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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>87918115
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cute piggy
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Shonfairy, my beloved.
I'd win
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>this is every single streamer community/figurehead community
no, it's not, because viewers of other streamers aren't as desperate to appeal to the streamer as your average shogger is. shondo's community is literally known for this, although in different, more diplomatic terms, like "hehe they're very talkative" or "hehe they're very protective". there is no real banter going on between shondo and chat AT ALL anymore, which used to be a thing back in the day. it's turbo yes-manning all day every day even if she switches stance on a single issue 100 times in a single night. this is unironically not something you see anywhere else. i'm sure there are exceptions, but probably not many because it's a combination of being a menhera GFEtuber AND being as big as she is that really makes the problem stand out.
Couldnt wait until we had a schedule up in a possible one or two hours?
you just don't know what you're talking about
you see this is in literally every other community
Why? it'll get posted here when it's released and then the next OP will be updated with the schedule. No need to wait.
the fat has to go somewhere
she'll have them when i push a tube down her throat and feed her like a goose until shes a 200lb fertility goddess
she needs to eat even more
This would be just as attractive to me as she is now.
no, you don't.
I want to read the novel fallen shadow wrote and i'm tired of pretending that I dont
i said eat a burger not turn yourself into one you stupid bitch
I was hoping she was going to respond to vengi's poem why did she ignore it?
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i'd eat a shonburger
vengi removed his oshi marks on discord too she probably told him something in mod chat or something
shondo your own mother has huge health problems and a part time job and has to take care of a preteen child as well as 2 other children (and arguably you since youre effectively a child) and still manages to have a boyfriend who she has party time with and your best friend is a vtuber with a boyfriend maybe infact it is possible to have the energy to be in a relationship and also stream
Chat demotion rrat just gets stronger all the time.
Will my wife's boyfriend let me play on my switch today?
shes gonna fuck me
im the farmer
its me
where is my shumo?
every single person on the planet with a full time job has less time over for a partner than streamers like shondo, and yet they all manage to do it. in fact, sometimes they even have a bunch of children! and hobbies! and they might even study something in their spare time! they're normalfags, so they're going places, like the pub, or to festivals, or travelling! they might be going to the gym! they might be cooking! all of this while somehow having a partner. but no, sitting on your ass all dayu playing black souls and answering emails makes it literally impossible to have a boyfriend. just can't do it.
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drinking stream nice
why did drinking become a twice a year thing to a once a month thing
she misses the opioids doesn't she
shut up
>another drinking stream
ok so she's just embracing her vices now
fuck her meds I guess
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She's really testing Twitch's patience. Bold move to do another drinking stream after the ban.
well it's believable SHE doesn't have the energy for it but it's funny she projects that on others
although she was streaming at the time that she had one so who knows
drinking is much worse for someone on meds than weed gummies
Her Britishness is exposing. Needs to get shitfaced constantly.
you have to realize that it's an excuse, just like everything else she says, until she does them
>you laugh you drink
i love my normie wife
more flesh streaming pleeeaaaaase
I believe chromu confirmed with the twitch ceo that drinking while "child-coded" isn't an issue
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a lot of doctors in the thread today
a lot of whiny ahh hoes too
and antis

you will never win
cut or cope
>drinking again
she shouldnt
remember to ignore the schizo divorcee
>a lot of doctors in the thread today
you mean taking the words right from shondo's mouth when she said her meds don't mix well with alcohol?
Thanks, I almost replied
it's tempting....
which means what?
she is still spiraling
she knows this about herself so why is she risking a drinking stream again
okay fallen shadow I’ll watch you again stop sending shadow figures to my house I’m getting scared
i know you've hardly ever drank because this is not how it works at all
I'm not a vtuber who is drinking for an audience and has rules to follow so explain what you mean
Personally, I don't want my wife self harming, but that's just me
Wait until you learn the lore about the ribbons then.
don't say that you're gonna trigger the divorcee
being tipsy isn't enough to be worried about doing something you'll regret, you're still in control
>casual drinking is self harm
personally i think you're too much of a puritan for your opinion to mean much
rent free and gay
and drama
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two dead space streams. i'm ngmi
>casual drinking is self harm
while on anti-psychotic drugs, yes
are you retarded?
