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Why does Dooby hate Hololive so much?
Have you seen the fanbase?
That just sounds like she was mad she had to do work, lmao. We always knew she was lazy but I guess this proves it.
because even the most normal holofag is insufferable. >>88236311
Dooby is Latina
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That was an odd little monologue and I still don't understand what it meant.
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a white latina
Now that she has revealed she is Cuban it all makes perfect sense. She will only get stronger from here onwards.
she had to work
You have to admit, that was a pretty classy way to flip off her former victimizers.
To be clear, it's the green kappa thing that said that, not her.
I agree.
If you read "deep" into it, she dislikes how repetitive her work was (doing the same thing day in day out) and wants to do something she enjoys instead
Hating work != Hating Hololive
she hated her fans and streaming for them was basically torture, I thought it was pretty clear
She literally never said that, the fact that you showed a greentext instead of a clip or a even a timestamp makes this bait that much more obvious.
Have you looked at the mirror recently? You’d understand why
I feel like people would have twisted the meaning of literally any lore she made to be a diss at Hololive, unless in lore she was like an angel that willingly descended from heaven to help the mere mortals around her or something.
>thread is an effortless screenshot of another post
wow, the niggers are out with the shitty bait posts tonight!
People didn't twist anything Kson said against Hololive, though?
It's just Doob hating her time in her own job. Money can't buy soul and happiness
>b-but it's not her speaking it's the mascot!!
Whatever helps you cope.
Wow, so it wasn't metaphorical at all, good to know.
How does that even make sense? She can stream almost anything she wants, how is it repetitive?
And how is doing 95% the same streams now as an indie any different?

The only thing that makes sense is that she was tired of all the late night meetings with JP management or the flying to and from Japan or the idol practice stuff and all the homework.
But the actual streaming is just streaming.
Was she forced to work?
HoloEN should be disbanded immediately
>The only thing that makes sense is that she was tired of all the late night meetings with JP management or the flying to and from Japan or the idol practice stuff and all the homework.
It was most likely this, on top of being the only myth member that can't sing to save her life
You can play anything without perm autism
No more bureacratic paperwork just to get an approval for cool ass idea
Because game perms in hololive can be super retarded? Indies dont really have to care
ame would die working at a 7/11
vtubers really are blessed too much
Sure, but I wouldn't call that repetitive. Just less busywork around perms for games or getting stream ideas approved.
They still have perms for thousands upon thousands of games and she did a lot of varied content outside of just games too.
Since you're a seafag I will translate what she means, because she spoke with a plain English analogy
This means she was tired of carrying people to their destination, aka making sure things worked for others.
Hololive stuff isn't exactly creative or unique, throw in the fact they relied on her expertise more so than her on-screen persona. While Holofans are fucking insufferable, it goes deeper than that.
>mane-san can I stream this game
>no we don't have perms
>mane-sane can I stream that game
>they still haven't approved the perms
>mane-sane what about this content idea?
>need to get the approval from higher ups. fill this paperwork and I'll send it to them
>mane-sane did that stream idea from 6 months ago get approved?
>No, I'm afraid you have to wait a little longer for that. meanwhile you play this fotm game. make as many stream out of this as possible. we had to pay shitloads for the perms.
>can play anything
As any successful streamer will assure you, this just isn't true. You just end up with fans who want to see you playing the game (or types of games) that made them interested in you to begin with. That is assuming you want viewers, which is the only reason to be a streamer at all.

The logic of this that could be about games that many people already believed before the stream was she doesn't like streaming games as a thing in general, that she prefers doing more filian/twitch style content. Just like how Gura wishes she could be Asmongold. The thing that's boring to them is not that they can't play x game (what the fuck would that game even be), it's that they can't do the sort of lazy content that many people are trying to make illegal for how shameless it is.
>show up
>give you a ton of money
>buy all your merch
>come to your concert
>will support you even if you only stream like once a week

Man holo fans really are terrible, what a nightmare. If only they were as based as politics pushing drama stirring fans of other groups.
>Everything anyone ever says at any time is always always always allegory
How do you live like this?
>Just like how Gura wishes she could be Asmongold.
I want to see gura getting banned for saying what asmongold said a couple of days ago
>she didn't just hate the fans, she also hated her co-workers and employers
Thanks for clearing that up. She'll make a great streamer.
We're dealing with a smart and cheeky girl here.
You ever watched a former company vtuber redebut before? Pretty much all of them allude to their past lives in a way through their lore. The mention of the "contract" is incongruous to the literal interpretation. You are coping.
Why do nijifags seethe so much? Oh right, Luxiem died.
She literally dropped multiple stream series and ideas after one or two episodes, I'd almost be inclined to believe she has some kind of problem.
If there was ever a candidate for "cannot handle doing the same thing twice" then it would be her.
bro literally no one cares about nijisanji in 2025(minus 2 months)
Get a better boogeyman
Are you a creationist?
KEK this really sums it up lol
for all the shit that holofags get on here they really are pretty innocuous and really not that bad of a fanbase to have at the end of the day
>No see it happens all the time everywhere I look at that fact proves itself because just look around you, it's everywhere!... what do you mean circular reasoning? What's that?
We've had a ton of ex-niji's in the past year and none of them have done this. Whenever they speak about their previous employer they do so fairly blatantly through a singular clear euphemism while describing the events themselves plainly.

The idea that everything has subtext that just so happens to conveniently align with your beliefs is literal mental illness.
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>Every single day was the same
>Operate the train until the passengers are ready to go
She streamed everyday? This seems to imply she stream everyday and I didn't think she streamed that much. This also just sounds like she doesn't want to do work at all and just wanted to do work or have a job and only play games the way she worded this.
Real fucking of a hire they had over there.
Are you suggesting you think she was just making up character lore?
What on earth would even have you think that you gibbering goober.
I like how they broke it down for you and that was your takeaway. Not beating the ESL allegations.
spoiled whore took all her viewers and ran
>all her viewers
Cause you don't believe in allegories and take everything literally
I'm suggesting you listen to what people say instead of imagining entire narratives and somehow twisting what was said to fit that. The whole "Oh but this sort of fits" is retarded.
Did she really just say she worked every day and is complaining she had a job and couldn't play video games all of the time instead?
Like holy fuck, I give her the benefit of the doubt here, but complaining about just needing to work is just sad.
your chink bitch literally caused the death of your nijichink branch lmao
sub count =/= current viewers
I've subbed many whores back in the day I don't even watch them now
>You don't believe everything is an allegory so you don't believe in allegories
Anon. Please go back to fucking elementary school and finish your primary education. Nobody is this fucking stupid, you're willfully ignorant at this point.
My mistake. You are right. She wasn't talking about her PL at all, it was all just a needlessly depressing loredump with no relation to real world events for shits and giggles.
yes, I'm sure she hated her holofans and that's why she went out of her way to simulcast on youtube instead of just sticking to twitch
No anon. It's just a fucking backstory not some allegory to her past live you infantile retard.

