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>day 1 debut
>Talks about her irl personal background
>talks about her irl personal workplace
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and you still haven't gotten the hint?
Even better, she complained that she could “finally be open” about her Cuban heritage as if that was something her previous employer was making her do. Her own genmate was openly Australian and half her kouhai have explicitly stated their non-US countries of residence. Doob was never restricted from doing the same, yet she claimed oppression anyway. I’m starting to thing all those problems she had with management were actually restrictions she imposed upon herself.
>the “not your friend” spammer finally moved on to someone else
god bless
how long until she streams with NSFW VTubers? Guessing after the next twitchcon
>talks about kinky monkey bar sex
the biggest surprize
admitting that you are brown while playing a blonde model would upset plenty
we all know a few of them speak a second language or heritage. biboo talks about her thai mother all the time
Good thing I watch Fauna, she wouldn't do that
>it was a problem then but it’s fine now
She was blaming the elusive “management” for something they never forced her to do.
Yeah, that’s the point. They’re all open about it and yet Doob is playing victim like she was the only one not allowed.
>samefagging this hard
>"can finally say this" on first stream
I hate how these fuckers have absolutely no nuance to anything. Instead of "This new upcoming indie is Cuban", it's "Here's a secret that's been held off for YEARS by this bitch that just started streaming". If you're gonna do your wink wink nudge nudge shit, at least don't be a fag about it.
I dont even know what shes talking about, she spoke spanish on several occasions, what is she smoking
Retard she literally did this on stream, she said “oh hey i can finally tell you guys even though we just met: im cuban!”
You’re reminding me of when Nina talked about how she wasn’t allowed to say she’s Ukrainian. Hmm
It's because it's a non-white or Asian heritage. Holo is a racist company.
Then why hire liz?
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Mori and Raora have talked about being Italian all the time retard
>he doesn’t know
of all the reps you could do, this is the easiest possible one
Those are some unicuck filtering pros, but it doesn't change that she's still the boring ass, passive aggressive bitch. Not watching her.
Man Japanese companies are retarded. They must have told Ame that because you are playing a British detective you aren’t allowed to share your true ethnicity. But other Holos play animals and concepts and don’t have that restriction. Imagine you are the only Holo who has this stupid rule, wouldn’t you feel a little annoyed? And yeah the Ukraine Russia war that’s such a stupid reason to tell a talent not to share their Ukrainian ethnicity, man these Japanese companies are so stupid, they think controlling every little thing makes it better but clearly it just makes the talents more disgruntled and want to leave
Kinda surprised she cared about the cuban thing. I watched a couple of her old streams and it was just... never a topic?
>They must have *insert schizophrenic headcanon*
>yes sisters, it MUST have been Cover forcing our poor sweet girl to close her mouth
You are an actual retard. Kayfabe got tossed out the window immediately. You don’t even remember the accent, do you?
this but unironically
kronii literally had a coming out to admit she was canadian so she can just finally talk about everyday life without having to fucking retardedly LARP
Wait she's Cuban? La creatividad...
cubans dont like to be known as latins but rather white. now that shes indie shes trying to appeal to a bigger audience by speaking spanish
>this but unironically
I wasn’t being ironic, it genuinely pisses me off how much of a victim complex this bitch has
>La creatividad
had the most basic debut of all time
What was the point of commissioning that lore video where she gets turned from a gerbil into a humanoid gerbil to drive a train for some other creature if you're gonna instantly break kayfabe and talk about IRL shit?
When will holobronies get it through their heads that the main reason these talents like Ame and Aqua are leaving only to redebut and do the exact same thing is because every single woman, literally every one, thinks they're disgusting creeps unworthy of love, and for some women more in tune with their natural feelings, all the money and praise and adoration and accolades can only stave off that instinctual visceral disgust for so long.
I watched her pl, I don't remember anything Cuban or LatinX about her outside of rolling her R's for 20 seconds. She sure didn't have LatinX singing or dancing ability
I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is nothing creative about paying people to make things for you. That's not creativity, she was simply proactive in an industry filled with lazy/antisocial streamers.
Yes I must be a sister even though I criticized Anycolor’s handling of Nina. And yes I remember the accent I’m sure that Cover didn’t expect her to keep that up the entire time but perhaps having their detective Sherlock Holmes vtuber openly talk about their Cuban heritage was a bit too kayfabe breaking. And why else would this be such a sore spot for Ame that she brought it up specifically as something she always wanted to say but couldn’t? What is that reason? Be reasonable folks she’s retarded but not THAT schizo to concoct a victim complex and force a restriction on herself just because
biboo is thai heritage?
shes woke now
Ame has literally talked about her Spanish speaking family before and done a few Spanish streams
Kill yourself.
Yes, she talked about that in her debut
I feel like talents who say things like this are weird. Just ignore the schizos stop trying to girl boss retards online it’s the internet there will always be retards. They just end up scolding innocent viewers instead.
You can easily google she's white.
Spanish speaking is not the same as saying I’m from Cuba. Anyone can theoretically speak Spanish, regardless of ethnicity
They set those boundaries so they don’t have to deal with the retards in the first place, if you’re offended by it then just watch someone who caters to your interests
>And why else would this be such a sore spot for Ame that she brought it up specifically as something she always wanted to say but couldn’t?
That’s the fucking point. It’s because there never was a “couldn’t.” She chose to hide it and then blamed everyone else for it. It’s perfectly in line with her normal behavior of making things harder for herself and never admitting when a problem is her own fault.
So you think it's specifically about being Cuban?
Holofags really have no self awareness huh
Girlbossing is the default behavior of women on the internet now. You have to actively seek out the ones that don't.
Because if she did people wouldn't stop asking about HoloES
She also tweeted in Thai and spoke Thai when they have a silly squiggle line language and is based for that. Dooby has no real excuse when 20% of the US is latino and spanish is common
I’m fine with the rules and I agree with the sentiment I’m not fine with the attitude or wording. Comes off as haughty, arrogant, and rude. The people who care about the rules are the normal people in the first place, the creeps won’t care about the rules and break them anyway
Cici and Kiara both speak German but they have zero trouble being open about which German-speaking country their families are from.
If it was common sense, they wouldn't have to put up all the other rules like "no kids" or "don't post gore"
The people offended by the rules are the ones who needed to be gatekept out in the first place.
>not watching streams
>inventing non-problems (spics constantly beg for Holo-ES regardless)
just stop
i'm talking about the clippers specifically. I just hate when people follow reincarnated vtubers, and then refuse to go clean slate
i've never watched Doki, but her fans keeping their old names and her keeping the artist out of spite was funny enough to be the only exception to me
Yes. Specifically mentioning the country was too kayfabe breaking for Ame specifically because she is playing a British detective (which is why other talents did not run into this problem). Also doesn’t help that Cuba is a controversial widely sanctioned country and enemy of America and its ally Japan, but that is probably a smaller point
This feels like a jab specifically at Fauna's fans. Coupled with the following, clearly Fauna and dooby have been talking behind the scenes about how creepy holofags are.
Rules like these are made so that there is explicit precedent to be pointed to when punishing viewers who step out of line.

