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>it’s the flu
>it’s COVID
>it’s civ duties
>it’s all the work those fuckers in management make little old me do
>btw I need surgery for my long COVID that herniated my disks from all the sneezing
Hoomans fall for anything
>>it’s all the work those fuckers in management make little old me do
I would somewhat sympathize with this one if Mumei didn't already admit on stream she always waits until the very last day something is due to do anything.
Wait, Mumei is on the
>le autoimmune disease or something guise pls donate!
grift too? Did people learn nothing from Physics Girl?
QRD on Physics Girl?
I mean, I get that Cover likes putting the girls on a spinning wheel of busy work that translates to fuck-all content, but it doesn’t stop any of the other girls who want to stream and put out voice packs and covers.
Yes, several of them even.
>voice packs
When was the last voice pack Mumei ever did?
you couldnt even read the op
Lol the slide
which vtuber has autoimmune?
All of them have it when they don’t want to stream.
can you give a specific example
because it sounds like you're talking out your ass
NTA but Ironmouse is infamous for something like that.
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At least Mumei bothers to come up with excuses
>Sorry, I don’t have time to ever finish the doodles my fans paid me thousands of dollars for but I can stay up all night playing Roblox with Gigi!
ironmouse has opposite of autoimmune you goddamn moron
I wouldn't want to stream either if my fanbase were a bunch of insufferable bandkids who think I'm some "le unhinged" psycho because I drew a shitpost in a Passpartout stream 3 years ago
I mean yeah, she actually streams so it’s definitely not an impediment.
what do you think "autoimmune" means
The shork made excuses at first as well. It passes with time.
Ame had a gluten allergy that started causing the dreaded tummyhorts cancellations. She'd "accidentally" eat bread and get a tummyhorts.
That’s the brand that she’s facilitated. She put the nightmare face on her emo outfit and merch. If she didn’t want that as her image then she should have kept doing the moe owl schtick.
I like Mumei but there’s zero point in getting invested in her because she’s always in a state of semi hiatus.
Yeah the whole 6+ hours of Roblox each night must make hoomans question why she cares so little about them
does she have a gluten allergy, or does she have celiac? because one is an autoimmune condition and the other isn't.
>My road hurts
Newest addition.
>or something
It could be cancer according to them, what they say doesn't matter because it's plain old laziness and griftery.

"long covid" can be both an autoimmune and immunodeficient condition depending on who you ask.

>She'd "accidentally" eat bread and get a tummyhorts.
By coincidence, always right before streaming.

Are you a doctor or something? these girls have zero incentive to get proper care even if it was available. That's why these "mysterious" diseases are almost always a rich white woman thing. Everyone else just deals with it. What I'm trying to say is it may be real, but using it to scam your fans and get a paycheck for doing nothing???
oh, i see, you're just a schizo.
QRD? I thought the reason she stopped streaming was because cuv duties+literally dying, you can't be using that excuse if this is true
So not only are you an immunologist, you’re also a psychiatrist?
It was always an exaggeration at best, a dirty lie at worst.
>trying to deflect VTubers using alleged sicknesses as an excuse to not show up to work by diverting attention to categorization
Yagoo isn’t sending his best.
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This is where I was like a year and a half ago. I really, REALLY wanted to keep loving the owl. I enjoyed her streams. But it was clear that she just didn't give enough of a shit about actually streaming. Advent saved my ass so hard.
Genuinely no idea how chumbuds have kept up this long.
did she graduate from college yet?
Lol. Lmao even.
Did you miss the "is a full time university student simultaneously" part?
No and she still tries to avoid taking her adhd meds.
An imaginary sinkhole is now preventing her from playing the game. Let this sink in for a second. And the bunch of fags who will believe this.
Fucked if I know. Like I said, I stopped watching like a year and a half ago. The only things I've seen of her lately are when she interacts with my proper kamioshi, and those are RARE. Hell, she and Gura were the ONLY ENs to not even send in a voice thing for their summer VN project. I just don't care about her anymore. I don't hate her, and I like to hear her when she collabs with my oshi. But I don't give a shit about her 99% of the time, and that's entirely her fault.
Maybe playing video games all night with co-workers isn’t something someone with her crippling obligations should indulge in then
Meanwhile she was eating bread in Japan with no issues. Inb4 miracle cure bread. It still made with fucking wheat.
uhhhhh mods? why is this blatant anti thread still up?