How the fuck does the idea that this is allegory even work in your fucking head? "Hey she left the company she didn't want to work for and was contractually bound by so now she makes her own backstory be that she's still in that exact same position under a green blob thing instead of a blue Dorito because.... uhhhh.... yeah wait why the fuck would she do that?"
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Its the same person making the same content
As soon as the rest of the normalfilth gets the message it will be like nothing changed at all
Now try writing that again but in coherent English.
>If you read "deep" into it, she dislikes how repetitive her work was (doing the same thing day in day out) and wants to do something she enjoys instead
This whore used to do nothing but stream valorant all day
Women opinions dont matter
Isn't all the shit she liked to play already perms?
>She can stream almost anything she wants
>Can't stream anything she wants without perms

Holo Defense Force in full swing
It fits with ame's style to do shit like this bruh
The metaphor is so on the nose you have to be sepcial kind of stupid to not get it
If it wasn't an allusion to something it was a pretty odd thing to say.
Honestly came out of nowhere in the middle of the stream during a lore dump. And the delivery was VERY enthusiastic.
>Lore about some creatura passing off all its responsibilities on a random 'woodland' creature
>Why yes she did this only to signpost how she felt about cover you know, because she really cares so damn much about that, she just HAS to be as obsessed with Cover as I am you know??
It doesn't even make fucking sense as an allegory you clown. You're just cherrypicking snippets that fit your rrats and ignoring everything that makes it clear your interpretation makes zero fucking sense.
Because it's pretty blatant what she was referring to. Ex-corpo talents do it all the time whether in a positive or negative manner.
This has literally never happened to any holo at all.
ALL of them benefit greatly from being in hololive. The concerts, the events, all the merch, the collabs, the environment, etc.
You lose all of that. All that is left is her as a girl, which sure is the #1 important part, but it's only 60% of what made her who she is. The rest is missing and without it they will always and inevitably lose a lot of the audience and viewers will leave as the initial debut hype quiets down.

Not that there is anything wrong with her eventually being a ~2k-3k streamer, that's really good for an indie.
Holy fucking shit, watch streams before giving your two cents you threadwatching faggot.
>It's very on the nose you see, it has to be because then I can claim it's very obvious and not have to actually explain anything because it actually makes no sense at all and I couldn't possibly explain it!
Buddy, you just exposed yourself.

How exactly is a workshy burnt out green muppet passing off his work to Doobie a metaphor for how Ame felt under Cover?
Hololive hires girls not just to be streamers but be streamers and then do a ton of extra work on the side. Plus, Japanese management is one of the most autistic ones ever. Literally no one wants to work for Japs. Ask any westerner in Japan about it and they will say "try to look for an American/western company to work for".
>I-it's odd?!
No. Why the fuck would that be odd? It's a perfectly sensible self contained backstory about how a fucking magical mouse became a person and somehow got put in charge of a train. How else would you make the design/lore work?
You can tell where someone is in life of they justify everything with money. Not a good look.
bro you're autistic
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What do you mean "to say", she didn't SAY anything. It was a backstory for why a Kappa conductor turned a desert rat into a replacement.
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I've learned Sea people (flips especially) are very bad with allegories and sarcasm natively.
If she "hates Hololive" so much, why didn't she completely fuck off?
>inb4 more schizo bs
You have yet to explain what's so horrific about streaming to hololive fans.
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So what was the Lore Allegory with Amelia Watson and her previous twitch fanbase?
nta but you're the autist desperate to prove your shitty narrative when by all accounts ame enjoyed hololive. you will desperately spin this narrative around aqua too because you have an agenda.
Just explain it if it's so obvious faggot, but if anything here is "obvious" it's the fact that you have no actual explanation, you just saw the moon and then looked at a boomerang and thought the moon was made of wood because the shape is similar enough. There is no logic, no deduction, no analytical rationale, there's just "oh that shape sort of looks like the hole in my rrats so I'll put that in there and ignore literally everything else"
Cause hololive needs her
If you're from sea it does which is why this thread exist.
It's a kappa? Thought it was a melon.
>Y-you poo-poo head!
I guess I'll take that as a concession then.
Why would that matter, if she hates it?
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>Stream like only 10 times a year
>Boo hoo every day was the same and work was hard
Like I like you Ame, but this is being such a fucking baby when you have the easiest most nothing job fucking ever and complain about it
Are you for real? hololive still pays her while she is allowed to nurture her new indie channel. That's a damn good deal.
>Both the goblin and the mouse girl are Ame
You... have no idea how allegories and metaphors actually work at all, do you? You just hear the goblin be tired of it's job as the excuse for why the mouse girl is a train conductor and made up an entire story about how the goblin is Ame hating Cover but also Ame is the mouse girl happily taking over the work the goblin said to hate because apparently the mouse girl Ame doesn't actually dislike the work goblin Ame hates so she doesn't actually hate working for Cover but no wait she absolutely has to because the goblin Ame hates it?!?!

Fucking schitzo nonsense.
Keep in mind it's the same person that dropped Fish Tank and Ame in the AM immediately. So while I like her and wish her all the best, I'd take her opinion on things with a grain of salt. She's the first to get bored of doing anything more than once.
western vtubing is much more actor centric than JP where its mostly brand recognition
Every ex niji has inclined
Every en holo that left so far was subhuman filth that quit all together so theres no precedent
>Actually believing the green thing was supposed to be an allegory for Ame
Bro you might actually be completely retarded. You already identified a very clear reason why that wouldn't fucking work at all narratively and you still went with the explanation you yourself figured out doesn't fucking work? Bruh...
Are Holomonkeys so braindead they honestly can't recognize the obvious symbolism when it is staring them in the face or are they just this desperate to bury anything that paints their precious corpo in a negative light?
>Ton of extra work
They can go work construction then. Lazy cunts.
>Hololive pays her
She doesn't have a salary, only merch kickbacks, and those will dry out very fast because she'll be used a lot less.
What's your job, anon?
Why can't any of these rrat fags actually explain the allegedly "obvious" symbolism? You know that's one of the defining traits of something being obvious, right? That it's very easy to prove and difficult to refute?
You're asking the wrong person. I am not dooby and I am unsure that she had any real hatred specifically for her fans.
If it is of any comfort to you, I personally wouldn't make much of a distinction between Hololive fans or otherwise when talking about things that would make a chuuba quit.
Better than nothing
See you in half a year then when she averages ~3k. Not that I gain anything from being right, I even wish her well, I just know the debut means nothing for longterm.
People don't like working at big corpos. It's as simple as that.
>ton of extra work on the side.
Cry me a fucking river. Ame didn't stream at all for a full year and then never took all of the extra shit like some girls do like radio, interviews or anything and then complains it's too much work? Like is any work too much work here or something?
Yeah ok you went out of your way to negotioate a weird contract to not leave a company you supposedly hate so you get a couple extra bucks from merch that may or may not manifest at all once you leave.

