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Bro...Really? Again? edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules


>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi: >>>/vt//choc/

Previous Thread >>88102256
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
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I love my retarded sister that didn't give me a pookie yesterday and that is getting a bed today for me to fill her up with pups on!
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
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Rimmy is the best rat in the world, and she's the only doe I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Rimmy is the best rat in the world, and she's the only doe I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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Okay, Im going to bed, I can't stand this fucking stuffed yet runny nose.
Goodnight everyone, have a good day tomorrow okay?
remember to tell your oshi you love her bra!
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nvm Immy is still awake....
I’ll say it before you go to bed and I don’t usually get to say it to you. Nini bro, immy dreams.
there's a mute button...
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This is oddly nice, thanks Bro. and for the first time ever Immy dreams to you too
In the least suprising news ever. Doxcord mod tries to dox Mari and they Purge the no mic general to hide the evidence.
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kek what in the world? how
Really? The first time she’s been in their vc and this happens? FUNNY shit. Hopefully she learns a lesson. you get and screengrabs for archival?
That's a fucking lie lmfao
If that was true, she would've left the call already
They're just shooting the shit talking about every vtuber they could think of
i don't care about discord shitters anon, bring me news if they all collectively rope because that is all i really care about
oh shit, you guys aren't even ready for what i'm gonna post after work tomorrow this is gonna be epic
Why did they purge the chat then?
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NTA but I screenshotted the convo and the vc. I guess I'll send it to mummeh now or when gen2 applications open. I liked Mari but if you want to get into VAllure you should be trying to build up your own community not hanging out in another community's discord vc. If I had an indie oshi and she did this I would fucking kill myself.
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The comments under that tweet are saying that its cringe but does Immy think its cringe or attractive?
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Ello Mari here, Sorry I'm not going into gen 2 or gen 3 please understand! me and shibi have talked about and I even talked about it! my apologies if I over stayed my welcome I'm a fan too but I guess its weird being a vtuber as well and a girl so I apologize if I over stepped please take this stronny doodle as an apology, also been trying to draw the other girls a lot :)
i'll learn my place though! but please don't worry im not applying too vallure in any way I have my own reasons I respect stronny and shibi, I know Im not a good candidate for that anyways ... also I am a poster/lurker here so I felt bad if I seemed to have been over stepping much love guys much love
Hey can you retweet more loli art? thanks
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i'd much rather you posted some tits bestie not gonna lie.
Mari it's probably one retard who's bored and doesn't have anything else to do other than gossip about a discord server.
>also I am a poster/lurker here
Well we knew that vaggot also im pretty sure its just a shitter or 2
You're fine Mari. Sorry you have a threadshitter bothering you.
Wtf its really you! thanks btw and I think you're cool just a little menhera have a goodnight and try not to let retards and faggots get to you
I haven’t ever watched you but don’t let it get under your skin mari. Don’t worry or let shitters get to you.
anyways, no Mercy stream no Shibi stream Stronny in a couple hours.
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mari tell shibi that i love her and she should start lurking here again i will be less racist i promise
So long as your ok Mari. Hope that post about them trying .To Dox you was bullshit.
Nigger she still does
nuh uh
>Stronny in a couple hours.
In what world is 2pm (edt) a couple hours away
Shibi you're supposed to be in the hospital getting your gallbladder out
Reposting Shibi's Kudoboard. Since it might have gotten missed at the end of last thread. https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/TkBOVcpm
>second ER trip in a week
>admitted inpatient stay
>emergent surgery
Shibi's gonna need another donothon because of the burger medical system
she can just elope to canada with her cats and live with me
nice try imercy
Canada can’t have any more of the girls, they already have immy and mercy. One more and they’ll have a monopoly
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Mommy Azu please let me listen to you using your vibrator!!! please please please Mommy, I promise to be a good boy
Relationship, with me.
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Shouldn't you say that under her tweet or in her maros?
So cursed but its still Immy so
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I just want our girls to be able to stream and to be happy
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Don't worry I did send it in marrow. But she reads here too
Good boy
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Find Madam a bed you bastards!
we should just put her out of her misery
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oyasumi /vag/gots
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Poor Shibbers stuck in the ED overflow. It's gonna be a rough night.
Normally when they can't move you to the main hospital its not because there's enough beds, its because there's not enough staff (nurses).
Goodnight Brother
Goodnight anon
Goodnight vaggot
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Okay this but for real this time. y'all're gonna have to take care of the screencaps now
Little update from Mari. Shibi texted her and says she's doing better.
Bros I'm not horny anymore, I just want meaningful human relationships.
Who's the lower left one?
Yes, that's the gimmick of the country.
The illusion of choice but everything is actually a monopoly/cartel

