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Even one of the Cover's long time riggers are retweeting the report. You know they fucked up when they're literally showing obvious signs of black company.
I can't wait for the blue dorito cult to defend this
Forced to do 243 revisions without pay, baka
What does all that say?
Literal black company. How did they not see it coming?
What happened to niji this time?
Whats with the multiple same threads
of by one digit so we can have 2434 lmao
They robbed one of the more well known mamas too? HOLY BLACK
I can't read it so it doesn't count
The artists will be angry about this
>3 threads
Woaw, I wonder who is behind thi-
>twitter screencap thread with no context
this is the quality i come to 4channel for
crabbucketting nijinigger
It's kind of trippy that this reaction is from that versplosion or whatever guy going on hiatus on not the knight girl graduating. I guess that's just how it goes for a woman at kurosanji though. Unless the sisters know about a third thing coming and this is preemptive.
>Vivi graduating and Ver going to law school forced Hololive to steal money from artists

Crazy rrat
I really REALLY don't want to generalize and hate them all, but, by seeing the replies it got, I can't help but think they are all snakes.
that's surprising considering how dogshit their riggings are
More of their talents are being suspended
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absolutely pathetic
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>Cover literally doing black company shit
>"So what did Niji do this time"
Never change /vt/, never change.
full graduation queue till summer
243 fucking revisions on a rig that they were never paid for? Holy shit. Black fucking company. Black as night
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Polka's rigger is defending Cover saying they're being scapegoated, on the other hand.
Seems like opinion is split
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which one is this? better not be the one who did that bouncy as shit white blouse
>black company shit
but i don't see anyone trying to kill herself anon
>Opinion is split
Spoken like someone who never had to do 243 free fucking revisions. No one gives a shit about this bootlicker when other riggers already gave reports on Holo's crimes and others are talking about them knowing they were getting investigated. One even said that they hope they follow the law from here on out
243 total across the given time frame and all other subcontractors
calm your panties sis
>It takes someone trying to kill themselves to consider a japanese company to be black
Oh my sweet summer child...
>a rig
Total. In totality. For everything ever asked. Which is apparently pretty low based on >>88148542 >>88148643

Is this a falseflag?
There was 23 people. That would mean they were all forced to revise models and rigs at least 11 times each. In total, 253 revisions without being fucking paid
calm down sister, whatever this drama is its not going to save your reclining branch
They’re just invoking the wrath of watamage by inflating this non-issue
H-how is not paying someone that has to revise their work 10-12 times a non-issue? Have you guys never worked a day in your life?
what qualifies as a revision?
riggers raggy
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drama channel will bite everything for revenue, but this material is simply not strong enough like nijiEN negligible suicide
sisters is trying way too hard on /vt/, so desperate for holoyab
Being told by your client that they want things changed once you delivered the product.
Did the fag get paid in the end or not? Yes or no?

>Actual documented evidence of Cover stealing money and overworking employees with no extra pay is a nothingburger

This is directly after Ina got scammed by them in Japan too. Kurolive is black as fuck
Just because they paid because they got caught does not mean they're not a black company
"This strand of hair is blue, why do you make it black"
"Ok I will remake it into blue but that will cost money"
It can be super minor or very major, the issue can even be due to the rigger. The law doesn't care. Subcontractor are paid for their work, no matter who is in the right.
Seems like a shitty system. What protections are there if the product failed to meet any of the specifications?
A subcon is an employee now.
Vivi graduation in Nov and Ver on "hiatus"
If you work somewhere and they don't pay you what they owe you, that is stealing. Have you never worked a job?
>documented evidence
>no extra pay
>holobros are now PRO black company tactics because their company had an oopsie
you love to see it
Did the rigger get paid ultimately? This is a yes or no question, mind you.
>Polka's rigger is defending Cove
OUR RESPONSE???????????
>his smile and optimism: gone
>seething so hard they posted gay porn
Sure. After having to get the government involved and getting them to do an investigation after 243 free revisions
>I want this
>Actually never mind
Okay, problem solved.
The laws are made so that the normal people are not exploited by corporations and corporations themselves don't need protection.
- Deadline only started when the jobs are considered "delivered" a.k.a. Hololive must say they are ok with the works.
- Hololive could just say no and not use the model. In that case they would have to pay a contract breaking fee, agreed beforehand, and never work with the artist again.
- When they accepted the item and then asked for revisions then that's on them
Why are you posting porn nijitranny? Did uki told you to?
>imagine being this delusional and boot(cock)licking
Yea but do they owe them really? If the work is unsatisfactory then why is it wrong to demand unpaid corrections?
What’s stopping artists from delivering shitty work on purpose so they can milk the customer for endless paid revisions?
>do they owe them really?
Yes. Yes, they owe them
They'll be known as a shitty artist and thus won't get commissions again
Erm, no? Just shows how trash the work was when so many revisions were necessary.
Good point, they will want to get hired again.
>Doesn't deny he posting tranny porn
I've accepted your concession.
clearly its the guys then, idiot
yes it is, or at least bodily or mentally harm.
That's not my post, you're just being delusional, so HOLOSEETHE
What counts as a revision?
The contract never said anything about revisions and sometimes the revisions would be major. They were essentially working for free under terms that they never fucking agreed to. Some never even got paid until the government stepped in
NTA, but you are seething while everyone else is arguing the issue. You are the only person having a full caps melty. You are unwell.
>The businesses delivered the products in accordance with the purchase orders, but were ordered to redo the work a total of 243 times, with reasons such as "the hair movements should be smoother" and "the body shape is unbalanced." The company did not pay the businesses any of the additional work fees.
holy shit this is a literal scam from that artist
kek retarded japanese court forced cover to pay for retarded scam artists
The "fag" got paid. Hololive fucked up how much they should be paid.
Example case 1:
April 8, 2022, rigging delivered
April 18, 2022, hololive paid for the rigging"
April -> September 15, hololive asked for 7 different revisions,
December 27th, 2023, hololive paid for the 7 revisions.
FTC deemed April 18th was the original receipt date, hence they were late 619 days in payment and supposed to pay the late payment fees for 619 days. They likely never did pay any late payment fees. Or if they do they only paid the amount calculated from September 15, 2022 to December 2023.
This is assuming no more revisions was made beetween sep 22 and dec 23

