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Psycho - Edition

>What is /fig/?
/fig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss idol vtubers who play fighting games and (beat em ups), either from large companies, small ones, or indies, as well as to discuss fighting games about Hololive and other vtubers in general.

>So is this thread about fighting games or Idol showdown?
Neither: this is a thread about idols and fighting games.

>But what is an idol?
An idol is something unobtainable and moe that makes your kokoro go doki doki (WIP)

>Is {X} a fighting game?
Temporally we will define fighting games as games fighting idols play.

>Are beat em ups a fighting game?
No, but we will use the loophole above provide a home for them temporally as well since most of the fighting idols also play beat em ups. If the genre seems to have a revival at some point, we would recommend splitting this thread (again).

>I have no friends, can I ask for games here?
Just post a request in the GAME ANCHOR

>Idol Showdown stuff
IS patch notes: https://steamdb.info/app/1742020/patchnotes/
Beta builds: https://twitter.com/IdolShowdown/status/1660016297164390405 (embed) (embed)
Twitter Tech: https://pastebin.com/XQtD5D1y (embed) (embed)
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/updated-idol-showdown-characters-1434585

>HoloXBreak stuff

>Glossary of Fighting Terms

>Hololive Smash Clone fangame

>Fighting Idols
Seeking for a chuuba who plays fightan? check our well catered selection of seiso idols (and a few extra):

>Recent Fightan Streams
- Aki streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77ANFA0XBEI
- Nekota streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQUIXUYIYds
- Sourin streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyuRdm_egp8
- Tekken Tuesday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha15Z6z0bOQ
- Botan classic bison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkkA-VyK944
- More sourin streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ1eSnPXzMA
- Tomori streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4jTnirKVWI
- Amaya streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAoiv4XIOUE
- Kanna yanagi streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naO7bpo6K80

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>"FT10 NOOB!" "My oshi can beat your oshi!"
Take that somewhere else, this thread is full of newbies who just want to play the funny idol game. Be nice.

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>News for October, 23th 2024
- Chuubas such as Towa and Ren kisaragi join the fall Tokyo online party, full list here: https://kakuge-checker.com/topic/view/08582/
- Botan wished to have joined TOP but is caught with a bunch of recordings. Management hate
- Fumi continues her grind to masters on all characters in SF6 but is still hard stuck diamond 4 on marisa
- On the note of marisa, many believe she is the worst character in 6. Thoughts?
- Iron Mouse says a line in granblue fanrasy versus
- Super Meche new outfit friday during Darkstalkers


And remember: No discords, no names, no fighting. Only idols and love. wao!

Other useful threads:


previous frontier: >>87767371
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wonder why botan is trying to play classic
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It's good to get familiar with the rest of characters and modes since it allows you to discern their power and weakness from their pov, so you have a better time fighting them because you now know the windows to take advantage and when to back off.
Or at least that's what I do.
slow day
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pink fox just went live

