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Reviving the general!

The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.
t. Cover

Official Twitter Account


>Online simulator (automated):
>Alternative simulator (manual):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks

>Set 2 info

Previous: >>87884324
By the way, taking a look at the confirmed colors from the next set, I feel like Chloe's got to be blue. Since that's the only oshi color we're missing.

>Oshi Holomem cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Marine (Red)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Holomem Cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Ayame (Red)
Choco (Purple)
Okayu (Blue)
Marine (Red)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Spot Holomem Cards
Holowitches (Luna, Miko, Kanata, Marine, Shion, Chloe)
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Incidentally, if Chloe is blue, I think I can guess the rest of the colors. Ina and Nerissa as purple, Noel as white, and Mio as green. I think we're getting a lot of purple in this set to balance out the colors.
Did Pekora make any profit from the cards she pulled?
She didn't pull any OUR, so I don't think so.
>*casually destroys your center by virtue of having a gazillion cheers on her*
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So 2 sets in and we still won't have all the colors?
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Yellow is in set 3. Probably!
Second Set is meant to introduce Purple so odds are set three will do the same for Yellow.
Elestrals (a western Ygo/Ptcg clone) also has 8 colors and released with 5 base colors and 3 other colors later on. So i think it's the norm for tcgs.
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>Aww man the other side has a Buzz Polka that's barely scratched
>Roll a 1 on Destiny Song
>Aww Man, the other side has a Buzz Moona and the Zeta loop set up
>Roll a 1 on Destiny Song

Thank you Deus Ex Machina card
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>Overwhelming Promise
Also that post mentions MoonaZeta seeing use but I cannot find it on this graph.
>mono Polka
Interested in what that looks like if anyone spots it
Good to see that promise isn't overtaking too much.
is azki only that high because it counters promise?
my wife
青白ムーナゼータ translates to Blue white moona zeta while 青白こぼ is Blue white kobo. There's a thin buzz Zeta sliver in between sora promise and pekora. I think blue white kobo also refers to moona zeta where oshis are only used for deck reporting
I imagine it's with a couple Kiara and Pekora to attach fans to.
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>Gift: all your homomems can equip 2 mascots with the same name
>Art: +20 dmg for each macot on your board