Is every holofag this thin skinned? I see you faggots all over board shitting on everyone else but when someone gives you shit YOU WANT TO CRY TO THE MODS. CTFU
How often did she stream during the summer when she didn’t have school?
Was it not obvious that she was just larping?
playing game offline requires less work than streaming that game you know? when she stream she have to set up schedule, waiting room, thumbnail, if she collab than she have to dm collab partner to discuss the content, have to be on time to stream (even if you don't feel like it) when streaming she have to interact with chat, thank and read sc, after stream she gonna have to check the vod
(me) also she can just play and do her other work at the same time (play some than stop and working some) she has autism and adhd so this seem very likely
She needs to decide whether she wants to graduate from university or hololive because she obviously can’t handle doing both
Hoomans have been in a state of "this month will be the return of 'luv streamin' Moom for SURE!" for like two years.
That she's just larping and not attending the event lmao fuck out of here man. You would be the type of fucking person who's girlfriend would call in the middle of cheating sex with another man to excite her some more and you won't even know chad is behind her taking the pussy.
It's such a fucking shame Myth taught Promise to be as lazy as them.
Alright, but it’s her job and her studies she’s not doing for the sake of her private entertainment for whole nights one after the other isn’t it?
Larping as in there’s not an actual sinkhole stopping her you illiterate fuck. It’s obvious she’s not attending but she’s just playing it up to the setting of the race. Don’t be purposely dumb, your mother is disappointed enough as it is
M O D S ?
when did she do that?
you mean when she had to travel out of state for surgery?
Inb4 it's not them doing it, they are being framed.
I’d believe it if it wasn’t one excuse after the other. Either way, how do you know it wasn’t an opsec lie?
>Let this sink in for a second
what the FUCK does it want now???
>does actually decide to stream, often with only a few hours notice
>is very late. so late people have already given up and left
>it's a zatsu or karaoke
>she's mad about something
>if it's a karaoke she has technical difficulties again that last over half an hour and she sings a few songs and quits
and her fans excuse this behavior and act like it's great.
t. schizo who fled from /hlgg/ after this angle didn’t work there
For the entire three months?
>opposite of autoimmune
shes manuallyimmune?
Anon, schizos don’t follow simple logic.
>making an excuse to not participate in the game
>this cuck askchually she meant
Shut the fuck up cuck. Why can't you just admit that was a shit fucking excuse.
not in the way you're joking, but yes, actually.
Council started off kinda botched in many ways, it seemed not much was going right really in reception and also the Susan-ing made it really hard to tell how things were being received too because of the constant chopping away at subs. The automatic instinct was to compare them to Myth and they seemed way way less supercharged in talent at the time.

Myth was considered like a fucking powerhouse back when all its members were still streaming, it was relatively well-balanced and varied, even holoJPs constantly said they felt humbled by the talent and skills Myth collectively offered. Council in contrast was mostly just a bunch of randos people already kinda knew about, except for Sana who brought a bit of that special sauce at first but then crapped out like 2 months after debuting and never took the job seriously ever since. Then Omega was just.. there for some reason, and somehow managed to never stop sounding like a know-it-all condescending shit who hated us regular fans making EN management outright feel hostile.

All things considered, Council, the pandemic recovery removing the magic carpet buff Myth was given, and then the gap year of starsEN which "totally didn't distract management you guys, honest" and Sana quitting.. Council or rather Promise today is doing OK. Better than it could have been.. but it's not 100% intact either, moomers and fauners and kroners all have had long periods of sputtering barely streaming and just being kind of emo.
Your cuckoldry fantasies are getting in the way of your English, ESL-kun.
Didn't Mumei stream Halo with Cecilia 4 days ago?
I will always love moom and will never forget the 2021-2022 golden period that made me fall in love with her but it really has been feeling rough to be a hooman for a while now and at this point I'm hoping that EN5 will bring a girl that i like more than her so i can finally just move on and escape this loop of feeling bleak
Council is doing what gura ina and ame did to them leave the heavy lifting for years to council now that advent and justice are in council is now lazying out letting the other two gen do the heavy lifting. Western chuubas were a mistake they just don't have the strong work ethic jp chuuba have.
Quick question, are you mad that she didn’t give a proper excuse or are you upset cause you believed she was serious about a sink hole in her way?
