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Alright /vt/, Fuck Marry Kill.
Lumi, Vei and Melody
yes, in that order
marry fuck kill
fuck fuck fuck
Why did you put veibae twice?
Mating press, mating press, mating press.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Marry Lumi for the tradwife experience, Fuck Melody because she’s into femdom and kill Vei
Fuck Veibae
Marry Melody
Kill Lumi
>Marry Lumi for the tradwife experience
you people don't actually believe this right
Fuck Veibae twice. Marry Veibae twice. Kill Veibae twice.
fuck lumi marry mel kill vei
I refuse to kill anyone so I will remain bitchless.
kill lumi fuck vei marry melody
They never had a girlfriend before
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Watch her streams, anon. She's into the tradwife lifestyle.
Marry Melody. My sex drive is high enough to keep her satisfied.
Fuck Lumi Self explanatory
Kill Vei Self explanatory
Marry - not perfect, but 100% the best of the three for it.
Kill - self explanatory
Fuck - she's made for it
Kill, Kill, Fuck + Marry
Kill the palette swaps. fuck and marry melody.
Marry Veibae, Kill Veibae, Fuck Veibae in that precise order.
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Fuck Vei
Marry Melody
Kill Yellow Vei
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Fuck Vei and her yellow clone
Marry Melody and get killed from exhaustion and dehydration
kill 'em all
>Verification not required.
marry since no other option
all of these sluts are not attractive
Marry lemon, fuck melody I guess, and board says Vei bad so kill her.
I’m surprised there aren’t more people marrying Lumi for the tradwife they wanted.
you people don't actually believe this right
>the cuck trio
Get some fucking standards.
Left has literally nothing in common with middle and right.
Replace with camila or Bao
my ass
my balls
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Anon, if you're too poor to support Lumi, there's always Mori
Her body count is too high to be a tradwife.
The only man she loves is her brother, so she's definitely a virgin.
marry Lumi
Why couldn't you give us more wholesome vtubers?
Mel is obsessed with cock milking, she can handle all my sexual relief
Cock milking is torture for a man though. Do you really want a sadist?
kill Lumi kill Lumi kill Lumi
obviously, but what about when you compare her to vei and melody?
>but what about when you compare her to vei and melody?
Melody already stated that sex before marriage is a sin, so we can trust her to be a virgin
a deepfake made by her antis.
fuck Vei
marry Mel
kill Lumi
Fuck Lumi
Kill Vei
Marry Mel
Kill kill kill
fuck lumi
marry mel
kill veibae
>whore (taken)
>an actual unironic prostitute
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Why choose.
Melody is the most wholesome vtuber there is
Get these dirty whores away from my pure seiso wife Melody
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I was gonna post this.

This is also acceptable.

I don't think melody would be a good wife but she's hot and the other two are actually evil. There are worse things than being married to a girl who knows how to suck a dick real good, and is willing to do it.
>My sex drive is high enough to keep her satisfied.
She masturbated for 9 hours the other day on a whim
Mel is the sweetest cinnamon roll, despite her lewd interests. I'm sure she would be a great mom. Vei is hot as fuck, perfect kurwa for cumdumping. Lumi can go die.
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>expecting a pornstar to be a good mom
c’mon now bro
I don't see why not. She's not your typical porn star.
Fuck Lumi once just to piss her extrenely naive fanbase, kill Vei, fuck buddies with Mel. Not marrying any of these women, but Mel actually seems like she's be fun as long as you don't get dragged along to hang out with her dogshit friends.
By the standards presented
Actually nice, would not abandon her kids after getting bored.
Her kids exist only when useful.
Will abandon her kids or subject them to harsh treatment the way her parents did to her.

Melody is better than the other two.
Anon, she will be extremely clingly to her only son, since that will be the only man who will love her
You forgot her husband.
Fuck, Kill, Marry. Don't know the first one so we'll but I'd just be switching with Vei.
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Fuck Vei
Marriage with Melody
Kill Lumi
vei should die, don't care about the others
marriage with Melody is the only correct answer, both the veibaes are equally fuckable + deserving of death
Lumi has the best genetics so I would marry her and start a family
Fuck Veibae, my cock is bigger than sodapoppin's
Kill Melody, she seems like a nice girl but she's much too whorish for my tastes
There you go, just made this board 90% better
>marriage with Melody is the only correct answer
But she won't be a tradwife
I will convert her with my penis
Yeah, me
Lumi is worth saving
Mel will never be a tradwife
none of them will
Lumi's mom trained her though.
t. serial killer
Marry Lumi, kill that busted whore Vei, fuck that busted whore Mel.
The only thing she's into is farming gullible simps.
>she's into is farming gullible simps.
She's not like other women
She cute, who is she?
Kill Vei
Fuck Melody
Mary Loomi
fuck fuck kill
Fuck, Fuck, Hard Pass(PL)
Marry Lumi, Fuck Vei, Kill whoever the fuck that is
Can I fix Melody
what self-respecting man would marry veibae? youd get a better wife going to the first brothel and you see and choosing the cheapest whore
And this is while on anti-depressants which kill libido seriously, you cant fix her. The horny is just a symptom of a broken Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Fuck Melody, Marry and then fuck Lumi, Kill and then fuck Vei.

Why is this such a hard question to answer?
>Why is this such a hard question to answer?
People think they can change Melody if they marry her
She can change
fuck mel
kill white vei
marry yellow vei
To be fair, she seems like the kind of girl who's life could be changed by having a stable decision-maker in her life. Yes, I realize that describes most women in general, but Mel is especially helpless. Of course that's a very double edged sword and most anons probably don't realize how much they're signing on for.
idk, Melody seems the type of girl to corrupt others to be like her
Lumi is just skin and bones, literally MRS slenderman so sex with her wouldn't be that fun
She is also naggy and menhera so marriage isn't an option

Vei is already in relationship, she works out and has a great body/tits

Melody is adorable dork with stable income who needs a guardian
Genuinely impressed how you put together a selection in which marrying the actual whore (good) is the best option.
Anyways, fuck whichever of the other two and kill the other, who cares.

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