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Previous: >>88097051
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Hololive sites

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Grim... Or should I say... Grem....
You're retarded because the issue is the conditions of the chickens of the eggs that she's getting it from. She already said if she raised her own chickens she'd be fine eating the eggs.
Odds on ggcc having sex today?
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That's three month's salary for me
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
Then like damn bitch go to a farmer's market!! It's not hard!! They got those shits out the ass over here in New England, surely they have similar options out in the West Coast?
wait am I misremembering or the yearly music budget is only for orisong? They can use it for covers instead? It's the old clip no?
Aren't all major supermarkets advertising that their chickens are on regular farms these days?
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She wants to 100% sure that the chickens are raised ethically iirc
Watch stream on 3rd party site
>plays fine
Watch stream on youtube
>stuttering and stopping, hanging

what happen
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>Kiara wants to fuck GG
>Fauna wants to fuck GG
>Mumei is fucking GG when CC ain’t wake
Does Cece even have a chance anymore?
Has she ever met a chicken
i got this clip and tried to get the gist of it, i dont speak indo and yt autosub decided that moona was talking in english
No way, wasn't she their thread darling or something she even has her own Split
Veganism is about being able to go on a moral crusade against every random average person who has done nothing wrong, being reasonable would defeat the point
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Fucking find a Vietnamese neighbor then, like half of them have chickens in the backyard, fuck!!
And you believe them? Lmao. It's impossible to produce the fuck tons of eggs these companies pump out per year without subjecting the chickens to torturous conditions
Hey show me where Fauna has ever gone on a crusade
The average person deserves it but for different reasons
did you see those videos about the process of making chicken nuggies?
Yes I believe them
She is dumb because if it’s a ranch they just let them free Roam eat bugs and give them a place to sleep. What more do you want?
>they can’t be in a cage!
Then enjoy every animal going at your chickens trying to eat it and stressed chickens
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me on the left btw.
For about 10 seconds then I realized it was propaganda that was trying to get me to feel a specific way.
I've seen lots of videos about factories and food. It's all normal.
ah this is a recent one, I remember she talked about this years ago (probably after the release of high tide?) and iirc the budget was only for ori, but maybe they changed because of shorts?
Shit tons of people have them in their Backyard too here tho, idk where she is but she probably just got city person brain. You don’t need much to raise chickens just give them water and land.
i mean, it's disgusting but i'm still eating nuggies
Would you rather
>marry Fauna (but all chickens are allowed free range lives, decimating the production of all chicken based products)
>marry Mumei (but all big corporate chickens across the world are put in the same conditions as the Chinese Giga-Pig Vertical Farm)
The funny thing of course is that chickens are domesticated, they are basically evolved to exist with and be dependent on humans.
We are all in a big factory chain anon, just eat your nuggies and enjoy the ride.
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I can't believe she doesn't support factory farming
I need to go pee but I don't want to miss the intro skit
Force feeding Fauna non-vegan food would be so hot
That's unironically inefficient as fuck dude
Put me in charge of a factory farm and I could make like way better ROI
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At least it's better than overlapping the event
homie do be playing factorio irl
very real
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>CC late too
wonder of they received some bad news on discord
This is AI
God this just screams Chinese. They have a weird notion that cruelty means efficiency.
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So? You think that’s more painful than my grandma grabbing a Machete and cutting their heads off or grabbing the chicken by the head and swinging it in circles until it pops off? Nah, I done that and rather they get insta death in 1 sec. Getting eaten alive by a dog or coyote ain’t better
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Can't she literally just go visit a farm?
But remember anon, YOU are the bad guy for not eating meat and offending the poor feelings of fat disgusting fucks that can't stop shoving burgers in their mouth
Not bad news, she only does that when she's silly
Oh noes the poor moomoos D: !!! Anyway the chinese children working in sweatshops to make all the electronics I use everyday are just an inevitable unfortunate fact, I am NOT giving up social media and video games
very real
>my grandma grabbing a Machete and cutting their heads off
Presumably if she's good at it that should be painless
You want cheap food then that’s how it has to be. You could always buy the meat that’s x2 more expensive with the approval stamps tho
Where in the world did you come up with the idea that Fauna isn't a lazy antisocial homebody? She doesn't like going out. It's easier to just order vegan products than do what you're suggesting.
uh oh
Hey they don't use China anymore, the factories are going to SEA now since Chinese labor became too expensive
I live in a country where milk and meat cows are allowed to roam "free" (huge enclosed areas) during spring and summer, it is as humane as possible and I will continue to eat meat and drink milk and eat cheese and fry things in copious amounts of butter
I will never get why people get so mad about something that has no effect on them.
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>Anyone who eats meat is a fat fuck gorging on burgers
Generalizations like this is why no one likes vegans.
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CC Assetto Corsa Competizione stream