I just want autistic lonely women to play silly games and yap all day. Non of that silly idol stuff and merch shilling. Why is it so hard to find one and settle down.
you're watching the wrong company then
What cuck fantasy? If all you took from me saying that using a sinkhole as an excuse to pull out the event is a stupid and you're perceiving this as some cuck fetish then this is a (You) problem nobody mentioned cocks or sex for you to be thinking about cuckoldry at 8am in the morning faggot.
She could've come up with a better excuse than a sinkhole cuckman how is that hard for your autistic megamind to comprehend. Do I need draw flash cards and run them one by one too?
While I wasn’t a fan straight from debut, I saw clips of her early days, became a fan and began watching all her vods from the beginning. But I realized that she’s changed a lot when I started watching her live and waiting for streams. It just wasn’t the same anymore. In my opinion, while she did get more confident in certain parts, her habits didn’t change for the better.
Is the sinkhole she was referencing her pussy?
She can sinkhole my “cuck” any day
Please flash me your cards
she rarely streams because shes busy having hot lesbian sex with her future wife dokibird ;)
Anon, look at the tweet she’s replying to. It says they’re driving to the event. Mumei is joking that her car can’t make it. I realize stuff like that”reading” and “understanding context” might be challenging for you, but I hope that cleared it up.
Looks like it’s challenging for you too
I don’t see any issues there. Worst you could say about my post was that I accidentally left a word in while rewriting a sentence.
Japanese culture is just really fucking different from the West in some ways, one of them being kind of a structured unified harmony in which everyone just kinda knows what they're supposed to do and what's expected of them and just goes and marches along because it's for the sake of society. In the West people are encouraged to be individualistic and not be afraid to pull out of a system if they feel like it, but once the Japanese incorporate some kind of system into their lives they integrate and assimilate it into their very being like the Borg in star trek. You're just expected do perform as society expects vtubers to perform - be on all the time. Even so, many holoJPs actually hardly stream or have had very long gaps, but overall the ratio of performers to flakes is much higher there. I'd also chalk it up to probably having much faster and more direct/clear response from management vs EN having to interface through middlemen to get stuff done, which clearly can drop the ball even on something as important as Ina's visa.
She's joining Dooby and Senzawa after getting her degree
Never mind, I replied to the wrong post. >>88082642
That as well. She’s gotten noticeably more irritable and short tempered with her chat. And I don’t mean in the “towl” way.
Yes, and what’s she done before and after the fact? Her solo streams have had to be wrenched out of her by management and even then, they’re predictable, lazy and scuffed.
I wish she’d go back to how she sounded in her first year, her current screeching gets on my nerves and was not the nice and soothing voice I originally signed up for.
I honestly thought the pfp commission stream was going to be her locking in again because it was promoted as “fun things for the channel”. Then she never even finished them and went right back to not streaming. I gave up after that.
the irony
Back then she was playing the role of a kind and demure protector of civilization. Then retards read way too much into drawing shitposts and she took the path of least resistance, realized she was breeding retards and took another path of least resistance by sounding over-saccharine and fake for a while, and now she’s just an irritable bitch making an owl-ish voice for people she knows won’t care about how bad it sounds.
>literally stole thousands of dollars from her audience
There’s no way out of the grift if you accept that kind of thing.
I was always surprised that she’s didn’t received more backlash for the pfp thing cause she basically just outright scammed her fans of something she never delivered, it’s been months
Actually her behavior reminds me of a depressed friend I had several years ago. No one knew he was depressed until he offed himself and everyone was like "now that I think about it "
ADHD birb
>he believes this hag is in college
I'd be pissed. I'm shocked she hasn't received a SC asking about it bye now.
Her RM posted about going to college
All those were just excuses for dates with her husband (me)
Her delusional fans are part of the reason why she continues this behavior, they would accept her excuses her for anything rather than making her take responsibility
is your name Mr T. Hort?
>she still tries to avoid taking her adhd meds.

Fixing herself would make her boring, white and privileged.
It's the tummy hort
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As someone who was in the same position, Become Pebble.
Me as well. The Moom I used to love just isn't there anymore. It hurts, but I've accepted it. She went Gura. It was something /who/ feared for a while.