Looks fun. I imagine Sora with Ankimo will be a solid partner.
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>every gamer will release at once along with their limited support
>except Mr Koro
She needs to carry set 3 sales by herself after all
I wrote about this >>87472195 but in short it's harder to stop her momentum than other decks and having two 2nd blooms that are effective against different colors means she actually has decent MUs across board. This deck is meaner to Blue than you realize.
Just to show how mean Azki is to blue: >>87923352 can either hit a blue for 110 while also accelerating a cheer onto herself or another Azki or she can roll the dice on Destiny Song and possibly oneshot any 2nd Bloom/Buzz blue in the game.
I wish they would do something different with the gen event cards other than use the same look at the top 4 cards of your deck template. Fubuki looks pretty fun!
You're slightly off on the gift . It's
> Gift: This holomem can have 2 mascot cards with different names attached to it.
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>Gift: This holomem can have 2 mascot cards with different names attached to it.
Well that's embarassing, can't believe I messed that one up.
Somehow mascots were already one per name in my mind, so maybe that where the confusion came from.
Reminder to always wake up before posting shit.
Still, having someone who can translate at the ready is appreciated.
It happens. Everyone makes mistakes even in their native language sometimes.
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Kinda feels like a worse Polka.
1 more bloom and 1 more cheer needed, plus the mascots outside of Friend are restricted to 1, unlike fans.
180hp is also really low.
The only advantage of Fubuki is the higher base damage, and maybe some strong synergies between her mascots? Maybe if she has her own Ankimo, or multiple even, otherwise the payoff might not be worth it.
Given the mascot theme, I'm pretty sure Fubuki is going to have at least 2 mascots printed for her in this set. And since mascots are limited to one per holomem, they can be given stronger abilities than fans.
Although, overall it would be good if she's not better than Polka. White is already strong enough.
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>>87956733 (me)
Also, Fubuki's SP oshi skill gives her a chance of taking an extra life from the opponent
per every 2 mascots you have on the field.
It's only 1 extra life max, and not even guaranteed.
The first skill is nice though, I could see a mascot toolbox deck with big Foob.
Ah yes, so it is. You can probably make it pretty close to guaranteed with 2nd bloom Fubuki, at least.
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Country-grown Gozaru
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Wake up Suibros!!!
New Suichan deck just dropped!
Nice! But why Irys?
She can punch for 70 for a colorless. 90 with axe, and 110 with 1st bloom Suisei. So I guess she's the early attacker while you power up Comet?
That does take less space than Polka, but you're not playing any cheer acceleration outside of the glowsticks
Naruhodo. I guess I can see why that would work.
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card games
since you've said that, I wonder how mean a Fox deck would be if you're willing to not run Kiara.
Seems like anti-synergy because one cares about fans and the other cares about mascots.
Oh, I completely missed that.
Kiara mascot is decent so idk she might have a slot in the deck.
Fubuki has the most mascots in hololive so it would make sense to give her multiple ones in the ocg.
Yeah, I think that's exactly the idea.
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> PO DUE: OCTOBER 28, 2024
What's a PO?
This should be preorder info for game stores. PO should be purchase order and should be how many items the game store wants to buy from the distributor.
Ah, so stores have to put in orders for the new set by October 28th.
With the number of cards in the next set, I feel we should get daily card reveals
For the first set they did daily card reveals, but they were 3 per day. So it might still be a bit of time until they start up.
I just noticed one thing, SR is supposed to be frameless versions of the R and RR cards... so how are there 30 of them?
I don't know what to say here besides win was basically in God's Hands. There's no other explanation for how my opponent managed to completely whiff on Destiny Song.
RNG gods
Some dudes playing the game if anyone's interested
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Is IRyS that splashable? Can you just slap her in any deck for an art boost?
I think my opponent wanted to do something similar to >>87967122 but the IRyS blooms only started showing up in the last couple turns.
who do you think will be on the alt art cheers aside from Fubuki?
It's obvious. It'll be Marine (red), Chloe (blue), Reine (green/ID) and Calli (purple/EN).
there has been recent experimentation with specifically irys suisei as a small early game package. Maybe they're applying the same paradigm here.
Speaking of that, I'm not a big fan of the chibi art they're using for them. I really want something a bit more flashy for my alternate art energy cards.
up you go
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>Find out there's a Weiss Schwartz simulator
>Look into it to see if I ca learn with a Holo or Puyo Puyo Deck
>It got hit by copyright and taken down like a week ago
And the game will remain impenetrable.
I really hope the Holo card game doesn't have the same problems when it's translated to English officially. They should keep fan simulators up as long as an official digital version doesn't exist at least.
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What is the tier list of decks? I'm interested in this game.
Also any resources on how to play the game?
Is Gura/the Bau Bau Girls a top tier deck? Any deck(s) like Tearlaments from YGO, RP Law from OP, United Wings from Pokemon or Big Spell Mage from Hearthstone?
Or some sort of midrange deck?
The first set for this game just came out a month ago, so it doesn't have all the girls yet. Gura and Fuwamoco haven't been added yet.
Right now, Mumei/Promise seems to be the top tier deck.
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>What is the tier list of decks? I'm interested in this game.
Pic related is from the start of month but it's missing stuff like Aki, Bae focused Promise, and MoonaZeta.
>Also any resources on how to play the game?
The rules are in the OP but here's a How to Play video for good measure:
>Is Gura/the Bau Bau Girls a top tier deck?
Neither of them are in yet.
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Draw 3.
draw 10
I'll answer as well as I can for tier list with far too many decks. Half of tier 4 is just bullshit I decided to play one day because I was bored. Question marks will be added to decks I feel uncertain about.

