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Last Thread - >>87739664

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhFvq4owWSw
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
I'm hoping for Minecraft Monday
Honestly I feel like that's why she cancelled the collab
Reminder that the hide post button is your friends
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>mumei joins and they talk about wikipedia talk sections again
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This cope is going to make you really upset, just accept it's wednesday before she streams again. Maybe we'll get a whole 2 hours of quick SC reading with no tangents so we can really feel like just an obligation to her next collab
sorry I'm not an anti like you?
in a way I hope she goes full ameway and turns off SC for good. she's clearly sick of the cringe parasocial saplings who still haven't got the message. she's had so much fun recently in collabs I hope she just turns up for them. she's already heading that way with the lack of solo content
I don't expect another solo stream until mid-way though November honestly
I miss 2022 despite how bad it was overall for EN
Yeah it's unironically very apparent she's going the way of Gura/Ame. I don't know how these dense autists can't pick up on how much exactly she dislikes her fans and the only reason she's not harsher about it is because she's terrified of them going full stalker. She tried to let them down as gently as possible to leave and find a different oshi last year with the friends speech, but they didn't get the hint.
I don't expect another solo stream until May 2026 honestly
Well aren't you an optimist. I don't expect a stream until 2030 at the earliest.
I'm done. Have fun making these threads and fighting the schizo, bumping it and giving him all the attention he wants. Keep page 10 bumping and giving him a safe space to divide the only good split left here. Fucking retards, the lot of you. 3 years of glory ruined because you wanted to spite the baker.
Dumb cunts.
good night
>the only good split
ok, trying way too hard there buddy
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Have some Fauna butt /uuu/ to take your mind off things.
Though I have to say seeing possessive and jealous saplings is funny as hell.
I'm unsure how someone authentic can be upset about fauna collabing, it feels surreal to me
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The only way I could see it is if Fauna constantly read their chats and was talking to them while they played games and then ignored them in collabs. That's highly improbable considering how fast chat zooms even on a bad day.
Oh no Fauna is riding off with Kiara into the sunset, oh noes!
Besides I know some of you knuckleheads have had girlfriends out in the real world. You know damn well they travel in packs of other women. That's just how they are. In that way you're getting an actual girlfriend experience.
You're lucky too. Back around 2006 I had a girlfriend that would sit on house with her friends and they would flash cars driving by to see if they could get them to crash. You get off easy (ha) with Fauna.
Fauna being a horrible judge of character and letting kiara shamelessly leech off of her is another problem
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Guess Fauna is attracted to bad girls. It's up to you to be a bad boy for your oshi.
You're all trying to grow into forest trees when she's into those haunted woods.
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Im just glad they had fun, i had fun too
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Can you whiny faggots stop assuming that Kaela's schedule meant Fauna dropped out? She clearly just wasn't aware Fauna was joining
What a shame
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Based, never let schizos and vermin off the hook for their seethe at Fauna
Do you think she's going to even give an excuse for what will be 3 weeks of ghosting on her solo stream wednesday or is she going to treat it like the new norm?
>ghosting on her solo stream
this guy is a riot, I hope he keeps this up for years
Nobody loves her enough to criticized her so it's sadly pretty much going to be the new norm
This was obvious to everyone
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I love jicama
Thanks for the heads up and communication Fauna!
Fauna's weakest sapling(and probably a woman)
Speak for yourself
mmmm, salted diced jicama with lemon juice.
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I just miss Mumei collabs man, it was so much comfier back then
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Based and same, but all good things come to those who wait
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Reminder, less than 140k left
I just want an official release for their orisong
is it that much of a flop already
I doubt it, even those collabs have been infested by the 2 nijiwhores. I half expect them to ruin their orisong release too at this point
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Reminder to request stuff for Fauna, the more people request the better chance she'll actually get something. Pop up Parade is probably the best bet.
How has that not been released yet? Mumei has time to play Roblox with Gigi for 10 hours every day but she can't be bothered to sort this out?