You'll still love Madam's tummy right Harelots.
Could be worse, they were going to go in through my piss hole for an elective surgery but I decided I would take my chances rather than deal with the surgery and the painful aftermath (which was the right call in the end)
You, and me both, man
I remember having kidney stones.
They left the stint in for three months more than was needed so I would piss blood on the regular.
Kinda glad I just took my chances
Everyone is like "I want Immy to piss down my throat" "I want to eat Shibi's gallstones" "I want Mercy to spank me"
meanwhile I just want to cuddle with Stronny and be told I matter to her
I want none of that.
I just wanna chill and listen to whores do things they find fun.
I want to spoon with kouhai in a blanket burrito
Nta but what if I want Immy to hold me and tell mehow much I mean to her and then like after an hour of cuddling she tells me she has to pee and then tells me she doesnt want to get up so I need to drink it
I just wanna cuddle with Madam and let her know everything gonna be ok.
Same, the day when Stronny and the Reeflings live together on a farm can't come soon enough. Then I can finally hug her every day.
I wanna snuggle up with immy right after waking up and us both decide we don’t wanna get up and stay together all day just enjoying being together.where we tell each other that we’re both enough for each other and that we love each other no matter what
Bottom left whom?
where are you tourists coming from?
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Tea time with Icey.
I would break out my competition grade Jin Jun Mei for her
So how many points should I add to the Shibi death counter for this current episode?
if you mute too long they often disconnect the call if they don't detect you there.
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0 because Madam wins these!
Hey now harelot I love her too, no need to get physical
When is Mercy singing Smoke and Mirrors
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

for me, it's my drowned darling
why does icey have the sexiest bra
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What do you mean, that's Mercy's bra
you dont matter, men are traditionally sent off to die in wars
I could only be so lucky
I did that, didn't die, what now?
I matter to immy
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>you know you're just an expendable meat puppet as a man, right?
Only Mercy thinks like this, the rest humanize men
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good morning, i love my beautiful wife.
>Only Mercy thinks like this
really? i dont watch her. is this true?
Mercy is a misanthropic ball of hate
This is also why every Mercy poster here is a miserable hateful little goblin who makes absolutely abhorrent posts and shits on everyone else whenever given the opportunity
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geez man, what happened? did you not get your choccy milk? here I saved some, don't worry, it's on the house.
Coming back to this, I need to commission some art of a harlot holding a gun with an extreme perspective. With the head and mask, I feel like they're the most likely to carry (Western bank robber vibes)
I vote for harelots having shibi-issued tommy guns. They just give me the vibe of mafia goons from the early 1900s.
Don't share mama's precious milk with someone that disses her kouhai
>genital thrills
it's kind of ironic that a cereal company would be called that, because kellogs was the guy that advocated for circumcisions
Definitely don’t thing about your mama azuras fat fucking tits. DEFINITELY don’t thing about her ass smothering you
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You won't stop my Jihad
I WILL overcome the Mercy posters inshallah
denpa is awake and horny
I love thighs.
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Icey thigh hugs.
Icey thigh kisses.
Icey thigh seggs.
Icey thigh love. <3
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then thou shall not harm my sworn brothers, engarde, you godless bastard
what happened to IC, why did he disappear
I want Stronny to piss down my throat
I dont think gallstones would be tasty
IC Weiner
whats an iCup
spell it out loud
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got his stupid ass
I wish I could see Icey pee.
I have no idea what this thread is about but the top right image in the Op is extremely arousing.
NEEDS correction BAD
That's my mummeh's bra.
Speaking of, does she know about the Balatro update? They added an Isaac deck skin.
idk. But you just reminded me I was gonna tell her in maros.
I miss all the unhinged horny tweets Immy used to make constantly. I hope she goes back to doing that again soon
why do you want your sister to make horny tweets
She's also my love
I wish Immy was my blood-related sister
If Immy really loved me she would pull me into the screen and have sex with me
Throne update:
Madam Shibi received the bath tray and added a spa day that was successfully crowdfunded. Her wishlist is now empty.
iCup my balls, gottem
Immy being able to move and assemble an entire house's worth of furniture by herself really shatters the illusion that she's my helpless little sister that needs her big bro and it makes me sad
It looks like she’s starting to horny post again. As she gets settled in. Let’s see how she gets when her period starts.
has it ever been said how many zeros founding and funding vallure cost
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It's so chilly here. If only I had my cute little sister to snuggle with...
That should make you proud of her too
That makes it even hotter that she’d give all that up to do whatever I say after break her into my perfect little personal slut.She’ll still help out when we design and put together the home we’ll move into
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me btw
On break thinking bout my pookie. It’d be so nice to hear her voice telling me she’ll give me a kiss when I get home.
anon you have something on your nose... eww...

