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- Megas:
/lig/'s Archive (Non-Paywalled, excludes HoloNiji)- https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA

Ask in thread for options below (Including paywalled cards)!
Horny image maker: https://twitter.com/Wataaamage
Koi image/video maker: https://twitter.com/koi_s3
VTuber/Hololive Koikatsu Card
- Koikatsu Database: https://db.bepis.io/
- Pixiv Releases: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/バーチャルYouTuber キャラ配布(コイカツ)
MMD VTuber (iwara.tv)
- https://oreno3d.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#1)
- https://erommdtube.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#2)
- https://mmdfans.net (Iwara video cache/archiver)
Subscription Site Archives:
Patreon/Fanbox/Gumroad/etc. - https://kemono.su/
Fansly - https://coomer.su/
Catbox : https://catbox.moe/ (200mb max)
Litterbox : https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ (1Gb Max/temporary storage)
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>Tanlines Edition
Let’s fuck(ing go) tanlined chuubas
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Merry Milk Anon, do you have any good Towa cards?
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Hags sexos.
No dying!
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I said no dying.
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Took me a while to find it since reverse search got nothing and there were a billion holoctober pics but here's the artist/source
Very nice alts in there
I feel like tanlines edition excludes about half of all vtubers, but I certainly like where this thread is going.
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Suit yourselves.
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WosePeto beach threesome... uoh... sand's gonna be a total pain in the ass though
That just means you can all later take a shower together and make sure every nook and cranny is free of sand

Fingering Petra and Rosemi in the shower after sex on the pretense of getting all the sand off. (they love it really and they're thirsty for more)
Sexy Reimu!
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booking a flight to Galapagos & Falklands to see if I can get myself a stray Petra
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Reimu should sit on my face
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Just don't tread too heavily on the beaches, anon.
Also consider Cape Town, South Africa.
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Code red. Dooby has a naked model in her debut. I repeat. Code red. Dooby is naked for a section of her debut. I don't care if that means changing the lightbulb.

Probably no modelled nips or vagene, but still, damn, her new model is napalm, and the gerboa theme is the cutest damn thing.
Now we wait for Wataa to post that card he made
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does anyone have the original image of this? https://x.com/gdbxm/status/1845640278692274308
today i learned theres a whole hashtag for vtuber bukakke
post it
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Anyone have the mods needed for the IdolA Irys card?
I'm too lazy to get them together, here's his pixiv
Thanks anon, I got all the ones I needed.
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consider titfucking Reine and blowing a load all over her face
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Built for huge colonizers!
You mean feebly dribbling a load right?
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No dying while I sleep.
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for me
colonizing Reine's rich, white milkers and then sniffing her armpits
Yeah those last 2 are busted
breast expansion dayo
no it ain't, it's just too big (heh) to preview through embed links, you gotta download it first
if it's still broken then here's a lowres one https://twitter.com/lx3_lcubed/status/1843341113106804794
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They work for me without downloading. Probably depends on what system and browser you're using.
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Obviously I don't have the model but here's the animations she made. Naked Dooby is in the last third.

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I need a loose, bushy hagcunt on my face...
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Stop dying.
Guys, Dooby is seriously cute, I'm in danger of simping. Withold me from temptation, brothers.
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Dooby should be treasured
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Sex is over...
Tan Wose...

>sexually assertive tanned Rosemi

This feels wrong somehow.
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Yes please.
The sun has cooked her brain and left only the horny part
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Just nutted to a browntubers new model while she streamed and I felt warm and fuzzy for like an hour afterwards.
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I said live!
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If you want to collect cum for Fauna then you have to ask more nicely.
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Okay, I'll bite, who did you blow a nuclear load to?
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That's genuinely one of the best Sanas I've ever seen. Have a cute Millie in return.
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Groping Fauna's fat tits while she lets out little uuu's
Well you can’t just say that and not who
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i wish koikatsu had some kind of generative or physics-based element to their H-scenes so that it wasn't all just canned looping animations. like maybe you could drag a hand onto a shoulder and that would change up the animation. or you could transition from one position to the other, and it would happen visually (girl would roll over, prop herself up, etcetera). koikatsu has been pretty much the only game you can fuck imported vtuber models in for like six years now, there's gotta be a more advanced game coming soon right?
It's called studio
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i thought studio required you to painstakingly move every single limb and pretty much change everything manually in order to create a new animation? there's a way to just automatically generate new stuff?
anon, if that was possible in literally anything at all, animators of whatever kind wouldn't need to exist