plat 1 pink fox...
foobs anon here. It's been awhile, how have you all been?
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fuck you nora~
we are existing
not much to look forward to besides TOP but that's a street fighter thing
Ina is still poop
See you at 1400 tomorrow
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>ids twitter finally retreating about the vortex gallery tournament
pls andastand they are busy watching the homos
How disjointed is too disjointed
I think disjoint should follow logic rules
for example jp cane is disjointed and thats fine cause hurting a cane shouldnt cause damage so you dont instinctively aim for the cane.
Having hurtboxes on a sword for example is retarded
how every if someone sticks out his arm I expect to be able to hit it fuck you marisa so the disjoint should be there just not big enough that i can notice something is off
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>endless grind point for a month
>now that i hit the goal I feel purposeless
maybe i will just go back to world tour
Keep playing ranked, go back where you truly belong.
Living a lie is pretty sad.
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fake it till you make it, I need that rank high so people in tournaments below my MR give up before fighting me
Accept your shortcomings and improve yourself. Stop huffing copium and living a lie.
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we cope the little things as practice to cope the bigger things
Anchor post for finding games. Idol showdown, Street fighter, Tekken, Fightcade. Anything goes, just keep in mind that not everyone has the game you own
the no streams
the weird part about seeing fgc streams is having black people say the word nigga a lot and no one does anything
but in the internet no one knows you are black
yet we can't say "our" words
really makes you think
LTG streams lol
I guess he is a typical black after all
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Surely this is a rrat
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Certainly a rrat
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2 hut tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/reimmomo
why is she on at this hour?
is she ADDICTED?
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2hu's pc so shit that she runs a potato mode mod
poverty miko...
oh i should try getting one of those
shammers asmr
tigerbros no
iam already dead
they will forever fall for the succubus tiger
oh this is slightly on topic for us I guess? https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1849314908711907719
Hopefully she'll continue fightan
Good for her.
Time to look out for any freshly debuting fgc vtuber in the next few weeks
welp, vivi graduating
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her PL is a color for pekora in IDS
This is great.
She will coma back home to us
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we did mogu wrong by not putting her in the op because we had a corpo only rule early fig so I dont think she likes us much if she knows we even exist
early /fig/ sounds like shit
early fig was a wild west of us trying to find a reason to live and posting dark souls because you fight each other in it
Now we have a decent amount of content due to street fighter
She sounds really bad, might just quit.
Mint save your kin
what's happening to her?
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mikami streets; https://www.twitch.tv/mikami_kon
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uooh streets: https://www.twitch.tv/rururiri16
>what's happening to her?
Vivi is free from Niji for good and is graduating.
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super streets
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I am running out of rrats, at least until she comes out and I take a thousand screenshots
You can maybe take more from here goddamn it she actually gets a combo from air stall with a fair amount of items
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Running out of okay quality rrats I meant, most of the videos are too pixelated.
I love my ratwife and all her animations I will fill my SSD with screenshots
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Oneesan board games
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so like, does this trigger any alarm bells
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no expert but that seems fine enough, on the other hand look at this
lmao what the hell
its not a normal, its a special, but you get the point
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boobsei streets: https://www.twitch.tv/comachi_tbkn
Are there vfx to mask the limb?
well yeah that's a problem then
its a knowledge check, you are supposed to aim for the leg
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Coyo has upcoming merch that says coyodachi on it. Also the KemoV Hello Japan live will be streamed online. The tickets are expensive though.

You do love Coyo that much, don't you?


Also Usako released a sample of her first solo song and mentioned that five other members will be getting their own songs too.

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If it's just Melee Fox Up tilt then it's fine.
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stop spamming the thread with your off-topic cancer shit and kill yourself
post more rat
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Kaya with rat ears
Only to make that anon mad? I'm down
>Tokoyami Daigo
weird team name
wake me up when she stops playing garbage and goes back to Tekken and streets
>Tekken and streets
Those are garbage too in their current iterations.
yes but not gacha
what's wrong with kekken I've heard it's still good
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Ult Fox’s but yes
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a bit of an overreaction
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dima tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/dimatheduchess
Well I feel silly because I checked the Ult page first. As a side note, it sets off my autism that the frame data site for Ult uses alt palettes.
Why don't you go and tell her that next time she's live
Oh it does doesn’t it. Ew.
I wish it interpolated properly so I didn’t have to do weird splicing
so what do you plan to do the next 15 minutes
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/satousagi0130
shimada tonight?
no huntress? no sophie?
all offline right now
just checked
i got an important local on saturday how should i prepare
Drugs and alcohol
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>towa ed
>botan bison
>korone jp

psycho power team
big brain blanka main https://www.twitch.tv/olko_official
fig chuuba save us
save us fig chuuba
amour is a pngtuber she counts!!!

she's reviewing a king plushie right now
I mean she has a regular model too
oh I didn't even realize the rrat was out, I thought you guys were just spamming the same image
and yet, ironmouse wont play with herself
Why'd they cast ironmouse anyway, did the character not have an existing English VA?
vtubers and fighting games are the new meta
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I am sorry I only posted this >>88121032 and then went to take a thousand screenshots
she didnt voice the main character just the trap in the super
also granblue fantasy versus if the first time they've had english VAs
>trap in the super
oh, thats... pretty much nothing
Dormouse has a few more lines, like in her forward throw and taunt so I assume tungsten rat has more than one line. Not gonna change to the shitty dub to check.
Wonder if the new member they teased last year will show up at the live. Hopefully Coyo can get her into Tekken.
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amour finally on kekken
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ren streaming at an odd time slot: https://www.twitch.tv/ren_kisaragi__
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neru also live: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawaneru
its really funny watching a jp zone
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You ever have inconsistent collision because of a rounding error
You ever
You ever have that fucking happen
You ever spend 6 hours ripping your hair out because replays sometimes desync at the 4 minute mark because of a collision rounding error
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still trying to figure out why they gave bison so much speed
are you saying the error only happens if a replay?
No, but that’s the only place I found it cropping up. The truth is the rounding error was happening regardless, but since the replay is a sim based on inputs, it has the chance to do the same calculations and come to a different result, and that’s big bad. After figuring it out with extensive investigation, I figured out how to replicate and fix it. But it took soooo long…
Anon, your determinism reps...
Not sure how they do it, but lots of games eliminate this kind of deviation entirely. Maybe Trackmania has a paper on it or something.
See there shouldn’t have been any deviation at all. Most things work fine. This is just a niche edge case because of floating points. Fixed it by, ironically, forcing rounds. I still need to make dead certain it works, but it fixed it visually
More importantly than replays is that this is necessary for rollback. If you roll back and desync, you’ve got a problem
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Gotta make webms, anon
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Onee-san fightan (with her dirty room)
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Church with early morning babytag single player