Tl;dr did paid, very late, also paid the wrong amount,
mistake april 18 hololive didn't paid, it was contracted to be paid on april 18.

So 2 years late is very dumb and they also probs never paid the late payment fee
Wait this doesn't sound like >>88149205 at all, Holo clearly said they weren't okay with the works since it sounds like basic shit like body shape was wrong. Sorry I still don't get it.
you know reasonable take will get ignore in shitpost right?
you know reasonable english will get ignore in shitpost right?
It goes Holo hivemind mentality. They were so mind broken that they're trying to fill the board with Niji bait
Anything from a full redo of a hair to a slight tweak. Extra work is extra work so that should have been obviously compensated
Close, but not quite.
Here's the summary for Case 1:
>On April 8, 2022, Cover ordered one subcontractor to create a 2D model for video use, and after receiving payment on the 18th of the same month, Cover had the subcontractor redo the work seven times free of charge between then and September 15, 2022, even though the specifications and other information in the purchase order did not indicate that work was necessary.
>Three of the seven redoes were done after the inspection period, which was set to within seven business days after delivery. Two of the three redoes were done after July 11, 2022, when Cover notified the subcontractor that the model was "completed," because a VTuber who uses the 2D model for video created under this order wanted to make corrections. Cover continued to neglect accounting procedures, and the subcontractor's payment for this order was not made until December 27, 2023, 619 days after the receipt of payment on April 18, 2022.
So the order of event is:
April 8 2022, rigging delivered
Somewhere between April 8 to 18, Cover asked for FOUR revisions which was not included in the scope of initial Purchase Order, and they weren't paying for it.
April 18 2022, the receipt date for this job, but Cover didn't pay yet.
Sometime after April 18 2022, Cover asked for ONE more revision even though it's already outside the inspection period agreed by both parties, and of course they didn't pay for it.
July 11 2022, Cover gave the final OK for the job.
Sometime between July 11 2022 to September 15 2022, Cover somehow asked for TWO more revisions even though they were the one giving the OK because the Vtuber wasn't satisfied by it, and this time they also weren't paying.
December 27 2023, Cover finally paid for the job without any compensation for the 7 revisions.
>The virgin Holocuck having to rely on rrats and unreliable anecdotes to make Nijisanji a black corpo

>The chad NIJIGOD using government investigations and proper documented evidence of crimes to prove Hololive is a black company
If i ask a woodworker to make a 4 legged table and he makes a 5 legged table, despite my instructions to makeba 4 legged table, then he failed his contractual obligation to deliver a 4 legged table. If he then needs to make a whole new table and requires more time then why am I required to make additional payments a mistake on the woodworkers part?
On Fiverr people offer a specific quantity of free revisions, often 3-5 ...
More like:
>ask for a "table"
>get a table with 5 legs
>noooo I wanted 4 legs
>saws off one leg
>noooo I want 4 legs in this specific arrangement
>makes new table to your specs
>ah good
>months later: the table should have been made of oak, not pine reeeeeee!
Graduation, suspension, talent burnout
You know the usual Niji stuff
Smart rigger. I'm sure Cover is keeping a list of who defends them and who doesn't. Cover's excuse is bad and likely not true. I know it takes lots of time to get quality rigging like Cover gets, but you have to pay.
Are these just ironic shitposts or are there nijisisters/phasecucks that actually think this is a big deal?
>"Not a big deal"
>Gets exposed for commiting a crime
>Get exposed for stealing money from artists
>Forced to pay a fine
>Gets put on national news


Yeah this is completely nothing
>hit national news
>It's nothing burger just because okay!???!?!?!!!
Kek, the average corpo cocksucker
So the latter.
There are things happening over the rainbow but do Nijifans really need a reason to shit on Cover? They always keep their eyes and ears out for news like this just to shit on Hololive lol
Cover wasn't required to pay a fine. They just had to pay 5k USD for all the revisions retroactively.
That was the late fee, retard. They never paid for the revisions and are being forced to by the government now
No the 5k is just straight up the revisions payment+late interest. Cover recieved no fines.
>After obtaining confirmation from the Fair Trade Commission, COVER shall promptly pay the subcontractor an amount equivalent to the cost of having the subcontractor redo the delivery free of charge after receiving the delivery due to the act described in (1)(a) above.

Explain to me how Holo paid for the revisions before getting confirmation from the government
Hololive is getting fucking eaten
...Anon your post literally states Cover just has to pay the revisions cost. No where does it state that Cover must pay an additional fine.
>Between July 2022 and February 2024, Cover did not pay the subcontractor fees by the predetermined payment due date to the subcontractors it had commissioned to create information deliverables, despite receiving the subcontractor's services through the acts described in 2(1)(i) above. (The amount of late interest due to the said payment delays was 1,152,642 yen in total for 29 subcontractors.)