weren't ragdoll physics created for the precise purpose of adding more variety to things like falling animations or NPCs pushing each other around? i don't think it's a stretch to assume it would be possible that one day soon you could have animations that can be tweaked or randomized in real time so animations aren't just the same exact loop over and over again.
for minor movements, sure, and KK has that; things like the way boobs bounce and hair sways are procedurally generated
you're talking whole position transitions and limb repositions, though
Raden a CUTE!
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i could see some kind of AI-powered thing in the future where you feed an AI several centuries worth of porn collecting from the internet and it uses that info to dynamically generate variety for sex animations. but i guess we're not there yet, so I guess it'll just have to be Reverse Cowgirl 3 for the next decade
And the hands will still have 6 fingers.
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As a fledgeling 3dhomosexual, I can tell you with some amount of certainty that while what you're asking for is technically possible, it's WAY outside the scope of what kk exists to do. Frankly, that kk spits out animations that can look as good as they do is the same kind of miraculous bullshit that makes doing anything in SFM or lego stop motion impressive. Physics based interactions between two characters would be possible as a simulation, but then you'd have to get into either videogame collision nonsense, or the same kinda voodoo that makes fluid sims work, and watch your laptop melt into a pile of slag trying to compute it, let alone render it. On-the-fly pose transitions that intelligently fill out the inbetweens are theoretically possible, but fucking Renderman doesn't even have that, and that's the software Pixar wrote to make movies with. In practice, doing it by some kind of procedural process would create either exceptionally stale and lifeless animations that are functionally identical to canned transitions, or would create janktacular mess that looks downright horrifying to watch.

I get it, man. You're here to make smut, not learn Blender, but kk is a weird, janky tip of the 3d iceberg, and 3d is an inherently unintuitive pain in the ass. That frustration is the price of admission, I'm afraid.

But, on the upside of all that, when you make a transition or a pose or a model that actually looks good and works well, goddamn it feels good.

tldr: nope.

PS: it is my dream to make a pair of guns for FWMC to use in 3d and I'm going to treat myself to making stuff themed around vtubers right after I learn how to make complex mechanical stuff and basic set design. Maybe one day I'll get to do work for a vtuber. That'd be pretty swell.
What if six fingers come with four arms and four breasts?
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sensual Anya my beloved
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No dying!
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I said...
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HiRys, it's SEXRyS
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No dying while I sleep.
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Shockingly little tanline art for this outfit
Or I'm just outdated in my trends because I'm fucking old.
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You suffer, but why?

Jesus christ that was good.
Look at these gay ass girls being all gay and shit. God it's so cute.
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I wanna devour her pussy and see what that tail do.
1hp thread
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Oi no dying.

God I wish that was me.
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Sex with white hags!

This makes me wonder where all the older black vtubers are. Anyone got any recommendations? Pic obviously unrelated.
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Choccies are already rare, choccy hags might as well be cryptids
this is the best I got
Obviously unrel, they are the whitest girls I know.
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Ope, no dying.
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Kiido is a master of the craft
Yes I would like one order of hag sex.
can anyone tell me who this is?
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Rin Penrose
Rin Penrose, idolEN
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Rin Penrose
Rin Penrose from Idol Corp.
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Looks like Wataa's posted his Doob card on Patreon.
Now...we wait.
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Dare you?
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Horny is over...
Of course, I'm sure nothing untoward will happen

>not even a single mini blahaj in sight
>desk doesn't look anywhere near old enough.
>not one pikmin figure
>nary an amiibo to be found
>not even a Snebby
>didn't even have the decency to have Rin take big bick on a fancy four poster bed.