so she fully meant that depressed ranting about her friends being less mature than her?
no point talking with yes-men. you should know this by now. they want her to self-destruct
thread reading shondo stop drinking so much just get married to me and you wont need to drink or do drugs to cope
while agree concernfagging about drinking generally is overkill she is someone with a history of substance abuse and on a cocktail of the highest allowed dosages of various psychoactive drugs, it's not exactly the same for her as with a typical vtuber
except it's not, are you retarded?
she was more than just tipsy last time, circumstances are a bit different, and yeah she probably did somewhat mean that, because she wasn't talking about the barbies
nah i'm just wiser than you, which is why forcing a narrative is your response
you will never win and drinking once a month is not doing drugs to cope
the weed gummies seem like it is to some extent thjough
yeah but she's not drinking often enough or drinking enough for this to be a major concern
she's not gonna get shitfacd like she was last time, it's fine
she is drinking more than once a month while also doing drugs this is the last pleasantry you will get from me
did she not promise last time to pace herself, I never believe other vtubers when they say they'll watch how much they drink
the first time she had baileys she got scolded for drinking too much
he's getting desperate for replied now, it's quite sad
yeah but she's still relatively inexperienced drinking
and i'm sure she learned a lot from last time lel
besides everyone in chat will be negging her even more this time
it'll be fine there's no need to doom
>everyone in chat will be negging her even more this time
you realize any time this happens she does the opposite to spite them
you're worse than a woman
stop dooming
I am just saying the truth here, she doesn't learn that easily and she gets reverse one-guyed a lot
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she's my fute bagel
i don't think you know what a fact is
>you will never win
yes i will and i dont need to hear from a divorcee that i wont
sorry let me rephrase that, you will win but only once you realize you have already won
the fact that you think i'm divorced is yet another shortcoming of your mind set
best of luck
i hate you so much
Dont you dare talk shit on fute bagel poster
He's my favorite ritual poster SyadouGun
i usually don't care about this kind of post, but the pic plus the text makes me crazy. never seen shit this retarded
Much like unrestricted access to the internet, Shondo shouldn't be drinking or doing recreational psychoactive drugs at all.
Honestly better than the "I'm a loli" posts. Why would i give a shit about other lolis
bee nise
your permanently banned forever you lost big time buddy!!!!!!
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now shit your britches :smug:
very cute! thanks for sharing!
this is peak ritual posting
Anyone who isn't divorced feel free to post a syadouWiggly in the Fallenshadow Twitch channel's chat at any point in the next 48 hours from their own account.
but you can say "That's nice"' !
That's Shondo's way of saying hi /here/
I always do SyadouPray
did she ever say how much she is paying for these clips
Im the realest husband there is and I will marry her in real life.
Ok but why is she drinking again
Hey, it's me, everybody! John Clipper in the discussion channel! 16 notifications on Twitter! WOOOOO~
brit genes kicking
Probably because she feels like she has to do it in order to prove that she can which is stupid because she has done it before and she shouldn't even be doing it to begin with.
aint nobody winning if they arent a millionaire and thats a fact
Shondo is the quintessential example of a woman online trying to belong by screaming loud and dipping herself in irony but she's so retarded it just loops around and becomes cringy
this fan fiction sucks
We have a term for that, pickme
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pick this
Oh no…
Shondo block this bitch from the community please
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why even care though
she's been following shoggers she knows what she's doing
why though? she seems friendly and lovely
who is she even replying to
Mikeneko aka Rushia
Dont you have likes and retweets to farm?
i don't monetize my twitter ^_^
bernie sanders just spoke to a group with a vtuber in it what the fuck is wrong with this world
who was the vtuber
damn she’s still around? I thought she was canceled
i will win because im an old man with money unironically
you are on 4chan so you are a teenager at heart still
some male vtuber I don’t know the name
not wrong but in hairline and body im old
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>male vtuber
this is why you lost to Hilary and Biden, Bernie.