Biboo is at the other end of the spectrum
She's cute but she's too clingy, I don't want someone that cares and streams that much
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>Biboo literally streaming right now with nearly zero warning at a time she never streams because she couldn't sleep and wanted to practice
I know both /who/ and /8/ will absolutely fucking hate this, but I love kromei a lot, at least in the early days. Their banter and witty conversation, especially in SNOT or that fateful minecraft nether clip, will always live in my mind. Nowadays, I could never expect for them to relive that moment again. An era lost in time, a changed kronii and mumei
I mean, she’s good as a rehab chuuba for burnt out goslings, you have to walk back from the outpouring of content at one point and accept this as a funny spectator hobby or else.
biboo is too lewd to have as an oshi
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Nonsense, Discord told me she was the least sexy Holo. Would Dicksword be a bunch of objectively incorrect megafaggots? No way!
>after stream she gonna have to check the vod
How do the holos that regularly stream for 8+ handle this part? Sounds hard to believe anyone would actually do this unless a yab happened on stream.
I remember your faggoty SEA ass making this bait thread
All kromei shippers in the world are me, sure
her streaming persona also changed a lot when she started popping addies/vyvanse
It's a shame she easily could've been one of the faces of the company and threw it away for what? What do you even need a degree for if you can make retirement money
The degree isn’t the only issue, or even the greatest. If you followed her PL you’d know she’s just a mess.
Any vtubers out there with early Mumei vibes? I’m moving on from her at this point.
None, we are stuck with a stockholm syndrome
An off-kilter white girl who genuinely loves her job and gets along great with her genmates?
>tadaa :D
>oh hihihi
>noo :c
>responds in 0.1 second with cute nonintrusive noises on every collab stream
We'll never get this mumei again
>white girl
Try phaseconnect
I'm 30 and in college
The best part about only caring about EN from Advent onwards is that I can completely ignore the fact that people like her don't stream.
Instead, you can focus on how FWMC cancel EN streams
Full time is just 3 classes a semester
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>Mumei never streams at a good time for me because I'm an EastCoastlet
>subject of streams are usually never something I'm engaged in
>but she's so goddamn cute and silly that I can't quit the Moom
I watch other Hologirls too and stuff so it's not that bad, but I feel bad whenever Mumei's streaming and I'm either too busy or sleeping to watch. Halo Reach with Autismotron was at least very fun, Ceci's got a great streaming time for me.
>when she stream she have to set up schedule
She hasn't done schedules in months
>waiting room
For most of her karaokes, she gives little to no notice before hand
She literally canceled a stream because of this
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I don't remember hearing about the disk issue but she's in a lot of stuff, is confirmed from her RM to be in school, and was actually coughing up on stream when she tried to power through. She does her best to stream and even when she can't stream, she updates her fans unlike a certain shark based vtuber
Hey, not saying she’s all bad or whatever, but there’s better things to do with your time and money than wasting them on someone with better things to do than give you something back for it.
Finished college at 37
Nta but I'm shifting towards cc now, she seems so endearing and genuine. I love her little antics
CC is a really good Moom replacement. They have a similar energy.
I've been learning Japanese for the past 10 years so that's not really an issue for me.
True, but mumei singing is still irreplacable to me. I hope ceci can show off her violin skills very soon
and? the reason university students take so few classes is because it's a huge workload
and the entire point is that she has to do that on top of holo work, which means she appears less than other girls who can devote their entire life to holo
>don't remember hearing about the disk issue
because he literally made it up on the spot
How long has it been now? Did she outright say she isn't finishing them or is she just hoping people forget? I'd be pissed if that was me
If you bothered to watch stream at all, they don't even "play" roblox, they just left it open. Even biboo wants to play some actual roblox fashion show game but mumei and gigi only played afk game
I don't know which is worse, more kromei shizos or this is the same shizo ruining our threads.
>I honestly thought the pfp commission stream was going to be her locking in again because it was promoted as “fun things for the channel”. Then she never even finished them and went right back to not streaming.
Mumei was sending a message that something was going on with management. Myth and Council have been nerfing themselves even after the debut of Advent and Justice. That didn't make sense but with Ame becoming an indie vtuber and the work visa "mistake" with Ina there is definitely a reason they keep vaguely hyping up 2025.
And she still finds the time to game and browse TikTok all night, night after night.
>game night after night
proof? because according to her and literally everyone she "games with night after night", it's an afk idle game
The absolute lack of content coming out of her channel, you dumb simp. What’s the proof that she’s working on anything at all? She said so?
