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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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I genuinely don't know but there's obviously a reason or they wouldn't be doing it
And no, don't hit me with "Cause they're stupid". There's a reason for sure.
Because they couldn't do what they're doing now in Hololive.
>what's the answer to my question?
>no no, not that answer, i want a different one
op, you are a faggot and your thread is shit
and the answer is "because they're stupid"
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Skill issue
Watch one indie and it will be made obvious.
Such as?

If it were one person doing it or only cancelled people doing it, I'd buy it
There's clearly movements at play here. Aqua, Ame, there's incentive and reward for them to do this.
>/vt/ is just now finding out what YouTubers went through over a decade ago
Cover and all Vtuber English companies will go the way Machinima
How about "they just feel like it"? Do you have to make a twenty-year predictive calculation plan for all your life choices?
Ok, but why?
I don't understand what's hard to follow. She left and now has 70k people watching her across two platforms and now doesn't have to pay anything to japs. What's hard to understand? People followed the talent.
It varies from person to person but for Ame it was definitely breathing space and creative freedom. Everyone in Myth who talked about her graduation mentioned how none of them expected to be Holos for so long, it was meant to be a side gig and they didnt really sign up for all the homework, red tape and JP trips
If 35k of those people leave and she ends up being at slightly above 20k regularly, will she regret it?
I already answered your question. Anything else is a failure of comprehension by your own part.
I hate this pseudo-intellectual site so much
Less middleman troubles.
>why did she leave the position she hasn't had any passion for since October 2022 and had to give a significant portion of her income away to some Japanese suits that severely limit what games she can stream and what projects she can do after seeing multiple other people retain their audience after leaving their corpos
gee I wonder why anybody would do that
What job do you do? It's easier to explain with analogies to your own career
>multiple other people retain their audience after leaving their corpos
I thought people like Rushia and kson lost a lot
Many reasons, which other anons will elaborate for you, but the first and foremost immediate bonus is you get to filter out kind of subhumans that make up most holofans
You get to do whatever you want, you have an audience built up and you don't have to travel to Japan every now and then and spend a month there doing dancing lessons. It's not rocket science.
having to keep answering to people who keep demanding logical reasons and justifications for permission to do things would be one good reason
life is about feelings not "facts"
Least deranged holodrone
2-3 months of popularity surge then at best Vshojo numbers
There's someone who left holo redebuting RIGHT NOW, go watch her spell it out to you already you retard
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Dooby just said this on her stream
>I start the stream for an hour, we mess around, we talk, we hang out, we swing on the monkey bars and then, I'm like, you know what guys? I feel like playing Osu. We're gonna play Osu for 15 minutes. And then we're gonna play this really cool popular game for a little bit and then we're gonna play Dofus and we're gonna sign up all together for a Dofus MMORPG account for like 30 minutes and then we're never gonna play it again and then we're gonna play Counter Strike for 5 hours. How does that sound?
When Fauna tried doing this on Hololive, she got stopped.
There's one reason right there.
There may be a variety of reasons. Maybe they think they can do the job alone and keep all the revenue to themselves. Maybe they don't like the idol part of the job and just want to stream. Maybe they want to play games Cover can't get perms to or collab with people Cover won't allow. Maybe they want to get political which Cover also won't allow.
Or maybe they're stupid.
so what IS there left to talk about?
Blue dorito is about as corporate and inflexible as it gets in the vtubing sphere. It's not surprising that people who value creativity and want to build a genuine connection with their fans would leave the Disney of vtubers.
So a normal twitch stream
>I hate this fucking game, I'm just gonna switch over to a new game. Mods, change my category.
>I really hate this fucking game but I can't change games because I gotta get perms, I gotta make a new waiting screen, I gotta make a new thumbnail.
Because they won't have a shitty japanese corpo breathe down their neck.
They want to stop being idols and go do something else.
talent freedom all over again, well at least she's not going to do react content.
Having a boss and not having a boss.
3 to 6 months of dramafags watching them for crumbs of drama at which point they slowly lose viewers until they reach 3 view status.
At least that's what happened to kson and mikeneko.
And that's fine, she really isn't a numberfag unlike those other 2 and affiliate status still gets her merch money from her Holo IP
They get to take some fans with them and still make money while also doing the thing they did before but with way more freedom. After being in a company for more than 4 years you kinda have the right to do that.
We are going to find out in real time.
Dooby once again falls with the "Talent Freedom" meme. They think that once they don't have perms issue anymore and have more "Freedom", they could still be successful as before. Reality is now you have to do all things yourself now. And once you get more comfortable, it limits your creativity because there's no obstacles you have to face.