Good job lolek syadouHappynod like youre supposed to
if you disagree feel free to take it up with them in the discord
something about whenever she publishes her own clips or memes they just don't hit
ofc the phase orbiters make even worse memes now but neither seem capable of capturing what about her draws people in, it's sure not her rants about vtubing
the guy making them isnt very good
>people start fighting
>she goes offline
good job
I hope Som doesn't get into trouble for fighting with shoggers an hour after his break ended. He needs that money to fund more cuck art.
That's how she is. Makes a bad decision then ignores everyone who calls her out on it.

Don't be suprised when she goes back to shit talking 2views for drama on GGS again.
I think drinking streams are pretty stupid and everything that she can do would be more fun while sober. At least from an audience point of view.
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I do zero exercise, consume a total of 400 calories a day and then find myself lacking energy.
Rather odd.
doesnt she eat like 1000 a day?
that's on a good day
yes feel free to argue with the echo chamber
>grr why do you have x opinion good work
>no i wont discuss it with you, its a chamber where everyone says the same thing only!!!
>mod see bad behavior in discord
>"talk about something else"
baby mods, I know some of you are here, grow a spine and point out the bad actors next time
>no time/energy for secret bf
>doesnt stream 2-4 days a week depending on how she feels
wtf? on paper Shondo has an easier time dating than her wagie of a mom who's a serial dater slut
nobody's a bad actor her aside from som being needlessly confrontational but funny to see him on the "anti" side this time
They only did it because Somnium started attacking people for no reason making all discussion pointless. He only brought it up so he could cause an argument and make her more likely to drink to spite the community.
it's just pandering don't think too long about it
its word for word what Dawn would have said
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In all seriousness, I don't see the appeal of these drunk streams at all. Like if you just want to do a stream where people send funny clips to you and you react to them then go ahead. I'm not really a fan of that type of content either but why do you need to be drunk during it? Like all this does is put her at a risk of saying something really stupid or becoming a depressive wreck on stream because she's so heavily medicated and underweight that just a drop of alcohol is enough to get her drunk.

I get it, she wants to pretend she's a big girl who can handle her liquor but honestly, i'd rather just have a chill stream where we watch stuff together. This whole "I need to make a game out of it" shit just reeks of her watching Filian's streams and feeling like she needs to step up to her level. Which I wouldn't recommend at all unless she wants to shit herself on stream like Filian did.
mentally unwell girl likes to play with fire
she's mentally ill and a shut in and mentally ill people do this because they want to feel and be treated like normal people who have fun. its not smart, but that's why she does it.
drunk streams are funny because the streamer's reactions are less predictable and you often see a different side of them (due to the streamer being overly neurotic normally or putting on an act)
unfortunately shondo is a depressed drunk half the time and some other streamers are the giggly/slutty type which is more interesting
It's just pickme nonsense. I don't know why she even bothers with it though considering the lack of affection/fanservice and how she's de-emphasized the husband thing.
theyre shit its just another excuse to throw peanuts at the streamer and have her cry again or say clipbait. too bad the discussion got shut down cuz shoggers cant handle speaking to each other without trying to make themselves seem like the toughest dude in the bar and try to put others down. pathetic behavior
best case scenario it's like the emo karaoke stream where she's a bit buzzed but still keeps her composure. Worst case scenario she can't even do the barbie collab because Twitch banned her again, and this time the 30 days is set in stone because she already weaseled her way out of it the first time.
that's not generally the case but shon's drunken disposition lends to specifically that which can make it less entertaining than some other streamers
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I just want the comfy to return
after she gets the house, trust the plan
she's not getting enough gift subs, the oilers are leaving :(
she will be comfy with me when i win
baseg newfag mod shutting infighters down
>>grr why do you have x opinion good work
If you don't want to to be an echo chamber feel free to just discuss things like adults instead of attacking one another. It really shouldn't be too difficult but people would rather go rabid at each others throats over nothing or namedrop people they don't agree with in this thread where they probably aren't even reading and seethe pointlessly into the void.