You don’t always get it in one try no matter how good you are. Once you do it enough times you get sloppy and stop caring aswell if it takes 2
Calm down, Fauna. Have a vegan Big Mac.
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But she always does that...
It's because it has no effect on people that allows them to treat it as theatrical debate stuff instead of locking in and fucking going to the trenches over it
>noooo you can't make fun of dumb people
Fauna has literally never not once moralized or preached about veganism but some people feel personally attacked if someone makes different choices than them, even quietly.
I love animals but I also love meat, I'm a hypocrite
So the easy way to deal with it is to just ignore / not see it
>no one is shitting on fauna
>people start seething as if people were
you were being made fun of posting fake videos, it has nothing to do with fauna
It’s actually harder to cut the neck with a knife than to swinging it full force in a circle by its head for about a sec. Idk why but the chickens neck/head just pops off so easily that way
Shut the fuck up or I'll stuff this burger in your mouth and make you, nerd
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I'm watching CC
I have eaten a cow that I named as a child, you can love animals and still eat them
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We were talking about chicken eggs my guy
>CCGG unironically do discord kitten RP before stream
I fucking love meat and eat it all the time. I just don't understand getting mad over someone not eating it, just means more meat for me instead while they try to save the world.
I don't care about the particulars, it's a boring topic and a dead horse that people keep getting baited into talking about by faunaschizo
>some people feel personally attacked if someone makes different choices than them
Vegans always start by acting like their side is logically superior and they have the moral high ground and when they inevitably get proven wrong they always shift to this exact same tired cope lmao
the bad news
CC hates it (can't get enough of it but will never tell her that openly)
Fauna is a retard for not eating meat, there I said it
Fauna was only circumstantially mentioned you're the only one that keeps making it about her
Why do you lie to me...
But those vegans actually affect you. The shit people are getting mad about are people making a choice for themself and nothing else.
Oh I don't particularly care either way, my college roommate was vegan and he was a cool guy and never bothered me about it.
I don't even give a shit about the meat aspect I'm fine if she doesn't eat meat
It's the eggs specifically that I consider weird
God said fish are vegan right
Do Fauna's farts smell better or worse because she's a vegan?
are they streaming rn because they want to practice?
I don't see how eating meat and liking animals is hypocritical, humans are omnivores after all and need some meat for proper nutrition (or ingest a massive amount of nuts and supplements).
I want you to feel happiness for at least a split second.
If you catch it straight out of a river would she eat it? It’s not farmed!
What is this kusoge Shiori is playing...
Nah, they believe that making the animal suffer makes it taste better when it's the opposite (at least for beef anyways).
They better turn her down
Have you even smelled a Broccoli fart?
>erb is here
I hate this
>something that has no effect on them
But that's the thing, eating healthy absolutely has an effect on your health and longevity! Most people eat unhealthy, vegans have a hard time coming up with certain nutrients but on the other hand basically everyone else eats more meat than they should (I think modern recommendations are something like 350 grams of meat per week), so both can find something wrong with the other side and feel content that they are making the right choice unlike those other dumdums.
so, who's competent?
What the hell mic is Liz using, is she using a literal xbox mic from her bathroom??
Does she not have at least a Shure or something?
vegans and carnivores farts are stinky af
CC needs to wear crocs to use the pedals
aaaaand stream goes off
Is anyone else having problems watching GG?
Americans being unhealthy has nothing to do with meat, anyone who says meat is unhealthy in any circumstance is a liar and fraud
west coast, no problems here
Tell that to the Japanese, and they have the longest life expectancy
ah, phasejanny camping here today.
several people in global are talking about all yt streams eating shit for some reason
CC's stream keeps buffering on youtube site.. when I go to holodex and watch embed it works fine. What the hell is this Neal??
No but for real have you guys ever seen the Chinese SuperFactory for pigs, if I were eating that Chinese pork I'd be Fauna, too
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>enter comfy /#/ thread
>people arguing about veganism
How about instead we talk about something more interesting like how cute and sexy Biboo is?
The streams look fine on phone for some reason.
Works fine on my machine right now, west coast usa
If I was chinese I would starve to death, they sell bottled toilet water and restaurants use oil from the gutter
Gura mogs her in sexiness and it’s not even close. Shion and La+ are an entire level in sex completely
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Wake me up when the event starts and Fauna is streaming.
Presumably you just get used to it and accept that you're going to bioaccumulate toxins until you die at the ripe old age of 58
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This is a fairly odd graph.
I got you buddy, I'll ping you on the secret unicorn cabal discord
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Here it goes
>58,589: Okayu (Hololive)
>40,907: Kanata (Hololive)
>39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji)
>33,613: Pekora (Hololive)
>29,353: Hololivep (Hololive)
>28,999: Kizuku (Nijisanji)
>26,817: Koyori (Hololive)
>24,696: Lize (Nijisanji)
>23,373: Miko (Hololive)
>16,781: Korone (Hololive)
>16,612: Calliope (Hololive)
>14,592: Watame (Hololive)
>13,123: Meruto (Nijisanji)
>13,077: Fauna (Hololive)
>11,635: Sana (Indie)
>11,033: IRyS (Hololive)
>10,514: Nose (VSPO)
>10,391: Kanade (Hololive)