I'm genuinely frustrated by the lack of effort there. You can't just do my silly little oshi dirty like that.

Captcha: kmysy. Yes, captcha, seeing this does make me want to kmys.

Reminds me of a female version of Oda. She's cute though, I dig it. What's her name?

this is where you tell me that's just Oda, isn't it?


I dunno, I think Haruka might possibly be whiter. That or see earlier post about Rin
Red alert! Sana's back. She's a puffin PNG now and she's cute. She's Namie now.

It's unclear if it was a one-off stream, but even if it is, it's still nice to hear her voice and know she's doing well.
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Selen laughing along with the seagulls
>Sana's back

I think that's kind of interesting because of all of Justice, I think she's got the most boring model - basically what if Koyori but massive tits - but her popularity seems to be a direct result of her absolutely adorable personality. That's not to say the rest of Justice aren't great, but Raora just exudes a cuddly energy that's all her own.
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the worst thing to happen to AZKi over the past year was the Gaou-papa level tits buff in fanarts
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Wtf are you talking about? Her model is sex incarnate. It's the pink curse to be this sex appeal.
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What's wrong with big tits?

I'm sorry, I just find her design really uninspired. It's not bad, but it really feels like just Koyori again. Shes got a sort of assembled from a template kind of vibe that the others in Justice don't have. But she's just so precious that she makes up for all of it in spades.
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Is there 2Bae art that has her with her small frame instead of it being 2B with Bae's hair?
Closest is this from what I've seen

They're not currently in my face!
Slutty witch tits
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>one singular Beatles perm
My knees are permanently bent.
made for titfucking monster dicks
rn I'm imagining centaur

I'm not sure what you mean. Does ERB have permissions to sing one specific Beatles song?
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She's made to be shoved into a breeding mount
Yeah, she's releasing a cover of Blackbird.
>Downloads scene
>Replaces girl
>No other effort
>"-I- made this"
Welcome to KK.
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>has so many lewds she has to remind people not to put lewds on her art tag
Is this the power of hag sex?

That's pretty cool. I gotta admit, I don't like the beatles much, I prefer the Blackbird that has Mark Tremonti playing a sick guitar solo, but it's neat to hear hololive vtubers releasing official covers of english songs. Personally I think Kronii would do a sick cover of Feelin' Good, and I'd pay actual money to hear IRyS do some Emeli Sande.
In the name of the Sana, the Doob and the holy Mint, live!
Very cute Peto
Would squeeze her butt while she's bent over trying to clean
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For all you furry Hololive girl enjoyers
Fox bird woman...
Here's their twitter
Seems like they made a bunch of other Kiara furry lewds
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Me, I am those people.
I can tell San is about to commit various sexual sins with Kronii's body all night long
Well check out the artist's account for more
Nice tits
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Enjoy bear milk
Maybe longer if Kronii abuses her time powers
the best
You know the shotacon in her is gonna make sure she can spend as much time getting fucked by San as she can
Will she even be able to release this man of all of his massive sins? I’m sure he’s got loads of them
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If this thread dies, I won't be able to see when someone leaks that Doobert card.
So...don't die.
anyone have hatoko updated default kiara and fever night outfit?
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Hello, I saw your rentry and was interested in exchanging some cards!

I've got a couple Hatoko oufits that aren't on your list:
-Murasaki Shion (This file contains all the mods and outfits, including the uniform outfit you're looking for, on one card)
-Kazama Iroha (This file contains all the different versions and new outfit)

Could you provide the following Hatoko cards and mods?
-Omaru Polka New Years Outfit
-Takanashi Kiara Fever Night Outfit

I also wanted to ask you've experienced the issue of certains cards not loading into the char maker? I've gotten some Roboco cards that don't show up there, but do show up in Free H oddly enough. Not sure what to do there

Thanks again!

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