Tier 1: Play this to win a tourney
Tier 2: Can win tourneys occasionally
Tier 3: Can win games vs the highest tier decks, tourney consistency is dubious
Tier 4: Meme decks with significant problems.
Tier 5: Absolute doodoo

Tier 1: Mono Kanata, Mumei Oshi Promise, Kanata Oshi Promise
Tier 2: Polka (12 fan), Polkiara (8 fan), Mono Azki, Moona Zeta, Sora Oshi Mumei Irys, Kanata Sora, Bae Promise?
Tier 3: Suisei Moona, Suisei Polka, Suisei Irys?, Mono Pekora, Mono Aki?, Akiara?, SorAz?
Tier 4: Mono Kiara, Mono Sora, Kiara Lui, Iofi Moona, Iofi Zeta, PekoIroha, PekoMoona?, PekoPolka?/PolkiaraPeko?
Tier 5: Mono Kobo, Kobo Zeta, Kobo Iofi, HoloX (iroha lui)
cute wawa
The game plays most like Pokemon, but with only one set most decks are unit focused piles. Midrange maybe depending on how you classify that. There's nothing like Jund Midrange from MTG, since interaction with your opponents is super limited in this game. But if you strictly mean a deck that plays a fair honest game with no bells and whistles, and wins by playing to the mid game, then there's a few. Pekora Oshi Mono Azki is the best mid-game focused deck imo, it's literally just ramping cheer onto your beat sticks of choice. It's also a good introductory deck because the game plan is so simple.

Honestly just building whatever and going on Holoduel to play the ai is a pretty good way to learn, the game's not too complicated.
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Calli's going to be opening up some cards!
Mono-Sora still needs AZKi to enable her Buzz card (and ramp up). The SorAZ dual card is never enough
Kanata will fall off hard next set. All of the debut in set 2 are tanky as hell.
Shion is super tanky.
Heard preorders in Japan for set 2 went well?
Based AF. Hope she pulls a prismatic secret rare. Wonder if the Hologirls will make TCG tourneys or if they will make Championships with the prize being getting a handshake from someone representing your deck Oshi.
What is a good archetype going into set 2?
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So far it's just Shion that's really fat for a debut. Foob, Marine, and Mori can all be oneshot.

>What is a good archetype going into set 2?
Promise's reign might continue unless we get more strong Greens or Blues that have effective damage against White. I'm rooting for Reine to be a good center since it would mean Iofi has an ID that she doesn't have to contest for that collab spot.
Typing this post I realized Purple holomems have it rough from the get-go since Mumei has effective damage on them.
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Going second instakills would be stopped by Shion but it's still possible on turn 3 if you go first.
From what deepl is telling me, Upao's damage effect activates on lethal damage before Kanata is downed but not if downing that Kanata would end the game.
There's 2 ways to build mono sora. The first is as you said, with buzz sora. This is technically not a mono deck. You probably want 1 collab azki to activate buzz sora, and a bunch of green cheer. Buzz Sora is an okay payoff, but not particularly good considering the cost of implementation. The 2nd method forgoes the buzz sora and is just uses kanata deck design principles to eek out a worse Kanata.
DeepL tricked me, it turns out downing happens first, then Upao damage kicks in which is why Upao damage doesn't kick in if Kanata is downed with one life left.
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>Gura/the Bau Bau Girls
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>Iroha/Sui deck
lel. Seems to be designed around using Iroha as a wall while Suisei builds up.
Gotta respect the dedication to make Suisei work
I started trying to play the Buzz Sora, and it's actually not bad, assuming you don't get color screwed. Just put in 4 collab AZKi and it's more than good enough to give the +50 damage for Buzz Sora's second attack, and do it as early as turn 2 with Ankimo. You can also bloom those 60 HP AZKi's to SorAZ once you're done