There. Happy?
I'm sorry sis but you got caught
>On April 8, 2022, Cover ordered one subcontractor to create a 2D
>April 8 2022, rigging delivered
wow, i don't know artist can shit out live2d model in a day
Those "what happened to cover" "what happened to Niji" "what happened to Phase" posts are pretty brainrotten. Do you really solve the captcha just to post something so retarded?
>this guy think that interest is a fine
based fucking retard
Japanese artist/riggers are some of the most entitled bitches out there fuck them.
That's roughly 7600 dollars lmao.
Cover gets sympathy and support in the vtuber sphere for standing up to lazy and greedy "artists"
meanwhile Niji is a pariah in the scene
no wonder that sisters are so desperate
>Stealing money from artist
I don’t read moonrunes did they really stole from them?
Yup. Only in late fees. Wonder how much those 234 REVISIONS cost

>artist gets paid amount promised
>worked like a dog for no extra pay
this is a dime a dozen story it happens to freelancers all the time.
That just shows how important Cover is. They are important enough for national news.
Yeah. Starfield would have been like this but with Todd howard exploiting pajeets.
That's probably why their riggings are such dogshit, who would want to work for them after being asked to re-rig or edit a model 250 times?
people are only freaking out bc its a company but shit like this happens on the regular all the time. its pathetically common to see hundreds of ppl wanting a 20k work of art done for 50 dollars. that's why you only work contracts you've made or ones you thoroughly questioned and read over or this shit happens.
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>quality rigging like Cover gets
thanks for the hearty kek
when was the last time guras rigging was updated anyway...
They ... talked to the contractor and agreed to sent payments for the revisions?
Note that most of these revision payments were settled during late december 2023.
Pochi-mama talked about Hololive inviting all of the artists to their office. It was never disclosed why but this entire shitshow was definitely on the agenda.
After working with the artists, Hololive agreed to pay the revision fees. After that it was cleaning up every cases which they hasn't, and finished around Feb 2024. And no more cases since then?
But they didn't account for the late payment fee, which the FTC found out and then "recommended" them to do better.
Ok how many of those revisions were Kiara wanting a bigger ass
They made national television. Congratulations , holocucks
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Karma is a bitch holobronies
#1 vtuber corpo is newsworthy, truly shocking
more publicity for my ult bc our ceo will look even better with all eyes on holo addressing this with good charity and charisma
>Pochi-mama talked about Hololive inviting all of the artists to their office.
They regularly invite them. They were even invited for Holofes 5.
This is nothing compared to your fuck ups, nijibros. The worst that comes out of this is they might pay some compensation and some artists not working for them but that’s another opportunity for other artists too.
>Getting caught by the government for stealing and having to pay a fine isn't as bad as mentally ill members having mental breakdowns
eh this is normal practice for large companies in the US at least. Don't pay subcontractors/workers and you eventually pay a fine by the labor dept which is cheaper than if you actually have to pay for the work initially.
Work on your bait -1/10
From what I read, the problem lies in there being no or insufficient Penalty and Addendum clauses in the contract between Cover and the subcontractor, the period where the problem occurred was from late 2021 to 2023 when Cover grew and hired massive (Fresh Graduate, little or no experience) employee that led to problems that Japanese FTC found in investigation. This news was publicized after Cover and the Japanese FTC agreed upon and resolved all recommendations and doubles as a PR move to introduce the new law that is in effect next month.
>Stealing vs Murder
Dunno anon you tell me
>>Getting caught by the government for stealing and having to pay a fine isn't as bad as mentally ill members having mental breakdowns
Stealing is a crime, which gets you criminal charges. This is a civil dispute with civil claims of damages. This is not a crime but a contractual dispute over a breach of contract with at most a tort of unjustified enrichment. Go learn legal language faggot.
>My boss isn't stealing me. He's just not paying me what he owes me for a very long time
From what I read, Hololive already fixed the issue and it has not occured again ever since from Feb 2024.
The real problem lies beyond their not knowing a late payment fee exists. Which they were made aware of by the FTC by September. So they got caught with their pants on some money they didn't know they had to pay and the artists themselves didn't know they were entitled to according to random laws.
The FTC definitely pull this entire thing as a PR move for the new law.
thats true. I think nijicoper are trying to deflect from the 3 graduations and Q2 deadlines
Company is bleeding organs but because for once cover legitimately fucked up (no one is disputing that despite the monkey sisters claiming the contrary) they're going full force on it
Hololive has not paid for the 234 revisions yet and only paid off the late fees of the artists
It isn't even a civil dispute, no artists sued Hololive. It seems more like FTC found accounting errors and undued payment that even the artists themselves didn't know they should be paid (late payment fee)
They already did EOP-kun
They paid upfront 10 days after they commissioned someone. Then paid again a second time for the revisions around December 2023
>Summary of the Recommendation

>A. After obtaining confirmation from the Fair Trade Commission, COVER shall promptly pay the subcontractor an amount equivalent to the cost of having the subcontractor redo the delivery free of charge after receiving the delivery due to the act described in (1)(a) above.