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It's Fighter Friday and Super Meche is debuting a new outfit for Halloween inspired by a certain Fighting Game Succubus!
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Then in an hour Super Meche is having another Super Slime Slamdown where she will be playing Darkstalkers 3 against viewers!
Please join in and beat up Super Meche (or get beat up by her)
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>Super Meche is debuting a new outfit for Halloween inspired by a certain Fighting Game Succubus!
Unlock Meche
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She's going to be using this outfit for future Fighter Fridays and is planning on making more fighter game girl outfits too
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She could even do the thing
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Meche DarkStalkers 3 vs viewers in 5 minutes!
She's playing it in this collection on Steam
If anyone else is here it is your chance to show her your moves
Certified dojicoyo moment
The Passcode is 1229
big robertsons
she naturally unlucky
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dudes out her willingly playing the mummy
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2hu is rrating
Mummies are cool
I never understood the auto and turbo options in these older games
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jedah my beloved
this dude is skipping frames like a brazlilan ken
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that boy thicc
old games were weird
>amour 13 hours later
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ornage streets: https://www.twitch.tv/mikami_kon
dangerous woman
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sometimes I wonder why she has all these models
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so is this rrat just diet jacko? whats with the canons
no life
the rrat is a schizo
where does she even get them?
they are either free or she just commissioned 1 of every 2hu
More like faust with weaker setplay, her neutral is good for the kind of game that Rising is though, her cannons can cover a lot of angles, but suffer from the item rng.
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I got a local tomorrow and i dont know what should i be doing today to prepare
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dima tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/dimatheduchess
Check if you put into your backpack spare cables, wet wipes, charged power bank
Holy bitrate
argie hands posted this
Study the matchups of the top people going
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I did that two weeks ago
did it work
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toyota, daigo and tachikawa TOP later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG65bvZBWvU
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Pink fox will save us.

>open stream
>people suggesting anime fighters
>granblue mention
women LOVE granblue
>pink fox is afraid of guilty gear
play +R if you wanna be afraid
play melee and suffer
actually come to think has anyone been shilling rivals 2 to our people?
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>seethes at terry
I dont think anyone shills plat fighters that much if they aren't smash. You could probably get sophie to touch it once probably
It’s 30 bucks so maybe not
>wifi blanka
>1 bar
>seethes at terry
Isn't this dude like bottom 3 according to everyone?

