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Looks like Fauna is measuring her options outside of Hololive now too

Pretty bad week for Hololive
Okay, what happened to Niji and/or Phase this time?
the jackbox is calling just pick up the phone
Couldn't deflect from Hololive breaking the law harder
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even if that was true op i think if your a true follower of your oshi you'd follow her lead unless shes being stupid cough mikeneko cough so if fauna wants to leave let her and hope she ends up someone where she wants to be even if that happens to be vshojo ... but a lot of holofags worship the doritio and not the talant just like the nijisisters
Phasefag fuck off
Fauna has been acting much more indie/vshojo like lately, would not surprise me if she thought this would be a better path for her career
so true sister
Well it’s not like Fauna likes Idol shit anyways, Holo doesn’t offer her anything really
Trying to divine the present/future of e-celeb relations out of twitter follows is truly the bottom of the barrel of dramafaggotry.
It amazes me how right Gura was to be so disengaged with twitter as to not even bother following most of her professional contacts on it. Completely shut down retards like OP from stirring shit using her profile.
Yeahhh I think we all saw this coming
She's just not made for idol stuff, similar to Ame
Myth and Council happened when the focus on idol stuff wasn't AS much as it is now, it's only natural a few of them would fall through now that it's THE focus.
Which HoloENs have followed Dooby on their official account? Just Mori and Fauna?
Seemingly just those two yeah
Kiara did as well in other ways
Kinda strange honestly, I never really thought of Ame and Fauna as particularly close
>OP is an ultrafaggot and censors not following
>Completely forgots colors are a thing and we can see the white, proving objective retardness
All I want to ask is if your parents roped after seeing what shit came out from them. If not, I count 3 retarded.
this is an english website anon, please speak it
She better not waste her sex model
Fauna loves Hololive and the girls lol, she's not going anywhere. She won't even collab outside of Hololive.
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Stop RPing as a fag that couldn’t get the job done himself.
Thanks for proving that the other anon was right
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>get laughed out of global
>no in /#/ takes your bait
>u-uh the catalogue maybe
A beloved niji talent literally just graduated
Fauna a couple years ago yeah you're right
But she's been mentioning non-holo vtubers and streamers more and more recently
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Niji just lost ANOTHER member. This time one of the last "good ones."
Her graduation stream was basically an abuse victim crying about how much she feels like she failed everybody and how she couldn't handle it anymore. It's a miracle it's still up.

As for phase, bvtm is getting pissy again for some reason and making a bunch of shiori threads.
>more and more recently
nigga please, she used to reply to nijis in her first year but she stopped using twitter. I can guarantee you Fauna or her RM will never collab outside of Hololive again.
Name 5, with proof
I dont get it, are we acting like this is bad for either side? Im okay with all non-idol girls quitting holo.
Holo is treating their contractors so poorly that even the Japanese government (known for siding with corporations due to its deeply ingrained feudal roots) had to intervene.
niji graduation = nijifags seething about holo
Like clockwork. Luxiem is dead sister.
niji let their contractors drug rape their livers
you win this one nijifag.
Grim grim grim
I don't know why they would even try. The YAB incident was glossed over by JP society but you can tell someone was feeding livers to get their pics in that discord group.
nta but she HAS talked about Mint and Lilypichu in like... idk the last month or two
That's all I know of besides the obvious occasional NL reference
The YAB incident was a nothingburger that broke no laws. Meanwhile the government had to intervene to force Cover to behave.
>Holofag continues making up bullshit while the government starts fining Cover for abusing their workers