Why do you lie? Do you think the government just decided to lie about Holo for the funnies?
Where do you get this? Can you post the full link?
retard you cant even write English you don't have a boss you are unemployed scum
That is still a breach of contract kek. Not paying for work is a failure of contractual obligations, for which one can claim damages. Stealing is the unlawful taking possession of someone elses property. I could steal your car, although i doubt you have one, and since it was your possession it would be theft. Only if your boss takes possession of your salary after it has been transferred to an acciunt in your ownership, then it is theft

Here you go
So like mediation? Then what is the big fuss about then???
I didn't even realize Cover was contracting riggers. Their rigging is usually so bad that I assumed it was done in-house by some chinaman paid minimum wage.
Well you're almost right. Most of them weren't even getting paid at all
Oh, I thought it was in english. Do you have the en one or did you just machine translate it?
Nothing, this is just Japan. A drunken old man sleeping in the middle of the street can make national news if they feel like it, so something like this gets inflated out of proportions pretty quickly

Cover fucked up, they payed, nothing of note since then
It's not in English. Just use the browser translation and you pretty much get the message
Yeah. Fuck cover!
I'm a holofan and some Holofans really need to stop being a yes man. This company is definitely doing something wrong because of the left and right graduations, but the yes man holofans seems to not give a shit.
This is why I know you never working with government or anything related with Audit Board. This news appear after FTC and the Client (in this case Cover) reached agreement and the client resolved all of recommendations (late payment etc.).
ah basing your claims based on browser translation

But here's their actual cases posted in that page
>On april 8th 2022, Hololive commissioned A to do rigging
>On april 18th 2022, Hololive paid upfront the rigging costs.
>From then on Hololive proceed to make a fuck ton of revisions without pay
>They paid again on 27 December, 2023, which makes them 619 days late

Anon tell me what they were paying on 27th December when they already paid upfront on 18th April if not for the revisions fee. Just coffee money?

Japanese artists aren't stupid, they take money upfront, and if any company really did not pay them any money. They'd cry all over twitter.

reality is Hololive paid $10000 upfront, rigger cried for $200 on revision costs, Hololive late at paying it, the amount so small rigger doesn't cry on twitter and continue to work with Hololive
They won't even file paperwork for their employees, not surprised they ignore contractors as well.
based, dramasisters btfo
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What a corpo not paying their bills and their drones trying to excuse their behavior say it's not f'ing so
>tell me what they were paying on 27th December when they already paid upfront on 18th April if not for the revisions fee

The rest of the payment. They get a portion initially and the rest when it's done. The government itself says they didn't pay for the revisions. So you're just a common Holodrone shining Yagoo's shoes
hey did all the nijisisters flee here? the other thread is almost archived
When she did multiple non-shill streams in row.
2 graduations and a permanent suspension
What happened to cuckjisanji this time?
she got a 2.0 but it's restricted to her original outfit like all the others. gura is still a rhombus in her kimono
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Imagine being a rigger that that did a bunch of revisions, but you still give cover a cross-eyed model like this as the end product. So if this is something that often happens, I can definitely see why cover asks for the revisions when the riggers can't even do the bare minimum by themselves without being told to
>Thread about Holo officially commiting crime
>Over 20 posts talking about Niji

Mind broken
4chan has been completely ruined by team sports
Can't discuss anything without people trying to deflect
>L2D riggerr: here's the product
>Hololive: wtf? this is so broken, redo it
>L2D riggers: done, now pay me extra money for fixing it
>Hololive: no, you sent us broken shit in the first place???? Here's the full payment for the normal work. No extra
>L2D riggers: um k, im calling the police
>FTC: Law said you have to pay them since you didn't specify in contract you have to receive functioning products.
>Hololive: okay. Done. It's paid
>FTC: ok cool, no violation after feb 2024 found.

>with reasons such as "the hair movement needs to be smoother" and "the body shape is unbalanced." The company did not pay the businesses any of the additional work fees
kek no way those elephant ears are japanese
>commiting crime
>ITT sister that dont know the difference between criminal law and contract law, that dont know the difference between a crime and a failure of contractual obligations and that dont know the difference between out-of-court resolution and trial
>The government itself says they didn't pay for the revisions
The government says that they're late for the additional payment regarding the work done after the work has been delivered and thus need to pay for late interest.
Literally said they pay for all the work, including the extra work, but they're just late at it, thus late interest.
it was also a 勧告, like a remonstrance? idk what the analog in english or USA would be.
definitely not getting sued by an individual or by a public prosectutor
I dont get it, cover hire subcon and paid fully
>On January 24, 2023, Cover ordered one subcontractor to create a 2D model for video, and after receiving payment on February 8, 2023,
Then they make multiple revision and finally reach an acceptable agreement
>Cover notified the subcontractor that the "delivery" had been completed for this order on September 26, 2023
And then they paid on the following month for those revision
>the subcontractor's payment for this order was not made until October 31, 2023
But they attribute the payment are not completed even after fully paid because of those revision
>266 days after the receipt of payment on February 8, 2023.
I dont get it why they included the 266 days? they paid fully after a month of order, then during revision those 266 days, they paid for the revision a month after they satisfied with the result.
Why are Vshojofags attacking cover?
Is this what Cover's lawyers are going to say in court?
so wait they're getting retroactively slapped for a new law is my understanding?
It seems Japan law doesn't understand anything about paying upfront and somehow assume that Cover paid for the full and completed model on February 8, 2023
And then they judged Cover as having deferred payment to this subcon because this subcon is still working on the model from February 8, 2023 to September 26, 2023, and seems to assume that those works are done purely to cater to Cover's revisions. And thus this subcon is judged to be doing unpaid labor for Cover during this period.
And then from their PoV, Cover only paid this subcon for this free labor on October 31, 2023, really late and thus late interest.