If you want to retire and chill, then maybe its fine. But if you want to be still successful as you once were, you have to be a big and influential vtuber and could stand on her own like Aqua.
>I genuinely don't know but there's obviously a reason or they wouldn't be doing it
They get to take a chunk of their viewership from their Holo persona, while reaping the benefits of being an indie (like not having to deal with jap corporate bureaucracy)
Obviously viewership tapper off, but it's better than starting for 0
Dooby definitely falls into the later category having made bank and still will be. The only thing she is afraid of is disappearing from relevancy. Honestly a smaller community has plenty of strengths with actual liver to chat interaction.
hey don't spoil the fun, this is a indie cope thread
I dunno. In the EN indie sphere, it looks like Filian has her beat already in terms of 3D. Only thing going on for her right now is her holo affiliate status. Remove that and she's one of the thousands of ordinary twitch streamers out there. Once former teammates leave her, she'll be in a difficult situation.
she will have less than 2k a month from now
this is a holobrony cope thread, not only did the JP FTC took a giant shit on cover's head but 41k viewers for the DOOBSTER took a massive shit on the holotrannies who wanted her to fail.
>it has to deflect from Rushia and Kson
try to live in reality sister
Ill give it a month before she just starts doing react content slop
Reminder that your whorshi doxxed her coworker out of spite.
>you have to talk about irrelevant people because I HAVE TO COPE
Did cover pay you anon or are you sweeping for free?
sorry they didn't keep their numbers, but I'm sure Dooby will lmao
Streaming is about playing video games while getting paid not corpo homeworks and bullshit rules. Also corpo is a team that requires teamwork faggotry while indie is just you decide to stream or not that day. If you have big enough audience and sure that you can convert those audience to be yours, there is no brainer really to just leave and be independence
It sounds so suffocating
hey she invested her money on better things unlike kurolive
Creative freedom. Seems like a big risk though.
You forgot you lose all the collabs with Holo, yearly events, merchandise distribution and big company sponsorships.
But yeah playing video games all day is much more important. kek
Streaming video games all day does not pay for Dooby's bills anon. Especially with how expensive her studio is, and supporting her leeching family kek
And now she's went and self-doxxed so clearly it doesn't bother her much these days, if it ever did.
>Merchandise is...LE BAD!!
Riveting insight
they're women. they're fucking stupid and emotional "b...but I want to hang out with person x! b...but I want to play game x! the corpo wont let me!" BIG FUCKING DEAL. You have the other 98% of your time to do anything you want, you can't just play ball for 8-10 hours a week and rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars? They're stupid. It's simply the only explanation.
I don't get it. Why would Gura do it?
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>No slurs
>holobronie when he's not able to appreciate his oshi without holding cheap china plastic in her visage
you guys are literal children
I can't speak for all of them, but both Aqua and Ame basically said the company restrictions and requirements were no longer worth the benefits they got and because they wanted to try other things.

It's clear from Dooby's stream, she wanted to do more 3D stuff but the company was restricting her. When Aqua left, a bunch of the JP girls basically said "Yeah, it sucks how much restrictions happen as the company ages, adds more and more talents, and went to a publically traded company."

