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Love for OKFAMS! You're welcome to discuss each individual member here.

Okayu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvaTdHTWBGv3MKj3KVqJVCw mogu
Korone: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q doog
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg fbk
Ayame: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFg oni
Mio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-5t9SrOQwXMU7iIjQfARg mion
Subaru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnA duck

https://twitter.com/nekomataokayu https://twitter.com/MO_OKAYU_GU
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone https://twitter.com/k5r6n3
https://twitter.com/nakiriayame https://twitter.com/YODAYOsub
https://twitter.com/ookamimio https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab


>Last Thread
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not so sexo
thank god everyday for furball ko'one
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can we... just a little bit?
I will not discuss ensharts
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Purple women love
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>大空スバル retweeted
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Miosha pushes Subaru away every single opportunity she can...
>open stream
They're all just targeting Mario...
He deserves it for that dirty trick with the flags
History has been made today
Subaru's going to remember this for the rest of her life
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>at least another character
Korosan? Subaru?
The timeline is being changed. お虐 is on the menu now
>Mio seems easy to lick
TowaMio doujins onegai
Mio hentai!
Mio always makes the sharpest retorts, no matter the subject... Okayu is right though, Mio just oozes lewdness
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Okayu knows...
Miosha is so cute and pitiable whenever she loses a minigame
>Okayu last
man this timebomb really did some damage
I see this as payback for getting absolutely fucked last maripa collab
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Korone kedama blesses this thread
Nice art
Okayu and Korone holding each other's cards
>MAXDOG shilling on the 27th
Are they going to play the new sonic and shadow game?
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behold, the master of the sugyaku
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Miosha stole Subaru's thunder
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Mio has too many kids
>too many
Not enough
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Around when is the game supposed to be out for preorder?
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Mio a cute
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Is this true?
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Just look at this happy family
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hell, I'm glad Raft still gets mentioned at this point.
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POV: you are about to be tricked
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fatto catto sexo
this is now Okayu's official swimsuit
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I like Korone
If you don't like Korone, you're definitely a homosexual, I'm sorry to inform you
You're a virgin with no experience with women. right?
No offence, it's just that I thought a belly like that was "fat" when I was about 15, before I had my first long-term girlfriend

Bellies like that are designed to carry a child (mine), it's not fat, it's energy to power two organisms
fatto catto love
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schrodinger's fatto
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SMOK hell when
Girly Girl is too cute
Need pics of Subaplush hugging ishiyowa-chan
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There has been way too much cutebaru/mesubaru propaganda lately.
Plush looks real used too, did she hug it to sleep or something
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>Plush looks real used too, did she hug it to sleep or something
hnnng that’d be so cute
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Korone (cute)
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Liar's Bar with Mr. Koro. Needless to say, a must watch.
Blessed sexy cat noises

lmao, first round and koone dies first.
Korosan flirting with Koronesukis
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Liar's bar is great with these "emotes", literally everyone adopted Korone's mannerism.
It’s always funny seeing how expressive you can be with such little things
Friend's stream has also seems pretty great in that regard, gonna watch the archive later.
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Subaru is being absolutely destroyed by Toradora...
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Fuck, Korone is so hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing
Her laughter is so funny
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Friend and Duck appear!
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eep eep eeep
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Kedama (Korone)
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The ajimaru of the week will be starting soon
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Thank god, made it in time for the greatest time of the week
Quality ajimarus today as usual
Purple disease...
Stop making me hungry for sushiro shuba
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Sushiro is Subaru's holy ground...
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AkiBota are Subaru's parents...
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>Botan is a little girl
>Botan is my older sister
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>fubumio's house
Subaru can't be trusted to keep secrets...
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She was never the same after the parking lot bombings...
Okayu confirmed girlyest girl
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Right, next you're gonna tell me Subaru and T*wa are girly girls too
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Subaru hired Flare to eat her retarded daughter...
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Subaru is jealous of her daughter...
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Ahijo rn watching Ohasuba
>washed the clothes
Scam artist Subaru...
ishiyowa-chan > hachiware
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Subaru has forgone pets for plushies...
I'm not sure that makes her crazy lady status better or worse...
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Lack of purple woman pussy makes Subaru go crazy...
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>Korone will never break into my house and rape me
Why live?
Subaru has been corrupted by Okayu...
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Subaru sees Okayu in a swimsuit and instantly cums
She's just like me...
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Purple woman supremacy
Speaking of VNs when is shubaru days coming out
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Delayed to 2035
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>headphones on the mixer
No wonder her audio always gets fucked between streams...
>Snow dome from twap
>Magical rocks from Mio
Quite the setup
Small mouse for Subaru's tiny hands...
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Cute setup shuba, no idea why she showed us that though, she still hasn't told us who that setup belongs to.
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>white with blue highlights
>Miku pad
>kaiji acrylic
It's Fubuki's
How long until she’s done with DQ4? I’m so sick of DQ streams. Please play something else already even Persona is more tolerable than DQ shit
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One week is not enough Subaru. You need more rest!
Yeah she needs the break, rest well shuba.
Makes sense, would be weird if Subaru had such a girly setup.
Needed break but it's so over...
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Suibaru my beloved
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What took so long for two men in a company full of women to hang out with each other? Man I need more SSS trio collabs
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WORK HATE is the cause of this. WORK HATE ruins everything
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New years soon brethren
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Man this year has zipped by... At least I'm finally going to Japan next year
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For as long as you live all your dreams remain a low but non-zero possibility
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I didn't know the Mio-step in the first panel was just how it was originally, Mio really is chiikawa...
Have fun and plan well, there are too many places to see and too many enticing things to purchase.
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>Fubuki loves all sorts of scenarios involving glasses
>Mio undergoes surgery that would almost completely eliminate any use for glasses
Why is she like this
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This is Korone
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Shadowsha is real
Korone = cute
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mio is jammin
Turning into a watchalong because Miko's taking too long...
As a fellow eyelet I would've gone with LASIK.
ICL seems really jank...
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I'm reminded of that one Dead Space scene with how she's describing the procedure
lol yeah it's pretty close
I have no idea what she said, but I know someone who's had surgery on his eyes and it's even worse than in dead space
Well, it doesn't involve big ass needles, but it does involve cutting off part of your eye and then reattaching it after another procedure
Fucking YUCK
That's also what she did, they held open her eye, cut it up and inserted the lens. It didn't hurt at all but she could see directly what was happening.
>It didn't hurt at all
It will later and for quite some time.
And then you will have the worst astigmatism of your life. And photophobia
And that doesn't mean you'll see 100% better. Better, yes, but not the best. It's like a random chance that you'll see better, but nobody knows how much better

And again, they cut your eyes
You're thinking like it's 1990s.
>Towa will be on AsaMio
>no asamio this week
Purple woman!!!!
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Korone (punching you cutely)
Youtube-kun onegai
It's the solar flare. Coming back to haunt her
nvm PS2-kun is the one dying...
HDMI hate
RCA cable love
This is why I keep an old piece of shit dazzle around, modern capture cards just don't do composite signals properly.

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