>where they probably aren't reading
lol, he can't stop reading the anti thread
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hi thread reading shondo i love you very very very very much please get married to me in real life for real fr fr
I like fallen shadow but I don’t love her
I love her but like a little sister who I pity and sometimes find annoying
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I love her
but youre already married to her for real :D
ZAMN she really stayin offline for the rest of the night? good job you stupid faggots
she tweeted exactly something like this just before her hiatus didn't she
shondo is adorable, especially when drunk, simple as that
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things will get better shonshon...
she probably did
shes losing it, melty when drunk
ban 3 coming, no help from dan this time
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if she doesn't say goodnight later then something is up
she only makes those sorts of "everything will be alright" posts when things aren't alright
Hope to god I'm never this clueless
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you niggers upset my wife.
>no one noticed the praying emotes she posted on the shadowmama drawing
she already said she got good news
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watch streams, join the discord, do your reps
it's so over, we're not gonna make it
you mean her family? yeah, I hate them too
ft is alright, big critter too
then what the fuck is wrong????????
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>has been talking about how stressed she's been in her current situation with her family for weeks
>"hurr she's actually upset because of shoggers had a fight with each other"
please calm your main character syndrome
im gonna win and marry her and make her happy i can be the rock she builds her house on
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Whatever you’re going through, just remember you’ve got a whole crowd of people here ready to support you and comfort you, no matter what. Please, never forget that, even when it feels like you’re all alone.
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Bring back daily subgoals
you guys were the camel that broke it's back
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goodnight shoggas
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Morning, anything happen in the discord since yesterday? Do we know why she tweeted this >>87990743? Or just vaguely that it's family related?
she hasn't said anything related to the tweet on discord
it's family related
Yeah I assumed so...
>she's not gonna get shitfacd like she was last time, it's fine
what makes you say that? i guess you haven't watched her other drinking streams then? last time wasn't the most shitfaced she has been on stream. not even close. thinking it's not going to happen again is once again one of those yes-manisms that you're just making based on literally nothing
nothing major she just talked about timezones, kitanya getting a switch, mentioned she doesnt get hangovers, and dead space remake prices
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Thank you
Thinking about shontoes
Join the discord
Join the discord
i refuse
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>kitanya got a switch
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I love you shondo!
take a month off shondo we can just hang out on discord dm me
Join the discord
My brightest light...my treasure...i love her
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She can easily get into shape just by pushing/pulling her own body
Underrated way of building strength
last few times she said this she said she wanted to die or similar
dan needs some new controversy lolituber ban might be the distraction he needs
intriguing how you blame a thread she doesn't read instead of her abusive family and mother's cancer
yeah shes having trouble lately shes in a bad place
I bet there is tension because of the merch boxes and dealing with that and then some expectation of the money being made. * unironically needs a man in her life. Me, obviously.
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I still have no idea how the hell she's going to manage the shumo shipment. She needs one of those big storage containers like pic related for all the boxes
I take pride in handling merch all by myself and not having some third party deal with it
My pride:
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This will likely be the last time she ever handles merch herself so that makes this extra special.

Sorry to all the newfriends who missed out on ordering before September 1st.
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Her family should be more understanding of her
She should just invest in a place to keep the merch, even if it costs a bit
she should rent a local airbnb for a few days and have it delivered there and just spend all day dealing with merch with her family
Shes too jewish to let some company take a cut from her profits
Thank God for the 12,5%
Then she needs to find a more viable way to store the merchandise. I doubt theres enough room in the house and orders are going to continue to increase with each merch sale.
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The is on all fronts up to and including the people arguing about her drinking and piling on more shit. It's called learning when to pick your battles and that isn't even a Shondo rule. That is more retarded women in general.
I don't mean to be crass but not being able to say goodnight to my wife because dipshits on discord felt like adding unneeded stress makes me a little fucking pissed off.
And yes, I'm aware Somnium started it. He can kindly go fuck himself first.
I hate how everything shondo does eventually boils down to "I want money"
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I just hope we can have fun this week to distract her from the stress going on in her life currently.