Otherwise they'll sperg out because "well I'm not breaking any rules!"
I'm not mad that she hid it, I'm mad she's pretending she was forced to hide it when her coworkers make for a mountain of evidence showing she wasn't.
Indie vtubers are streamers, not idols. I don't know why you people don't understand this.
The thing is that no one else has run into this problem and also Ame doesn't use a British accent anyway.
The only potential problem I could see is because being Cuban could maybe be somewhat political. Same reason why Bae used to hide the fact that she was Chinese.
This cope is unreal, holy shit. Teamates will bend into pretzels for anything.
I don't know if i'm crazy but her model give me Nene vibes. Same artist? Or same rig?
I don’t agree with this, some people are genuinely retarded and have bo clue how creepy they are when they write shit like “hi my lovely beautiful wife can you say ara ara???” in chat, setting these rules in place could help deter those since they genuinely wouldn’t know better otherwise. Setting up those boundaries to begin with is better than never setting any at all, pandering to that crowd, and then getting mad when all of them are creeps towards you anyway
>Ame doesn't use a British accent anyway
Laimu is a British-born woman living in England and her accent is almost entirely American
What does being an idol have to do with anything. Are movie actors and wrestlers idols for not talking about their personal lives while performing a part.
Dude it was the same with Nina (if she was telling the truth), multiple other NijiEN members are open about their heritage but apparently she wasn’t allowed to be for whatever reason, it’s not that surprising if it’s the same situation with Ame
Come on, that's weak.
i'm sure she's a Proud Cuban as her parents deserted their homeland to run off to the evil shithole that is 100% responsible for their countrymen getting assfucked. Why doesn't she move back to Cuba?? oh wait she isn't Cuban she's an american larping lmao
Not a teammate, I just tuned in and was disgusted by Dooby’s dismissive attitude toward Hololive implying her time there was unhappy. My view of Ame has plummeted greatly. But on this point I can understand the frustration of being singled out by retarded management decisions. I hope Yagoo learns and tries to be more flexible with the current talents.
My point was that Ame doesn't even pretend to be British
I don't watch Nijisanji, what happened with Nina?
Yes lmao. Once wrestlers don't wrestle anymore, they are perfectly fine with talking about things they wouldn't otherwise.
She dropped the bongshit in 1 day and Cuba is barely in the news. People also know Cuban immigrants are the most anti-Cuba government people on the planet.
Based retard gets it
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The real reason holochuds are sneething
Matara is Ukrainian, but she was never allowed to say it.
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Sen here. I'm coming back. And yeah, it's going to be epic.
i find it hard to believe that she couldn't just find a kayfabe way to hint it
>my first few cases were in Cuba, i was there for a while, so i lost my accent, and don't sound british
From what I remember she just said something that implied she was told not to talk about being Ukrainian specifically, same with Ame
This is complete irrelevant to any side of any conversation happening ITT.
She's going to crash and burn now that she's by herself.
Retarded management probably shot it down. A lot of international companies have very strict sanction laws. They cannot be seen or viewed to have possibly conducted business in sanctioned countries. Ame saying she did some cases in Cuba could be misconstrued and used to put Cover Corp in regulatory hot water. I wish I was joking but these sanctions are no joke and companies are super cautious over legal shit. Excessively so imo
It's so funny how you guys use gura for this shit. Only Kiara cared and that's because she wanted attention
>I'm a detective that can also speak Spanish
The fucking end
I'm just saying it's possible for a British person to not sound British
You smell like sandalwood and weed. Get back to class, berkleybro.
From the state of this thread I assume the debut went poorly?
Not even sure you need that since I don't think grim reapers are normally from texas.
But she's not brown...
Holy shit that model’s just Amelia but a train conductor.