When people hate a company they'll fuck off even if it means burning all bridges and giving up on money owed.
She will average about as much as Shiori but won't have to worry about perms and homework or give half of her revenue to Cover? Sounds like a good alternative to me.
>shes gonna drop below niji reject numbers lol trust
Numbers wasted on retardation
But you just said Hololive needs her (they don't if they let Aqua, who was much more lucrative, go). You make it seem like she needs Hololive more than they need her.
Maybe anon, just maybe, she wasn't complaining about there being too much work in the first place and the whole idea that the green thing was meant as an allegory is fucking retarded, because yeah like you pointed out that makes no fucking sense when she did barely any work so why even think that you spastic clown
She just hates working at hololive. if the contract doesn't oblige her to work at that soul sucking corpo, while receving extra bucks from merch, then why wouldn't she?
A lot of girls seem to still enjoy it.
Also the audacity of there being some work, effort and diligence required for a job where girls who had nothing in life can become superstars and millionaires.
>I can go from being an instant ramen eating NEET to becoming a rich fuck who can buy houses and cars and multiple vacations per year with ease? And all I have to do for that is maybe stream once a week and do some homework around that on top of idol practice and singing at some concerts?
>Ame didn't stream at all for a full year
because she became fed up with hololive by that point
Anon she literally ~4k-6k before the graduation announcement buff already, she bled a lot of viewers due to her inactivity and sporadic streaming in the past years.
She's not gonna keep 100% of that as an indie or grow to even more. She's gonna lose some of them once the debut hype is over.
Her fans aren't leaving her just bc she left hololive. 99% of people at that debut stream were people who already watched her in Hololive.
Did you miss the part where Doobie takes on all the work the green thing hated? I know that doesn't fit your rrat but it's kind of right fucking there you know?
>i-its just a story about a mouse and a kappa and being burned out at your job
>this has no parallels to anything that happened recently you freakin schizo
>s-s-s-s-stop noticing things okay?!
9-5 manual labor job nearly every day and I go even when I have tummy hort or I feel a little dizzy or my throat hurts a little. I'm not a poor Niji sister grifting off my parents and using their bank accounts. I'm also not a jobless indiefag.
You are right. She just put in that message knowing full well that nobody could ever connect the ennui of dead-end work work and contracts to Hololive. The narrative may be garbled, but the intent is clear enough.
Shes gonna make more money anyway cause streamlabs and no corpo cut
How does CCV matter at all?
probably because holo grew and got too bureaucratic, corporate and safe in the 4 years since she was first hired
>ITT people coping with the fact that corporate life has major caveat's
Not really. Cover isn't Niji, they take way less and the sheer amount of merch she sold as Ame alone will outdo anything she'll make as dooby, I have no doubts about that.
She'll be fine but not be making more than before.
that's pretty generous
I'd definitely give a larger share to rubberneckers tuning in to see if she'd shit on hololive.
>Dodges all the faults pointed out in his retarded "logic"
>Just restates that "w-w-well it's s-so obvious you know?!"
And you pretend liking it for imaginary work ethic points? Wow, what a retard. I made enough money to do things I like for the rest of my life and I don't miss being on call 24/7 at all.
>a ton of ex-niji's in the past year and none of them have done this
Kuro and Matara both did. At least pretend to know what you're talking about. If you want Hololive specific examples, Artia also did this, and Kson and Nazuna's initial teaser specifically showed Kson "saving" Nazuna.
You are incredibly naive.
The green creature was loafing around, with no motivation, burned out at his job, and doob replaces it. doob replaces ame? you get it??
>The narrative is garbled but the intent is clear
Anon. You just wrote down a literal contradiction as a way to try and prove your claim. If the narrative is garbled then it is, by definition, not "clear" at all you dumb fuck. Why are you this desperate to cling to these beliefs when they are so obviously faulty?
They were racist to her heritage and did not credit her for her projects desu.
As if she couldnt sell merch as dooby?
This shit isnt rocket science theres thousands of sweatshops you can contact to produce any basic shit or even plushies
You are mental trying to argue that cutting an entire company out of the revenue share wont make a difference
Also she can take actual sponsors now and just put gamersups and a random vpn in her description for a free paycheck
>Kuro and Matara both did
No. They spoke at length about their time at Niji in exactly the way I described, and not through "allegory". Are you illiterate? Why are you replying to a post with a claim that is refuted by the very post it addresses? How fucking stupid are you nigger?
Some people enjoy freedom
Some people don't enjoy bullshit work
Some people don't like being micromanaged
Some people don't like contributing to the soulless output of big corpos
It's not black and white, anon.
Of course it does. Of course there's perms, waiting with approvals, annoying meetings at JP times, other limitations and homework and whatnot.
But at the same time acting like Ame is the perfect employee and it's all on Cover is silly, she couldn't even keep her own stream series ideas going for more than a single or two issues. She's in potato mode and lazy frequently and anything but diligent.
>Green creature is burnt out
>Doob replaces it doing the very thing it was burnt out on
>This somehow means that Ame is both the green creature and doob because we all know if you're burnt out on something you just put on a different hat and keep doing it :^)
>That's definitely how burn outs and such work!! :^)
Did you actually watch their lore videos, anon? Or do you lack all context as to see how they referenced their pasts through them?
How does the boot taste, anon?
She can, but she will not outsell what she did before. No one even said she'll do badly, it's just that she will not make as much as she did before because you vastly overvalue just how much Cover takes from them.
Stop vagueposting and make an actual point faggot. Be specific.
You said it - this about being burnt out.
This isn't about suddenly wanting to air out the "dirty laundry" she has with Hololive or her fans or whatever.
She clearly didn't get out what she once did from the job anymore and she felt it became monotonous. I am not going to speculate on what made it like that for her or about how much effort she did or didn't put in after a certain amount of time.
The most damning thing you can read into from her debut, and this is only if your only form of social interaction is coming here, is her saying she isn't your gf, mommy etc - and I would imagine this motivated by how fans treat Hololive talents and her own experiences with her fans after she did some male collabs.
Its pretty funny how all the actual public verifiable shit just makes her look lazy
But these idiots keep pushing the rat that shes actually a super ultra competent manager running the show behind the scenes
>Doob replaces it doing the very thing it was burnt out on
doob and ame are both vtubers
Nobody is talking about you right now Gura.
>because you vastly overvalue just how much Cover takes from them.
You also vastly overvalue how much cover added to the deal
Concerts make money but take huge effort, cutting that out entirely they are just selling mugs
Ame and Doob are two different characters, are you stupid?
She does not literally have to be the green thing. The question is why the green thing has this very specific motivation with clear parallels to dooby's old job rather than any other possible motivation.
She obviously just wanted to be herself the streamer and not Ame the role Cover gave her. She revealed personal information about her in the debut stream, it's just an aesthetic for her not a role. And in that case, the 'lore' is obviously not to establish the character but to shit on cover.
Concerts make the least amount of money actually, as do songs. It's all the other thins that made them a ton of money.
Sayu too.
... anon. Turn your god damn brain on and actually think instead of just stating the obvious.
Watch streams, faggot.
yeah if you consider the colonizers latina
shes like the whitest white girl, not some inca queen lmao
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>Turn your god damn brain on and actually think
Imagine doxxing yourself so you can admit you worked on some shitty Marvel cartoons that no one remembers.
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She hated goslings so she collabed with males but this caused her goslings to sperg out and caused her income to tank hard, so she went incognito for it to blow over. Her retard fans blamed Omega for forced collabs, not taking "improve yourself" from a 99 IQ mediocre woman who didn't even learn japanese in 4 years seriously. She then graduated to unfuck her income streams and immediately told her goslings to kick rocks because she simply is too special for you losers.
Latin culture literally only exists because of colonization. Do the retards who say this shit just think the Incas were speaking Spanish in the Middle Ages?
>Kson "saving" Nazuna
Goes to show how much it's worth.
>This whore used to do nothing but stream valorant all day
Because of hololive she was forced to do paperwork and join collabs like Enreco, when all she wanted to do was stream valorant! Oppression!
You clearly don't know anything about what actually makes holos a lot of money or how it all works, I suggest you cease posting.
>That is assuming you want viewers, which is the only reason to be a streamer at all.
Dooby's gonna freak.
even if you ignore everything else describing her stream plans exactly as the things she couldn't do in holo is pretty obvious message
>The question is why the green thing has this very specific motivation
Why does it need it? The reason it's like this is so that it passes off it's work to Doobie, so she has a reason to be a train conductor despite being a mouse girl.
>clear parallels to dooby's old job
What? In what way did her previous job of vtubing have any resemblance to being a train conductor? You have to really fucking stretch to make any parallels there, which is the opposite of them being "clear"
>rather than any other possible motivation.
Because this makes perfect sense as a simple narrative without needing to be allegorical or metaphorical, nor does it being either of those things make any fucking sense since Doobie (Ame) is literally going to do the very things the green thing (allegedly an allegory for Ame at Cover, lmao) was complaining about, rendering the complaints themselves utterly moot.