Can't screencap right now but Shibi goes in for surgery in 1.5 hours
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this but my darling kouhai that i havent seen in a very long time
Looks like Immy got her cat
Catposter has infiltrated Immy’s home Repeat, catposter has infiltrated the building.
Who is this "fluffy" and "Chipotle" Immy keeps talking about? She always seems so giddy when taking about them. Are these code words for her boyfriends?
both of them are me, I am cat
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i'm reminded of that one scene from the matrix...
If you rounded upwards it would be close to 100,000 US dollars but it's probably around 80k.
They've pretty much made their money back already though.
but i want all of those things
>harelot redesign
what is in store for us? is she gonna make us into her ideal type?
don't worry, when we nuggitfy her she'll be more dependent on you
i hope shibi shows us her stitches
Who does GFE in this corp

Pray for Madam Shibi everyone
No one. Just whores here, sorry. Try VShojo or Phase Connect.
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She'll be better in no time!
Everyone pretty much.
None of them, they're all my wives
None unfortunately. All the girls do fuck a fan Friday with a random fan and Male Collab Monday every week.
shibi is the only one that does it well
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Reminds me of my favorite catalog shitpost image back when they were new.
that fan? the male collab partner?
you guess it, both moi
None, they all actually hate us.
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and this dumb bitch (affectionate) thinks she got fluffy
Do any of them do ASMR as godlike as the legendary masturbation green girl asmr? And if so please let me know which one.
no asmr here man, they just blech and brap into the mic once in a while but that's pretty much it
I don’t think any of them are all that parasocial. Kinda makes me sad now that you brought it up…
I always laugh when people come in here and ask if these girls are gfe. They don't know about:

Male collab Monday
Titty Tuesday
Watersports Wednesday
Fuck a fan Friday
Slut Saturday
SleepAThon Sunday
I need a qrd on these
Watch streams.
thursdays are wild man
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Icey tummy SEGS
>Male collab Monday
They have sex with me (a male)
>Titty Tuesday
They perform paizuri on me
>Watersports Wednesday
They piss down my throat
They have sex with me, twice
>Fuck a fan Friday
They have sex with me (a fan)
>Slut Saturday
They have sex with me
>SleepAThon Sunday
They sleep (have sex) with me
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>Male collab Monday
self explanatory. males collab with the girls and if they leave a good impression, they get to fuck them.
>Titty Tuesday
they stream with irl cams but it's focused on their tatas
>Watersports Wednesday
they post piss audios on twitter
>Fuck a fan Friday
highest donors get to fuck them
>Slut Saturday
fansly streams
>SleepAThon Sunday
they literally sleep on stream to induce GFE

hope this helped.
But I need confirmation on this
>highest donors get to fuck them
I just wish someone in VAllure was actually into anime and not just the fake "into anime" that most vtubers are.
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It's true. I take turns on them every month. Azu is a freak in the bed btw.
i cant even tell if these are tourist posts or touristbait posts anymore
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Got a question for the Senpai's here. Is Mercy a
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as far as I remember this is prime time for certain "countries" to shit all over the place. just take it easy and watch archives or something. at this point I'd rather take a pinpal having a menhera meltdown in the thread than whatever this is
the truth hurts
I love black women
Watch Charzu
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Azura and Shibi have warped my brain and heart to love black women.
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Sorry, meant to ask: Is Mercy a SLUT
Thanks for understanding my question and answering.
yeah she is, for me
youre welcome for clearing up your questions
I'm just here to hornypost about Immy I've never had a meltdown here yet
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Nothing personal, I like all of the fanbases. But to be completely honest, I'm a little scared of pinpals.
i understand anon, i'm homophobic too
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How could you be scared of little old me?
Now what have I don’t to make you feel like that? Huh?
I’m not gay…
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just look at his eyes... he doesn't give a damn.
but this is the kind of thing a gay person would say
pinpals not beating the gay allegations
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lets change that~
Do you think Skitty will join gen 2?
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bra collage is doing a number on us i reckon
okay, someone HAS to edit the pinpals into the lords of the lockerroom scene
much as Id love this, she would never. she already has a huge brand with her existing work
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>Bratty Goblin Girl Shows you who’s Boss [Smalldom] [Boobjob] [Edging] [Degradation]
>On the path of adventure you will inevitably have strange encounters, mighty warriors, ancient dragons and... goblins, trying to have fun with your manhood. Oh well, guess you should've known better than fall asleep out in the open, now you have no say in whatever happens to your cock.
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How can you masturbate when your wife is in the hospital!!
Mixed feelings about this dropping now of all times. Was super excited about this one in particular, but kinda tough to jork it while Shibs is under the knife.
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More then likely
Wait, Azura is in the hospital too? WTF is going on with this corp lately?
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anon that is most woman, at least stronny is doing her reps on stream
there is a non zero chance that shibi is dying as we speak...
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You shut your whore (derogatory) mouth!
There is a non zero chance that Shibi is dead.
There is a non zero chance Shibi's defenseless body is being sexually used while she's anesthetized
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I've started watching Mercy recently and now I can't stop thinking about her, I need more. Unfortunately I missed her Fansly streams so I need the next best thing. What's horniest stream Mercy has done?
There is a non zero chance I just nutted to a dead girl.
Which girl indulges in pee play?
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like VAllure gen 1 Indulge?