That’s fucking based. Copyrightniggers need to be shown they have no power.
Come on. You aren't even trying, man.
It probably is worth not talking about being russian or Ukrainian. There is 100% gonna be some schizo showing up to talk about their opinions on geopolitics if they know that. Unless you actually wanna deal with those.
Not that I think talking about RL shit is great for vtubers in general. Kinda missing the point.
That reminds me, has the spic homo ever actually explicitly said he's latino or is it just *wink wink nudge nudge*.
Kanade has said she's not allowed to say she's Korean.
He is aggressively Hispanic. Also yes, but even if he didn't he is aggressively, stereotypically Hispanic
Exactly, grim reapers aren’t from anywhere because they are myths. So it’s fine for the actress to be honest about their place of origin. Big difference when you are playing a human character with a clear country motif. And your true country of origin is one of the most sanctioned countries in the world alongside Iran
and North Korea.
>hololive are known for rules and not doing those contents
>this is somehow offend them
Wow, you should look behind everytime you go home, there might be a holofag lurking. Kek
>it was probably management
>management did this
Can you think for a single goddamn second about how you sound? No one else would have been singled out like this, and the reasons you’re giving for Ame being singled out make zero sense when you look at the rest of hololive. You’re trying so hard to fit her into a vacuum where she was the only person who worked for Cover because that’s the only way your retarded argument holds any water.
>i must make my race and nationality known at all times to everyone while i'm at work
baffling mentality, the effect of twitter i guess
You are schizophrenic
>There is 100% gonna be some schizo showing up to talk about their opinions on geopolitics if they know that.
Matara's been open about being Ukrainian since like a month after debut and she hasn't had to deal with any weirdos about it.
Please wake up
this is directed at attemped groomers not "parasocials" btw
If she's Cuban American then she's by default expected to be "Fuck Castro" unless she's unironiclly a Commie IRL and think Fidel did nothing wrong.

But even then almost everyone but the US thinks the Cuban Embargo is just the US refusing to stop having a melty that Cuba turned Commie.
Please take your meds
I've been telling people since forever: it's obviously the fucking creep fans that were the main problem. kson confirmed it, mike confirmed it, and now dooby. Just wait for Sakuna to debut, she'll probably say the exact same thing.
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El peruANO…..
Hugh Laurie.
weird flex
So you think it’s more likely that Ame just made up a restriction for herself that one makes her extremely unhappy and two is completely self-inflicted. All for the purpose of leaving the company and proclaiming freedom from the shackles that she herself put on her own wrists, and imply it was done by the company all to portray herself as a victim?
Jussie Smollet style?
But nothing about her is remotely British in the slightest. Nothing about her is reminiscent of John H. Watson or even Sherlock Holmes. She has always given off cheap budget mutt vibes, without education and manners, saying yeah gaiz I'm a detective lmao
She's white
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Why don't these vtubers just lay down the groundwork right out of the gate? Just be like FBK, Mori, or whoever. It'll filter out tons of people but at least nobody can call you out on being true and honest. Ame did an actual date RP stream if I remember right, granted it was extremely early on in her career, but she had to know what kind of audience that would attract.
No she didn’t you fucking mongol. She winkwinknudgenudged about it and is not even trying to hide that she’s not Japanese. She even admitted in an interview she’s not a native. Fucking retard.
He pulled it out his dick. How would she even say that without revealing the very thing she’s not allowed to say? That’s like being banned from saying you hate Jews but going around telling people “I am not allowed to say I hate Jews.”
Seeing Ame vs Dooby really hammered in how fake hololive idoltubers actually are
Obviously the Blue Dorito can do no wrong and how dare you suggest that it isn't literal paradise behind those doors
>literally the same exact personality
what did anon mean by this
They have. Justice's lore goes to great lengths to avoid their real country names. Great Exardia, Immerheim, The Romance Empire, Freesia anyone?
>works irl in the entertainment industry (and animation at that)
>not a commie
First gens are the ones that hate Cuba and Castro, second gens are a mixed bag depending on whether they go to uni.
not so much as being "fake" but they are selling the illusion of a character
COVER is a Japanese corporation and Cuba and Japan have friendly relations.
So I didn't watch the debut yet, planning on watching it tomorrow morning. Did she really talk as much shit about hololive and how much she hated it as this thread is making it seem like? That's actually surprising considering how genuine she seemed right before graduation.
foley artists are not animators
and she dropped out of college
I know he's a schizophrenic retard that's full of shit. It's just fun to ask for a source when there is none because they either stop replying or get mad and throw insults.
Cover probably understood that she couldn’t realistically portray a Brit, but still forbade her from mentioning the word “Cuba.” That was one step too far for them. For the reasons already explained many times in this thread. There is already precedent for companies doing this, see Nina.
>mike confirmed it
Of all the examples you could use you chose the absolute worst one.
>Uh hey guys I'm actually an Emmy Winning Foley artist and Cuban sorry I couldn't tell you until now also here is my bra
Of course not, people are seizing up and having a fit over literally nothing
CC has called herself German interchangeably with Immerheim. Not a single soul in EN hasn't called ERB British.
>Amelia "Ame Way" Watson would never made things artificially harder for herself and then blame outside forces for her own faults
>Emmy winning
amost emmy winning
and it was connected to her real name so yeah
>and Cuban
cover proably had it so she couldn't mention that explicitly
> also here is my bra
she teasted her spats and stuff a bunch of times as ame, it was the same gag (DON'T LOOKUH)
all she did was dox herself and her work history as a Foley artist for animation and film
Or maybe a company is just gonna have seemingly stupid restrictions in order to protect their brand sometimes
>and it was connected to her real name so yeah
it still is?
Was doxxing herself part of the plan?
COVER is an international company
that does business in the United States. They must obey US sanctions. This is how international companies operate
Oh I already knew that then. It's kind of retarded to run this SHE HATED HOLOLIVE shitposting angle when she's literally still directly tied to them as an "affiliate".
>All for the purpose of
Way to poison your own argument. Literally no one is saying she did it because she intended to complain later and blame Cover. She did it because she's a fucking retard and she blamed Cover because she's blamed management for literally every problem she's ever had.
No lol. It's just the voices in the heads of schizos running rampant.
Nobody gives a fuck if she's a fucking Cuban American, she's just a weirdo