Poor holochuds
Next you'll tell me Mumei is going indie!!
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Indie Fauna already exists
or even less believable, she'll actually stream!
I feel bad for Pillow coz people keep comparing her to Fauna. Imagine working your ass off to grow your channel and people call you "Indie Fauna" (or anything similar).
Imagine visiting 4chan and not feeling worse afterwards.
everyone and their mother follows Ironmouse, that means nothing
hundreds of similar to gura vtuber : first time?
Fauna gives so few fucks about Holo that at this point I'm convinced that she stays there because she actually finds it comfortable.
This, especially when she's so much better than Fauna too. If anything, we should be calling Fauna "Corposlop Pllow"
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Take your meds
It's over. Mori's leaving with Fauna in 2 more weeks.
Fauna is an outcast in hololive and will be leaving to join dooby by December at the latest. Maybe she shouldn't have shit on her fans while being the biggest, fakest, GFE-pandering pickme grifter in the company.
Holy seethe lmfao. Woman, right?
You know a vtuber is not worth watching when they ONLY time they ever get mentioned is in comparison to a random holo.
And how does pillowdear differs from that except pretending to like her fans
>Which HoloENs have followed Dooby on their official account? Just Mori and Fauna?
I have the feeling that Gura would follow Dooby if she could but that it's currently not an option for her.
bae too now
No but actually why are they following her? I could understand roommates
>main holo account
You sisters used to try back in the day
She is still doing ASMR content, so it's more like Fauna is Corpo Pillowdear
it's real, check yourself
VVVV. VV graduations, and Ver Vermillion indefinite hiatus.
Sex with 22 year olds.
Why not?
Mr yab was also did work for hololive too but you won't mention that of course.
The difference is Suisei new something was up after the first session and they all passed on him.
Anon that's how you can check that it's real
Mori, Fauna, and Bae all follow her on main
I'm not denying that it's real, I'm just pointing out that it's not her other persona that sisters keep tabs on.
He was still contracted to them too lol spare me from your lessel evil moralfagging lecture
oh shit, bae too now?
I wonder how many will.
HoloEN finally collapsing, fucking YESSSSS

Feels good to be a NijiGOD
only Ina didnt follow her in terms of MYTH girls
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Your friend misses you
Because Anycolor was threatening to go after anyone who talked about it and then they made a deal with YAB where they wouldn't pursue charges.
>Holocucks making up fanfiction to deflect from their company's actual crimes
Both are collapsing and nijifags are collapsing at a faster rate
>phase taking the lead
I love PC if for no other reason than because it keeps giving the trashiest people on the board a permanent reason to seethe
In what way has fauna been at all different? Doing the large collabs that most the girls participated in?

Being vshojo/indie has usually been categorized by being crass, a homo-sympathizer, relentlessly yuribaiting and coomerbating. Fauna has been doing none of those things, even relative to other hololive members. Your schizophrenic episodes aren't a good barometer for how idols are feeling my guy.
where's idolEN?
Niji got 1 grad and 1 indefinite hiatus. Pippa ran to kick
>follow someone on social media
>anon invents an entire story with hidden agendas and mysteries that would have stayed hidden if only they didn't make the mistake of following someone on social media
What geniuses we have here. Every new day I am in awe.
If pillow dropped the annoying ass gfe then yeah, maybe.
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This is extremely embarrassing, don't even compare this whore to Fauna.
What does that mean?
she's following Ame's indie mama it's so ogre
Haha, people watch this? Jesus, that's pathetic
When is the fansly?
If this isn't a grift then IDK what else to say.
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Fauna got shit on for simply saying "we are not friends" and THIS is what you consider her replacement?
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holy shit jej, the absolute state of indiekeks. Never try to shill your garbage as being even remotely as good as Holo ever again.
This is not relevant to what he was saying, because clearly niji paid the contractors for their work even if a little non-consensual surprise sex occurred

Cover actively ripped off workers and enslaved them in the vtuber mines.
4chan, vtubers and other hobbies keep me sedated and forgetting homocidal thoughts I might otherwise act on.
Pillow did this a long time ago. It was her first time collabing with anyone and she panicked because she had never had a fan be upset with her. She regrets what she did and the guy from that screenshot is no longer in her community.

There’s someone in these threads that shares that screenshot every time pillow is brought up. It’s just bait. She doesn’t do stuff like that, it was a one time panic
If your criteria for watching is "how do people on /vt/ compare them and do they hurt Cover, my real oshi?" the answer is that no one wants you watching anyway.