Honestly if leaving hololive meant she'll do more streams, so be it
do you lack object permanence or did you already forget about the university and surgery things that have already been pointed out to you
your only argument against that was "lol roblox" which I just disproved
So come up with a better argument or jump on the rope already
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Moom butt
No I don't want that. There has been zero interactions between those who left and those who are staying. I don't want mumei to be away from her friends.
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You know what, fair point. There's no winning this.
except that all of promise graduated and debuted on their PL together
You too? Well too bad for me CC's normal timeslot is impossible for me to watch live.
It changes a lot of things. I sometimes wonder whether I would still be a hooman if I lived in another part of the world.
Is it uni or college? Those are two very different things.
uni and college is the same thing in america. youre thinking of community college
Dropping her in mid 2023 was the best decision I made.
I can't believe I used to watch owl cams with her general.
I miss those days.
where did you move on
Mumei's improving herself irl and so am I.
It sucks that it feels like she doesn't like streaming anymore, but I get that it happens to everyone sooner or later. I'll be a good hooman and wait for her patiently.
Y-yes, taking their money and not delivering on the promise was management's fault.
My imagination is not wild enough to come up with something management could do that caused her to cut down her streams by 70%
i wish her well
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Mumei’s fanbase really does let her get away with so much shit that any other HoloEN would be crucified for. On top of the constant excuses to not stream, she’s liable for having committed a full blown grift with how long she’s put off finishing those art commissions. Her audience is borderline toxic with how much they enable her, especially given Mumei more than anyone would probably needs people that will hold her accountable.
Even chumbuds put their foot down on the react shit. Imagine being a fanbase more permissive and cucked than chumbuds.
And look where it got them? Their oshi can't even be bothered to communicate with them, even on members posts and maybe does a solo stream once every month at best.
>Mumei is going on year two of streaming extremely inconsistently
>Kronii hates Fauna to the point that she absolutely will not interact with her
>Bae seems to constantly teeter on having a mental break down
What the hell happened to Promise?
Mumei is the only one in Council/Promise really guilty of this. IRyS and Kronii were never workhorses and their streaming output is basically the same as its always been. Bae does stream less, but her overall workload hasn’t changed. she’s just putting more of her effort towards 3D recording stuff nowadays instead of streams. And finally Fauna’s streaming ethic has fallen off a bit, but saplings are whiny babies that wildly exaggerate everything. Chumbuds, Hoomans, and Takos would kill to have their oshis stream as much as Fauna does.
Are lies better than nothing?
Mori mogging the rest of EN a per usual.
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She is mentally ill
Would she stream more if I had sex with her roommate?
Mori was unironically more entertaining to watch back when she was an impulsive lazy retard. Her reform came at the cost of throwing away all of her charm.
try working with the same people for years on end and not get annoyed
I have, and never have I found myself growing to resent people the longer I’ve worked with them. My opinion of coworkers is usually set in stone after I’ve worked with them for a couple months.
I love beebs but I hope she doesn't get burned out moving to Japan is great and all but that also means you'll be overwork. The studio isn't there for the girls to just do performing act for 3D it also happens to be the place where chhuba signs their merch and take part in other projects by helping other get their done faster meaning less streaming time. Biboo might be a machine but in the end she's human and like every other human we all have a limit of how much shit we can take before we call it a day.
I think its easier for them to be burned out by having to fly to japan 2-3 times a year than being there and skipping all that time wasted
She's not super heavy on dancing (like Bae) or singing (like Mori) so I can see her doing well in Japan
Even Fuwamoco that people complained a lot are back to streaming a lot after settling in, and Biboo won't have the problem of "pandering to JP", because she doesn't speak a lick of japanese. If anything, she'll rely on her EN audience even more
Spamming “it’s a lie” doesn’t magically turn things into lies, anon.
t. never actually watched her
True but knowing biboo if motivated she will do her jp reps she love the culture and if she's planning in staying permanently then it is in her best interest to learn at least basic entry level like mori does enough for her to take care of herself when she's enjoying a nice walk and also enough to not fall for jp scams which is why I'm grateful that fwmc are always with her and raora mori and IRyS will be around her so she won't be alone.
