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>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued):

>Submission form for spreadsheet:

>不知火建設 1st EP / scrap & build ! (Shiraken)

>シュガーラッシュ / Sugar Rush
>なかま歌 / Nakamaka (Shiraken)
>アニマル / Animal (Cover)
>アイドル / IDOL (Cover)

>Collab list:

>Previous Threads

Previous thread: >>87609700
cute elegant op
thanks for baking nye
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I will never recover from this mengen
Still haven't recovered from the VD mengen...
>i'm sorry i'm not a man
i bet they've actually talked about this in bed
Miko really likes to let the 35p that love her romantically know that they've got no shot and she loves Suityan huh.
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>They'd be together if Miko had a benis
Suitopkeks will never recover.
We are going to see an influx of MiCock aren't we?
I never thought we would find out Miko wants to dick down Suityan. if it wasn't for my love of MiComet. Honestly same
She wants to breed Suichan and make little miComet babies but alas, science hasn't caught up yet.
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on my way to work. can't stop thinking about today's mengen. mikochi......
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>They'd be together
they'd be married*
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I'm pretty sure that one of the early micometchad artists drew a pic of Suisei riding shounen Miko.
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She's likely reading ABO fic
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And she's the omega. Miko herself is a suitop fan.
i mean, that one is kinda obvious
girl is obsessed with suityan and even had a dream (nightmare that turned into a dream, to be precise) where suityan saved her
keeps saying suityan is [her] prince, keeps saying she's a cinderella (even specified that her sololive's outfit had glass slippers and that she specifically requested that)
baby is unapologetically gay for her cute and cool girlfriend
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i can't believe it's only 4 days away

>suichan cant escape mikochi
what did they mean by this?
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>just caught up on last thread
why the fuck are they like this?
Are there any timestamps for Miko's mengen yesterday?
If I were to member her, which archive should I watch aside from last night and the valentine's one?
FubuKING will not rest until they have sex
miko streams have at least 3 time stampers in the comments but they are all in japanese, just put them in deepl
miko doesnt have a lot of mengen so u can go thru them pretty quick if u r just watching with time stamps
i like all of her mengen cuz she shows a very vulnerable side compared to public streams
threesome is the only solution

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love this
so thye should go get married overseas?
Where would they go hypothetically? America? Can they get married in Singapore? Europe?
unfortunately japan doesnt recognize same sex marriage performed abroad
in asia, only taiwan, thailand, and nepal have legalized same sex marriage
the marriage would only be symbolic unless they choose to live there
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After the fortune telling thing I'm convinced they're not dating but like in that "I'm very comfortable with this person and wouldn't mind spending my whole life with her" stage but won't admit that they're dating
More or less that, as I have said before, it's like they know their relationship has heavy undertones (and most likely romantic actions involved too), but they are prioritizing their careers and not really thinking their current dynamic or status has to be changed at this point in their lives.
if they're not dating then why did Suisei say she was going on a date?
checkmate nonbelievers
Anon that was a day BEFORE they went out
Tcg stream was 20th October
Fubumicomet outing is 19th
Sui holomen date tweet is at 18th
Unless when fbk said kinou she meant ototoi
They're not dating because Suisei is straight
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Oh fuck they are playing liars bar it's going to be kino I wish Suityan was playing instead of Kanatan though
Suityan is way too busy
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Liar bar
Fubuki ask migo
Are u married with blue woman ?
the fortune teller thought suityan was a boy
mikochi wants to live yaoi dreams with suityan, not yuri
lmfao sorry couldn't resist
Fortune teller also said Miko is a boy. They're a bunch of faggots
someone please tell the fortune teller gays exist
opened twitter
first thing i saw
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nekotail already posted the clip kek
why is friend like this
micometchads on twitter are saying that the awkward atmosphere is because micomet almost got outed by a random fortune teller that they're dating.
Fubuki must have been having so much fun lmao
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Embarrassing but not Kimoi. naruhodo :D
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suichan has dropped all pretenses, i think she wants to come out with their relationship
only miko is still keeping it up
Dead ship...
why are they like this
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this has been my impression generally for this year
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hatehate kek
Its 100% the case.
Why would it be embarrassing or awkward unless they've done something?
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What are the odds that the fortune teller was paid off by Fubuki to make them squirm thinking that they were that obvious?
Alternatively, just how did they act during the reading that a completely unrelated person basically went "you guys should just hook up, it would be the best course of action." I want to believe that they unconsciously glanced at each other when asked the boyfriend question.
>"you two are perfect together, it's unfortunate you're both girls"
>"i'm sorry i'm not a man"
this will never leave my mind
also, cute, taiwanese micometchads are saying "come to taiwan!! it doesn't matter if you're both girls, you can get married here!!"
cute as fuck.
I honestly just think they are that obvious. Look at the dinner with Bae. First time meeting Suityan and she could tell there was something between them and more interesting if you think about it her and Suityan left to see Marine and she didn't say anything about their relationship even though they are also friends and Marine being touchy feely that night. And they 100% were watching eachothers reaction when boyfriends were brought up.
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Ravi lmao
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I just wanted to repost this video because it's insanely cute
>teller: "do you have a boyfriend?"
>suichan: "i dont have one"
>teller: "are you not interested in men?"
>suichan "not really"
>teller: "ahh...you are pretty much a guy, i guess you don't need them logically speaking"
>suichan: "ehh i'm a guy?"
>teller: "you have male attribute. people have 3 atrttibutes like male, female, female or male, male, female"
>teller: "you are all male, male, male"
>suichan: *bewildered*
>teller: "do you want kids?"
>suichan: "not really, i don't care one way or another"
>teller: "you'll be working the rest of your life, even if you quit your current job you'll still be working, you are a career focused woman. even if you have a kid you'll still be working so it won't change anything"