That said, when you get color screwed during the cheer phase, it's can lead to an easy loss
Mono AZKi works nicely just having SorAZ sit backstage for SorAZ Gravity energy ramping. Can mono Sora not do the same for decently strong swings?
SorAz is also an activator that naturally slots in the deck. Buzz Sora probably wants the Azki a round earlier. Also, Armpit Sora’s attack is genuinely awful without Azki whereas Azki 2nd’s attack is of reasonable rate even without the Sora. Finally, I think Sora decks appreciate collab Azki more than Azki likes the Sora collab. Any deck will take extra cheer from collab Azki which would smooth out turn 2. In comparison, Azki is not a deck that can use collab sora well. Azki does not aim to outpace the opponent and the extra 20 damage often becomes inconsequential.
Baton pass!
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Aggro board.
wait a second
this suisei has bobs
But does she have vagene?
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At least they're not as big as Capture the Moment Suisei.
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Me when I play meme deck and in the back of my head I keep thinking about how my life would be easier if I were to kanata
This is just a shipping deck. I do appreciate someone actually trying to use this bodyguard ability though it's a very cool concept
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this one looks flatter than the others
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Well, here's the last Suichan. She's also appropriately flat.
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Do we have the members included in the starter decks aside from the face mems?
The official site has a card list listed by product, no info on the set 2 starters yet though
I didn't think about that. It's even possible that they could include some of the holomem from set 1 in the starter decks. Would be an interesting way to expand on the game.
Board faster than I can mill
imagine if the anti spam wasn't implemented
>sudden hour and a half gap
I kneel
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*takes 80 damage*
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>Spot: Fubuki, Mio
>Spot: Korone, La+
>Spot: Subaru, Luna
Odd choice
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Oh yeah I forgot doroken has more than just Okayu and Lui
Giving this thread a DRAW so any translators can have a look at those descriptions
> Korone
Just generic "you can improve the deck using cards from set 2!" stuff, nothing about effects or anything
Here's a starter deck based on <character>
We're releasing 3 of these starter decks at once! The decks are simple and a great way for TCG beginners to learn how to play.
Plus, <character> can also be found in Quintet Spectrum booster packs, releasing on the same date.
Add these to your deck and make it stronger!
(they're all the same message and don't really say anything)

Then there's basic info about the contents, like how they have 50 cards and 20 cheers and etc, as well as the card rarity distribution.

Ayame deck has Ayame + FubuMio spots. Okayu deck has Okayu + Korone/Laplus spots. Choco deck has Choco + SubaLuna spots.

I thought the spot cards were supposed to be holowitch? Did I miss something?
>I thought the spot cards were supposed to be holowitch? Did I miss something?
Holowitch are the spot cards for Quintet Spectrum. The starter decks have some different cards that won't be in the set.
Starter decks seem to come with their own Spots independent of the rest of the set. Koyo and Kanata are unique to the Sora/AZKi deck.
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When will they reveal the starter deck cards?
Calli just said that she's revealing something during her Holo TCG opening stream tomorrow! (Probably her oshi card)
Bumpy bump
It's not unexpected, but I didn't know Korosan and Foobs joined Doroken. Now I wonder, what ties Koyo to Sora and AZKi? I know Kanata and AZKi hit it off pretty well.
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so is yellow the only one without a deck so far?
Yellow is not in Set 2 and is expected to be added in Set 3
I guess so, because the first starter deck was green/white. But there's been no monocolored decks for those yet.
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There is no justice in this world.

Spot Ko'one better be good or else...
Mr. Koro might headline a starter deck next set.
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/hlcg/ tourney when?
I'm not sure if we even have enough people playing to organize one.
What does each color specializes on?
>Red: Trashing cards
>White: Effect Damage
and so on?
God tier art. Who drew it?
White: Drawing cards, Searching the deck for Holomem, and Damage Mitigation
Red: Archiving Holomems+Fans and pulling them back out later
Blue: Burning Cheers for various effects, mostly hitting the backstage
Green: Gathering Cheers, controlling dice results, and healing

Here's the things I've compiled.
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>God tier art. Who drew it?
Hiroko is their name. They drew art for a bunch of oshi cards. They're good! I think their art stands out the most in this set.

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This deck is consistent af, bro.
Based Kronmei stall enjoyer.
How do you stall against a Kanata?

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