So they got out because they had enough money to do so and they can get close enough without Cover as Indies.
it's not a risk for anyone in holo and larger nijis. I think corpo fans overestimate how big your viewership needs to be to be an indie vtuber full time, 1k ccv is enough and a former holo will sit comfortably above that. I don't know much about dooby's personal situation and financial requirements but they would have to be ridiculous before it became a problem
One has to constantly answer to supervisors, attend meetings, fill out paperwork and participate in events they aren't actually interested in. The other doesn't.

Honestly, I think it's more of a problem for the older gens who weren't 100% sure what they were getting into. The reason Myth and Promise seem dead while Advent and Justice are such a breath of fresh air isn't because Myth and Promise used to be super active and now they're tired - they were never very active. But Advent and Justice had years-worth of experience watching Hololive and learning what it was before joining. They didn't do it on a whim, despite what some of them might say. The OGs did. Nikisei didn't even know they were supposed to be idols...

I don't think this applies to Aqua, though, I think she legitimately got married and graduated like a real idol would. Ironically, though, this would mean Kson is more pure than her, since Kson said vtubers (not idols, all vtubers) should be single.
The pieces are all coming together now for a rrat post Dooby's stream.
>Ame wants people to know about her past accomplishments, but can't mention it in stream
>she and Gura are relatively close
>Gura doesn't mind bending the rules sometimes and she has the pull to get away with it
>Ame and Gura joke about 'accidentally' leaking a small Ame PL bread crumb
>On stream Gura makes the drop
>they're both in on, but play it off, need to make it look like an accident
>'people' become in the know
>Yagoo starts a long term plan to collapse Cuba's power grid infrastructure in retaliation
>bonus: vt seethes about it for years
Almost Machiavellian in its scope when you think about it
Watson dropped a hint about Gura's PL first. Clipnigger didn't share that part
I work at an insurance company where most of the women work 3 day at home then go to a doctor to complain about burnout and get x weeks off, and this happens regularly. They just don't like working lol.
I can think of two reasons:
They're now free to play/do whatever they want without worrying about management or higher-ups telling them what to do/not do.
They're also now free of any mandatory idol work like performances, concerts, appearances, flying to Japan, etc.

Sure, their income takes a significant hit, but I imagine streaming is now less stressful for them, so it's a trade-off in a way.
How fucking spanish of her
rrat reps are in order, anon
>they were never very active
Rewriting history I see
This. Any remaining doubt was wiped clean with what happened this year and the number of former corpo Vtubers that went this route and the vast majority was able to continue going in some way or former mirroring what they had. Sure, it might pay less than Hololive would especially given merch and etc. that pay well but stuff like >>88205763 makes it worth it at least for the people that did leave voluntarily.
My only issue is given how Ame's streaming output dropped off already in the year preceding her departure, I wonder what exactly this arrangement does for her output unless it picks back up. I have some major doubts the content she'll do the majority of the time truly will be in any way something she couldn't arrange to have done while she was in Cover. Maybe she has more time in her schedule to do unique stuff, maybe not, but I'll give some benefit of the doubt to see if that is the case or not.
Raora as well will get hit with perms realization very soon..
Simple burnout. Working for Hololive brings many benefits, but it comes with obligations and restrictions you otherwise wouldn't have. It's an environment in which ambitious and workaholic talents like Mori, Pekora or Suisei can thrive, but also wear down other, less motivated members, specially after years of activity.
You've never seen people quit well paying secure corporate job to pursue their own ambitions even at the cost of barely getting by and still being much happier?
Freedom to express themselves outside of corpo guidelines and demonstrate they are more than the idol persona big corpos want to shove down their talents throats

Also better pay if they keep consistency (?)
>Be in a corpo
>get exposure, support and structure
>incline, make more money
>routine sets in
>your creative goals differ from management's
>you graduate
>a lionshare of your viewers follow you
>you gain the freedom to stream when and how you want
>still make a reasonable amount of money without corpo cut
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So they can talk about big dicks, collab with dudes and play whatever they want (aka never finish a game)
In what way? Stopping her from drawing even lewder pics?

I think singing is the bigger challenge for her.

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