Gold for Okayu with Mario Party with Kanata getting silver with HoloKoshien and Kagetsu, bronze
Well Chinese are dumb, they have so much land but their 1 billion people all want to live in the same 20% of land in their country. They need some manifest destiny themselves
literally who
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fuck this stream, can't risk having to hear ERB's fat person voice
Shes at the best part of the canto right now
Thanks, Jim.
Been having problems with flare, cece, in different browsers, holodex works fine, Youtube 100% soft rolled out an update and its fucking with people
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But I don't care about how sexy they are? I only care about how sexy Biboo is, so your comparisons mean nothing to me
Close the chat or install HyperChat
how do you guys tell if a person is fat off their voice
Sana is back?
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my favourite vtuber and my wife
?? you never heard a fat person speak?
If it sounds good
wtf is canto?
>>39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji)
Who the fuck
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>but their <percentage of population> all want to live in the same <percentage> of land in their country.
That's pretty much standard for big countries specially when lots of the land is inhabitable. I assume the same holds for the US, Canada and Russia
it's one thing if they're like a landwhale sure
but just overweight? how would you know
Depends on whether I like them or not
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I’m taking about Biboo tho? You said you want some discussion over it and I obliged
Sana is doing the uohh face kek
Is Cecilia the most clever person in all of Hololive?
More specifically chapter 7 of Limbus Company. I wish hololive had mili perms because there isn't anything more kino than this
>They need some manifest destiny themselves
>manifest destiny was just one group of coastals moving to a different coast
Theres no winning...
No that's Roboco
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You really don’t know unless they are so fat they have trouble breathing.
Imagine them not smoothing out these issues before the actual big game
I didn't notice problems with streams, but for some whatever fucking reason I can't autoplay music on YouTube for like weeks now. When it gets to second song, like 5-10 seconds in the volume jumps up, and it's like equalizer kicks in, and then I get a playback error. Bizarre. Doesn't happen with non-music videos. I usually use YouTube Music anyway, but it's annoying whenever I just check a link from someone and want to simply have things playing after that.
No that's Pero
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I love fat cat.
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Has anyone tried the Romance of the Three Kingdoms remake?
speaking of land, this is my land
Like, the book?
Sub 6k....
GG crashed into Ina
It's more noticeable in women. The voice becomes deeper and you can hear that speaking takes a bit more effort
CC sometimes her laughs get so high pitched that sounds like Ayame's kek
I think the 5 biggest cities hold a full 50% of the Australian population.
I love this Owl
It’s Management mandate event, they don’t have to care
Youtube is giga fucked for a lot of people.
Shiori's my favourite ID member.
Overlap hell
Is Ina actually playing or are they racing her ghost time?
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IMsharts I don't feel so good...
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Kronii cured my trap addiction
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AI love
Women are perfectly safe drivers and the stereotype is totally not real
it's real lmao
>farmers market means the chickens are treated well
Are you retarded?
Just watch it embedded. It defeats Youtube's sabotage.
You're retarded if you think chickens being treated poorly is a thing that actually happens
I'm guessing it's from Twitch hating vtuber skin?
>wheel is not straight
>that's okay, it's 2024
Antivegan weirdos are way more obsessive and annoying than any vegan I’ve ever met. You’ll just be sitting there and they’ll start raving about how they’re punch a vegan in the face completely unprompted
Bans on Twitch are performative and they will basically never ban you for real if you aren't a 2view. However, this probably wouldn't have happened if she didn't leave Vshitjo though lmao.
Odds are pretty good!
CC you homo
It's over
Come back Ame
>banned for playing butt slap game
Yet you've posted twice in the space of 3 minutes shitting up the thread
She will just move to Kick, or outright stream purely on her discord
i checked shiori and daisy (idol) too
same thing, locks up after a few seconds
usually it's changes to the chat code that cause stream freeze
superpower 2020
It's out?
Just switch to full flesh.
Uh oh melty
>or outright stream purely on her discord
3 times in 5 minutes
You LITERALLY started screaming about FUCKING VEGANS for no fucking reason.
4 times you've posted about this in 6 minutes
Decide for me, /#/, I'm torn
>Watch GG/CC/Fauner/Biboo today
>meet my mother to celebrate her birthday tonight
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How is your relationship with your mother?
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CC forgot to pray to the machine spirit
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i don't think they are dating anon
The second one obviously five hours before stream, not doing both is a time management issue
Streams are absolutely fucked for me in firefox but holodex is working
Meet your mother while you still can
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AI love
Yeah why do Australians not live in that giant empty middle instead of the coasts while we’re at it! After all there’s so much space there
Gigi is totally right distracted driving super f****** bad anyways I am posting this from the highway as we speak
CC has never touched a car in real life.
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Fuck vegans
god i can't wait until fuwawa tells mococo to drive backwards after they end up in last place and rosarians start losing their shit
Try the 2 biggest
Based multitasker using time efficiently
who THE FUCK is Kagetsu
You guys told me CC was the smart one?
Gigi and Rissa starting an hour early later?
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Where's Ado
Did we talk about this?https://x.com/rinchan_nanoda/status/1849376345496953276
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Anybody else having issues with YT streams buffering endlessly unless you refresh them? It's happening right now for me on Gigi's stream. I can refresh it and it'll play for maybe a minute but then it'll just endlessly buffer until I refresh it again.
I don't think Justice is going to win this race
These are the most estrogen filled streams since girl talk
how do twitch raids work? do they need to be whitelisted?
i wonder if anyone would do it to pay respect to dooby for inventing EN vtubing
Myth is going to win this race.
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All in on Raora
CC is distracting her with her autosussy
The Nijikiller is back?
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Gigi wtf
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Embed it
Green women are built for sex with me
no whitelist
>Okayu wins
>No lewds
This thread has become infinitely disappointing
Why are fujos like this?
Hope she gets well soon!
no even 7k with collab buff kek
Anyone can raid anyone else. As far as I know there isn't even a way to blacklist anyone from raiding you (maybe if you ban them).
Tally was too late, there were about 100 okayu images in the thread before last
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Reeee, why the fuck is youtube fucking up after about a minute or less of watching a livestream!?
You clock raid, you select anyone you want.
And it just works.