Or something to that effect, it's weird.
Revisions arent compensated do your fucking work properly.
In 3 years ive gotten commissions and hired artists, revisions were never compensated
>sisters accusing holofags of everything they've been doing for the past years over a nothingburger
I'm dying
>they paid fully after a month
The word "fully" was never said
>Then during revision
They never paid for revisions. They paid them the full amount said in the contract after 266 days which didn't include revisions or late payment fees
>They paid them the full amount said in the contract
>The word "fully" was never said
They get "recommendation" and just paid what is due, i dunno about the old law but if this is the new law which in next month, the fines would be 100mil+ yen for every revisions in cumulative.
>New law
There's nothing new about it. Getting forced to do 234 revisions for free despite it not being written in the agreement is illegal. So is not paying the late fees for paying years late
We all know how riggers works, anon
They always get paid full upfront, which is why that one dude managed to get away with scamming thousands.
Fully includes revisions and late fees. Not just the amount of money they said in the contract that Cover avoided paying for years
>Sisters! Why wasn't riku shown bowing on the nhk???? REEEEEEEE
In US law it would be a resolution or settlement. It was recommended by the FTC, which is basically a
>we nicely negotiate a settlement for this, which becomes a new binding agreement, which has contractual obligations but if you breach that agreement, we do have to enter into a civil court procedure to claim damages, which might lead to a civil sentence enforcable by the government
Right now there is no trial since it was settled out of court meaning there wasnt a government enforcable decision
Not in this particular small island language.
Anon, if you have nothing to add, just stfu. No one is talking about niji but you.
I never knew Cover was big enough to get this kind of coverage. Even if they're the biggest vtuber company in the world I thought they were still niche
>the amount of money they said in the contract
This phrase was never said anywhere
What court lmao nothing is happening with this
The artist cant even sue cover
>niji sis
As cover is being nailed to a cross for their black tactics on Japanese news channel. In before the next cope maybe in your mind riku paid the jftc too huh is all a massive falseflag as well.
This what culthive mind behavior looks like.
The phrases "Revisions uncompensated for" and "Late fees due" is though
I know holo trannies owe fealty to their dogshit company but it should be alarming how much management has been fucking up recently, you guys need to get your head out of your asses or your Roman empire is going to end in rubble.
>do a shitty job to make your employer ask for revisions
>ask for additional pay for your fuckups
I hope whoever did this got blacklisted
You're literally proving >>88157679 right
>The artist
Dumb fuck. It's the government. If they wanted to exterminate the shit out of Holo, they could
Damn sis didn't know cover commissioned the government on a l2d rig...
there's the shitaukehou or subcontracting act that the remonstrance is based on and what cover was found to be violating, but there's the new freelance act coming next month
Oh okay, so you're just purposely retarded. Carry on
>It's the government
I knew sisters were dumb but HOLY SHIT, i never knew they did not even have basic education
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>Revisions uncompensated for
Work uncompensated for, which is directly contradicted by
>Late fees due
Which is actually late interest, as in the payment being late and thus extra interest.
Which directly implies that even the extra work has been compensated fully, just not in a timely manner.
>After obtaining confirmation from the Fair Trade Commission, COVER shall promptly pay the subcontractor an amount equivalent to the cost of having the subcontractor redo the delivery free of charge after receiving the delivery due to the act described in (1)(a) above.

Jesus Christ, how delusional can you bootlickers be? They did not pay for any revisions ever. They're being forced to now. They did a crime
Do you have a problem with people only watching Holo, or do you just covet their spot?
Idk what consumers on a tanzanian loach trapping forum have to do with anything going on either, unless you're saying everyone MUST join the anti side post haste
>Revisions uncompensated for
Never said anywhere.
And you need to listen to yourself for once.
1. Do you think that government won't force Cover to also pay for the extra revisions if it's still unpaid?
2. Do you think that 200$ per artist is enough to pay for 10 revisions on average?
>They're getting sued
Sued by who, retard? The government is on their ass. Not the artists . They just reported them to the government
>sisters accusing holofans of being delusional bootlickers
is this the bizzaro thread
And (1)(a) is literally describing Cover allegedly failing to pay the subcontractors in a timely manner.
Not Cover failing to pay the subcontractors.
Do you even read the document?
They got nothing else so they just parrot us after a few months
You know what separate a vtuber fans who's a fan of the vtubers and one that's a cultists for a corp? The real vtubers fans accept hololive and niji are dog shit black corps while the corp fan will not.

You're seeing it happen right now. This board is not a board for vtubers is a board for fucking drama.
>this sister actually and genuinely thinks it is a criminal charge
>Between April 2022 and December 2023, after receiving the subcontractors' payments, Cover had them redo work free of charge, even though the work was not clear from the specifications shown in the purchase orders, etc. (a total of 243 times for 23 subcontractors).