>Okay a lot of you say you have dreams about me but in your dreams do I show up as anime or irl?? Like hyper realism immy?
>This is a very important question
are all the talents collectively dying?
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Did Mommy Azu say when to start abstinence? Because she mentioned it during stream and I couldn't watch that stream
Immy did an endurance stream where every time someone donated she'd drink water and she couldn't piss until chat let her
Why are bleetinghearts going nofap? She doing a Fansly stream soon and told you to save?
>Why are bleetinghearts going nofap?
Mommy said so, and we always listen to Mommy
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I wonder if she'll be doing something with what she learns. Or maybe she's just curious of how we perceive her when we don't have much control.
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i dreamt of immy handjobs multiple times, busted once in my pants in a very inconvenient place even. i don't know what she looks like so dreaming of irl is out and i cannot fathom how people dream of 2d anime girls.
I've had dreams of Immy and I think it's usually an IRL person but with imagination filling in details. I can only vaguely remember what happens after I wake up though
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This is immediately cursed. I love it.
kek what the fuck stronny
any lurking pinpals should watch Stronny's stream right now
I don’t dream that often. Last one I had was before Vallure even started. I’ve never dreamt of immymakes me sad
mommeh I kneel
Mummeh is on the same level or bigger yet here we are
She’s stuffed full of my buns.
would having children fix stronnys tps
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The exception doesn't prove the rule. Stronny is one of a kind.
Icey doesnt go work it out from there
Immy is doing an MRE eating stream. The only other vtuber I watch just did an MRE eating stream. Is the universe trying to tell me something?
I think he means like she wouldn't be a first pick since she's already established. Mummeh wants to find girls to help them grow.
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>cute bra
>cute panties
What's next? Cute socks? Edge of my seat here
Good morning bro.
cute pussy
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that's a given
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That belongs to me yes
>Kiki has been training her ass to meet with a fan
>always open and a huge slut
>is also sexually involved with one of her female friends
Explain to me again why she isnt a perfect candidate for vallure
Just this is already leagues better than what you get with Mercy
Kill yourself.
Good afternoon everyone, have a good day okay?
Good morning
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No pregante, only inflation.
This shit was so hot i lost gallons.
>piercing gets larger too
lmao what is this
somebody put some buns in her oven i see
Yea, me.
That someone? me.
Those buns? pups
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Until the day immy shoves an aquarium pump up her ass to blow her belly, i must be a whore.
it's very clearly edited, anon-kun
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>the ones with the worst fetishes are whores
You are no Brother of mine
once you do gfe and get caught with your hands down somebodies pants you've opened pandora's box and it follows you forever
no shit, pinpal
>le twitter alternative number 918 will totally take off this time trust edition
Why bother
that isn't inflation, that is magic instant pregnancy, i'm an expert in such matters
Genuinely curious, why is mercy using blue sky?
stop making this post
Didnt seem to have been the case with Stronny. Are people already memoryholling the spanking videos?
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kek didn't this bitch cuck her viewers with her bf and then cuck her bf with a viewer?
She hates twitter
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kouhai you didnt need to post this
>doesnt want his oshis braps
whenever twitter makes a bad policy change every nsfw content creator migrates to bluesky for a week, and Mercy took it seriously
D.. do you have a source for this anon?
it's on her to make her own agency in her image
Are you high Anon? That makes her completely unhirable. This is a GFE Corp, the notion of them having sex with anyone other (me) is unacceptable.
Icey let the snowberries run a train on her? Hot
Her f****y stream right now
>the notion of them having sex with anyone other (me) is unacceptable
do you think any of the girls are virgins?
Please stop replying to Kiki schizo already please. Reminds of the the schizo that randomly bitches about Denpa.
it was an honest question it wasnt supposed to be bait
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I'm not sure if this is bait but there is a huge difference between your girlfriend having an ex-boyfriend and your girlfriend cheating on you with another guy. If you cannot understand why they are incomparable you might be retarded.
what a knowing little smile :)
i meant "who do you think is most likely still a virgin (if any)"
if i was dating a girl i would only care that she's not sleeping around while i'm dating her and that they don't have a past of history of cheating, the only place to find virgins in modern era are nunneries and grade schools