maybe there's more to miko's "im sorry im not a man"
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>>87970846 (me)
said pretty much the same about miko including not being interested in men
miko is also "male, male, male" attribute
>>87971974 (me)
the rest has been talked about here
teller told them they are compatible and they should get together but it's difficult cuz they are both women
meanwhile fubu-san was grinning and saying "as i thought it's micomet! micomet was the right answer!"

they went to play an escape game after and was successful, mikochi was surprisingly usefull
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they're both very "malebrained" and it shows lol
they're simple girls.
oh they went to an escape game after that? thanks for translating anon, i really appreciate it!
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>What are the odds that the fortune teller was paid off by Fubuki
As you know, the private affairs of our talents are none of our business. Which is why you're here, Special Agent Shirakami. Our market analysis indicates that getting MiComet together for real is going to have a major positive impact on yuri sales, which, as you can see from the graph is at the present economic downturn a currency more valuable than the yen...
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it must be surreal to have basically everyone you spend any time with ship you together
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damn suichan is really into it
She really is, damn. She almost went Wotagei.
In Suityan defense nyehelloworld goes hard.
New Yura drop about the fortune teller
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the tone shift when someone brought up miComet
I find it interesting that Suityan basically said everything she said was true. And gave them both the same time frame of when they would have that path branch of work or relationship I'm guessing. What if in 2 years Japan acknowledges same sex marriage or shit even allows it. It'd be crazy if that's the decision for them in two years.
3 days left aaaaa
i wonder what they're going to sing other than Sugar Rush
they are gonna sing kimagure mercy
Definitely a new original song
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god DAMNIT anon
3 more months
i'd literally die
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posting the other one too for good measure.
we were so close...
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compatibility test my beloved
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simmons bed pov
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Source please, it's impossible to find
Didn't Suisei and Miko talk about mentaiko when talking about the live? I may be misremembering though.
How does sponsoring a performance work? They help bankroll it? I wonder if that means Shiraken get extra money for their sightseeing.
>>88010138 (me)
Oh, they’re based in Fukuoka, makes sense.
Miko grilled a pig into admitting to being a hoshiyomi and micomet oshi. She asked something about sugar rush but then someone pulled the red card and chaos ensued.
oh wow this is super amazing
congrats suityan!
i don't know how they work exactly but they help by supporting the concert. somehow.
lmao why mikochi
this right
lmao my sides
she's as obsessed as we are (might even be more obsessed at this point)
too much exposure...
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Did anyone else in notice Miko made her name Elite MiKoC?
yes I know its meant as Mikochi still funny though
Elite micock my beloved
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I know it's hot but it makes no sense Suityan is wearing a dress...
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Translate of >>88016164
Nevermind it was the part before it. Stupid noises. But it's funny that she asked pobre about being gachikoi because he's one of her most recognizable ones at least to me.
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2 days... (jst)
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Chan chan~
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Fast board why
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mikochi looks perfect but gsc really fucked up suityan colors
can they be preordered on hololive shop?
Doesn't look like it.
or use your favorite jp imports store
i recommend amiami but you'll miss the gsc store only bonuses (suityan's winking face and 35p with glasses)
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just created an account with GSC and preordered mikochi
$18 for east coast shipping
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$12 solo, $24 for both (to brazil)
i'm thinking about getting them both in separate orders to avoid getting brutally raped by taxes.
I knew I recognized those poses
CurryStew and Sugar Rush MV
>sorry I'm not a man
seriously what did she mean by this?
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ummm... bros?
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>september 2025
Time to forget I bought it lmao
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Guys. You know how the bottom of the tapestry from merch have the plastic poles in the bottom? My Suityan tapestry keeps slipping her pole out towards my Miko tapestry every night. She won't stop...
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Gura... FAQ
Will the fortune telling affect their dynamic at all? They don’t seem to go much for this stuff since both have eschewed Mio’s readings for a few years, so it may just be a funny anecdote they forget promptly.