Retard. Learn how to fucking read
Sounds like contract law violation, literally not a crime. They even call it a 下請法違反 and not a 犯罪.
Idk where you're from, but here in baguetteland there's something called a contravention that is basically the same thing as an 違反, it's a lesser offense that uually involves the offending party being obliged to pay a fine or reimburse victims. i.e. exactly what's happening here.
The murrican anon was also mentioning how contract law works there
Yes! I agree! Everyone should watch my 1view ass instead!
>. (The amount of late interest due to the said payment delays was 1,152,642 yen in total for 29 subcontractors.) Cover had paid the amount of late interest due to the said payment delays by September 17, 2024.
Are you saying the jftc was lying?
nta but didn’t you just translate the article? Just leave it to the people who can understand moonrunes.
Please don't mention the p word.
you're no different, you're also a tribalfag but for liggers or indies.
>Crime - an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

Breaking the law is a crime. How stupid are you?
>it's actually about working on revisions not included in contract in a clear manner
I was blown away once again
Nothing in this said they don't pay them after December 2023 and also, last I checked, December 2023 is not now.
>Late fees = money they're owed for all the revisions
Are you saying you never passed a math or English class?
If you don't like team sports, why reply to a post that's obviously engaging in it by using emotionally manipulative language to denigrate the opposing team?
>happened 2 years ago
>all outstanding debts have since been settled
Wow, it's literally nothing. It's amazing how petty some fags are. Just out to get Cover due to their success.
we're talking legal definitions here dumbass, of course we have to take semantics into account.
especially especially when you dumbasses keep bringing up shit like court or suits that don't apply to the situation.
Of course people will want you to understand that there's a difference between an 違反 and a 犯罪
Anon... late fees is extra fees from not paying in a timely manner, not the fees itself
>yea they scammed artists but it was only for a few thousand bucks so it's ok they just forgot probably and they did pay them eventually after an agency got on their ass for breaking the law it's fine
wow sisters are pathetic. oh sorry it's not sisters, i meant utocucks. oh no wait it's coverdrones. can't tell these people apart anymore.
The report saying that Cover will pay the amount for the revisions due once the government confirms it is NOW. They were already forced to pay late fees last month
So you can legally steal from someone if you have some kind of contract with someone? And even if you get caught it's legally not considered stealing?
Great. Glad you understand that they never paid for revisions and only for late fees
>breaking the law = crime
No law was broken though. A contract was breached. Not sure from what autoritarian hellhole you come but not all laws have criminal enforcement. There is a difference between criminal procedure and civil procedure. You cannot actually be this retarded
That's actually exactly what it meant
Not in the Japanese.
>Not even thread reading
Theft is a criminal charge. This is a failure of contractual obligation which is a civil charge. Read >>88156162
cover is so dumb I can buy them forgetting to pay people. so much of their success is from the girls carrying the company
You need an IQ of over 80 to engage with complicated topics like the legal system and it is awful seeing someone who doesn't have the mental abilities to grasp these topics struggle with them. You should probably just move on and do something else with your time.
Their fault for hiring japanese riggers.
They actually just said
which just means in a promptly manner.
>No law was broken
Yup. Totally no laws broken. Hololive didn't breach this act and definitely didn't get away with it for years
How many more will there be >>88157679
>force someone to pay the late fees but not the fees
what a kind government
So the JPs finally get guidelines how to appropriately pay riggers and designers?
I don't find this to be a bad issue?

Yes it happened to be Cover this time. You can bet it's an industry standard, that now will change.
I accept your concession
But they are forcing them to pay for the revisions, they just haven't yet
>Law about delay in payment
>not about not paying in the first place
This just sounds like poor contract terms honestly. I do commission work and my contracts always stipulate than any number of revision beyond a point need additional pay
Did your brain just shut off after the third comma?
>they are forcing them to pay for the revisions
they only force them to pay for the late interest
the only law broken was >>88159365 about payment delay, not payment failure
Yagoo better hit his boy trump so he can he get Rudy to represent him in court in Japan with me as a humble interpreter.
It's basically a payment/contract dispute. The dispute was already resolved in February this year but for some reason (I think a late fee) it's coming out now.
everything after the first coma is attributional to explain the first sentence
No you don't understand. The government is lying. There is no law that they broke and they paid everyone appropriately despite the report giving evidence otherwise
There are literally penal provisions in the act which determine what actions constitute a criminal violation and Cover's actions do not constitute a criminal violation
December 2023
>After obtaining confirmation from the Fair Trade Commission, COVER shall promptly pay the subcontractor an amount equivalent to the cost of having the subcontractor redo the delivery free of charge after receiving the delivery due to the act described in (1)(a) above.

>You can bet it's an industry standard
It is. Roughly Polka's mama / artist:
>This is a common occurrence in the Live2D industry. No one knows the rules
>Most illustrators don't know how to draw for a Live2D model (some riggers want layers done a certain way and such), and many clients don't realize that. Coordinating this should be the client's responsibility. What happens when that's not done? It's all thrown at the illustrator.
>Do people offer to pay for redos not based on the original order from the beginning? Definitely not. That's how things are...Vtubers often ask for changes after coloring has been done. This happens more often when there are more people in between
>There are many other companies that are worse! The important part is that the redos were not part of the original design order
>Large corpos that have the numbers are not necesarilly all always good, but they tend to be better with this kind of stuff
>Some people actually think this should be done for free. Not joking.
>Not to take the blame off them, but it feels like this case has been used as a warning
>To all creators, you are entitled to ask compensation for work that's not in the order! People have asked about this kind of stuff before, it feels like many people had/are having this kind of trouble
how bad do you have to be at your job to fuck up and get asked to redo it 230 times
that's actually very kind of cover to pay artists for revisions, that they contractually agreed to not being paid beforehand, they kinda got scammed though
how many times do I need to explain how (1)(a) was about delay in payment not payment failure, anon?
Speeding is a crime and you pay the fine if you do so.
Cover did something wrong and they paid the fine. I don't understand what people are fighting now. Do we want to stone the person to death?
>they paid the fine
it's not fine if it's not to the government
>Erm, they broke the law and committed a crime but they aren't legally classified as criminals