t. A Florida man
bruh nobody gives af about cuba in current year it's not the 60s
The argument doesn't hold if she never intended to make a real effort, and if her audience didn't care and were easily pleased all the same. Nothing about the character, the way it was portrayed, nor audience expectations, had any British ties or vibes. Just say you're Amerimutt/Cuban/Latinspanicxyz Holmes/Watson. Done.
If you're going to say it was political now, then that's different to the muh British vibes argument made above.
>great lengths
man, they must have been absolutely shaking after Raora said the word Italty
She literally hangs out with JAV idols and has shown her panties multiple times in stream
Nobody gives a fuck except retarded businessmen and their retarded lawyers trying to keep their commissions flowing. Guess who management listens to.
Kek, Kson IS the creepy fans, she's just a hot woman so she gets away with it.
>also here is my bra
Her tits were the focus of like a third of her debut as ame.
>ame was bullied by management because of international law
you can’t make this shit up
the japs dont care either, youre literally chosing to believe your own fanfiction
biboo is transparently thai, her mother is thai
bae and gigi have explicitly referenced or spoken chinese on stream
mumei and fauna have both said theyre americans
kronii literally admitted she's a leaf
the only schizo who gives a fuck about their heritage in any shape is Ina and to an extent, Ame
Almost the entirety of Myth and Promise follow her on twitter in some form, either on main, RM, or both.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you? What kind of legal trouble could you possibly imagine there being about Ame saying she’s Cuban? How mentally ill are you?
You can tell who has a job in finance or law in this thread and who doesn't.
Nta but do you have any real response other than ad hominem? That literally is not an argument. IMO it is quite reasonable a company wanting to appeal to Americans might avoid having it be well known one of their talents is from a declared enemy of the US. Cover is extremely cautious about political shit coming up and also keep in mind Myth debuted almost right when the Coco/Chammers Taiwan chimpout occurred.

They likely were extremely fucking wary of having even a risk of accidentally stepping into shit again and because they are Japanese they don't understand Americans do not actually care about Cuba generally.
brain small, fingers big :(
Wtf Ame is only 22 years old? That feels extremely young. All her genmates are way older right?
nigga nobody fucking cares about cuba, i live like, right above it, it's there, it's not threatening me, in fact they just lost power to nothing but their own infrastructure, it's a stupid poor third world island that produces some of the obnoxious immigrants in the fucking world
See >>88217346
sounds like EN is on the brink of collapse then
they follow each other on their RMs since debut newnigger, welcome to hololive
This is the most "NEET redditor playing armchair businessman" post I've ever seen.
>erm, that's another ad hominem
And I'm going to keep laughing at you. You can't explain to a stupid man how stupid he is because he's literally incapable of understanding. It's a wasted effort.
Why can’t you just believe her words it feels like there’s some major gaslighting going on here or maybe just rejection of reality
Lol. You mean people didn't know she was Hispanic? As if her name wasn't a dead giveaway. Some people are morons
and now they doing it actively on their OFFICIAL accounts? no way it's allowed under Clover, they're openly sending management a message
Yeah, I do. You're not fooling anyone and you're still schizophrenic.
holos follow kson
welcome to hololive newnigger
>earns the undying love of her goslings
>calls them all creeps and tells them to kys themselves
The ego of a mediocre mid-looking chick when she gets a little attention.
she said she was 17 when she started streaming
I think a lot of anons here don’t truly grasp how strict business sanctions are. You can easily get fired for responding to a work email while on vacation in Cuba.
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>the rrats were real all along
>Her own genmate was openly Australian
This threw for a loop and I was trying to figure out what the fuck you're talking about before realizing you just meant Austrian
Spics quickly assimilate into American culture within a generation or less.
Why would anyone vacation to a third world shithole like cuba
she didn't start streaming with hololive.
I am more and more convinced "management" is just an excuse girls make up to direct fans blame away from them.
Or any ability at all, really.

>>Man Japanese companies are retarded. They must have told Ame that because you are playing a British detective you aren’t allowed to share your true ethnicity.
That actually sounds more like an "omega demanded she stick to the lore" problem.
Nita but the schizo is you. Anyone who claims schizo usually is the schizophrenic themselves especially when they falsely claim samefagging.
Who's Ukrainian?
Dooby is not a Hispanic name.
its an excuse this board makes up to deflect that their oshis are lazy as fuck or have shit work ethic
Trust me I doubted it too so I googled and indeed there are beach resorts there
You're still not fooling anyone and you're still a schizophrenic. Consider meds or rope.
>1/27th italian