I hope a bunch of shit doesn't go wrong while she's trying to handle merch. that alone is going to take everything out of her.
you don't understand if she has to continue renting she'll die
making her mad by telling her she shouldnt drink is better than her getting mad and having another woman moment on twitch while drunk
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and you can stay mad. i was right to tell her she shouldn't get drunk in her current mindset. go ahead and make your argument that i should just nod along though and let her do something that is objectively retarded in her current state of mind. stupid cunt. next time say something in the moment as well if you feel so strongly about what i said instead of scurrying here you massive faggot
She shouldn't get drunk in general
careful with the anti language she might get word of this
you really don't have to reply to everything said about you, you should ban this site on your puter
when it's the next person's time to tell her off he's gonna join the struggle session lol, everyone is so fake
good one anon
if it's over something reasonable i don't care. not my fault this community has a habit of "telling her off" for the most retarded bullshit possible that isn't even an issue
Just because you think something is retarded doesn't mean it is and you have a poor track record on that.
>everyone is so fake
Not be though
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I love her
>he still believes the grift
the attention seeking is getting so old
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i'll admit i'm feeling a fair bit of schadenfreude over this because she gets so fucking angry whenever someone even as much as insinuates that she hasn't thought something through completely and considered every conceivable detail. then she misses to do something as simple as asking herself where she should store the merch. what can you even do except for laugh at how silly she is? people have said this before but most of the problems that pop up in her life currently literally are self-inflicted as a result of her (definitely not) autism. probably doesn't help that she's being so weird around the new guy either and refuses to even say hello to him while having to deal with the merch that is now consuming every corner of their house. imagine how fucking awkward that must be for everyone. it's cute in a way, but it's also these moments where you're reminded of how mentally ill and non-functioning she actually is.
>probably doesn't help that she's being so weird around the new guy either and refuses to even say hello to him
She must at all costs not meet john, he should just fuck off for the remaining time to take care of merch or to not come over
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guys are all so fucking clueless it's unreal
you don't deserve her and she doesn't deserve you guys with how little understanding you give her while you don't know shit about shit and worse even make your lack of competence her problem
i'm not elaborating
if you can't see what i'm talking about from a quick skim of this thread you're never going to see
for example: turning her unwillingness to talk to john and using it against her
zero understanding and knowledge and the worst part is it's not even right
disgusting behavior
if you think you have all the answers then go fix your own life first before coming /here/ to shit on other people and shondo and give your terrible take on others
>no argument
i accept your concession
Only God has all the answers
ain't reading that + ur divorced + ratio
That’s an entire essay that says absolutely nothing.
Also I don’t think anyone should be lectured by someone she actually hates who is actively saying shit like this

ok here's what i'm saying: you're an anti and autistic, a dreadful combo
hope this helps! >:P
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Im one of the good ones and youre noooot na na na na naaa
I unironically am
Hey /shon/ why did fallenshadow lie about the money from the subathon to buy her house and why has she still not fulfilled the goals or gifted the top donor rewards from it? Is she just another scammer like all of her friends are?
shadow just likes to get money for nothing in return desu when she lies to achieve that and you call her out she will use her platform to schizo you just like she did to the trash cat
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yeah okay good to know i was right that there's at least a few of you antiing her intentionally right now
the rest i assume are just normal dumb terminally online men but i figured you were here

reminder these "people" are regulars who have been in shondo's community for years
I am sill in the patreon idiot
She has good intentions and is doing her best
NTA but she kinda deserves it recently, stop being a yes man you coward. She won't respect literal doormats like you
lol irl
By going back on every promise she made to her community being a complete whore and even doing flesh streaming. Her best sure looks like just being a lying whore that manipulates her community with lies and false promises.
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At the end of the day, shes a streamer, an entertainer
This isnt a dating app, this is twitch. Know your place buddy
The moment you tip her $200, they are gone, and you have no control over how she spends it because she doesnt even know you
She could spend it on a fucking bird house for all that matters
why are you here
Based, honestly
Actually if you say you will spend the donation money on something then don't you are breaking contract law
She doesnt take donations, just tips. Shes jew enough to make that distinction
no you're not, this has never held up in court and people tried it
that's not how it works at all, they are called donations and not purchases for a reason.