For all the subhuman tardlets who browse these threads I want you to know indie/small corpo chats are infinitely better than the large corpo chats and fanbases filled with 80 IQ 11 year olds in mexico. You are simply a fucking bane of every single fanbase, we do not want you. You don't have any money anyway so why would anyone give a fuck if you gave them views?
At this point they should all flock off and Justice should only remain and get the focus. They have the best chemistry, they love their viewers and each other, they're perfect.
Cope. Proof right now
Huffing copium (and glue)
Oh boy i'm glad i only watch Cover approved vtubers because the indie world look really grim. Don't ever talk about how Fauna is similar to this random
Ina's roommate follows her.
>only Ina didnt follow her in terms of MYTH girls
When you include both Hololive accounts and RM accounts Mori, Gura, Kiara, Ina, Mumei, Bae, and Fauna have followed Dooby. All of Myth and most of Promise are now following her. There is a good chance that more Hololive talents will board the train in the next few months.
Ok so you call that out as bait, but ignore how she is always shilled in any fauna anti threads?
Suspension deflection drama
She's so out
>relentlessly yuribaiting and coomerbating
>Fauna isn't coomerbaiting
She does nothing else since she got her 3D.
Are you talking about Vivi? Or another one?
Better path kek
I wont be following holoquitters
That was English. You're just too much of an ESL to understand, retard.
Yeah, I was talking about Vivi.
God, that graduation stream was awful to hear.
HoloEN was a big mistake for Yagoo.
nijisanji and their graduation queue
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Calm down holosisters.
Ironmouse has done several collabs with Holomems before.
>Japanese government is known for siding with corporations
This isn't a bizarro thread retard, why are you spouting this utter nonsense?
True. They made no profit so they forced Holo to start scamming artists
And you get banned when you link certain ones.
Imagine being so brainwashed you ignore recorded history and try to argue Japan hates corporations
>a vtuber followed her previous colleague
>the seas shall turn to blood, Jupiter will swallow the earth, demons will steal our left thumbs and fire will engulf the moon
so the opposite of poach begging by corpos is this graduation begging by antis or indie tribalists?
>fuck fdund bitch
Victoria graduation
Vex Vermilion permanent suspension
Twisty openly shitting on Nijisanji in her private discord server, including death threats to the staff
>Twisty openly shitting on Nijisanji in her private discord server, including death threats to the staff
That bitch is not even green. Shitters are retarded
>that phase
SLOW and steady gentlemen!
I'm fucking Twisty on the side
who isn't?
That's Twistyschizo. He constantly talks about this super secret discord server he's in where Twisty is making giga yabs everyday in an effort to farm antis.

If you've seen the board be spammed with Twisty threads, it's him
Idk, Twisty seems to REALLY be trying to get terminated.
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no fucking way a 2view gets an active schizo in here. it's probably twisty herself posting it.
What the fuck does it have to do with the screenshot?
you/d be surprised.
Corporate shills are incapable of understanding concepts like friendship, and why someone would do something that doesn't benefit the company they work for.
This is Twistyschizo again. He knows that any Twisty whether good or bad will annoy the board into actually hating her. When people point out that there's a schizo spamming Twisty threads, he constantly makes the argument that it's Twisty and not him. If Twisty is streaming, he'll say that it's her manager
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People with standards.
>hating her
Do people really need a reason other than
A: she's a nijishitstain B: she joined after the Selen shitshow?
This might be a hot take but wishing death on nijisanji staff shouldnt be grounds for termination
I love you Twisty
A common thing he'll do is use discord screenshots as evidence but will not post a link to the server or prove the screenshots are real. He has openly admitted to desperately trying to get Twisty fired by making her the enemy of /vt/. He also seems to really hate Denpa for some reason
Can you post some of these other examples of "discord screenshots as evidence"? I want to compare the name and border to this one
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>only 13万 views
this shit didn't even trend on twitter

shit is just gonna be like the nissan shitaukehou violation or the anycolor YAB yab, all of it will be buried because there ain't no sticking power
That would be dox. Shouldn't be hard to find it in the archives though
How embarrassing sister
Fauna's not gonna leave until Gura does.
good, soon all the snakes will be gone

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