Again, why is the Ame as the green thing complaining about the exact fucking job Ame as Doobie is going to be doing immediately afterward? The answer couldn't be more obvious: It makes no fucking sense to see the green thing as an allegory for Ame under cover and the whole rrat is fucking retarded, and so are you.
>explicitly says contract
You're the one twisting it to be her sucking jagoo's jagock.
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My intetpretation is that Ame has a twin irl, Dooby, and Ame got pregnant for 2 years straight so she could barely stream and haad to scratch raffle tickets over and over.
Eventually, she was so burnt out that her twin sister Dooby took on the mantle, but in her own channel as to avoid contract shenanigans, and we'll keep waiting for Ame to give birth to every kid she's carrying due to the galactic amount of cum I poured into her every hole.
Thats my take.
Literally no holo has ever learned a language since joining hololive, so why single her out for it?
All of them speak what they already knew before joining or mildly improved by like 15%. No one went from nothing to speaking a language.
>actually concerts dont make any money so they just spam them for no reaosn
>pr and associated merch sales dont mean anything
>xd pee pee poo poo
Her last song was as a bad as her first karaoke; I don't believe she had any singing lessons.
>No I won't explain this thing I made up on the spot you just need to go out there and find this thing I'm talking about which totally exists btw :^)
Lol. I accept your concession.
Sister btfo moment. Just abort thread now.
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Mysta held a funeral for himself in Nijisanji. That was his graduation. It seemed out of place at the time, but it made sense after he later rose from the dead as a zombie after joining Vshojo. The dog-like creature elements of his design (such as his collar) also reference Mysta, something he's admitted himself. Matara's debut lore speaks of her "quitting acting" and "leaving at the height of her career".
This sort of thing is very, very common for redebuting vtubers.
Don't cope any more. It's sad to see.
>>Some people enjoy freedom
>>Some people don't enjoy bullshit work
>>Some people don't like being micromanaged
>>Some people don't like contributing to the soulless output of big corpos

Some people just want to play games :D
Concerts are important for other reasons, the concerts themselves don't make them rich. And songs usually lose them money more often than not.
As I said, stop posting.
>But at the same time acting like Ame is the perfect employee and it's all on Cover is silly
Ah yes, because Ame is the only person whose had problems with Cover being too stifling. Yep. Just Ame. Nobody else.
She hates dancing and singing lesson
> Hates being involve in 3D live
Just wanted to play game
You keep talking about this from a lore perspective and pointing out supposed contradictions while ignoring the fact the lore was not plucked out of nowhere, it was written by dooby.
Why did dooby write lore about a character burned out on his job and just waiting out his contract? Was she "writing what she knows"? No amount of deboonking will make these questions go away.
If she really hated it that much she wouldn't have asked for the affiliate agreement in the first place. Or teased in her final stream that she might go back there some day.
Have you ever considered that its not the concerts they are spamming but rather any reason to shill more merch? Birthdays? Merch! Concerts? Merch! Halloween? Merch! Asseto Corsa Collab? Merch!

Everything is merely a vessel to push more keychains and trinkets onto you. All things considered a ticket to a concert is cheap...but you just HAVE to get the $150 merch bundle that accompanies it, right???
>Mysta held a funeral for himself in Nijisanji. That was his graduation. It seemed out of place at the time, but it made sense after he later rose from the dead as a zombie after joining Vshojo.
You remember we were talking about them using allegory, right? You know what that is, don't you? This is not an example of allegory in the slightest. "
only one day in and she's already mindbreaking cultists this is going to be fun to watch
You're right, it's her and Coco. And Coco left to do... amazing stuff, really worthy of the creative freedom.
>Literally no holo has ever learned a language since joining hololive, so why single her out for it?
Mumei specifically began learning japanese, your whore is just lazy you subhuman teamcuck.
>If she really hated it that much she wouldn't have asked for the affiliate agreement in the first place.
She argued to not be cut out of things she already did the work for, so she could still get paid for it. That's good business sense.
>Or teased in her final stream that she might go back there some day.
First time?
are you even literate
Are you implying only graduated members have had problems with Cover's management in the past? Really?
You're hung up on the term "allegory". I'm speaking more broadly. Vtubers very often /reference/ their past lives through their lore, and allegory is one of the ways they oft do this. If you want an allegory specific example, we can speak on Artia's redebut lore, but at this point I don't know why you deny what anyone that isn't a complete newfag has seen happen time and time again.
Naw because the blue one will 'affiliate' and it will overshadow her in the long run, like with everything else, and dooby's ccv in 2 years will be down in the shitter with the whos.
>Why did dooby write lore about a character burned out on his job and just waiting out his contract?
Again, if you're suggesting Ame was burnt out then why is she getting right back to the same work she was burnt out on? Can you just fucking google what a burnout is already instead of repeatedly using a term you clearly don't know the first thing about?
>Was she "writing what she knows"?
Ah yes, because the person behind Ame has such limited life experiences that she can only write about her time at Cover and not draw such inspiration from literally anywhere else in her lived experience.... you know there's more to her than her relatively short time at Cover and therefor not everything she writes or does is is automatically a reference to Cover, right? It's a fucking job not a religious institute she spent her whole life in.
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>ame and coco are the only people who've bitched about management
>began learning
That's great, a lot of holos have "started to learn" EN/JP. None of them have gone from not knowing it to actually speaking it properly beyond a few phrases and words.