No one gives a fuck about your semantics. A criminal is someone who broke the law. They broke the law. They're criminals
Contract isn't technically the law.
I swear I see more similarities between nijisisters and insane leftists every day
>amount equivalent to the cost of having the subcontractor redo the delivery free of charge after receiving the delivery due to the act described

You can stop pretending to be retarded now
Mods, this one! Clearly underage, probabaly like 10 years max based on their reasoning
yes the jftc is lying to cover for cover
It's 234 times over 23 subcontractors / artist, not 234 each. Averaged out to be roughly 11 times each which isn't that high (of course, some artists might require notably more or less than others due to the difference in experience and such)
>due to the act described
there you go
and only the amount is equivalent
and do you really think 200$ is enough to pay for 10 revisions anyway?
uh oh, Niji melty
>scammed artists
>artists fucks up 30 times on the same fucking job to get asked redos and charge for it
They already paid everything by February 2024
Imagine building a house then having to remake the house 11 times because your boss actually wanted it done a specific way
This act regulates how contracts with subcontractors are supposed to be paid. No laws in this act were violated. This law does not address what a breach of contract. A contract is enforceable by 2 or more parties within the contract, which in this case the government isnt part of the contract. This is a basic breach of contract, not a broken law.
this but nijisisters and holodrones.
You sound underage or uneducated. Maybe both.
That's just normal contractors job actually
Some fuckers even goes for up to 3 digits.
Did any artist/rigger sue them or jftc fine them? Or are you just having a brainfart moment without reading the report
So let me get this straight they paid
>(The amount of late interest due to the said payment delays was 1,152,642 yen in total for 29 subcontractors.)Cover had paid the amount of late interest
As a fine?????
I'm witnessing a faggot cherry pick words out of a fucking sentence. Not a passage. Not a paragraph. A fucking sentence
>/lig/ out of nowhere
is the doobster making you cover fags shit your pants already lmao
>they broke the law and committed a crime but they aren't legally classified as criminals
Except they didnt break a law, they didnt commit a crime and they cannot be classified as crimimal. Read a book faggot
my boss wanted the house built with a roof and i did it without one 11 times, i should be compensated for my extra work
This is it, I'm siding with the AI. Fuck all the subpar artists who get rewarded with additional money for making substandard work, hope they all burn in hell
>a person who has committed a crime

The irony
What a coincidence, I'm witnessing a faggot cherry picking a word out of a sentence. Not a passage. Not a paragraph. A fucking word.
Nijiniggers just can't help letting their masks slip even when they have Holokeks on the defensive. Absolutely astounding.
>The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) has conducted an investigation into Cover Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Cover") and has found that the company has engaged in acts in violation of Article 4, Paragraph 2, Item 4 of the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontracting Act") (prohibition of unjustified changes to the content of services and unjustified redoing of work). As a result, the JFTC has today issued a recommendation to Cover pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph 3 of the Subcontracting Act.

This is the government saying that they committed a crime and they're getting a warning
Nice marketing strategy before holofez
well thanks for proving me right about the tribalfaggotry
Breach of contract is not a crime. So no crimes were commited. There, simple words. I hope my sentence was basic enough for you to understand. I can dumb it down even further if you continue to struggle
The blackest of black. It's no wonder why their talents have been tripping over each other trying to get out of there
And of course the instant HDF seethe
>you're also a tribalfag but for liggers or indies.
Why is it every time there's holo drama there's always multiple Niji dramas that just happened?
It wasn't a just breach of contract. They had them do extra unpaid work that wasn't specified in the contract. Which violates the subcontractor law. Which makes them criminals by the definition of the word.

I hope you understand that this was reported as a crime on the news and that the Japanese are furious
>As a result, the JFTC has today issued a recommendation
Did you ever read what you posted?
>"the jftc recommended us to pay our late fee"
>"we've paid the late fee"
Where are the part they getting sue and going into prison for "criminal" offense?
You can tell from this thread that Nijisisters are getting really desperate.
Everything must be in balance. You can't have either force of good or evil overwhelms the other
do you? tribe vs tribe. if you unilaterally support indies over anything corp and shit up the board because of it you're fighting for your tribe (indies).
what the fuck do you think tribalfaggotry is, do you think tribalfaggotry = corp v corp?
Hololive is a shining beacon of the industry going public in order to help improve a very complicated and unsatisfactory legal situation regarding contracted work concerning rigging etc.
Your corpo has systematically pushed streamers to suicide and has worked with a producer who has tried to drug and raped their talents and now they are disucssing hush hush terms with that guy.
Nice try tho!
>the subcontractor law
The referred subcontractor law was actually about delayed payment, not about extra unpaid work that wasn't specified in the contract.
Disingenuous faggot. There's actually no point talking to the HDF. The government does not need to throw you in jail for you to be a criminal

