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Soft graduation a day after Vivi's graduation. Is NijiEN finaly on its way to Le Merge?
idk any of these niggas but their name will never fail to make me laugh
Wait, please tell me he just pulled an Ame. It would be SO FUCKING FUNNY.
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The queue because of the mandatory one month period between graduations is real
>he left this message
did... did they kill him?
This guy was a creepy shitter faggot who only joined to throw himself at Enna
>He left this message
If he's going to be active on twitter, why didn't they let him quote tweet it?
Why do Holofags have this obsession?
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>only joined to throw himself at Enna
ew.. why?

>invented the affiliation style graduation
nice timezone
Enna is his oshi
Literally who?
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Very soon!
Why so angry Nijisis? He may still come back you know? kek
why are phasecucks like this?
>after Vivi's graduation
Haven't been checking the catalog for the past couple of weeks, Vivi is graduating? Is Ryoma really the last member of their gen?
he's into femdom and want her to stomp his balls, I wish I was joking

Also hi Parrot
The lies ennacuck tells themselves. More like enna threw her pussy at him but he wasn't in the slight interested and enna ended replacing him with the vanta whatever the fuck his name is. Then she replace thus vantage dude with diego
Hex said some things about it though
what's his PL?
truly the innovator till the bitter end
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He's in law school and is one of the least popular male members so he's not missing out on much money, this is completely understanable
Indefinite hiatuses aren't anything new
Is this the unexpected one?
The one who tweeted (with his own hands, and definitely not management's hands) that he was considering graduating, but changed his mind when Kotoka made her totally voluntary appearance at Hex's graduation after she'd been radio silent for six months. Oh, and please pay no attention to the fact that Kotoka fucked right back into the ether after her 2 or 3 totally not mandatory proof of life streams, and that nobody's seen hide nor hair of her since.
Their streams are boring
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the protagonist
Focusing on studies is more than understandable, especially when the business isn't going too well. There is no point on wasting effort on something that isn't working out well and neglecting something that will have long-term benefits. It just means that he intends to try again when he's finished with actually important stuff. That said, it might make more sense to get a job after a degree than going back to being a house content creator.
korean male, extremely masochistic
So he'll be back like Alban was.
Now back to our usual scheduled Nijitrash fire
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Nijifags bait about Gura graduating, multiple nijis graduate/indefinite hiatus. Like clockwork.
All those anti-Cover/Hololive threads these past few days make so much more sense.
I'm ashamed to say that I used to think she sounded sexy. Or rather, I still do but I haven't watched her in over a year.
At face value, and in a vacuum devoid of outside context, this would be a nothingburger.
But this particular hiatus notice comes less than 24 hours after a graduation notice from the same vtuber group, which has been embroiled in controversy and declining sharply for over 8 months, and which has been credibly accused of forcing members to delay their graduations so that the company does not take reputational damage from having too many graduations in too short of a time frame (while at the same time taking no efforts to fix any of the problems that make the members want to leave in the first place)

This is not a nothingburger. This is Ver telling the world that he's leaving, and that he's tired of waiting for management to allow him to head to the lifeboats.
If he returns to streaming as Ver, it'll be for either his wave's anniversary stream(s), or for his own official graduation announcement stream. The latter is extremely unlikely to happen before Nov 17 (for a graduation on or after Dec 1), unless his contract is expiring soon enough for the announcement to need to be before then.
kek. He didn't know there's a queue for this thing
You are extremely mentally ill I hope you at least have some awareness of that
>ver vermillion
these names are so bad
Juna! Big eel!
now kiss
what do you call the people still on the shinking ship after the rats jumped?
The damned?
>Ver will still be joining collabs , be posting and doing projects during the hiatus
>Word "indefinite" is never used
>He already talked about going on hiatus for a month before this

What's with the Holofag obsession? Do they honestly not watch stream and just follow the official Niji channel for drama?
>Word indefinite is never used
It's literally in the tweet
"Indefinite hiatus"
I saw NotHex second stream VoD, he said he wanted to get out of Niji a year before his graduation, he said he commissioned the 2.0 of his PL 11 months ago and just the rework and rigging plus other stuff of that 2.0 was worth $17k.
>No actual streams
>But he'll be in collabs, projects etc

is he pulling a shu or is he just trying to avoid paying graduation fees?
It's not impossible
affiliation /= Hiatus -> graduation.
>The sister says as she prepares her next "Ina is definitely graduating" thread
>3D Recording done
>Korean Man who has IRL duties wants a break fom his Vtubing Work
you blind or just retarded?
I'll come back to this post when Ina graduates
Shitposting aside, I don't get why the NijiEN twitter account is posting this message.
He isn't on hiatus yet, so why are they relaying a message? Can't he do it himself?
Advertising his "last stream" is not something they've done for any other livers who have gone on hiatus.
Something doesn't feel right, almost as if they are trying to get ahead of something.
Does it feel good to bully? Fuck you choke
I don't think you can in Niji. They own your voice as long as you are a part of them so you can't do any indie activities.
See you in 2 years
Or maybe they're trying to make people forget about Vivi's graduation
I forgot about it an hour or so after it got announced. This just reminded me of it.
Even if that were true it's not like they can. Doesn't make any sense for them to try to do that.
It really does
Who is he bullying? How is he bullying them? All he's doing is stating facts.
Anon you could praise her singing but her regular speaking voice was nails on the blackboard bad
possibly i dont think anyone remembered he existed enough to consider him a graduation candidate
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went looking for reactions

how did nobody tell me before now that this is what they did to the official nijisanji reddit, this funniest thing i've ever seen
I heard people saying that the mods there could get kicked out of their positions by reddit's staff for running the place like that. Would be fucking hilarious if it happened but I doubt there's anyone left who gives enough of a shit to try
Different gen. Ryoma is with two other girls
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>He left this message
He said that they were working on it since Jan. And a lot of people did say that he talked about considering graduation in December. So he commissioned the model in Jan and put in his papers in Feb.
Cmon you did bully him a little bit. You were a little out of order there.
>Vivi graduation
>NotAme redebut soon
>the legendary NIJIKILLER NotAqua possibly returning soon
>and now Ver hiatus