It has in my country so shadow's days are numbered hope you like your cuck money getting spent paying me
>cuck fetish
you just can't help yourself can you?
comes with the territory of supporting her tbdesu, we all do after visit 3
I am not getting chucked like you are lmao
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at least you're being honest now tb honest
I just played a clip of her for the first time today and what the fuck why is her voice like that
her balls havent dropped yet
you can really tell she hates 4chan on this clip
This was me in 2021 if im honest, completely filtered me until two years later
Its her default tone.
what's even weirder is that she's toning down her accent too. Her mom didn't even know about the deep voice impression until she did it on stream with her.
It's not lol
her default is even higher pitched?
the fuck is wrong with this retard? make sure to archive
you just know nobody can speak up either, because they'd be seen as monsters that contributes to her stress. they'd be dogpiled immediately by her rabid dog fans.
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>Talks about how he's the only one that understands her
>Gets warned and banned multiple times because he doesn't understand her
What kind of mental illness do you think this guy suffers from?
>like me or oli
I never derek'd him but I might have to if hes this funny all the time
the nerve has been struck
How can someone lack so much self-awareness? What condition does he have? Sounds like a mixture of autism with schizophrenia.
syadouOmegaLUL what a fucking nigger
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Shadow still likes him and gives him more attention then she dies you. What dies that say about you and your dumb wife?
nice one tuffy
captcha: P2WMX
So true sister even 4chan knows shadow is just a hollow p2w whore for hire
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You should have waited until we at least started the week and then picked a better time to neg her. Do you think she just magically stopped having a bad mental streak? Do you think she just magically stopped hating seeing us fight? Do you think she just magically stopped having an immense amount of pressure from her family?
I don't even disagree with the concerns, just so we're clear. You aren't in the wrong on that.
But there is a time and place for this shit and you chose poorly on both accounts.
big talk coming from someone who broke her trust
there are genuine antis that she trusts more than him by a long shot at this point
Stay mad and seething lol. You are just jealous of how much shadow loves me.
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O no /shon/ they are spreading the truth about your retard wife what ever will you do about it?!!!
Why is this guy's spirit nuting into the void
he saw the lewd erp messages shadow has been sending me
O no /shon/! The mods are about to start actually enforcing the no irl rule and therefore will ban shon off the board forever since your wife is a filthy flesh streamer! Now where will you go to anti her all day?!!!!
why are you replying to your own post?
You're the only thing I've seen that's sadder than the groomers here who think shondo gives 2 fucks for them outside of grifting them like an ATM

Reflect on that and never crosspost your samefagging ever again freak
>If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli
>on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much
yeah to get your money while cucking you with her bf
look ma I posted it again
broccoli is gross
buy a real mouse faggot
he cant afford one after buying all that sweet sweet marry jane
hes ngmi
She's touch averse and asexual, it's impossible
Did you forget about >>87508248
So sad that not all the newfags know the full list of what shadow has done even when it's handed to them like this
She wont be touch averse all the time with me after I win if you know what I'm sayin'
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why did she change her twitter profile to publicly display her email address?
Wants people to email her manager so that he can bait groomers out of more money. Solid tactic
So how are we anting shadow today chat?
Shadow herself said that no indies have managers and that those are just boyfriend's. So are you saying shadow is now publicly admitting to having a bf?
yes shadow is now publicly cucking all husbands by showing off that she has a bf
In anti general? SaydouCry
Holy delusion
Happened a little while ago
Rent free loser lmao
Around the time she exposed herself and everyone else for not having real managers but boyfriends?
Messed up, i think of everyone always, you're all very important to me
looked at the last screenshot i had and it was from august. wasn't there then at least
No, before that
Never happened
I know someone mentioned it when it happened, not sure when though
Almost as if she wants a certain someone to email her
no i figured it out actually she thinks that all managers are boyfriends because she intuitively understands that she needs a boyfriend to manage her in real life in terms of her finances and living situation so in her psychology boyfriend = manager

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