I think Fubuki will use it sporadically to tease them barring some serious talk behind the scenes, but I wonder if either of them will excuse another barrage of micomet stuff with “well, we’re super compatible business-wise so these things are bound to happen.”
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negatively? nah
positively? no idea but i don't think this will be mentioned again. who knows.
i also think friend might bring it up but i don't really think she will.
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A couple things from early in the stream I noticed. She's showing stuff she bookmarked and the first thing she showed was a guy who dyed his hair in micomet's colors, half pink and half blue.
She squealed at micomet plushies in magutako onesies.
She showed some micomet nail art.

I had to do some stuff so I stopped paying attention but I think she talked more about micomet throughout so there may be more stuff.
irislai draws the best magutakos
micomet is of one soul and mind.jpg
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will there by any restreams of Miko's sololive?
t. poorfag
Probably the same place I dropped for fest
mikochi has stopped thirsting after cute girls for a while now
is she getting her fill with suichan?
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suichan seems to be low quality
pls drop it again when you can, anon!
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for some reason I can't share the profile. This is the name though on both twitch and kick. They haven't missed a live this yet they even did AZKi and UI mamas
Watching the video on Miko's RT I just realized I'm going to cry like a little girl tomorrow.
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I wanted to reminisce on their compatibility test for a bit
That’s just the compatibility part but I wanna look for the rest to cross-check with the fortune teller’s reading (Miko had already placed herself between man and woman back then I recall).
Both times they said it was awkward to be told so directly that hooking up would bring nothing but good things, but I wonder what effect these three years had on their internal reaction to this.
before you do that, use zebra's translation, the whole thing is here
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i can see suichan calling in pretending like she doesnt know shes supposed to be the guest
Lol that's a very Suityan thing to do
I feel like she kinda blew up by posting that she was still up playing suika
Also is Miko actually going to as what color panties? I think Suityan should answer but on line just to short circuit Miko.
>No sui
its truly over
>"I did leave a message on the fubumicomet group asking her if she'd be the last caller"
>"She said 'eh? we'll be together tomorrow a lot anyway'"
>"So I said 'fine then dont call'"

Sui doesnt give a fuck about miko lol. Suika game >>>> Miko
what the fuck did she mean by siちゃん家に迎えに行く??
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She says she's gonna pick up Sui tomorrow at her house since they need to leave early.
Mikochi is going to Suityan's house...?
Holy shit
suityan is genuinely ridiculous lmao
love those idiots
>there will be a lot tomorrow
i'm nervous
She praises Kuzuha more than Miko lmao
I'm so fucking happy it's unreal
i'm 100% ready to cry my soul out tomorrow
and overdose on business
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Mikochi will have to wake Suityan tomorrow won't she... Kek
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how involved do you think Suisei will be?
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Sugar Rush and another song. Maybe dueting a cover, maybe one of Miko's orisongs. Definitely not a new original, they would never surprise us like that.
kimagure mercy
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Three more months…

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