>GFE chuubas should be for their fans only!
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>the only place to find virgins in modern era are nunneries and grade schools
And /here/
IIRC she openly mocked her fans with her bf on alt accounts. Then later she cheated on her bf with a fan who was one of her donators
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since you guys are so hungry
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i busted a fat nut to my little sister
How clingy will these girls get during the holidays? I don't know why, but I have a feeling that December is gonna be an extremely comfy month with them being extra cuddly/clingy.
i suspect the honeymoon period will last until at least valentines day before they get bored of us
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Mummeh really can not stop leaking gen2 huh
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>didnt bust in her
Thats fine, i'll do it for you
Having flashbacks to the meltdown the thread had about icey
I’m saving it for immy!
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uuuu i'm so fucking stupid
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yea i vaguely remember it being a multifaceted disaster.
anyways bakin
My buns in Immy’s oven!
[VAllure News]
Sin is leaking her gen 2 concept, code name cybertits
[SinSister news] Her new model's codephrase is "CYBERTITS". She's also confirmed she is the nugget model.
baka we already have a modular boobtuber
is sin on the design team or is she just memeing?
she is one of the members of gen 2 anon, it has been known for months at this point
>mummeh kept the seamonkeys even though they were dead and moldy
>wonders how she got sick
Wait really? Is that what Stronny meant by using already knowing one of the girls? How is Sin as a vtuber?
she seems chill as a person and stronny has known her for a while but I'm not sure if she does GFE or not. it might be a case where she's more of a brotuber.
that happened before she ever became a vtuber. she's also moved twice since then.
Well that's gonna change if she really is in gen 2
>seamonkeys died
literally nobody is surprised by this
how does stronny know so many other languages? autism?
She doesn't speak them fluently.
Have you been living under a rock Anon? Sin was always intended to be in Gen 1. Shibi's model was cater made for Sin but she had to back out last minute due to family reasons. That's why Shibi is in such a rush to change her model. Since it has never really felt like it was hers.
I just didn't know, I'm sowwy...
glad we got my shibba instead
she knows words
Sin is fun, but not GFE from what I've seen. Check out her collabs with Stronny, they're pretty fun.
man 2025 birthday donothons are going to be the end of the vallure fanbase, i hope she at least has the foresight to space out the birthdays better
I'm pretty certain we would have gotten Shibi regardless. Either piloting one of the other suits or Mummeh would have had a 6th daughter made for gen 1.
>homobeggars have spread to stronny's chat now too
Shibi was suprised that we all thought birthday donothons were expect next year. She was saying it's not currently planned to be an annual thing.
I'm worried bros, should we have heard something about Shibi by now?
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I need this Stronny VOD to still be up
Please don't kill it Stronny, I need to watch it once I'm off work
Also baker doko
Big gremlin energy, good at FromSoft games
Her Apex streams were watchable from when she was still using the Linus Tech Tips model, 2021 was a time as someone who never played Apex
(Currently, and in the past) not very good at GFE, the gremlin doesn't let her keep a serious tone for very long either way for anything but raw gameplay streams. This is from someone who's been paying attention to her (and -Investor-) for the past 8 years. Sin had males on stream multiple times (from her patreon discord that has since been closed), collabed with her then-scriptwriter in streams on his channel; you can still find clips from the streams if you dig around.
Also her chat is insufferable, but that might be because of "titty model" and "streaming on twitch."
If she keeps some of her mommy gimmick that she's *really* good at and can figure out a way to keep the gremlin manageable (for even somewhat serious streams, especially ASMR streams if she does them), she'll do fine though, assuming the nugget meme doesn't entirely take over.
This isn't a conversation we should have, really
Asking "which girl would have been cut" isn't a good thing for the thread; shitters will dig into it and ruin things.
So when she debuts in gen 2 her fans are going to be retarded?
Thanks Brother
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bon appetit
also last post
so basically a second stronny but good at video games?
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I love mummeh
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No babies only pups!
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stop making this post
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you guys need to calm down and let me win
no baby only breed
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