The fact you're surprised is the real problem. Doob has never been shy about what kind of person she was, so I always knew she was the kind of person who thinks she, alone among mankind, TRVLY SVFFERS.
Because what we see contradicts what she says. It's the same problem with the complaints about models, it looks like a lie when Shiori is right there.
(You) for the attempt, but try to be a little more subtle. And maybe try it in a thread that isn’t already flinging shit everywhere.
most of them is white
they look the same to me anon
it's over...
HoloEN has fallen...
>Yeah, that’s the point. They’re all open about it and yet Doob is playing victim like she was the only one not allowed.
To be fair given her personality she probably never even asked if she could, just silently seethed in a corner.
Also, Mori said "I'm white"
If your only argument for it being a contradiction is “the other girls are open about their ethnicity”, then do you apply the same logic to Nina implying she wasn’t allowed to mention being Ukrainian (despite other NijiENs being open about where they’re from)? Do you think she was lying or self victimizing too? Genuinely wondering
see >>88217346
also, it looks like the armchair comment was accurate
Umm but I've been here since before this containment board was created
It's always really weird when vtubers get snippy with their audience like that. 1, it won't stop the people doing that and 2, you just come off needlessly aggressive
These get called "pickmes"
That's what several anons in this thread have been saying. Yet you have these schizos going on about how management silenced her because they're too busy being armchair businessmen on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
>left hololive because she couldn't say she was cuban

that's so fucking retarded
Nothing would have happened to Ame if she said she was Cuban. Literally fucking nothing.

And if people are like "You can't have Blonde Cubans"

Tell Cameron Diaz that
Same company Aia mentions in her debut she's Vietnamese and that's a commie country that fought and killed US troops while Ukraine gets funded
>This is the most "NEET redditor playing armchair businessman" post I've ever seen.
Next he will tell us his plan to make 1 million dollars and then live off the dividends just like that.
imagine doing olympic level gymnastics with that cope when Nerissa did a Culver's mukbang as she is the most stereotypical woman from the state of Minnesota or Wisconsin I've ever seen in my life, kek

Japan literally portrays people from countries like italy and spain as blond. The idea there are no blonds in medland is an anglo idea, not a japanese one. Arr white people are rook same.
Just because you feel that way doesn’t mean the people who run the company do
That’s exactly what I think happened. Same with her “self-funded, all Ame no management involved” projects. She just went and did it silently and complained after the fact.
>using Nina as an argument
I admire your commitment to playing the jester at least.
Actual Florida man here, a lot of Cubanos I went to school with had blue eyes and any combination of hair ranging from dark brown bordering on jet black to dirty blonde
They're literally white hispanics unironically, palest mother fuckers I've seen from a latin heritage
It's even weirder when you consider it's always the mid chicks. I've never seen a vtuber who was "confirmed 10/10 by her friends" be aggressively hostile to gachikoi. It's always the ugly betties.
not disgusting enough to stop these whores from milking said creeps though
Kiara spent way too long calling her home country Australia as a bit.
It also can just mean Spain. Pippa from PC has a Spanish grandmother and she said her father speaks the language but she doesn't.
Also Cuba and the UK never severed relations, it's why Bond was able to openly visit Cuba in one of the movies.

So saying Watson's Descendants moved to Cuba then fled to America making Watson's descendant a Cuban American would literally only have improved her character lore by filling in what happened between Holmes and today
It’s another point of reference of a completely similar situation happening within the same exact industry. Why shouldn’t I bring it up?
It is surprising to me that she abruptly gave so much info about herself that she effectively just revealed her real name to everyone.
Cover has been a super cautious company ever since the Taiwan yab. This checks out with everything we know. And yes Anycolor and Cover are more similar than we like to admit… they have similar policies toward their talents. Anycolor is worse but let’s not pretend Cover is perfect
you're definitely not overdosing on copium btw
she said she didnt care cause shes under no obligation to as she is independent and has had an IMDB for years
It's not how I feel, real life supports it.
Otherwise all of the people on this list who are openly Cuban Americans would be driven out of Hollywood
they did tell her too because she was kayfabing a British detective. not a cuban detective
Ignore that anon he is arguing in bad faith. Or has his head under the sand.
Because in 2020 Ame didn't mind the attention and the coining of gosling to describe people who gfe'd her, it was only later on she decided she was a golden god-queen and the peasants needed to be kept in line. Regardless you can tell from this she'll ban half her paypigs for 'being creeps', her audience will dwindle when she gets bored and defaults to FPS spam and then she'll seethe when she's not making any money. There's a reason why she was a nobody before hololive, cinderella stories are a mistake because mediocre people should never be vindicated in their beliefs they're just an undiscovered diamond rather than simply uninteresting.
So you're telling me Management was fine with Kronii the goddess of time being from Canada and Sana the goddess of space being from Australia, but Ame being a British detective with Cuban roots was the bridge to far
That explains her racism.
I rarely watch Kiara so I wouldn't know. That's a common joke in any case, it just took me a second to remember that Kiara is from Austria then make the connection.
>She just went and did it silently and complained after the fact.
Damn, now I wish she played space marine 2. She is literally Peter Turbo of the Iron Warriors- busting her ass doing things no one asked her to do and getting pissy that people aren't kissing her feet.
So why did we never know, then. I guess the answer is "she was too embarrassed to say so"? So then why was it literally the first thing she brought out going back indie? If she just didn't want people to know because it didn't match her look, she still would be that way because she is still white as fuck looking as doob. You're saying that all this doesn't look like it was repressed at all? Who is schizo again?
>then do you apply the same logic to Nina
No, because they are different companies. And we know this, because eg Ci Yu said that he applied to niji but quickly backed out when they told him they wanted him to quit his va job, something that is blatantly not true with hololive.