And if you think of holos like Ina or Bae for example they already knew JP beforehand and at best slightly improved upon it. Likewise with holos like Haachama or Ririka who had their English beforehand.
this coping teamate is really sad to see
The point I specifically made, and you replied to, was that assuming everything is allegory is fucking stupid. Now you're picking up the goalposts and sprinting across the field with them going on about how I'm "hung up on the term allegory"?

Put the crack pipe down faggot.
NTA but you can be burned out as a corpo but not as an indie because the work required for both are completely and utterly different in almost every regard. As an indie you just gotta work to get to the starting line, after that you can coast playing apex or valorant or minecraft or whatever else for years.
Narrative and intent are two different things. You are so focused on looking for inconsistencies in the details in a desperate effort to override the overall message she was unhappy at her previous job. That is indeed clear to anyone who lacks a chronic prescription for blue triangular suppositories.
the fuck kinda work do they do that's so repetitive
i never got what all the background work entailed
streaming as a cover talent is not the same work as streaming as an indie
She did it because on some level she's not willing to consciously admit she recognizes she is in fact a mediocre, talentless streamer and hololive was like a broke crackhead winning the biggest lottery in history. It was a cinderella story and there were more deserving girls, but no one will give a fuck about them because talent doesn't matter if you have The Group to back you up. Without the group however her general talentlessness may cause her to sputter and fail. So, doing the second good move she's made in her life of idiotic mistakes, she made herself an affiliate so if she really does suck and fail as an indie she can always just "oopsie" and go back to getting those corpobucks. Which is smart.
Why not post Kronii instead, who has probably complained the most about management in all of Holo except maybe Kiara.
Shuba speaks close to fluent english
Achan learnt as well
And a few others have refined their english/japanese
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>Kson and Nazuna's initial teaser specifically showed Kson "saving" Nazuna
Yeah, the same kson that said she did fuck all for Nazuna and it was all a coincidence, including that "lore" video that was produced by VWhorejo that she didn't have any input on, you fucking retard
Pic wasn't really meant to be an example just perfectly encapsulated my disgust for anon
Marvel is god to middle class far left women
>why is she getting right back to the same work she was burnt out on?
Cause that's what happened. Dooby is also a vtuber like ame. Same work. But different characters and circumstances. Are you like actually retarded?
Why do you think Gundam was white with small amounts of red, yellow and blue? The paint was cheaper that way. Welcome to the anime industry, it's all about merchandising first and foremost, everything else takes a back seat. Go to Tokyo, not even Akiba, and see for yourself.
I am implying that Ame was never the kind of hard working holo that let's say Watame, Koyori, Miko or Mori and Kiara are. And I already said that of course being in hololive comes with some restrictions, annoyances and homework. If it didn't it wouldn't be the way it is, two sides to the coin.

The point is that even within these restrictions Ame was barely able to hold it together for more than a year, she became a slouch and burned out quickly where other holos clearly have little issues continuing to work hard for many years.
Ame's energy comes and goes in waves and she'll frequently enter potato mode and not want to do anything for a while, which is obviously not that great when you're in a corp with deadlines and set meetings and obligations.
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Except the story here is literally about the green thing passing off his exact job to Doobie. It's not about the green thing finding a slightly different job with less pressure, it's not about the job becoming easier. It's the exact same work that the green thing was so tired of, now being done by Doobie. That is why the whole angle here makes no fucking sense.
>W-well maybe Doobie is just stupid and she messed up the messaging she was trying to put in there!
Or maybe this whole rrat is just fucking stupid and you're making shit up as you go to try and make it work, when it obviously doesn't.
Why does Doody mindbreak vt this much ?
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kek based
Do you want to talk about allegories specifically? Because we can. Again, this is very common. I never bothered watching Sayu's redebut, but thanks to anon providing a video I can see that she also used allegory to reference her past experiences in Nijisanji. Are you familiar with Artia as well or was she before your time?
Different anon but 'orone has been talking about learning English for 6 years now and has "held" conversations with passion english which is the same level Mumei is at, at best.
There's really no member other than maybe Calli whose gone from borderline zero skills to passable in a second language over the course of being in holo, though admittedly I don't know jack about her prior and what her skill level was then.
>N-no see it doesn't matter if there are inconsistencies in my rrat it still works because there's clearly an overall message that agrees with my pre-held beliefs!
Laddie, please go look up the concept of confirmation bias. Make sure you study it properly and apply what you learned, okay?
>she didn't have any input on
what happened to the "talent freedom" this sound like slavery to me
Then "vwhorejo" created a lore video that alludes to how they viewed Kson and co joining Vshojo from Hololive. It doesn't really make a difference.
mask off
Mori's JP now is only about 20% better than it was at debut I'd say.
>Cause that's what happened
No shit Sherlock, the question is WHY you dumb fucking imbecile. Right now your rrat is
>Wow I hate this work so much
>Not the employer or anything
>Just the work specifically
>Hello everyone I'm Doobie and I'll be doing this work that I really fucking hate :^)
I looked it up and all I saw were your dozen Holo memberships :/
I don't care about indies, what can I say.
Absolutely no one talked about that shitty GOTG cartoon when it aired.
Nah. I watch two holos and half a dozen indies, none of which have anything to do with Ame, who was so before my time that I genuinely kept forgetting myth had more than four members. After watching her debut I'm also pretty sure I won't care about Doobie much but I'm willing to give it a try and see if it was just a rough debut or whatever.