Think you can blacklist some people, but that's it.
CC was not even aware of the concept of the automobile before this stream.
How cancerous
you can set raid viewer requirements so your not spammed by people with 2 viewers
The culture is to do react/watchalongs if they want to support and bring attention to the stream. I doubt anyone big would be raiding.
We're already in dead hours then.
Now you see why that why that "knock knock" feature that would let you request a collab from anyone was hated
same issue with chrome , no problem with brave
I encountered the same thing, I can watch on 3rd party sites but not youtube itself.
One trick you might use is embedding the video on Nijimado
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It turns out easy access to water transport is conducive to population growth. It’s not like this hasn’t been true for the entirety of human civilization or anything.
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Not quite. The gold rush meant that California grew quickly, so it became two coastal groups filling in the space in the middle.
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>Sixpence None the Richer also released new music
What the fuck is up with October? It's been like the best time for music ever.
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>where do you work out?
> At za Bibliothek
I'm going to take a HELOC out on my house and bet it all on CC to win
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>justice collab
>erb mute
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They're going to invite her into the call when they know the ropes a bit better
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>CCGG are going to rig the race by killing everyone but ERB
so, never?
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>GG Said Race War Now
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I mean, GG is passing ERB's ghost car or whatever and she just lapped CC
Did he do something? I have him blocked.
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Reminder to log into holoearth and grab your free coins!
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Gigi is a dox nigger
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3 more
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So... Who's terrible idea was this racing arc?
Gigi is right driving is about being cozy that's why when I'm going around town I don't wear a seatbelt
Management as usual
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It's the most perfect idea. If any retard accuses them if being a "dude with a voice changer" you can just link them this
Based, me neither, I also smoke cigars while doing it
why are CC and GG in a separate call when liz is also live?
Are they sponsored?
It'll just be around an hour.
The custom car skins are cool, but it seems like the game is pretty technical. Probably would've been better if it was something a bit more arcade-y (like Burnout or Need for Speed or something).
They would have to disclose it if they were.
corpo mandated ship vs quarantined holocollaber
Woke up this morning, got yourself a gun...
The fuck is Gigi talking about?
WTF why Erb sound cute? She sounds relaxed
Boss didn't dismiss the idea
If the Holyoke location doesn't have an IRyS plushie I'm going to become the Joker (the sequel specifically)
Are these corporations, Total and Pirelli actually sponsor them to do this by plasting their logos?
Alright you know what erb isn't so bad
The collab will be a trainwreck but at least we'll get some box overlap data from it.
Okayu is sex
erb is hated by her own gen?
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Discord raid
Nah, she's just secular and not too active
I'm out, sorry CC. I'm going to do my chores.
Another /#/god in my area small world
ERB doesn’t sound too bad right now? Is it the mic? Does she know CC and GG are streaming?
wtf ERB actually sounds cute. Did she change how she used to talk
It was Dytica (Heroes unit after Oriens yesterday) Collab showcasing future merch and LINE Stamps reveal. Thought it was going to be both Oriens and Dytica 3D debut soon 'cause their next along with Krisis (EN Heroes wave).
Website is majority American.
50% of the US' population is on the East Coast
Massachusetts is one of the biggest states
It can happen, though both you people being Western Mass is wild. Then again, there's like a tenth of people in global being from Connecticut, so I guess New England is just full of holofags. Hell, there was more live posting on location from Breaking Dimensions than there was Connect the World, huh?
chances are they are because stressed, mistreated chickens give shitty eggs without pumping with them a ton of steroids and antibiotics
it's honestly not profitable to mistreat animals on a smaller, private owned farm, it ruins the product
Welcome back to CGDCT, Liz. You are forgiven.
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this was perhaps the worst game they could have chosen for a racing collab
She got cuter after debut period, like pretty much everyone, I recommend the Roboco collab for the post-debut impression of her