Also, being cuban would not attract shit stirrers in the same way being from ukraine would.
consider the following
ame is autistic
Yes.because Kronii was not playing a Greek time goddess and Sana wasn’t playing an African space goddess. But Ame was playing a British detective. And she was Cuban. If Kronii were North Korean and Sana Iranian Cover would tell them to shut their traps too
Doob is the same channel as her pl so she probably doesn't fele a need to hide info that already exists out there.
Cool projection
I have a Cuban heritage friend and he was white in like every way and grew up in the northeast. Knew much much more about snow and winter and hockey than me. But he technically is Cuban. It's very odd.
>Cover’s policy of singling out Ame and no one else from mentioning her ethnicity is exactly like Nina being restricted from mentioning the ongoing war in Europe
100% she made a rule up in her mind.
>they can’t have similar rules because some of their rules aren’t the same!
Do… Do you know how dumb you sound
It's a good thing we got time detective cringe instead.
Are you saying Businessmen will blacklist a company for hiring a Cuban American?

Cause you did forget that right, the whole Cuban AMERICAN as in she's an American citizen?
This. "Takanashi" Kiara, was allowed to be Austrian and playfully mistaken for Australian. What Austrian or Australian has Takanashi as a surname? If a Japanese manager (assuming hololive in 2020 gave a shit about what EN did) stepped in and told Ame she couldn't be openly cuban because of her bong kayfabe then how would you explain Kiara getting away with it?
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I believe pippa said on stream her family is catholic too.
She probably has brown nipples and pussy. Just because you're fair skinned does not mean you are "white"
t. Slav
Cubans living in America have for decades basically been seen as heroes who bravely escaped communism, so being Cuban-American has very different connotations from being just straight up Cuban.
>the coining of gosling to describe people who gfe'd her
>being so unbelievably wrong on two separate points in one sentence
Teammates invented goslings.
ERB did exactly that and still gets shit on constantly despite being as honest and upfront as possible in literally her debut
Their lawyers would recommend not bringing it up as a PR risk. Based management would say fuck that shit. Cautious management would say ok sir, can't jeopardize the IPO
You are a fucking retard if you think management does anything whatsoever to force talents to commit to kayfabe at all, much less to this degree. Watch streams.
Exactly, no if she didn't say anything about Cuba it was because she was convinced that she couldn't break character by saying so.

Amelia's problem was she couldn't find a way to make Amelia herself like the rest of Myth did because she was to committed to the Bit.

That's on her.

Even Fuwamoco with their never breaking character were able to "Wink Wink" that they were from Northwest Canada.
More like, we shouldn't extrapolate the rules a company has based on the rules of another company because there is evidence of them having different rules already.
It has always been allowed. Several Holos follow Kson under their official accounts and Kiara even follows Mel's new identity on her alt
>Foley artist
Damn. I'm in university right now to become a foley artist. Thats pretty cool.
The difference is if we’re to believe what Nina said she was told to not mention being Ukrainian, not the war itself. You could argue merely mentioning being Ukrainian could have a bigger political liability than mentioning being Cuban but who knows what autistic liabilities Cover might’ve theoretically been avoiding with that specifically
There's probably more but Matara speaks Ukranian so I have to assume she's one because no one else really speaks it.
Can you imagine the RACIST PR risk of saying "All you other girls can say who you are EXCEPT the Latino?"

Ame might actually have grounds to Sue cover for discrimination, and you say a Lawyer told them to do that?
>That’s exactly what I think happened. Same with her “self-funded, all Ame no management involved” projects. She just went and did it silently and complained after the fact.
She did the same thing in Rust too with her race track event. She worked on it really hard without sleep but in the end no one came to it because she didn't invite anyone to it. She then built a ramp by a cliff she wanted to drive off while silently seething that no one gave a crap about her race event...that she didn't invite anyone to. Then Gura came along and shot her which pissed her off even more
Is there really an anon ITT who is wholeheartedly arguing that the very concept of Cuba is so dangerous that the mere mention of it is a liability on par with taking sides in a foreign war?
Except you've failed to say how it could be a PR risk. Cuban Americans work all the time in entertainment because they're American citizens. She's not a citizen of Cuba.
He's schizophrenic please andastand.
>Cuba is a PR risk
fucking how
I'd be embarrassed to be from a communist shithole like Cuba, why ever disclose that
I simply just don’t see why Ame wouldn’t be telling the truth
You are responding very politely to someone who has clearly misinterpreted the point you made. I lack your patience and would have wrote something far briefer and far more pointed
i don't see this written anywhere on her social. are you making shit up again anon?
I've never really understood how someone who claims to be beaten down and victimized by the world always thinks the world is revolving around her dick. She also did that call in stream on her birthday once, but didn't invite anyone and just expected them to read her fucking mind because she's the best. And it's been years and years of this and she never ever got the clue that she's not the most important person ever.
It's on the discord rules when you first join. It also says "NO KIDS. GO AWAY"
> Doob was never restricted from doing the same
You don't know that
For all you know, she was told to keep quiet about it because Japan doesn't know dick about Cuba and think of it as Fidel Castro and cigars and things.
This is true
"LatinX" is not a thing you stupid imbecile
>specific rules for discord tranny
okay it make sense
It didn't help that she attached herself to the English Holostars of all people, specifically around the time that people like Jurard came into the picture. But ultimately people can't take that away with her, and that isn't going to stop her from being supported internally by Cover.
Why care about wanting to reveal you're ___ if you can't speak the native language and you're culturally attuned to America and its cities more than anything else?
Basically this, Ame has some odd inability to reach out and make group stuff happen and then blames everyone else. Probably like 95% odds she basically-left Holo blaming others for things she just didn't make happen or fix herself. I dunno what you call this personality trait (flaw really) because it doesn't really fit the bill for narcissist. Maybe a bit of schizoid personality disorder being super into their own projects and plans and also too aloof to really execute making anything work socially. She fucking hardly felt friendly to anyone in the company besides Gura and was famously a wet paper bag in countless collabs etc, there is a weird contrast where she wants to be seen and liked and accepted but also flops in awkward ways in critical parts of that.
I am kinda like that, we just assume that what we make/create will speak for itself even if it blatantly isn't true.
Because you have autism and can’t understand that everyone is a shitty person in certain ways. Ame’s particular way of being a shitty person is to impose hardships on herself and blame others for it. This is not new, it’s documented many times in her streams. You’re seeking every possible avenue to avoid looking at her normal pattern of behavior. She nought not think she’s lying. Maybe she truly believes the world is workin against her. But that doesn’t make what she says true.
>She's lying.
>Why would she be lying?
>She's lying. Trust me. I know.
>Quits Hololive to become a train autist vtuber
Pretty based.
cool fanfic
It's neither and you are being childish exaggerating what people are saying. I do think cover would be cautious enough to just tell her not to say that but it's more out of the Japanese management being afraid of another Taiwan shit storm, and also Myth had just debuted when the Taiwan shit started l and was off to a world beating amazing start and my assumption is they just wanted to play it real real safe, paranoid safe, to not do anything to bungle this serendipitous success no matter how unlikely it would be.