Any other fantasies you'd like to bring up to try and cope?
Ogey but is she going to stream again?
or maybe Dooby is the green thing AND dooby and she's going to relaxmaxx AND chuubamaxx enough for two people
Yes, a corpo wanted to make themselves look good by creating a false narrative to make another corpo look bad. I accept your concession.
>Again, if you're suggesting Ame was burnt out then why is she getting right back to the same work she was burnt out on?
Because she isn't. She's doing whatever she wants. She even revealed a bunch of stuff, including info that makes it trivial to doxx her, in her very first stream back.
>not everything she writes or does is is automatically a reference to Cover
Sure, it could absolutely draw from other life experiences. But it would be weird to have a monologue about being burned out and waiting out you contract when she literally just did that at Hololive.
Just a cheeky little jab at her frustrations with her PL. Holobronies in full meltdown. Actually sad, sad for myself I ever associated with hololive fans.
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The real problem is once those collabs with shit like Filian, Zentraya or Doki and Bao come rolling in. I give it a few months of her sticking to herself before she joins such collabs and big vtuber events and group stuff, it'll really go downhill then.
This is probably how gura feels too, except she can’t even leave
I don't particularly see your point. Do you think a company using allegory means vtubers themselves don't?
*doesn't want to leave the comfy passive earning spot of a mascot
>the same work
Are you retarded? Working for a corpo involves endless meetings and reports. It involves homework with deadlines, that you can skip but you will feel bad about it. It involves projects that fall through 2 months in because someone in 10 layers of management fucked up. It involves thinking about noombers, which is not mandatory but you will feel like a shitter who doesn't pull his weight if you don't. It involves traveling to another country and staying there for 3D recordings, which can be very stressful for some people. It involves needing to be constantly aware of what you say because it can affect not only you but other people in the corpo too. It's not the same fucking work.
because management is right about Kronii at least
>Because she isn't. She's doing whatever she wants.
Not according to the lore video, she's going to be doing the green thing's work which she hated. Of course that part goes against the rrat so we have to ignore it or pretend that bit isn't important somehow... right? Only the things that confirm the rrat shall be considered "canon".
>She even revealed a bunch of stuff, including info that makes it trivial to doxx her, in her very first stream back
Why even make this claim? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Are you so lost in the conversation that you think adding random facts will somehow make a point?
>But it would be weird to have a monologue about being burned out and waiting out you contract when she literally just did that at Hololive.
Says who? You made that up yourself. For this to work as an allegory Doobie would have to have debuted before Ame's "graduation" and she had that option. We have multiple Holos working on their OL/PL stuff while working at Holo. But again, none of this works because that's not what being burnt out is.
Hololive has perms to more games than she has streams total. It's her skill issue.
Be creative about this shit. For example dedicate a specific day of the week to trying out new stuff you never played. Engage your community by playing same game together so you have better talking points. Possibilities are endless, she is just lazy and lacks imagination.
She could have left multiple times by now and in fact just extended her contract. Nothing is stopping her from leaving except her own unwillingness to put effort into anything else, so why not continue to ride the money train while it lasts and she literally makes 10k+ a month to the pocket without doing anything.

That said, she has recently started to follow modelers, riggers and designers, so maybe she is now actually trying to also get something going.
Idk about that because ame herself was never interested very much in collabs, she was always a standalone hololive member.
>Working for a corpo involves endless meetings and reports. It involves homework with deadlines
And so, we exposed the lie. Her lore video can't be allegory because it isn't in any way allegorical to what is actually happening. Well done you absolute spastic mongrel, you proved my point.
For her the day a shitty marvel production touched her was the peak of her life, for everyone else it was a tuesday
Stop being a sperg and just read the fucking text.
She had to read that script at some point and approve it, unless you are absolutely fucking 100% retarded you can see that as the jab it is don't be dense

>every day was the same again and again
if it was just this sure
>need someone to do my work for me they can have my old uniform that cursed thing they can work and i can play games
Are you going to pretend that "my old uniform" is NOT a hint to amelia watson? That she isn't "leaving work" behind so she can have fun? Are you seriously this fucking retarded? Do you need her to literally spell it out for you and repeat it 5 times before you understand it?
>just until this damn contract is up
If you don't see it by this point you are actually 100% hopeless, and i mean this sincerely, either you are so retarded you can't read, or you are so delusional there's no point in replying to you anymore

You can feel however you want about this but "coping" that this wasn't what she meant is beyond stupid
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nta but as a ligger holo views seem unearned, dooby will never be fully free of that scent but maybe she wanted to strike out on her own anyway in some way to prove something to herself as time goes on and hype wears off
>Green thing=Ame
>Ame will no longer be streaming.
>Dooby will be streaming
There. Does this make sense enough for you, you overanalytical, logic chopping spaz?
She is a filthy immigrant
What does this have to do with "holo fans being awful to stream to"?
Also you're only given an initial buff, which no doubt is huge. But anyone who still watches you after a few months is earned or they would have long since fucked off elsewhere, there's no shortage of holos to watch.
I'm not the guy who was arguing with you about allegories. I'm denying that Ame wasn't burnt out in holo.
>N-no see I can't explain myself but if you don't already agree with me then you're a poo-poo-head!
Infantile rubbish.
>Are you going to pretend that "my old uniform" is NOT a hint to amelia watson?
How on earth is it? Be specific you absolute imbecile. Yea go ahead and spell it out, because we both know you can't and won't, because it isn't any such thing. You just need it to be for your rrat to work and so it somehow is anyways.
>If you don't see it by this point you are actually 100% hopeless
See what? In what way does this line reference anything going on with Doobie presently or previously? Sure you can CLAIM she was waiting out her contract, but that doesn't actually translate to the narrative at all, that would mean that DOOBIE will only be vtubing as long as the conductor has a contract going with some higher power, which is apparently the literal opposite of what is happening you absolute fucking retarded fuck.
If the one complaining and graduating like this was Marine or Pekora I would understand but isn't she like to stream every 1 or 2 weeks?
You do know they're both the same person, right? Vtubers are characters played by a person. There is no "Ame" to be tired of her job or "Doobie" eager to do that exact same job, there is just the person with her hand up a different puppet's ass, and you're trying to argue that person is utterly schitzophrenic.
Seems to work for all the other Hololive ENs
Shut the fuck up, Ame is just a lazy piece of shit that can’t do anything of worth, no idea how people watched her
>holo views seem unearned
They get those views because they have to work hard and be the best in their field before they can get in hololive
>prove something
They have already proven themselves by getting into hololive which is why people watch them
like i said, beyond stupid, can't save the unwilling sadly
At the end of the day she's a creative person so we'll never understand what the fuck is her point of view when she worked there, but i also agree that talking about feeling stuck when you only streams 10x every 6 months is funny.
Well, if she just wanted to bank on easy money she could've stayed on hololive, so she probably really wanted to do new things.
This is funny because she is considering passengers for her new fanbase name.
She hates her fanbase, more news at 11
Stop using the term burnt out as though you know what it means. It's like saying you have OCD when you just like to order things neatly, you only look like a fucking retard when you do that shit.

Yeah she was probably tired of her old job, no shit, happens to basically everyone anywhere.
Some people lose sight of what life is like when you're not a rich celeb who makes mad dosh for almost no effort after a few years.