I don't know why you guys keep making up shit about playing Roblox all day when that doesn't happen
Mori mentioned that the voice scenario was recorded months ago, back when Mumei would have been inactive because of her voice issues and surgery. Then VN even said that Mumei would have joined in if she could
She brought up that she was still working on them offstream in her most recent SC reading, that’s why he’s saying it here instead of spamming/who/ about it during SEA hours.
>She literally canceled a stream because of this
I'm pretty sure this has never happened, unless you're talking about not putting up a POV for a stream, which has happened plenty of times and is not something only she does
It was the reason she gave for not doing a POV in a collab a couple of months ago, and since she normally just says she won’t be doing a POV for group collabs when she isn’t going to do one, I don’t see any reason why this is notable in any way. Like you’re saying, schizos like to twist things as usual.
Even if she’s working on it off stream why has it taken her 8 months to do and still not finished? From what I remember, she got a little over 400 SC for it. If she was consistent and did maybe 15 a day, the earliest she could have finished would have been in a month or two but instead it took her more than half a year and still haven’t complete it. Stop letting her treat you like shit.
NTA but Mori also commissioned art and it took her months to finish as well.
Mumei is obviously going to finish them because she stopped right before drawing the pics for some of her favorite fanartists. Kanauru also got trolled, she stopped literally before his pic.
Funny sequence of concepts there. Almost as funny as basing your assertion that she’s going to do something because she stopped doing it. Two more weeks, right?
Absolutely. I'm no Deadbeat, but of the first two gens, Mori mogs literally every other Holo.
I'm responding to the part where you were complaining about her taking months to finish the pfps when Mori, who did a similar commission, also took months. I''m actually not sure if Mori finished yet, I know she did a drawing stream recently after seeing a deadbeat go menhera about it on twitter.
>Mumei is the only one in Council/Promise really guilty of this.
First of all, I’m NTA. Second, assuming that guy’s estimate is correct, she’s not even drawing 2 commissions a day. Two simplistic glorified tracing doodles a day, which she was given thousands of dollars to do. I can’t believe you’re defending this level of irresponsibility and taking the audience for granted just because Mori did something wrong too.
>taking their money and not delivering on the promise was management's fault.
Yes, and management constantly lying to Myth and Promise would explain why so many original songs and projects have been put into hibernation. Cover was so angry with Ina they "forgot" to renew her work visa. Good management would have quietly settled their issues years ago instead of letting it escalate into a full on war.
I can't believe you're making me defend Mumei.
She did a number of the drawings on stream and stopped because she wasn't able to stream at all. You can argue about her reasons for not streaming (I don't care) but the fact remains that she did a number of them on stream with the intention of doing them all, unless you think she deliberately only did some of them and not all of them. The fact that she has personally brought up the commissions afterward and addressed finishing them means she's not forgetting them.
Mori was drawing way more elaborate commissions than Mumei was, and regularly scheduled streams where she worked on them all the way up until she finished. The last time Mumei did a drawing commissions stream was like 6 months ago. And beyond that, we’re talking about fucking Mori and Mumei. I would trust Mori with my life to finish something she said she will finish, while I wouldn’t trust Mumei any further than I can see her. I say that as somebody who isn’t a Deadbeat either.
Didn't know Doki is Muslim because she's already married to Mint.
>unless you think she deliberately only did some of them and not all of them.
NTA but nobody is saying Mumei intended to grift, but she is grifting as a result of her fucking laziness.
That's all fair, but my point was that Mori, even while being a far more consistent streamer and scheduler, also took months to finish. And yes she had more elaborate commissions but she also had less to do.
Mumei actually very rarely makes promises because she knows she's flaky, so if she said she's going to finish the drawings, she probably will.
>Still the most subbed and with better numbers of her gen
Keep seething
I saw several in this thread, if it was just people calling her out for being lazy I would have agreed.
She may have the most subs but her infrequent streaming has definitely declined her numbers whether you want to admit it or not. The only thing she has left for her is her karaokes.
And mint is married to my lbc
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Some people are just built different. Some people can go trucking for years and not get mentally burned out. I just had youtube suggest me a 9 hour long Hinano VoD. Nine fucking hours, and it's not like you can go and have a lunch break in this line work.
This isn't purely about streaming either: I was thinking about Doki (whom I watch) and Mori (whom I don't) and they don't stream that much but they have lots of shit to do behind the scenes. From personal experience, managing projects, moving people around and making shit happen is times and times more exhausting than just doing assignments passed from above.