EN management, especially around debut where such a rule would have been imposed, was weirdly cautious about several things which showed in for example kicking Haachama off the EN Minecraft server. Shows they really really were shitting themselves inside out about the Taiwan thing internally and paranoid about any risk of any more political stuff spreading.
>you’re just speculating
>my speculations are better even though they have significantly less evidence and require olympic level mental gymnastic
I’m surprised at how hard it is for some anons to believe Cover couldn’t possibly be able to make poor decisions. Especially given the Ina visa fiasco, the Kronii tweet seethe, Kiara’s complaints about lack of EN lives, the botched handling of Coco and HoloCN, Gura’s complaints of poor song mixing, the many talents who cried over canceled concerts and MVs, the push of Holostars onto the girls.
>not a cuban detective
In another universe we could have gotten a Miami Vice chubba.
seethe more, the evidence (her coworkers) overwhelmingly points to her never being restricted from mentioning her heritage
Most cuban americans are very americanized because their families came here to flee fidel castro and communism
>Teamates say she isn't gone for good
>Her new lore has her hating her repetitive job and waiting for her contract to expire
uhh, teacucks?
>Ignores the many valid points multiple anons here have brought up that show how Ame’s situation is unique compared to her branchmates
Riiiight, and that rule only applied to Ame, not her kouhais. Or are you saying that after the koahai (and Kiara) broke that rule, Ame was the only one still under it?
I'm all for it if you're trying to say it was another Omega fumble. But why would they continue imposing the rule specifically on Ame after his departure?
We know cover can make poor decisions. We just don't believe that Ame would be the only one subject to the rule.
>She fucking hardly felt friendly to anyone in the company besides Gura and was famously a wet paper bag in countless collabs etc
As much as I liked Ame, I swear she could sometimes make even Shiori look like a social butterfly by comparison
>Ignores the many valid points multiple anons here have brought up
What points? All I see is speculation that Cover MIGHT be treating Cuba like it’s the 1980’s because… just because, okay?
See >>88220193

When will Muricans understand that our language and most Romance language just like German and other more complex languages HAVE GENDERS. And this is not a god damn sin it's part of our language . Latina , latino that's it.
But she spoke Spanish as ame and even had a karaoke about it early on
So Americanized in fact that they'll vehemently pretend they're not Latinos until it benefits them.
>ignores any points by claiming others are ignoring points
brilliant strategy
Don't know many Cuban Americans I see.
>there is a weird contrast where she wants to be seen and liked and accepted but also flops in awkward ways in critical parts of that.
She EXPECTS to be liked without putting in effort. She feels slighted by people who don't like her for free. She then acts with extreme hostility to gachikoi who do.