Make all corpo tubers work a walmart job for a week and they'll quickly learn to not be such entitled brats.
Oh yeah, let me just go to my boss and say
>uh I'm kinda fed up with my work, I'll take a whole year paid leave, bye!
Fucking spoilt bitch, should’ve rotted under Castro
>W-well I'm obviously not going to explain myself or prove my claims because I already said you were stupid if I had to!
I accept your concession. Off you fuck kid.
You do realize it is a lore video, right? Where fictional persona reigns supreme? How are you this fucking obtuse?
>Show me proof
>Gets provided with proof
>Doesn't reply
How many more times do you intend to play this game? It's willful ignorance at this point.
I don't know how to tell you this, but immigrants tend to beget native-born citizens. I'm pretty sure Dooby is the latter.
I'll elaborate more then, there seems to be a lot of holo fans that only watch because blue dorito and not for the chuuba, let me tell you it's kinda disgusting on some level when I see an indie chuuba struggle for years then suddenly they're handed the world and everyone loves them as long as they throw away everyone they know
Nta but if you think vtubers don’t often say things of real life through their lore videos you’re retarded
Anon, she procrastinated on streaming videogames for a living for over a year because she associated the process with other parts of her job. Please refer me to your super specific definition of burn out that this shit doesn't fall under.
Be nice. He'll need those Puritan work ethic good boy points to cope that his life wasn't thrown away like a used Kleenex while he sits around collecting disability and popping opioids like candy at 40 after his manual labor job destroys his body.
All these mental gymnastics will be for nothing when she inevitably negatively references her time in Hololive in the future like every corpo vtuber turned indie ever.
Are you a retard or do you just have a chromosome deficiency?
Hololive was always a side hustle for her it seems, revealing that she won a fucking Emmy for her work as a Foley in really famous and mainstreams animated movies is fucking insane and actually groundbreaking, the fact that Hololive couldn't even get a bit of that clout due to contract is pretty hilarious because it would've been a huge leap in popularity for the company, the first vtuber to win a mainstream award..... now we know that Ame was never lazy but actually a functioning human being with tons of talents, streaming is a side job.
Now imagine worn out ame wanting to stream or do something funny after her foley thing is done and get a ''sorry can't do that, wait for next month'' from managment... yeah she never needed them in the first place
>N-no see you will just ignore me if I prove it so I can just claim anything I want and use this excuse so I never have to prove my claims just please believe me!
Pathetic. It's utterly embarrassing you're still trying to make a point here. Why waste your breath on this when you could just be explaining the things you claimed were so "obvious"?
You can bring a dog into a stable, that doesn’t make it a horse.
It doesn’t matter where you’re physically born, what matters is what culture you’re from
Ok? Yes? That's what I'm saying. The concerts themselves are not what makes the money, as opposed to what that sister was saying.
>really famous and mainstreams animated movies
What a retarded statement. If you've already made so much money that you don't need to work again ever. Then life becomes no longer about the money, it's about the enjoyment of life. And if you hate what you do, then you're just hording massive piles of cash for no logical reason while living a miserable life.
>She's burnt out, so she changed into a different hat and went right back to it!
Yea, sure thing buddy.
>N-no see she was burnt out on anything but streaming itself!
And other things you made up on the spot to make your other made up rrat work.
That's not the point I was trying to make. I was saying that conveying one's separate vtubing careers through separate personas make complete sense to do in-character. And lore is where a Vtuber is most in character.
I'm not who you think you're replying to. Your strawmanning is just embarrassing at this point. Every time somebody makes a sound argument you run away. Are you even a teamate? You were initially denying she even said what's quoted in the OP, yes?
She is not, she is American of Cuban descent.

If you are not born or raised in Latin America you are not Latino.
So Americans are not actually Americans, they're still all European shitfugees?
>Every time someone makes a sound argument you run away!
Why are you trying to cover for retarded nonsense with more retarded nonsense? I asked a simple question and you jumped in to spew your weird-ass fanfiction about me?
No, that just makes them a Latino that doesn't know what it's like to live in a shithole.
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>kek based
Okay, I doubt that anyone this retard would hold a job where people actually do burn out so I don't blame you for not recognizing it.
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I hear this a lot, but consider the following two points please:

1. You can't expect people to know everyone. There are probably tens of thousands of vtubers now, people don't have the time to watch all of them to find the ones they click with the most. There isn't anything wrong with people not having known your obscure 2view/3view before they joined a big group like hololive.
2. Holos are more than just the girl. As important as who they are is, they're also the culmination of all other factors such as the holo environment, the collabs with other holos, the opportunities to be at so many concerts and studio events and holofes and gen/unit songs etc. - you LOSE all of those when you quit and it DOES make a difference, we have seen this more than once by now.
Ex holos will then also only have a new group of collab targets to interact with and it's easy to see that some fans might no longer enjoy the girl as much with how much changed about her after she left.
Different anon but the groundwork laid by previous members in a company are absolutely a major foundation for the members going forward, this applies to 100% of corpo's. Does it always mean someone will be higher or lower than the last gen? No, but it means your name is out there far better than any indie by default.
That statement is truer than you realize, just aimed at the wrong poster.
No exclamation mark. You're really invested in making me seem exalted. The only one writing fanfiction here is (you). Don't run away now, go back and reply to everyone you ignored.
Arguably so, but it’s been long enough that they’ve developed a unique culture independent of Europe.
You aren’t part of a people just because you were born in a country when your parents are from an entirely different people.
Bao is fat and annoying but the other ones are fine. Filian and Zentreya specifically are deep into the 3D stuff she wants to concentrate on.
>The only one writing fanfiction is you!
>You were initially denying she even said what's quoted in the OP, yes?
??? Anon? You okay? Your memory seems to be failing you rather quickly.
The Dooby lore video wasn't entirely about Hololive but the allegory of having a "cursed uniform" is almost the same as Magni talking about his "ugly uniform". There are negatives to working at Hololive which Ame, Ina, Gura, Kiara, and Mori could never openly talk about because it would break their contract. Unicorns are going with the most negative interpretation because they are still angry because of the Holostars collabs.
Filian is obnoxious as fuck. I literally don't understand who her audience is. All she does is flail around, scream while reacting to something and falling on the floor.
She's one of the most annoying people I have ever seen actually.
No, being Latin American is not an ethnicity. Latin America refers to a geographic region in almost the same way as the Balkans. An American of Croatian descent is not a Balkaner, in the same way that an American of Cuban descent does not make you Latino. Latino is only someone who is born or raised in Latin America.