I guess for any talent it's very important to find a balance and kinda be honest with themselves and the fans.
Wheelchair hurt
the fauna-kronii-mumei dynamic in the bunkeronii era was kino, still some of my favorite yapping to have on in the background.
oh nyo
You must love your girlfailure owl especially at her weakest
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KroFauMei is such a frustrating trio in general because they were born to be entertainers, but none of them have the accompanying drive to maximize their potential. Fauna is the closest just because she has some outward motivation of feeling guilt when she lets people down.
You’re replying to a the schizo who used to spam /who/ about this, you’re not going to convince him.
>the schizo lies as easily as he breathes
If you always love somebody at their weakest, they aren’t motivated to become stronger. Unconditional love is toxic.
Half of these threads and posts can be avoided if she just streamed once a week, or even every two weeks at the very least. collabs don’t count
I found it interesting to see the number differences between her and CC's PoVs on their Halo Reach collabs. CC was fucking MOGGING her, and Moom is supposed to be the numbergod of Promise.
These threads are already rare with Mumei streaming as inconsistently as she does currently, so I don’t see any motivation for her to try and change. She has never been my kamioshi, so I’m not motivated enough to express any frustration with her behavior, but let me just say that if she was my kamioshi, I’d be making WAY more of a ruckus about it than Hoomans do. Hoomans act like they don’t even care.
I was tracking that and it was strange because immediately after the streams ended, the VOD views for the 2 POVs were basically the same (you can check right now). I wonder if it has to do with different fanbases verifying differently
They act the same way as chumbuds and teamates, and for the same reason- they're fucking used to it. They've had the time to sit in their boiling pot, and now they don't even notice they've died.
I mean the reason why there's not more threads about it is because there aren't that many hoomans here, or at least people who have Mumei as their kamioshi. Most people who like Mumei have Mumei as a side oshi so they don't really care. Same when people like Kronii, Ina, ERB, etc don't stream.
Anyone who would care already has someone else as an oshi.
It's why you do get more threads like these when people like Fauna or FWMC don't stream, because they have more dedicated fans with higher expectations and more menheras who melt down at the slightest thing
Seems like CC is the new default EN to tune in to, at least for people who don't just beeline into their kamioshi's stream.
Lies. You never kick someone when they're down. Because you never really know how bad they feel. You don't want to be the nudge that pushes them over the edge. You got to live with that, and if it doesn't bother you then you never actually cared. This applies to everyone you say you care about. If your answer isn't love, then you're part of the problem
Makes sense. CC is creative, tech-savvy, entertaining, and doesn't do anything particularly niche to spook off generalist Holo fans.
If I were ever in the same sort of situation as chumbuds or teamates, I’d have already oshihened or stopped watching vtubers entirely. I have enough respect for myself to be able to cut myself off from things that become emotionally draining instead of emotionally pleasant.
Anon, thats was months ago and I remember her saying she had like 100 or so left. She hasnt said anything after that. Closest excuse we got was her losing her pen.
As a former Hooman, I did just that. I was also a Deadbeat before that and swapped over during the Rent-A-Girlfriend tweet yab. Holo fans really need to have some self-respect and not stick to a girl who shows them disdain. Thankfully, Mori has really improved.
Tough love is a thing. If you watch somebody make poor decisions and are too afraid to say anything about it, you don’t really love them.
Hoomans also tend to just to stick to their own thread and in the instances that one of them do complain about her behavior for valid reasons, they just chalk it up to it being shitposting and would immediately get defensive. I used to be a fan but there’s only so much excuses you can take
t. tries to pass off shitposting as “genuine criticism”
Small world. I’m also a former deadbeat that disconnected myself after the lean arc, and although I recognize Mori has since improved herself and am proud of her for that, it also helped me realize that there are better fish in the sea
So what do you think she should do to become a better streamer that’s different from what all the previous posts has been bringing up?
Maybe the difference in her numbers is because mumei rarely starts her streams in eu hours and CC is more of a eu streamer?
/who/ is dying the same death as /inf/ where people that are sincerely frustrated just quietly leave because venting isn’t allowed, and ultimately realize that it takes too much effort to continue being emotionally invested.
We're just shitposting here anon, you're not supposed to use actual logic
When someone you care about flounders you forgive them, pick them up, and help them keep going. It isn't transactional.