She is, dare I say it, a woman.
Cuba is still under heavy sanctions bro. Did your employer not send you to regulations training or do you work at McDonalds?
She's so fucking cute bros...
this desu
Yes. That’s the point. She was never restricted, it was just Ame’s victim complex compelling her to say she wasn’t allowed to mention it.
Her spanish was american high school tier anyways, why even reveal her heritage at that point? Must be ashamed.
Shiori's issue is not that she refuses to talk to people but that she has no awareness of social situations and will randomly make a holocaust joke on channukah to show her appreciation for jewish history.
>projecting this hard
Bro doesn’t even have a McDonald’s job and he’s trying to argue from the perspective of the US branch of a Japanese company regarding Cuba’s status as being too dangerous to mention in the 21st century.
So the reason Amelia Watson quit hololive is that management hates mexicans?
you're on 4chan, they say "latinx" knowing it pisses most spics off
There ultimately isn't a whole lot that Cover can do to stop Ame from hinting at her heritage, especially if she eventually lets it slip out more like Kiara. Ame just probably lacked the special kind of Germanic/Austrian autism that allows her to be cold and blunt with her employer.
You know, if you see the word Latinx typed on this site it isn't because the person is being a genuine libshit but instead he's typing it since that's the only slur that genuinely pisses off a Latino Anon here.
Latinx xisters.... not like this....
I can't believe the L-word isn't banned
Finally this thread can die. To the lurkers, I hope you can read this thread and the arguments for both sides and come to the clear conclusion that Ame is not a schizo as claimed by projecting trolls, and Cover has a history of making obtuse decisions in the name of company stability. End closing argument thank you for reading.
You clearly don't know that Cuba as well as other countries of LATAM are not racially homogeneous, there are white, brown, black, asian,native latin Americans. That you implied her race just points out how american you are. People outside of America don't see race as a keystone of their identity, just a part , they are first their nationality , next our regionality , then our race in that order. i.e I am Venezuelan first, Latino second, mestizo last (brown).
Ironic since everyone else in Japan genuinely likes Mexicans.
>only Kiara could manage to break through these draconian rules
And Kronii, and Bae, and Sana, and Biboo, and all of Justice.
take it easy, management is far from being based it's more likely just a case of a stupid woman ad-libbing from redebuting nervousness and throwing in her heritage mention and some reason about why she didn't share it before that's not actually true but she said it and moved on while anons here are complaining about it on both sides
>Ame is perfect and infallible
Cover is trash but Ame is literally going againstbobservable reality here.
At this point this type of reaction made it a meme which ironically made people start actually using it. Maybe a psyop
The ones getting mad are the real trolls trying to bait anons into explaining that it’s a troll
Then its just Ame, or Dooby as she's known now, having one big woman moment. Or its just introverted autism.
Nobody is from northwest Canada, nobody even calls it northwest Canada because it is not distinct from the empty shithole that is all of northern Canada. The "northwest passage" spans the entire width of the country because it's referring to that quadrant of the planet. They're just from the west coast which is to be expected for anyone that east Asian or basically Canadian chuubas generally despite southern Ontario having more population density, the same way Asian burger chuubas tend to be Californian.
Nice fanfic bootlicker
>I dunno what you call this personality trait
We're on 4chan, we're familiar with this.
No it's not. It's got an American Embargo that most of the world thinks is retarded.
Finally this thread can die. To the lurkers, I hope you can read this thread and the arguments for both sides and come to the clear conclusion that Ame is an autist with a history of making nonsensical self-restraining decisions that she then later complains/setthes about, as stated by the actually sane and those who have watched her behavior over the years. End closing argument thank you for reading.
All I got from this thread is that I can piss off this retarded woman by calling her Latinx.
Everyone else that isn't America does some form of business with Cuba.
Ok, so some people are more ready to believe that there wasn't some retarded rule about mentioning cuba from this really strict Japanese company, which several other talents have expressed gripes about the strict management, and instead that this streamer who has been pretty open about most stories regarding herself and who was prior working professionally in the entertainment industry for 5ish years for studios who produce content for Disney just had some weird brain worms thing that prevented mentioning her heritage.

Like occam's razor a little bit here, one seems a bit more likely.

Is it just a holo can do no wrong moment, or am I giving to much credit because I see this was a working individual with a professional job prior?

And on another point I see a few posts about her not communicating with other colleagues correctly, perhaps is it maybe the case that she is coming from an actual production pipeline where people act in a more professional manner and having to deal with "content creator" type personalities is exhausting.

Pretty sure I've been baited at this point, but with so many posts it can't all be bait, surely.
but she was seen and liked and accepted though.
I just wanted to say I really really like that picture
No no no, it’s obviously international politics being too much of a hot button issue, forcing Cover to silence Ame from speaking about her Cuban heritage lest they face the wrath of… something.
And going elsewhere to do the exact same thing catering to exact same people but with more fanservice is helping how, exactly?
>blind simping
I don’t give a fuck about cover. You need to get Ame’s dick out of your eyes and wake up to the fact that this is her normal behavior.
You just agreed with him. Read.
the fat fuck is not ame or her PL
>See comments about her bragging about the industry work stuff
>all her credits end pretty much pre-hololive
It seems the new doobgoon cope has arrived
Yes, one does seem more likely, and it’s the one that involves a single person making a single stupid comment without thinking because she felt she needed to justify hiding it for so long when the reality is that it never came up. I pray you never reproduce because the sheer stupidity you’ve spewed across this thread with the confidence only the truly ignorant possess makes me embarrassed to share a species with you.
occam's razor is working. I think you're smart enough to realize that the poster above is mentally unwell and is arguing in bad faith
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>this how parasocial fags want streamers to be like
nobody talks like this, sister
Hearing her call her old uniform a "cursed thing" was disheartening. She did so much with it and it's tied to a great legacy in Hololive and EN vtubing. Debuts/redebuts shouldn't even mention their old skins, it should have been positives all around with goals set in stone.
Awful. I'm facing something similar. My oshi did a preview of a new design and she's ditching what I would consider an iconic element and hinting that maybe she never liked it to begin with. Hurts a bit because of the attachment and associations you make with those good memories to that design.
She's still playing a blonde model?
that rule should be obvious to everyoneand it would be better if every streamer has it, anyway i thought she didnt have an official discord yet, are you sure you did not enter a fan club discord
She linked and pinned it on stream. It's up already.
Kinda stings. Even if Ame wasnt my oshi but I have some good memories watching her, to hear the person behind her showing disdain towards her is kinda bummer.
You guys are called Steamates now btw
yeah sorry i could only watch the first part of the stream until the model design, i went to eat with my family and have a lot to catch up
Most Cubans in America are white of European heritage.
It's fun. If you're watching the youtube, don't forget to check out the part 2. She fucked up and accidentally ended the youtube side of the stream early, so it got added into a second one.
kek. hope it catches on.
That's not even remotely true.

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