeching who, blind anon
Apparently Fernando was actually a cute psychotic girl.
Spicy pumpkin.
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im right here
ive been converted
and soon, you will be too
do not force feminize crazy stalkers
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Parasocial retards always win in the end.
I mean this makes perfect sense when you look at the context of what she said.
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Thanks for letting me know that I'm right.
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keep on trucking, as they say
I can't believe Geega stole Saiiren's spot in the Soda's friend group
same goes to you
>I wanna play HL
>you really shouldn't do that on stream because of the schizos
>I'm gonna do it
>but the schizos...
>I'm still gonna do it
>*does it*
>gets overwhelmed by schizos
>surprised pikachu.jpg
And I'm expected to defend someone being retarded? I would've been willing to let that slide as a classic dumbassery moment but then she left while making a dramatic spectacle of her departure. "Guys look, I'm leaving!" she had a whole stream for it with a press conference studio setup for it. Uncalled for. Then there's obviously the Mouse shit which is another can of worms- look she did a bunch of shit I don't agree with back-to-back alright?
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waiting for the new vshojo recruits to log live next year
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kinda pointless to keep it going if you’re not even serious about it
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1) commissioned and posted art of her and Veibae leaving with Vshojo letters being cut in half. There is also a Nyan-like figurine that spoiled that Nyan is leaving too
2) On multiple times badmouthed Vshojo management. Said no one cared about her and that she had low numbers (she was like #3 or #4)
3) Badmouthed Mouse for not defending her more actively during Hogwarts saga. Implied that she lied while also lying herself that they haven't talked with each other for 6 months (they have and we have video proof)
4) Badmouthed Vshojo on her discord, called it "horrible", "parasocial and predatory that never benefits the streamer.". Does not moderate her discord so you can shit talk Vshojo freely in there
Bros I just woke up from a nightmare
It was the year 2024
Vei, Nyan and Nazuna left
Geega and Pikamee for some reason are /in/
3 Niji members left and joined us
So you hate a complete stranger on the internet for playing a video game?
damn, she's based
I hate vei for not finishing gothic 2
Geega will never be /in/
Geega will leave next year since she's part of moonmoon/soda's friend group
I hate someone who does something after being warned not to and acts surprised when theres a consequence
The OG 4Skinz
this thread is infested with twittertards. dont expect from them to have a sense of logic. the one that you're replying to is one of the prime examples.
You got proof she was warned?
nyan spoiled that she is leaving. after twitter added the function to get a verified account by linking your account to that of a verified team i.E. mouse and vshojo, nyan was the only one of the then current member to not become part of the vahojo team. I found that odd back then and the reason why became clear after the announcement
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Bro, wtf are you talking about? What's a v tuber? Dude, wtf?! Girls, on the internet? You hit your head really fucking bad bro.
NTA but those were some pictures of a girl he for some reason pretends to be
Yeah the worst part is this aethel guy keeps creepily collabing with my pink cat. Take a hint loser.
Don't worry anon, Geega would never join VShojo
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I present my anus
Reminder that Silver took the VShojo verification (which costs them money) when she was on her way out.
The people literally Tweeting at her that it wouldn't be a good idea to stream it.
I so fucking called this back then and people here were saying were coping saying that she doesn't check Twitter that much and probably missed the request for the verify
is there an end to your retardation or it is bottomless?
We need the racism more than ever
the fact that Nazuna took the warning and didn't stream it kek
>in reality he just making shit up
I wasn’t on 4chan back then but I would’ve supported you , fellow noooooticer
Who the hell is this super serious european guy
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My perfect angel will never leave.
Twitter? Seriously? You're going with twitter of all things? For a person who gave it up and only uses it to post that she's live?
Do other generals have constant sperg outs about 1.5 year old drama? Or is ours just shit?
assblasted fragile idiots
no sane person will listen to them
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>that doesn't count
Ah, you're one of those
then pay no mind when they complain. Easy.
activate your 3rd eye and start noticing things. It’s all there Part of it is real, but if you dig a bit, it all falls apart
>Do other generals have constant sperg outs about 1.5 year old drama?
>Or is ours just shit?
Yeah man, everyone in Vshojo listens to the people on twitter. They don't make a single move unless twitter says so.
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People who don't know where the warn stuff came up aren't true Veifags
Ours has a pair of schizos who hate VShojo, hate all the members of VShojo (with particular hatred for Mouse), and squat in the thread antiing the org and the girls on their queen's bidding. If this behavior was tolerated in other generals, they would probably timeloop about it too.
Someone wordcloud this thread for old time sake as I know Vei will be the largest. Nostalgia overload
uses it enough to beg daddy elon
There are like 2 dedicated guys that post mouse and silver to sperg. It's why this place is chill when there's other drama
Geega can't RP for shit.
They do, but ours is mainly because a guy can't take the hint
>one of the best in the indie scene
Well, I don't. I don't even use Twitter to begin with.
I don't really care for silver but I do find it funny her biggest reasons for leaving vshojo for mythic were lack of growth and not being able to get a nendo but as soon as she left zen who was less popular than her accomplished both of those things and mythic has yet to deliver kek
>>Do other generals have constant sperg outs about 1.5 year old drama?
lol lmao kek
never saw someone hating on Mel
its an allowed form of tanking the thread, very doubt anyone would care about actual drama
They don't even know Yoolie made Holo models
I dunno, when a website comprised of a large amount of your fanbase directly interacts with you I'd take note of it but what do I know, I've already checked out of this convo
I guarantee there is some general that is probably sperging about Pink Cat Pomf Pomf to this day
all of a sudden it stinks in this thread
having michi withdrawal and it hurts
The real problem is all the people giving out (You)s to attention whores
Niji doesn't count. They have drama almost on a daily.
I hate the vtubing community.
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So I've been camping El_Xox's stream to see if Mel will show up to the Lockdown Protocol collab and this is the first message Mel sends in chat. I'm still not sure if Mel is going to stream but she's in VC with El right now.
yes catalog fags (dont know if holo, but i have to assume that based on how old that is)
nice tabs
Notice how the thread was calm the last 3 days
I wonder why lol
I bet they must talk about Coco or rushia in Holo threads sometimes.
Henya live
holo loops retarded stuff too
No vei posting left in their system
Uh, Mel lost a coin flip so I guess she is going to be streaming?
You would absolutely be banned for using Coco or Rushia to anti Holo in global for months on end. Hell probably in /#/ as well.
Wish we actually had a janny
Praying for more videos
I got my answer. Mel live on twitch.
the fuck? mel gooned so hard before this collab started that she forgot the time? and she didn’t even make money while gooning? I start to worry about her
Jannies are holodrones after all
golden kappa in Henya
>implying the jannies aren't in on the threadshitting
new thread
Huh? No, she was doing her Patreon VRC meetup today.
>ex-niji detected
back to watching geega
To celebrate this momentous occasion I propose we let the bake or vei poster have this one
fuck you mousefag
Good summary
fragile lil nigga seething lmao

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