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>2 weeks
how did this flop so bad even with all the milestones she spilled...? can't believe my wife wasted time helping this shit
Lmao cuckhold
sapbros...what's our next cope?
We got too cocky
I'd accept dropping out of the forest collab to catch up with us as an apology for whatever the last 2 weeks were
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shiori's frame is up, FST +3
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I hope we get lots of cute moments
i was going to choose pop up parade but fuck it, dream big, lets go scale figure!
>fake voice loli, niji, personality void ID
glad we get this instead of a real stream
solo streams...
>>>>>>fake voice loli
try harder
>won't put up a POV
>avoiding fst
>yet ANOTHER collab
I didn't want to believe the rrats but good god she's trying her hardest to avoid us
>won't put up a POV
we don't know yet
right, because as we all know or SHOULD know, she doesnt put her frame up until the day of
if you look at the chat for this stream, shiori said the guest list (collab partners) is tentative so Fauna may not be there tomorrow
>shiori getting the sapling experience of not knowing if she's gonna be lazy or bother to do her job
actually too funny
There are two ways this goes.
She finally comes back and says she was sick or finally comes back and says she got overloaded with work after not doing any for 7 days in a row. We know how shit her manager is, same cunt that made her take a week off last year to catch up to shit. Like I'm frustrated, especially that she has gone back to her bullshit of no tweets, but there's clearly a reason and it's not simply just "laziness". And yes, I know those particular posts are blatant shitstirrers but I can see other retards too who are less blatant and is hard to tell if they're just shitposting or not.
putting Fauna in the thumbnail is pretty damning, shiori is a numberfag so I wouldn't be surprised if she just wanted to trick people into clicking her stream though
>shiori is a numberfag
Yeah I got that feeling too. Clickbait then go 'lol sorry she was busy'. We know she isn't bothering
>shiori is a numberfag
if by 'numberfag' you mean she min-maxes trying to get the lowest viewership possible then yes
Why is this hobby such a magnet for mentally ill schizos anyway? Is it because women are involved? You can focus on a single person instead of a product that involves a lot of people like anime/vidya?
When your brand is built on being close to your fans and you do a 180 for absolutely no reason I think you can expect a little unrest. Also women are the biggest schizos
I'm guessing it has to do with this hobby and board being enjoyed more by the terminally online. I wonder if more anti-spam changes in the future will fix things
A lot of them shitpost in other hobbies on other boards, a few have accidently outed themselves before. So schizos just going after the faster boards/threads.
Most of this thread is regular schizos from global and numbers that are too afraid of getting banned with the new rules so they are camping here instead
>A lot of them shitpost in other hobbies on other boards
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Good to know, having only one was already annoying enough
Shit, that makes a lot of sense, were #/global actually calmer?
>regular schizos
literally one guy
Midsommar watchalong would be peak
Seemed calmer. So it seems to be helping somewhat, cutting down their ability to spam so much at least
It's not really mental illness, it's people running an influence campaign. They think they can get people to stop watching fauna (or other holos) and those viewers will then swap to their 2view. Throw drama accounts farming reactions into the mix and it's just non-stop bait.
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Lookin good!

(don't forget the birthmark, for some reason I care more about it than missing horns)
Who is that on the right, even.
unrelated character for some mobile game
>They think they can get people to stop watching fauna
it's not very hard to do when she's not actually streaming
yeah no not watching your pillowdear
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Adorable as fuck
I need Fauna thigh sweat or I will perish.
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what about some milk?
It could work in a pinch.

another EN event
Fauna sweep incoming
Hope we get some more thrustmaster action
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0 proof Fauna is in this
Fauna will be in the forest collab, confirmed by kaela on stream
It came to me in a dream
They look perfect together
Never doubted
so she just hates solo streams now
no, just you
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Good night /uuu/
Tomorrow will be a good day
we're 99% not getting a pov either because she already has too many superchats to begrudgingly go through
>another collab so fauna can dodge a stream
This is insanity. Spooky month really is her favorite
yeah no way is she adding more cringe snails and 'ive missed you fauna!' SCs. I bet her stomachs turning at the thought of coming back to the parasocial freaks
that girl(?) is a menhera sapling
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how has it been so shit two years in a row?

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