Is this a deflection thread? What niji do this time?
Yeah, with me
Looking at /vt/, that honestly feels like the fate of most generals. The other options are that the thread becomes a warzone between fans and antis like /baubau/, or the streamer manages to create an environment where no one needs to vent - rare, but it's nice when they manage it.
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>or the streamer manages to create an environment where no one needs to vent
[smugs in /gem/]
I was thinking of /gem/ actually but I didn't want to bring it up in a catalog thread. Helps that pebbles are mostly pretty sane too.
Ironic, given Biboo's lore. Or maybe we've just come full circle.
Completely objectively, Mumei has squandered her potential to be the 2nd most popular holo in EN. Completely objectively, Mumei has been in college for god knows how long and still isn’t any closer to obtaining a degree out of it. Hoomans keep telling her “this is fine, don’t worry, you’re trying your best” when she isn’t. As somebody with ADHD and similar struggles in my early 20s, you don’t help somebody by enabling that kind of behavior. Somebody needs to get on her ass.
Holos who don't stream are less useful than a sack of shit. At least the shit can be used to help grow food.
That's not entirely fair. They still have some use. For example, I still spill a load to Sana's fat chocolate titties at least once a month.
You can't have sex with your pornography. Meanwhile I can fuck a cabbage. Checkmate.
Compelling argument. I kneel.
I'd have a lot of respect if they just came out and said
>fuck off incels I'm going on vacation to do what I want for an indefinite period
rather than what amounts to phoning in sick to work
Warzones like /baubau/ and /uuu/ are honestly better than toxic positivity echo chambers.
If you try to help but she can't help herself, does it matter?
I'm sure you believed eveyr single one of those excuses
Whoever is still waiting on her should just jump ship while you can, there already two new gens who care way more than mumei ever did about this job and she obviously has shown time and time again that she’s not going to get any better
What does schizo even mean in this context?
Someone who says things I don't want to admit are true about my oshi
Temple OS guy waifud her
She hates the toxic side of her fan base. It's gotten too big, simple as answer honestly.
Hoomans aren't even that fucking bad in the grand scheme. It's not like the cumbutts or the teacucks.
>shitting blood
>no issues
This genuinely hurts me
Yeah, I just watched the snot devour collab agaij, and I was really surprised to see how different mumei was back then. Even on her latest promise collab, she seems quite irritable and sassy now. I don't mind a cute sassy girl, but she seems to put her genmate at gunpoint everytime
It's because people keep making all this fanart of sexy mumei and she doesn't like it so she doesn't stream anymore.

But realistically she peaked in december 2022, that was PEAK mumei comfy content. I remember doing work for UPS during the cold cold autumn season. Come home saturday night after a hard day making 45 bucks an hour overtime dropping off karen's 80 pound box of crap. Crack open a beer because sunday was a day off and went to town watching her pokemon streams where she'd be awake all night until just around 7 AM when both of us were really tired and would just nod off, me drunk and her on sudafed.

Yep. That was PEAK mumei. Thanks for the memories, brown owl girl.
Dress 2 impress.
Her recent collabs with CC were quite good.
Gura has been in holo for 4 years and mumei for 3 years. I know it probably doesn't feel so long but she's unironically 'a veteran' and there are new generations with EN5 debuting in May 2025 to fill all your retard needs.
it's the moom
It means OP, who keeps spamming because no one wants to bump his thread. Probably also a Nijifag trying to deflect from the recent graduation, they always liked baiting with Mumei.
Just because you say lies are truth doesn’t make it so.
hoomans and nijifans became allies after the whole dookie shit happened though
t. nijihooman
I take it you’re the one who argues with himself then complains when everyone catches on. I don’t believe for a second that you were ever an actual fan, I’ve seen some form of this rant about Mumei since debut.
I'm so confused. I thought hoomans were pro selen.
An oxymoron unless you deluded yourself into thinking she actually was Petra and is secretly working for both companies.
lmao, see what happens when you bring up that name in their split
Most just stay out of it. No reason to bring it up.
thank you for your service
I'm a hooman and I like Selen. I just post about her in Selen's split because Mumei never talks about current Selen, she deliberately keeps that separate from Mumei.
She's too busy wifemaxxing it with Fauna in bed together
Her "wife" fauna is currently streaming
It gets deleted?

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