Why the fuck did she gift Roboco real handcuffs
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its the cgdct effect, if she stayed away from males she could even regrow her hymen like Mori
she's in another watchalong with homos next week btw
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Hola amigos y niñas
Idk about that but if this how she normally acts behind the scenes then this is why they like her even tho she completely different when she goes Live as Liz
At least it makes it possible to do shit like go off-track, some of them block even that and don't simulate crashes
Advent friends with u update ?
What "arc"? This was suddenly thrust on us less than a week ago and we are getting first time practice streams the day of the actual race.
You know what collab I would like to see EN do instead of this game? Age of Empires 2.
We love Liz /here/ btw.
complete flop we stopped keeping count after the first couple days
I asked btw
kill yourself ennacuck
Nah that's too complicated, they should play WC3 custom map instead, one of these where you capture locations that produce units for you
Germans are weird
How do the Cars have sex? Does Lightning McQueen have a big penis he uses to fuck that Porsche? Important questions being asked by CC
NYC is the most populous city in America, is roughly in the middle of the most densely populated region of the country, and has better transportation links to other major population centers than the rest of the country.
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Nah dawn of war
They should play Island Defense
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Nyanners got banned.
Would've sold more tickets if it was in Boston, tho
Getting a twitch ban is the equivalent of getting a timeout on 4chan for getting too chirpy at a janny. It's not a real punishment
Same way dinosaurs did. It depends on where the soft organs are placed, then it just fits together.
GG is being fishist on stream
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How are we still being racist to Italians in this stream, really
Why not
Why is ERB shitposting
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Well, unless you criticize a certain ethnic group. Then, nothing less than toeing the line and groveling like a bitch will get you your channel back.
CC was forced to watch as ERB and GG had sex in front of her...
>I read it in a superchat
It should have been San Francisco Rush for Nintendo 64
>just got done watching the professor make out with my best friend after giving her detention, fucking hate my stupid chud school bro
ERB/GG Dynamic:
ERB mogging shiori...
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I woke up from my dream just before having sex with Koyori.
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>58,589: Okayu (Hololive)
>40,907: Kanata (Hololive)
>39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji)
>33,613: Pekora (Hololive)
>29,353: Hololivep (Hololive)
>28,999: Kizuku (Nijisanji)
>26,817: Koyori (Hololive)
>24,696: Lize (Nijisanji)
>23,373: Miko (Hololive)
>16,781: Korone (Hololive)
>16,612: Calliope (Hololive)
>14,592: Watame (Hololive)
>13,123: Meruto (Nijisanji)
>13,077: Fauna (Hololive)
>11,635: Sana (Indie)
>11,033: IRyS (Hololive)
>10,514: Nose (VSPO)
>10,391: Kanade (Hololive)
That... doesn't seem like enough to fire a professor
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>1) 122,380: Ame (Hololive) Final stream [19]
>2) 57,651: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [27]
>3) 32,628: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [20]
>4) 50,864: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [19]
>5) 117,346: Fubuki (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday [32]
>6) 77,935: Marine (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Ui-mama [31]
>7) 85,290: Pekora (Hololive) PekoMari GAY stream [29]
>8) 59,253: Pekora (Hololive) ShioPeko drinking + psyche test [23]
>9) 66,875: Pekora (Hololive) Offcollab NoePeko [21]
>10) 67,925: Luna (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday [18]
>11) 100,983: Pekora (Hololive) holomem personal items auction [15]
>12) 69,958: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) New 3D [23]
>13) 75,335: Mio (Hololive) Inside Marine's head [30]
>14) 76,602: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day2 STREET FIGHTER 6 [17]
>15) 41,279: Subaru (Hololive) SubaOka Fushigi no dungeon 2 [18]
>16) 52,895: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Master Duel 2024 tournament [20]
>17) 71,209: Pekora (Hololive) Gen3 SUPER MARIO PARTY [14]
>18) 44,406: Kagami (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginner's Course [16]
>19) 160,447: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) New 3D studio debut [23]
>20) 98,883: Lui (Hololive) Hololive DTB Tournament
>21) 45,811: Pekora (Hololive) Hololive OCG unboxing
>22) 89,909: Miko (Hololive) Liar’s Bar w/FBK, Korone, Kanata
>23) 51,441: Miko (Hololive) Liar’s Bar
>24) 58,589: Okayu (Hololive) Mario Party w/Subaru, Mio, Towa