LMAO Nijikeks just can't stop Losing eh
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Nijikeks.... hang in there, the merge might fix it
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every time I see a picture of Juna I'm sad all over again that that moron is throwing away one of the best designs in the industry
>I would never fuck you, Hex
>Fuck you!
Kotoka is such a cunt, the guy was as repectful as you can be and the bitch still felt the need to expose him like that.
Why the fuck would she leak that
Reminder that we'll have a shocking graduation by next month according to L.K.
Literally means "red worm" in french.
Who wouldn't want a name like this?
It literally says indefinite you blind motherfucker.
He was gonna graduate, but Vivi's contract is expiring, and they couldn't not let her jump the queue. He can't leave before December unless his own contract expires.
As soon as her contract will allow. Rosemi, Ver, and everyone else in the graduation queue needs to wait until a month with no graduations due to contract expiration, and then hope that they win that month's lottery; or wait until their own contract expires, whichever happens first.
Wave 1 2 year contracts were starting to expire ~september so its only natural that right about now everyone else will start their graduation ques
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Vox's farewell performance...
>ver vermin
lmao what kind of name is that
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Realistically, what’s stopping anyone in the graduation queue from just going
>the Elira clique is real, Dokibird did nothing wrong, I hate this company, Riku’s a nigger
And just getting terminated immediately to skip the wait?
>b-but all the corpos will blacklist them!
And? Most of them go indie anyway, so that has literally zero effect on them.
The log is about to get REAL shitty.
The graduation tax. No I'm not kidding, kurosanji actually taxes them for it
>Graduation: They have to pay 50% of everything they earned the past year (can be abused by barely streaming that 1 year and then graduating early so you have to pay less)
>Termination: They have to pay EVERYTHING they earned the past year

So the cheapest option is still to just sit and wait to not renew your contract
Wasn't there a cash penalty if you do that to Niji?
Where did this come from?
The contract has an early termination penalty
His head
So that's why he's in the middle. The story ends with them killing the demon lord
Leaked contracts
The grifter lawyer covered it in full and has confirmed they are 100% real from a trusted source
The leaked contract that popped up after the Selen drama
Tonya is way too sexo for this jewish cesspit.
Whoops wrong tab
legal grifter made a deep analysis of the Nijisanji contract
No matter how many times you try to claim fhat, it's still a lie.
It's the reason I 100% believe she snitched on Mel.
Who's next? Emcee Hammerpants?
I thought that rrat was false. Mel alt is still following her.
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>invented something that should've been the norm in the first place
2 more weeks amiright?
What a fucking cuuuuuuuuunt.
Grifter has lost all meaning.
What do you call invading a community when you give no fucks about it other than to make money off them?
If your answer to this is anything other than grifting you need to get the fuck off 4chan and go learn english again
Tell them to go fuck themselves, the contract is obviously illegal and void in your country of residence, and they're welcome to file a SLAPpable suit to try and get it.
You bumping Niji bait threads won't make Hololive not officially a black company
Wait, what the fuck? He asked nicely, and she didn't show any creepiness from his messages. This stupid bitch really did snitch of Mel.
Your tears are delicious
So thats what Kotoka has been doing faking a illness
You need a lawyer you need to pay for first to do that. And then you have to get to the point where the motion is granted. And then you have to collect. Most done want to deal with that and frankly, most people don't know that contracts are often not enforceable with shit like this anyway.
Look on the bright side, the newest EN wave won't have to pay back much if they just get terminated
Why the FUCK is Kotoka such a massive fucking BITCH?
She is a massive bitch, but not on the hot way I would want from a gyaru. She's an unlikable bitch instead of one that just turns me on.
somehow, nijisanji STILL finds a way to get blacker.
>Hololive gets caught by the government breaking the law

>Holodrones proceed to start harassing Niji talents and making up fiction about them breaking laws too

Look at the fucking worms squirm. KEKAROO
>reddit spacing
Thats probably one of the upsides of someone like Twisty or Victoria
They can just do whatever the hell they want and continue not earning money and graduate whenever
Someone like Scarle or Vox though have to polish the boots of nijisanji or they are completely fucked until the contract expires
I wish Scarle would polish my knob if you know what I mean.
Wasn't she one of the girls who slandered Zaion a lot too?
Like, she's not just playing at being a bitch, she's just legitimately an awful, no good bitch.
Yes. She did the black screen stream before Elira did. And she also, very likely, was why Mel got terminated. A turbo bitch.
>talk about something to someone you consider a friend in confidence
>they snitch and get you fired
Well, at least Kotoka will get what she deserves eventually.
Alternatively, for organs in 1st world countries they can just lodge a complaint to the Fair Work Commission or similar government entity, show them the contract, and watch them do all the work for you at no cost.
I hope you know that much of the world does not operate like Australia, which apparently that entity is from, and if they don't have that doesn't make them not first world. And most Nijis are either in Japan, the US, or Canada.
Isn't it funny how they're doing this now instead of shadow-banning the organs like they used to
Yeah, my dick.

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