He isn't even annoying-bad like the other contenders like Jamie.
yeah but scrubs like pink fox can't deal with the button mashers of a god probably
Is her name a pun on serotonin?
I mean probably, at least thats how I always saw it as
pink fox has been non stop seething at these terrys but usually beats them
I think Sophie would probably want to play a few more times after getting her teeth kicked in online.
The expensive part is getting her to play it in the first place.
dooby debut is gonna kill us right?...
no and its not related to us desipte me watching it
I predict the board may become too fast for us to liv with all the catalog spam / bait and many of us being too busy watching
seems fine to me
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>pink fox playing tetris
Puyo Puyo Tetris? Tetris effect? Tetr.io?
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purple eyes: https://www.twitch.tv/imoan_vtuber
I think she's in TOP?
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shammers time
why is shimada still in christmas
why is she so small?
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why is shimada regurgitating a vinesauce joel meme
this is like the fifth time she's shown this video on stream
>shimada driving stories
oh no
the unfunier the meme the more she likes it
california is GTA in real life
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ren pre TOP stream: https://www.twitch.tv/ren_kisaragi__
cute boy
>haircut short
if anime taught me anything it means she confessed and got rejected
I got halfway in what is the shimada haircut story?
yeah me
she payed california prices for a california haircut
why did you reject ren-chon anon
I'm too busy grinding my skills in bronze 1 as ryu please understand
shimada is really feeling herself right now
deploy the yoshimitsus
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the fuck kind of banner is this?
>shishou found la creatura in ranked
he's lagging too lmao
>shimada purple again
spoke too soon, figgerman
shimada mad
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shimada praising dandandan fills me with dread considering she likes jjk
just because she likes shounen slop doesn't mean everything she likes is bad, anon. the watchalongs are usually tasteful stuff.
You guys think someone hitting consistent two-frame, frame perfect inputs repeatedly in a row is TASbot or nah?
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towa LATE AND GAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG65bvZBWvU
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so this is where towa is right now
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jp plat is kind of funny to watch because it seems like they are smart enough to know not to mash but then it ends up being 2 dudes staring at each other
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daigo what is that pfp
I'm not to familiar with the game but isnt smash a just inherently a game where people are just built different?
yes but not this different. it’s one thing to dash dance fast, it’s another to consistently hit the same input in the same tight window on repeat. I have the replay file and it’s absurdly mechanical
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church live

big bobs
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church is still on
The next KemoV solo song sample is up. Hopefully Coyo is one of the six getting one.

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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/tamamochi_kazuyo
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futon streets: https://www.twitch.tv/41futon
Kaya playing rrat https://www.twitch.tv/kayatsuhime
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these canons look annoying as fuck to deal with
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>page 10
aqua showed back up again https://x.com/yuki_sakuna
will check periodically if she continues playing streets
They are funny, but if you roll the wrong items you can get gigaboned
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Fighting games
They are very funny
jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/goma_350
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im back from the local there was no support for keyboards...
why dont you just buy a leverless at that point
he can't even afford internet, anon.
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is shimada racist
>huntress on
serotina is on tetris again, and sophie cancelled 2 of her tekken tournaments and hasn't streamed in 3 days...

a-are we dying?...
is sophie in a menhera moment
I wish I knew.

The only thing we have is her making 1 vaguepost on her groomcord yesterday.

One of her inner circle groomers probably knows, but I'm not talking to those fags lol.
of course her groomers would know
Sophie I know you're here stop listening to those guys they just want to have sex
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/satousagi0130
>start watching sophie
>she fucking dies
I'm cursed...
She posted tonight.
What's left of her weekly tourney is happening in 1 hour hopefully...
where were you when sophie was kill
You'll get em next time
sophi liv

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whats really getting me right now is that I was beaten by a guy I beat last year with ease
The guy is also new to fighting games and now has a higher MR than me, logically since he sticked to the same character while i dribbled all around but it shows im lagging behind
Might need to rethink my training
her heart eyes are on
>jin senpai
why do I feel like I've seen this dudes name before
maybe if you played ranked to improve instead of finding the best way to inflate your numbers
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I avoid ranked in general precisely because of the point switcheroo tunnel vision and mostly practice in the battlehub where i can improve but guess that just doesnt work
I almost thoguht sophie was still playing but SHE STILL DOESN'T UPDATE THE OVERLAY
classic sophie scuff
Wouldn't battlehub have a wider range of player skill levels and thus make it harder to learn stuff from?
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the point was to practice without having to care about rank points but that lead to me being exceedingly good on killing diamonds and plats and not so good on fighting masters my level or above because those rarely show up down there, which in turn lead to me being stuck in my rank until i decided to grind it for a month instead of just avoiding it

I was going to go back to my usual battle hub routine after this but i guess practicing in ranked without actually caring is the only way
I think i will also have to become more disciplined with my practice. In general i was avoiding copying daigo routines and the others because i wanted to learn the actual game instead of just gaining raw muscular memory but a video i watched made me understand that in order to be able to focus on what my opponent is doing I need first to be able to off load cognitive power by not having to think in what im doing myself

In any case im gonna take a break from streets for a month now and i will figure out a new routine when i come back
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what a clutch
>but a video i watched made me understand that in order to be able to focus on what my opponent is doing I need first to be able to off load cognitive power by not having to think in what im doing myself
Very good realization, there is the danger of autopiloting into bad habits due to poor opponents not punishing you for doing them, but you can probably avoid that by fighting better skilled opponents and learning from how they're taking advantage of your weaknesses
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