20x: Hololive
4x: Nijisanji

7x: Pekora
4x: Miko
2x: Nijisanji
1x: Ame, Fubuki, Marine, Luna, Kuzuha, Mio, Botan, Subaru, Kagami, Lui, Okayu
new Euro managers gave out an idea, US managers too pussy to say no
It wasn't that long ago anon.
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>...think alike
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>1) 79,262: Korone (Hololive) Bday + Gyakutotsu + New outfit
>2) 37,935: Ex Albio (Nijisanji) NIJISANJI Extreme Match / VALORANT
>3) 28,681: Subaru (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>4) 45,788: Miko (Hololive) Holomem family tree + announcement
>5) 42,849: Fuwa (Nijisanji) 1Mil sub gyakutotsu
>6) 54,572: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>7) 44,511: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>8) 52,966: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>9) 53,633: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>10) 59,994: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>11) 63,267: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>12) 65,001: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator KanaPeko
>13) 60,797: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day1 STREET FIGHTER 6
>14) 50,007: Miko (Hololive) Fubumiko HP sponsorship
>15) 33,167: Pekora (Hololive) Soccer Watchalong Japan vs Australia
>16) 44,525: Ao (Hololive) Ikemen karuta w/ Marine, Miko, Suisei, Iroha
>17) 29,060: Okayu (Hololive) Important Announcement
>18) 42,653: Miko (Hololive) Kinki Spiritual Affairs Bureau
>19) 69,751: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 draft w/Kanata, Ririka, and AZKi
>20) 51,334: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Blazing Sails
>21) 38,273: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros
>22) 37,767: Shigure Ui (Indie) 2 million subscriber endurance stream
>23) 39,402: Oriens (Nijisanji) new merch announcement
>24) 40,907: Kanata (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros

19x: Hololive
4x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

9x: Miko
2x: Koyori
1x: Korone, Ex Albio, Subaru, Fuwa, Pekora, Botan, Pekora, Ao, Okayu, Kuzuha, Ui, Oriens, Kanata
based Euro managers
Damn, having a weeb goth lolita teacher assistant gf as a professor. Guy was living the dream, should have had better opsec
If they don't have tenure yet, colleges just fucking shoot on sight, better to fire early then let a freak get tenure
>It's not a real punishment
tl;dr: the inability to stream isn't the punishment, it's cucking you out of sub renewals within the timeframe you're banned
Gigi is incredibly talented at getting Holos she's collabing with to ERP with her on stream, she's the best to ever do it, the GOAT
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>1) 62,569: Sendo (VSPO) 3D reveal
>2) 36,944: Pekora (Hololive) Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
>3) 28,354: Bae (Hololive) FULL METAL ALCHEMIST KARAOKE
>4) 28,038: Beni (VSPO) VSPO GODFIELD
>5) 32,375: Fubuki (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>6) 50,953: Pekora (Hololive) Offcollab PekoAzu cooking
>7) 31,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant
>8) 28,114: Hajime (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Noel
>9) 28,798: Mumei (Hololive) PROMISE ANNIVERSARY COLLAB
>10) 41,642: Pekora (Hololive) PeKoyo offcollab utawaku
>11) 31,951: Fubuki (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>12) 34,964: Kanata (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator KanaPeko
>13) 59,215: Miko (Hololive) Soul Calibur VI
>14) 42,993: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant
>15) 26,538: AZKi (Hololive) anisong utawaku
>16) 34,677: Shellin (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Pirate King project 2024 explanation
>17) 28,641: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) DRAGON BALL SPARKING ZERO
>18) 41,999: Botan (Hololive) NARIBIKIMURA w/ Lamy
>19) 33,751: Subaru (Hololive) Ohasuba Freetalk + 3.0 debut
>20) 50,661: Miko (Hololive) Run Pizza Run
>21) 35,751: Akari (Nijisanji)Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building
>22) 25,911: Roco (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh!
>23) 35,943: Subaru (Hololive) holomen family tree
>24) 39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji)