That's just another stupid larp that some Americans use to feel special when they don't even speak Spanish.
Again with the exclamation marks. You are indeed writing fanfiction.
Is this not you? It's very interesting that every argument you're making began from this post, if not.
>Anon so lost he started randomly replying with incoherent nonsense to the completely wrong person
Lad... Just stop posting now. It's over.
She's considerably better when she has another strong personality to rein her in. I guess dooby specifically isn't that so you might be right the collab would suck, I guess we could see her going ham on the monkey bars though.
Her viewers are on the immature side of things.
I accept your concession.
You just know the person who made this was FUMING
I don't think I've ever seen seething as an image but here it is KWAB
>I was wrong but I... win...?
>YOOO BROOO!!!! *flips*
>*peaks the mic from shouting*
You're still writing fanfic. That alone proves me correct.
Concession, indeed, accepted.
>Gets told off for writing fanfic
>Gets proven he was doing it
>Tries to "no u" instead of fucking off like the loser he is
Unsurprisingly shameless.
you go girl
>doing the second good move she's made in her life of idiotic mistakes
calm down, dooby.
Yeah that's my takeaway too. She didn't want to work. She just wanted the money and audience. I don't blame her, but come on.
No offense to you ligger anon, but you guys seem to have way too much time on your hands, I don't go around browsing chuubas like an unemployed retard like I did when I was in the middle of the pandemic and most of the indies I've seen followed the Vshojo formula which is already a no go for me since I don't enjoy that kind of content, I don't have time to go on your general and browse for other chuubas because I'm happy with the one I watch and I could just always play games or go hiking, to be honest with you I don't know how people watch over 5 hours of streams in a fucking day, it seems unreal to me and a waste of social life and don't worry I don't mean only liggers but also holos who stream a lot of hours and keep a steady viewership.
So in short, I'm not a yongling with lots of times, if my oshi gradautes I ain't following her because I know the things she wants to do if she ever became an indie and is everything I despise about a content creator, so there you go i guess.
What a crazy storm would happen if Dooby collabed with Vedal? Unicorns would kill themselves.
>listen to what people say
>but don't try to understand what it means, it means nothing
Unlike you, the rest of us cannot read minds. So we have to use the things people say to figure out what they are trying to communicate.
if she left she will have to actually stream lol
>most of the indies I've seen followed the Vshojo formula
what the fuck does this even mean kek
"Unicorn" (not really cause I don't care about their virginity or past, only what they do during their vtubing) here who only likes CGDCT.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to see her collabing with vedal directly, but a collab with Neuro would be alright with me, the novelty and funny moments we might get from it would be worth her no doubt talking to him a bit in the background beforehand. It's not like I'm blind to them also having male dance instructors or managers or model riggers etc. either, I can live with that.
>We can't just listen to what people say and assume they mean what they say, we have to "figure out" what they "really" mean!
>No, the green thing isn't just a way to establish why a mouse is a train conductor, it has to have DEEP MEANING somehow, but only if it matches what I already believe otherwise it is just innocent and meaningless
Ame had unicorns?
inb4 all of Myth streams the exact time Dooby's next stream is reading off the same script saying that Hololive talent Amelia Watson was never wrongfully treated or harassed
>whining over unfinished trash games
>whining over her not being gura's sidekick
>whining over her telling gura to fuck off
>whining over her cancelling stuff occsionally
>whining over her talking to some homos
>whining over her not participating in some collab or talking enough to some bitch
>whining over her not playing Gwent
The last one is where it all started. Anyone who isn't a shut-in mentally stunted loner saw how she was annoyed by a good chunk of her audience. The only thing that matters for a content creator is how much they enjoy it. Enthusiasm is infectious and there is always an audience for something, all there is to do is be entertaining and enjoy what you're doing. She didn't enjoy it.
Even chuubas that collab with males all the time have unicorns, they just bitch constantly
>She was this mad about being roleplay british
Understandable, I now support her
I'ts funny that you can't tell what the Vshojo formuia is because right now it's become a staple in indie vtubing so much that you might as well just call it indie vtubing.
can't wait for gura's horror stories about working for hololive
Fleshtubing *shudders*
You aren't assuming they mean what they say. You assume they are saying words at random that just happen to parallel other things and even they don't realize that as they are saying it. At best your argument is she's intentionally baiting schizos, at worst you think she's a straight-up retard being fed her lines through dreams and visions.
>You aren't assuming they mean what they say.
You just made that up on the spot. You have no basis for this claim at all, but you need it to be true to be able to refute what I said.

There isn't even a formula in Vshojo let alone that all indies follow. Vedal, filian, Shylily, Doki, Mint, these are the top indies right now and they're all totally different.
Hi. Day 1 teamate here who was okay with her keeping stars shilling to twitter or mentions on stream. I didn't like the short lived arc of collabs with tempus at all and in fact was close to leaving her over it, but decided against it as after years of watching her it wasn't so easy. Thankfully I didn't, as the collabs stopped pretty soon and she went back to how it was before.
I don't really want her to see collab with guys at all. Behind the scenes stuff is whatever for events or industry professionals and all, but there's extremely few male collabs on stream I would be okay with.
>reasonable (you know it was more than that anon)
>never seen that one
are you making shit up or are you able to source everything?
Would you consider Neuro collab a guy?
Just ban vtubering and find a job.
It's an awkward alcoholic turtle bro, he's not going to fuck your waifu.
I wouldn't if he lets Neuro do the thing on stream without putting himself in there too.
I don't care about that. I doubt Markiplier would end up dating her and I still don't want to see her collab with him for example. I'm only here for cute anime girls by themselves or with other cute anime girls.
Well, that was the kind of collab Kiara had so.
That was a long-ass time ago before Vedal even had a model. All that said he doesn't show up in like half the collabs anyway.
Yeah I know, I'd be fine with that. I wouldn't be fine with her just randomly playing a game with some dude streamers for no ulterior reason. If it's a paid sponsorship and she has to talk to a guy during it then whatever.
As I said, there isn't a formula anymore because it became the staple already,
I don't find chatgpt funny, tried
Too much of a fucking zoomer x10
Nigga she is Vshojo x2
Never liked her as selen, won't like her as SS1 selen
She had nice tits but that's about it.
You should expect Dooby to do this
>playing a game with some dude streamers for no ulterior reason
Her fucking description litreally can be summarized as
there is no other reason to say that anywhere if you don't plan to shift content drastically from your other persona.
I'll care about it once it happens, no use in dooming too much now. Shiori had me thinking she'd collab with guys or her past clique before long and that led nowhere, we'll see.
>/#/ is mad because holo clippers are making clips of Dooby
Let's go holocult!
NTA but you personally liking them or not has nothing to do with the fact that these are pretty much the biggest indies, and by your own admission, only 1/5 actually follow the "vshojo formula"
So, by your own admission, only 1 of them follow the vshoujo formula?
I just don't want to watch your boring male faggot, sorry dude, but Neuro is okay
we don't claim them
okay? Why would I care what you watch
Some people seem to think subtext is super rare and its some high burden of proof claim to say its happening? Like they're just kind of obtuse and insensitive and never pick up on it even when extremely blatant and they react to other people talking about it like if you showed a caveman fire for the first time.

These are the kind of people making blue curtains memes.
This, also the "Vshojo formula" is apparently coombaiting even though most of them don't even do that.
So you're stripping her of her latina heritage? Does that make her ex-latina? Or, LatinX, if you prefer.
I agree, even native born citizens are not true Americans most of the time. They'd sell out their country in a heartbeat if it means a little extra comfort
Shiori was litreally one of the few successful psyops in vtubing history by phasecucks, that's different.
>SS1 selen
chuckled. thanks
Again she is American of Cuban descent, ethnically speaking she is mestizo.

She cannot be "ex-Latina" because she has never been one to begin with and being Latino is not inherited because it is not genetic.
>it was the fucking kappa's lore, not doobys
Schizos fucking reaching as usual

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