I for one think riggers should be paid in literal peanuts
>Nothing, this is just Japan. A drunken old man sleeping in the middle of the street can make national news if they feel like it, so something like this gets inflated out of proportions pretty quickly
I remember visiting Japan once, turning on morning news and, not even kidding, witnessing a full-on episode about a local college student(?) saving a drowning dog.
>prohibition of unjustified changes to the content of services and unjustified redoing of work
Those peanuts? Mine
[sad news] 5ch and holoneet have already stopped talking about this and have gone back to regularly scheduled jikkyou
People that getting fines are not criminal, underagechama. If this is true according to your head, everyone would be in prison when they drive through a red light.
Recommendation isn't the same as a fine.
>Breaking the law doesn't make you a criminal
Post the whole Article 4, Paragraph 2, Item 4
>>The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) has conducted an investigation into Cover Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Cover") and has found that the company has engaged in acts in violation of Article 4, Paragraph 2, Item 4 of the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontracting Act") (prohibition of unjustified changes to the content of services and unjustified redoing of work).
The JFTC found that Cover breached the contract by not satisfying paymenr terms according to 4.2 of the subcontracting act. This is still not a violation of law but a breach of contract.
>As a result, the JFTC has today issued a recommendation to Cover pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph 3 of the Subcontracting Act.
This recommendation was not a criminal charge but a civil settlement as it was a breach of contract. This isnt even a fine, it's a new contractual obligation to fulfill your old contractual obligations.
>This is the government saying that they committed a crime and they're getting a warning
This is not the government saying that they committed a crime, this is the governement sayingbthat they could be held liable for damages if they dont perform their contractual obligations.
nta but you’re really that desperate to paint cover as criminals huh. It would work if the anons here thinks like you.
Because these shitheads cannot fathom their oh so perfect vtubing company would ever do anything. Seriously, why hire shills when these idiots would do it for free?
Yeah now you get it! It's not necessarily a crime, especially when dealing with civil law. Good job!
Not every crime has a prison sentence attached to jt
>(hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontracting Act") (prohibition of unjustified changes to the content of services and unjustified redoing of work)

Don’t get me wrong here what they did is bad and they should pay which they did. But not knowing what civil vs criminal is embarrassing.
That's actually correct. It depends on whether it's a criminal statute and/or criminal sanctions which have a punitive intention
pick a more relevant site.
NTA but if anytime a talent graduates people come out of the woodwork to extol indiefaggotry, and if people keep on and on about talents needing to graduate from the evil companies, and when more energy is devoted to anti-ing the camps or tribes or corps they don't like, it's tribalfaggotry through and through.
Like, forget nijifags falseflagging by using liggers and indies as stalking horses to use as ammo against cover, it even applies to dramafags who cheer at every single Niji graduation (because they hate the Niji tribe)
It's all tribalism. You can even be tribal between two indie streamers (look at the shit that went down between shondo's fanbase and other fanbases)
JFTC didn't have the full context, they had zero idea about the true horror that's Umiushi's rigging
>But if I try to LARP as a law student and use legal definitions instead of just using a fucking dictionary, Hololive didn't commit a crime

Hololive, by definition, committed a crime. Cope harder
>revisions only happen due to mistakes
ask how i know you've never had a job in the creative industry.
>break the law
>recommended them to paid late fee for breaking the law
I late paying my mortgage once, did i break the law and became a criminal too?

You must be one of those retard that believe
>"you're a criminal even after you served your sentenced for 20 years"
Yea, their sentences is paying late fee.
sugiura still has a lot of people posting on it, even if most people are on jpnkn/holoneet
>so something like this gets inflated out of proportions pretty quickly
>Cover fucked up, they payed, nothing of note since then
lmao not too fun now that the negative spotlight is on you huh? eat shit
>If I pay bail, I'm not a criminal anymore
Amazing logic. It's not just late fees. It's the money for all the revisions too. All 234 of them
Cover already admitted they are wrong because of late fee, but this retard want to push it to 11 so badly it became comical.
It's amazing for 234 revisions only add up to 5k$, averaging to 20$ per revisions, huh
But according to various riggers this is a common malpractice in all the industry. And Cover is just being singled out because a relatively new law.
Nope they didn't. You are just delusional.
You should learn how to read faggot i dumbed every legal term down for you and still you dont understand anything. What do you not understand about
>there is a difference between civil charges and crimimal charges
What do you not understand about
>civil charges dont make someone a criminal
What do you not understand about
>not every violation is a criminal violation
What do you not understand about
>the case has not gone through court but was settled amicable through resolutions
Is reading that fucking difficult.
>Japanese company says they're sorry then bows to the public regardless of the truth
wow! never heard of it before
>We're so sorry we got caught!
Yeah, they're totally in the wrong, and they totally aren't gonna do it again in secret, alright.
What I fing more amusing is one of the riggers involved is probably the one in charge of Fagni.
Even according to the government investigation, they've stopped doing it since February 2024
>ITT sister that think someone is a criminal for life after returning a book to the library, 1 minute over the return time
>Cover is just being singled out
After being called out 243 times, you're no longer "singled out".
One time i throw an empty can and missed the bin, that anon came up and told me i was a criminal :(
no one cares about criminal or not we're vt fans not lawyers. It's the public shame... that's bad.
One time i drove 51 in a 50 zone and then anon locked me up and sentenced me to 40 years in prison
>asking for revisions is illegal
>here's your steak
>wtf, I asked for medium, why is it medium rare?
>well, we could cook it again but it's going to cost you extra
It's a industry wide standard but only Cover is named. That's what being singled out means.
One time i was eating a croissant and some crumbs dropped on the street. Anon saw that and now i'm waiting for my death sentence
I went jaywalking once, my boss told all of the investors I was negligible and my coworkers sent out a hit piece on me and bullied me into attempting suicide for damaging their reputation
I let out a fart once but anon thought it was too loud and claimed it as disturbance of peace so now i have a 50k fine
criminal scums
dumb ESL
Now that Hololive is Public, they probably won't: shitty accounting practices are common for private corporations, but publicly traded ones usually hire accountants expensive enough to comply with the law, because investors usually demand that.
>243 times
read the damn thing, its about a dozen retarded artists who managed to fuck up their own work and redo it over 20 times each on avg
Why can the people say the word rigger out loud and nothing is happening to them?

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