2x: VSPO
15x: Hololive
7x: Nijisanji

3x: Pekora, Kuzuha
2x: Fubuki, Miko, Subaru
1x: Sendo, Bae, Beni, Hajime, Mumei, Kanata, AZKi, Shellin, Botan, Akari, Roco, Kagetsu
Erb is like 60 years old isnt she?
is the insinuation that the TA has a kid or did the TA just imitate a 2-year-old writing with a crayon for the hell of it?
Is she older than Botan?
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>10/24 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.980: Nerissa (Hololive) | "Interview With the Vampire" Watchalong w/ Advent
4.958: Raora (Hololive) | Monster Hunter World
4.844: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Assetto Corsa Competizione
4.767: Gigi (Hololive) | Outer Wilds
3.969: Victoria (Nijisanji) | Announcement Stream
3.624: Ruze (Holostars) | HoloMarches
3.440: Shu (Nijisanji) | Super Mario 3D World
2.746: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Various Games
1.783: Altare (Holostars) | Mario Party Jamboree w/ Axel, Goldbullet, Octavio
1.733: Narin (VSPO) | ARK
1.603: Airi (Phase-Connect) | Crime Scene Cleaner
1.593: Alban (Nijisanji) | I Am Part-time Worker
1.492: Ruze (Holostars) | HoloMarches Chatting
1.430: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | TCG Card Shop Simulator
1.314: Lia (Phase-Connect) | The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
1.313: Shinri (Holostars) | Silent Hill 2
1.300: Bettel (Holostars) | The Classrooms
1.170: Luca (Nijisanji) | Just Chatting
1.136: Ike (Nijisanji) | Pokémon Heart Gold
1.115: Elira (Nijisanji) | Just Chatting
1.111: Rie (Phase-Connect) | Limbus Company
1.053: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Silent Hill 2
1.040: Uki (Nijisanji) | Mouthwashing
1.027: Fulgur (Nijisanji) | Doki Doki Literature Club
Ohh, good to know. OK, internally recalibrating my ownage levels for those twitch ban notifications
That's the dynamic of a DDLG relationship. The girl will actually digress into childlike behavior
It's a fine choice, they just needed more time for actual training arcs
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1) Shu (Nijisanji) - 4.933 - Just Chatting
2) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.231 - VHS: Anthology - No, I'm not a Human
3) Pippa (Phase-Connect) - 3.051 - Night Delivery
4) Mint (Indie) - 3.983 - The Bathhouse
5) Shiori (Hololive) - 3.269 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
6) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.991 - Just Drawing
7) Doppio (Nijisanji) - 3.177 - Announcement Stream
8) Rin - 4.712 - Announcement Stream
9) Alban (Nijisanji) - 4.320 - Animal Crossing
10) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.764 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab
11) Calli (Hololive) - 4.785 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab
12) Doppio (Nijisanji) - 4.810 - NijiVersus Fashion Dreamer
13) Kiara (Hololive) - 3.497 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab
14) Calli (Hololive) - 4.352 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab
15) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.508 - Resident Evil 4 Remake
16) Bae (Hololive) – 4.539 - Voice Mimicry Show
17) Bae (Hololive) – 3.960 - Just Chatting
18) Mint (Indie) – 4.750 - Mario Party Jamboree w/ Geega, Limealicious, Matara
19) Luca (Nijisanji) – 4.051 - Cooking Stream
20) Kiara (Hololive) – 3.700 - Tribe Nine
21) Mint (Indie) - 4.705 - Handcam Stream
22) Dokibird (Indie) – 3.869 - Backyard Baseball '97
23) Shiori (Hololive) – 4.291 - Mouthwashing
24) Nerissa (Hololive) – 4.980 - "Interview With the Vampire" Watchalong w/ Advent

4x: Shiori
3x: Mint
2x: Doppio, Calli, Bae, Kiara
1x: Shu, Pippa, Elizabeth, Rin, Alban, Gigi, Dokibird, Nerissa
The latter, do you see how she's dressed? And she's dating her presumably 30+ professor and calling him daddy
She has a type. It's a thing
Mint's ceiling hardcaps at 5k
Allegations over power dynamics and quid pro quo present unnecessary risks for the college to take on.
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Checks out
Like, I totally get the "daddy" thing, but I always thought that was like, keeping the mentality of a teen girl... not a toddler
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>1) 122,380: Ame (Hololive) Final stream
>2) 57,651: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>3) 32,628: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>4) 28,038: Beni (VSPO) VSPO GODFIELD [B]
>5) 117,346: Fubuki (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday
>6) 77,935: Marine (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Ui-mama
>7) 31,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant [B]
>8) 28,114: Hajime (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Noel [B]
>9) 28,798: Mumei (Hololive) PROMISE ANNIVERSARY COLLAB [B]
>10) 67,925: Luna (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday
>11) 28,799: Alban (Nijisanji) 3D debut [4th]
>12) 34,964: Kanata (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [B]
>13) 75,335: Mio (Hololive) Inside Marine's head
>14) 76,602: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day2 STREET FIGHTER 6
>15) 41,279: Subaru (Hololive) SubaOka Fushigi no dungeon 2
>16) 52,895: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Master Duel 2024 tournament
>17) 29,060: Okayu (Hololive) Important Announcement [S]
>18) 44,406: Kagami (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginner's Course
>19) 69,751: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 draft w/Kanata, Ririka, and AZKi [S]
>20) 98,883: Lui (Hololive) Hololive DTB Tournament
>21) 35,751: Akari (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building
>22) 37,767: Shigure Ui (Indie) 2 million subscriber endurance stream
>23) 39,402: Oriens (Nijisanji) new merch announcement

15x: Hololive
1x: VSPO
6x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

[]* brackets indicate placement on tally [4th], [5th], [10th]...
Blank is global GOLD
yeah, it's not like YouTube where a deleted/hidden channel will suppress your membership but reactivate it when the channel is restored
and on Twitch, your subs are your main revenue stream, Twitch equivalents of super chats are barely utilized
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CC just randomly bringing up molestation (chikan) on stream
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>1) 122,380: Ame (Hololive) Final stream
>2) 57,651: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>3) 32,628: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator
>4) 28,038: Beni (VSPO) VSPO GODFIELD [B]
>5) 117,346: Fubuki (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday
>6) 77,935: Marine (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Ui-mama
>7) 31,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant [B]
>8) 28,114: Hajime (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Noel [B]
>9) 28,798: Mumei (Hololive) PROMISE ANNIVERSARY COLLAB [B]
>10) 67,925: Luna (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday
>11) 28,799: Alban (Nijisanji) 3D debut [4th]
>12) 34,964: Kanata (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [B]
>13) 75,335: Mio (Hololive) Inside Marine's head
>14) 76,602: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day2 STREET FIGHTER 6
>15) 41,279: Subaru (Hololive) SubaOka Fushigi no dungeon 2
>16) 52,895: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Master Duel 2024 tournament
>17) 29,060: Okayu (Hololive) Important Announcement [S]
>18) 44,406: Kagami (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginner's Course
>19) 69,751: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 draft w/Kanata, Ririka, and AZKi [S]
>20) 98,883: Lui (Hololive) Hololive DTB Tournament
>21) 35,751: Akari (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building
>22) 37,767: Shigure Ui (Indie) 2 million subscriber endurance stream
>23) 39,402: Oriens (Nijisanji) new merch announcement
>24) 39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji)

15x: Hololive
1x: VSPO
7x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

[]* brackets indicate placement on tally [4th], [5th], [10th]...
Blank is global GOLD
Not quite but she IS very old
Here's one for you Euro manager
>Crazy Taxy tournament
Will it be too random?
Will the girls get frustrated?
Will it be fun?
and the water is wet anon, everybody mogs shiori
both in their 40s
so is Aki
that's why they all love younger lads
fucking love horny hags, they're best sex ed a man can have
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OCTOBER 2024 holoID
>1) 4,513: Moona (hololiveSTAGE24 HYPE STREAM Vol.2)
>2) 5,589: Ollie (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [3]
>3) 9,967: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [2]
>4) 9,654: Kaela (Fishing Planet ft. Timesmith)
>5) 8,888: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator)
>6) 5,169: Zeta (TCG Card Shop Simulator)
>7) 5,565: Kobo (Panicore w/ holoh3roes)
>9) 4,673: Zeta (TCG Card Shop Simulator)
>10) 8,077: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator)
>11) 3,631: Kaela (Glyphica: Typing Survival)
>12) 5,875: Risu (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [2]
>13) 16,654: Ollie (3D Birthday LIVE) [2]
>14) 5,516: Zeta (ZetaRiri OFFCOLLAB Clubhouse 51)
>15) 4,634: Kobo (SILENT HILL 2)
>16) 3,223: Kaela (Galaxy Burger)
>17) 2,516: Zeta (Zetalk)
>18) 4,990: Kaela (Don't Starve Together w/ Moona)
>19) 6,127: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [2]
>20) NONE
>21) 5,010: Kaela (Dont Starve Together w/ Moona and Kronii)
>22) 5,209: Kaela (Lethal Company w/HoloID minus Kobo)
>23) 3,329: Kaela (EA SPORTS FC™ 25)
>24) 5,061: Kaela (Don’t Starve Together)

12x: Kaela
4x: Zeta
2x: Ollie, Kobo
1x: Moona, Anya, Risu, NONE

*[brackets] indicate number of streams over 5k for the day. Omitted brackets means only 1
**numbers taken from vrabi w/ filter off
I think CC is gonna rape GG when they offcollab
>implying she didnt already
Unless there's a clutch, you should always drive with only one foot...
Depends on the type of chick, really.
Some are like hebes, some get freaky

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